长 虹 概 况 About Changhong 世界品牌500强 288位

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1 长 虹 概 况 About Changhong 世界品牌500强 288位
288th place among Top 500 world famous brands 中国电子百强第 位 7th place among Top 100 entreprises of China Electronics Industry 四川百强企业第 位 1st among Top 100 entreprises of Sichuan Province 四川长虹 Sichuan Changhong 长虹国际 Changhong International

2 Structure of Changhong Industries
长虹产业布局 Structure of Changhong Industries A.I. New Energy Smart City Auto Electronics Television Air Conditioner Refrigerator Big Data 优势产业 New Industries Electronics Industry Key Component Service IT 产业布局 Industrial Structure The world largest compressor provider General Agent of Apple, DELL,etc

3 Changhong Group realise total revenue of 15,18 billion USD in 2016.
长虹产业规模 Scale of Changhong Industries Unit: USD 新兴产业,12.9亿 美元 New Industries 1,29 billion 核心器件,17.6亿 美元 Key Componants 1,76 billion 家用电器,60.4亿 美元 Home appliances 6,04 billion 其他产业,37.5亿 美元 Other Industries 3,75 billion IT通讯,23.4亿 美元 IT Communications 2,34 billion 长虹集团2016年度实现规模收入151.8亿美元 Changhong Group realise total revenue of 15,18 billion USD in 2018/7/24

4 Changhong Global Business
长虹全球布局 Changhong Global Business 长虹-RUBA公司(巴基斯坦) Changhong - RUBA JV (Pakistan) Office France Ukraine Turkey Algéria Brasil Finland Thaïland Sub company Australia Russia MEA Inde Hongkong R&D Centre Germany Spain USA Czech Pakistan Manufacture Indonésie Korea 西班牙CUBIGEL公司(西班牙) Changhong CUBIGEL (Spain) Pakistan 长虹-欧洲公司(捷克) Changhong Europe (Czech)

5 Changhong in Czech 长虹捷克项目 Investment: 48 Million USD Land and factory
Headquater Office Employee: 400 local

6 Czech-Chinese Industrial Zone
Planning area of Czech-Chinese Industrial Zone in Nymburk 宁布尔克中捷工业园规划区域示意图 Czech-Chinese Industrial Zone 中 捷 工 业 园 Nymburk city 宁布尔克市 Sectors plan to be included: Electronics Aviation Telecommunication Biomedicals Medical Equipment Modules Service

7 A.I. Cloud IPR Internet Smart City Big Data Connected Industry 4.0
Wearable’s Smart City Internet Smart Home Robot Voice Control Sensor Big Data Smart Manufacture Drone Environment Protection IPR Personalize Thingternet New Energy

8 智慧家居系统

9 Belt & Road Initiative “一带一路”为中国欧洲经贸关系发展开辟新契机,捷克将成为重要节点
OBOR initiative brings new opportunities for China Europe economic and trade relation development and Czech could well be one of the important connection points. Alongside 53 countries Covering 4.4 billion population, 68% Economy Scale 210 trillion USD, 29% Trade and Service total 23.9%

10 Geographical centre of Europe Ideal investment environment
捷 克 优 势 Advantages of Czech Czech 优越的地理位置 Geographical centre of Europe 理想的投资环境 Ideal investment environment 高素质人力资源 high-quality human resource 高效的政府服务 Highly organized government services 开放性和包容性 Openness and Inclusiveness

11 合作潜力 Industrial Zone Potentials Supported by government 两国政府的支持
Investment incentives 统一争取优惠政策, Manufacture Base Logistic Hub Financial Centre Service Centre Industrial Zone Supported by government 两国政府的支持 Supports and services

12 中 欧 快 铁 China Europe Express

13 EU China Europe Express, Extensions 中 欧 快 铁 Chengdu Wuhan Shanghai
Xia Men Shenzhen 义乌 Naning Wuhan Chengdu Kunming Ningbo

14 Connections to main destinations in EU
土耳其 Mosko Prague Shenzhen Xiamen Shanghai tianjin Kunming Chhengdu Milan Paris Roterdam Hamburg Budapest China-EU Express Mid Asia WA,NA Guadar Ala Mountain Alamutu Keep Astana Erlianhut Tashgan Tehran ASEAN SA Taiwan Roz CIS

15 Sino-Czech Cooperation Prospect on Belt&Road
中捷一带一路合作展望 Sino-Czech Cooperation Prospect on Belt&Road Infrastructure Cooperation High speed internet Standard and IPR Environment Protection Policy Coordination Bilateral and Multilateral Governmental and Enterprenuer Regional and global market Trade and Services Quality Products Logistics New services Technology and Innovation Clouds and big data Artificial Intellegence High tech Industrial zones

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