Library Workshop for MSocScEd(GCS) and MPPG Students

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Presentation on theme: "Library Workshop for MSocScEd(GCS) and MPPG Students"— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Workshop for MSocScEd(GCS) and MPPG Students
2 Sep 2016 1

2 Outline iSearch – Intelligent one-stop searching for books, journal articles and more ProQuest Social Services Abstract PAIS Index E-Newspapers Factiva Chinese Resources CEPS 中文電子期刊 CETD 碩博士論文 CNKI 中國知網 2

3 iSearch One-stop search for multiple information sources, e.g. books, videos, journals & articles or more Gives you Google-like searching experience Access iSearch from the EdUHK Library Website Enter the keywords, article title, author or name of the book and limit by specific materials and start searching 3

4 Search tips: If you get too many results for title search, enter title, author’s surname and publication year simultaneously 4

5 Finding the Call Number & Location of a Book

6 Additional features: You may browse other formats/editions of this title, similar books, and other books written by the same author, etc. 6

7 Example of a phrase search: Search for one country two systems
gets over six million hits with books, journals, media materials, etc. 7

8 For more precise results, use double quotes for “one country two systems"

9 Sample result of an online e-book (Click the link under Online Access to read the e-book)

10 10

11 Sample result of an article with full text (Click the icon of PDF Full Text to view the article)

12 Click Check EdLINK to see whether full text is available in case no PDF Full Text icon is provided

13 Example: Retrieve full text article via EdLINK

14 bX – Article Recommendation Service: Users interested in this article also expressed an interest in the following 14

15 The journal is not found in the Library

16 Interlibrary Loan Option @ EdLINK

17 Quick Options to limit the results to Scholarly Journals / Library Catalogue only, or limit results to particular year(s), etc. 17

18 More options to narrow down by source types, subject, language, geography, etc.

19 - Check with the location code
- Make reservation or request for inter-campus delivery Click the Request button from the Library catalogue 19

20 Click Search HKALL to check whether the book is also available from another UGC library
/ 20

21 You can click Request this title if there is at least one copy "available" from another library

22 Add selected items to Folder for printing, email, export, etc

23 You can also export records to RefWorks for future use if you have registered a RefWorks account

24 Expand your search to other Chinese Databases, HKALL, Google Scholar, etc.

25 Social Services Abstracts
Provides bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services and related areas, including social welfare, social policy and community development. Abstracts and indexes thousands of serials publications and includes abstracts of journal articles and dissertations and citations to book reviews. 25

26 Social Services Abstracts
Find “Social Services Abstracts” by Browsing “S" (or browse by “Social Sciences” subject; or search directly) 26

27 27

28 E.g. Search “social welfare” and “Hong Kong”
Other suggested subjects  e.g. Hong Kong AND Elderly 28

29 Click “Check SFX for Availability” to check whether full text is available

30 Full text is available in SAGE Journals

31 The article has been cited by other documents in ProQuest

32 You can also Email, Print, Save, Export to RefWorks, etc.

33 Searching tips: Expand your search
Select other links of “Suggested subjects” to expand your search Use Boolean operator “OR” to include more search terms e.g. web-based OR internet OR electronic OR digital Use truncation (*) to expand your search term in alternative way e.g. adolescen* to search for adolescent, adolescence, etc. 33

34 Searching tips: Narrow your search
Select “Peer reviewed” under the search box Consider the suggested “Narrow results” options from the search result screen, e.g. publication title, document type, language, publication date, etc. Use Boolean operator “AND” to limit search results to a narrower scene e.g. school support AND inclusive education 34

35 PAIS Index PAIS Index is available via ProQuest
It is a bibliographic index to the literature on public policy, social policy, and the social sciences in general dated back to Materials indexed include journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, publications of international agencies, microfiche, Internet material, etc. 35

36 E.g. Search “public-private partnership”

37 To create article alert

38 Factiva: How to Access 38

39 Basic Search Commands: Words in a Specific field
Search by source title: use sn (source name) to locate articles with the words journal of youth and adolescence in the source title field. Other useful commands: hd (headline), by (author), wc (word count), etc. 39

40 Free Text Search, e.g. “health care reform” + last year + Greater China
Enter your search term(s) in Free Text Search box Click the arrow to expand the menu from each category 40

41 Refine your search 41

42 Email, print or save the article
Listen to the article or have it translated into another language 42

43 Browse other related articles

44 Online help provided by Factiva

45 Other E-Newspapers Websites
EdUHK Library Homepage > E-Tools > E-Newspapers Select the Library’s subscribed databases or other worldwide newspaper websites 45

46 CEPS中文電子期刊 Chinese Electronic Periodicals Service 46

47 中文資料庫 47

48 CEPS中文電子期刊 收錄範圍: 收錄期刊主要為臺灣及中國大陸出版的學術期刊文 獻,另有部分美國、香港、馬來西亞等國出版之優 良中英文學術期刊。內容涵蓋人文學、社會科學、 自然科學、應用科學、醫學與生命科學等五大領域。 收錄主題: 人文學科、社會科學、自然科學、應用科學、醫學 與生命科學等。 收錄年代: 自1991年起。 48

49 CETD碩博士論文 收錄範圍:以中文為主要語言類別,目前主要收錄臺灣及其他地方共60所大專院校的碩博士論文,收錄學校包括:國立臺灣大學、國立交通大學、國立中興大學、國立臺北科技大學、國立清華大學、國立臺北大學、淡江大學、高雄醫學大學、臺北醫學大學、中山醫學大學、中國醫藥大學、香港大學等等優秀大專院校之博碩士論文。 收錄年代:自2004年起。 49

50 瀏覽各學科期刊 - 點選「主題瀏覽」【例:行政與地政】 50

51 進階檢索Advanced Search 快速查詢 Quick Search 51

52 輸入檢索詞 可選擇縮小檢索選項 52

53 檢索結果: CEPS 有103條; CETD有116條 篩選檢索結果 53

54 查詢文章被引用次數 54

55 下載全文 按此下載全文 55

56 中國知網 CNKI 1.中國期刊全文數據庫 〈社會科學輯 I〉 〈社會科學輯II〉 〈哲學與人文科學〉 〈信息科技〉及〈經濟與管理科學〉
E-Databases > 中文資料庫 > 中國知網 1.中國期刊全文數據庫 〈社會科學輯 I〉 〈社會科學輯II〉 〈哲學與人文科學〉 〈信息科技〉及〈經濟與管理科學〉 2.中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫 3.中國博士學位論文全文數據庫 4.世紀期刊人文社科精品數據庫 5.中國年鑒網絡出版總庫 6.中國工具書網絡出版總庫 56

57 57

58 跨庫檢索 1. 選取檢索項 2. 輸入檢索詞 3. 按「檢索」鍵 可供瀏覽全文 Live demo 58

59 瀏覽全文 59

60 參考引用本文的文獻 60

61 Other E-Resources of Social Sciences

62 Q & A Library Information Counter G/F, Mong Man Wai Library 2948 6653

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