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行銷管理 南台科技大學 課程資訊 課程名稱 行銷管理 課程編碼 7ZM00801 系所代碼/名稱 07 / 企管系 開課班級

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Presentation on theme: "行銷管理 南台科技大學 課程資訊 課程名稱 行銷管理 課程編碼 7ZM00801 系所代碼/名稱 07 / 企管系 開課班級"— Presentation transcript:

1 行銷管理 南台科技大學 課程資訊 課程名稱 行銷管理 課程編碼 7ZM00801 系所代碼/名稱 07 / 企管系 開課班級
南台科技大學 課程資訊 行銷管理 課程名稱 行銷管理 課程編碼 7ZM00801 系所代碼/名稱 07 / 企管系 開課班級 碩研國企二甲 碩研企管一甲 碩企管國際一甲... 開課教師 陳正男 學分 3.0 時數 3 必選修 自選必修

2 課程大綱 1 Defining Marketing for the21st Century(A1)
南台科技大學 課程資訊 課程大綱 Defining Marketing for the21st Century(A1) Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans(A2) Gathering information and Scanning the Environment(A3) Conducting Marketing Research and Forecasting Demand(A4) Creating Customer Value,Satisfaction,and Loyalty(A5) Analyzing Consumer Markets(A6) Identifing Market Segments and Targets(A8) Crafting the Brand Positioning(A10) Mid-term Exam Setting Product Strategy(A12) Designind and Managing Services(A13) Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs(A14) Designing and Managing Marketing Channels and Value Networks(A15) Managing Retailing,Wholesaling,and Logistics (A16) Managing Mass Communications:Advertising,Sales Promotions,Events and Public Relations(A18) Managing Personal Communications:Direct Marketing and Personal Selling(A19) Managing a Holistic Marketing Organization (A22) Marketing Plan Seminar

3 英文大綱 1 Defining Marketing for the21st Century(A1)
南台科技大學 課程資訊 英文大綱 Defining Marketing for the21st Century(A1) Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans(A2) Gathering information and Scanning the Environment(A3) Conducting Marketing Research and Forecasting Demand(A4) Creating Customer Value,Satisfaction,and Loyalty(A5) Analyzing Consumer Markets(A6) Identifing Market Segments and Targets(A8) Crafting the Brand Positioning(A10) Mid-term Exam Setting Product Strategy(A12) Designind and Managing Services(A13) Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs(A14) Designing and Managing Marketing Channels and Value Networks(A15) Managing Retailing,Wholesaling,and Logistics (A16) Managing Mass Communications:Advertising,Sales Promotions,Events and Public Relations(A18) Managing Personal Communications:Direct Marketing and Personal Selling(A19) Managing a Holistic Marketing Organization (A22) Marketing Plan Seminar

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