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Intelligence Systems-A 智慧型系統-A

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Presentation on theme: "Intelligence Systems-A 智慧型系統-A"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intelligence Systems-A 智慧型系統-A
Lecture 01: Introduction Maw-kae Hor 何瑁鎧 2005/2/19 2005/2/19 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1

2 Outline Course overview What is IS (Intelligence Systems)
Brief history of Computer AI The state of the art 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

3 Outline Questionnaire What is IS (Intelligence Systems)
Brief history of Computer AI The state of the art 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

4 Outline Course overview What is IS (Intelligence Systems)
Brief history of Computer AI The state of the art 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

5 What is Intelligence Systems?
A system that behave intelligently? A system with intelligence? or Others? Intelligence = Artificial Intelligence ? 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

6 What is Artificial Intelligence?
Make a robot that can think and act like human. Control without using differential equations others…. 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

7 What is a robot? 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19
算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

8 What is a robot? Computer controlled mechanical device that can do ….
Programmable ? Mobility ? Others… Control theory issue 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

9 Artificial Intelligence deal with
Control (non DE type) Knowledge representation Reasoning Understanding Learning Etc. 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

10 Intelligent System-A --Advanced Artificial Intelligence
Not really advanced Special topics in AI is a better name 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

11 What is AI (by the author)
System that think like humans System that think rationally System that act like humans System that act rationally 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

12 Turing Test Turing Test 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19
算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

13 Outline Course overview What is IS (Intelligence Systems)
Brief history of Computer AI The state of the art 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

14 History & roles “computers” play
Mechanical Machines (before 1930) No memory/no programmability (算盤?) ? 算盤 +, ? 1622 Slide rule 1642 Pascal Pascaline +, - 1694 Leibnitz Leibnitz’s wheel +,-,x,/ 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

15 History & roles “computers” play-continue
improved 1801 Jacquard Jacquard Loom Punched card/ Pattern design 1823 Babbage Difference engine Solve polynomial equations Analytical engine 4 components: Mill, store, operator, output 1890 Hollerith Programmable card processing machine Read, tally, and sort data stored on punched card. Hollerith的機器成功。 1880年美國人口普查費時8年/1990年只需2年,而10年間,美國人口增加約20%. 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

16 History & roles they play-continue
Babbage presented the earlier idea of ALU (mill), Control Unit (operator), memory (store), I/O (output) Hollerith presented the earlier idea of Programmable machine with memory/etc. Hollerith的機器成功。 1880年美國人口普查費時8年/1990年只需2年,而10年間,美國人口增加約20%. 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

17 History & roles they play-continue
Electronic computers 1939 Atanasoff/ Berry ABC/Atansoff Berry Computer Solve linear equations. Zuse Z1 General-purpose machine 1930’s IBM/Navy Mark I Used both electrical and mechanical parts Turing Colossus Enigma code breaking machine (in WW II) 1946 Mauchly/ Eckert ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator 18000 vacuum tube 100 feet x 10 feet high 30 tons Hollerith的機器成功。 1880年美國人口普查費時8年/1990年只需2年,而10年間,美國人口增加約20%. 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

18 History & roles they play-continue
The above computers used memory only for storing data. They were programmed externally using wires or switches. John von Neumann: program and data should store in the memory. von Neumann architecture ENICA was the first general-purpose, fully electronic computer that could add two ten-digit numbers in about 1/5000 of a second and multiply two numbers in 1/300 of a second. (a thousand times faster than Mark I.) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

19 von Neumann model 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

20 History & roles they play-continue
Beginning of the modern computers von Neumann model is used since 1950. 1950 U. Penn. EDVAC first von Neumann computer Cambridge U., England EDSAC 1951 IBM/Navy UNIVAC I Commercial model of EDVAC 自1950年至今,所有的computer都沿用von Neumann model. 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

21 History & roles they play-continue
First generation computer 1950- 1959 First commercial computers First symbolic programming languages Use of binary arithmetic, vacuum tubes for storage. Punched card I/O. Computers are huge. Second generation 1959- 1965 Transistors and core memory First disk for mass storage Size/cost reduced, reliability increased First high level programming languages (FORTRAN, COBOL) invented First operating systems. 自1950年至今,所有的computer都沿用von Neumann model. 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

22 History & roles they play-continue
Third generation computer 1965- 1975 Integrated circuits used First minicomputers Time-sharing operating systems Software industry First set of computing standards for compatibility between computers. Fourth generation 1975- 1985 LSI/VLSI First microcomputers Computer networks Desktop computers User friendly systems Graphical user interfaces 自1950年至今,所有的computer都沿用von Neumann model. 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

23 History & roles they play-continue
Fifth generation computer 1985- present Ultra-large-scale IC (ULSI) Supercomputers and parallel processors Laptop computer, palmtop computers Wireless data communication On-line terabyte storage devices Internet, www Multimedia, virtual reality Artificial intelligence, etc. Sixth generation What will be entered here? The 6th generation computers (Robotics and related issues?) (?) 自1950年至今,所有的computer都沿用von Neumann model. 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

24 Outline Course overview What is IS (Intelligence Systems)
Brief history of Computer AI The state of the art 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

25 Outline Course overview What is IS (Intelligence Systems)
Brief history of Computer AI The state of the art 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

26 State of the Art Which of the following can be done at present?
Play a decent game of table tennis Drive along a curving mountain road Drive in the center of Taipei Buy a week’s worth of groceries at 大潤發 Buy a week’s worth of groceries on the web Play a decent game of bridge Discover and prove a new mathematical theorem Write an intentionally funny story Give competent legal advice in a specialized area of law Translate spoken English into spoken Chinese in real time Perform a complex surgical operation 算盤的功能 視操作人而定,我連加法都不行,家父好像可以作乘法運算。 (program/operation) 何瑁鎧/2005S-eIS-A Lecture 1 2005/2/19

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