美国物理教师学会年会 参会介绍 乐永康 2013-1-24.

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1 美国物理教师学会年会 参会介绍 乐永康

2 2012年起的国际交流 2012.2:马世红、冀敏、俞熹、乐永康赴美考察学习
Stanford、UCB、Tennessee、JHU、MIT、Harvard 2012.7:乐永康、苏卫锋、袁健闵赴美参会 Laboratory instruction Beyond the First Year(BFY) AAPT summer meeting 2012 :张新夷、苏卫锋、姚红英、白翠琴、高渊 赴欧洲考察学习 德、法、英三国七所学校 2013.1:乐永康赴美参会 AAPT winter meeting 2013

3 AAPT 全称:American Association of Physics Teachers
宗旨:Enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching 领域:中学和大学物理教育 会议:冬、夏年会和区域会议 网址: 十七个专业委员会: Apparatus Laboratories Research in Physics Education International Education Educational Technologies Teacher Preparation Physics in High Schools Graduate Education in Physics History and Philosophy of Physics Minorities in Physics Space Science and Astronomy Physics in Pre-High School Education Professional Concerns Physics in Two-Year Colleges Physics in Undergraduate Education Women in Physics Science Education for the Public

4 ALPhA The Advanced Laboratory Physics Association www.alpha.org
Harvey Leff's commentary on the Advanced Physics Laboratory The AAPT's Advanced Lab Task Force Final Report The 2009 Topical Conference on the Advanced Laboratories The 2010 Gordon Research Conference on Physics Research and Education The 2012 Topical Conference on Laboratry Instruction Beyond the First Year of College The AAPT Advanced Labs Website ALPhA's Laboratory Immersions Programs

5 ALPhA的历史 “What happened to the Advanced Lab?”
Jonathan F. Reichert,Am. J. Phys. 74, 951 (2006); 近代物理实验课无可替代;但得到的重视远远不够! The most important reason for the decline is what I would call the isolation of faculty who have both the talent and inclination to create these laboratory experiences. isolated from each other isolated from substantial and long term funding isolated from professional recognition isolated from up-to-date sources of vital information.

6 Advanced Lab Task Force final report(2007)
The AAPT should sponsor a session or group of sessions and workshops devoted exclusively to the advanced laboratory. A one-time-only special conference be held on the advanced laboratory. Establish an award or prize to reward significant accomplishment in advanced laboratory development and instruction. Developing the premier web site for advanced laboratory course materials and tricks of the trade, to maintain communication among the community of advanced laboratory instructors. Establish a visiting lab developer program. Take on a stronger advisory role to the NSF instrumentation grant programs in physics. Seek ways to improve the contribution of its principal publications to the work of advanced laboratory instructors and developers.

7 Immersions Credit:Lowell I. McCann

8 Immersion效果 Credit: Lowell I. McCann

9 BFY会议 Invited Talks; Poster; Panel Discussion; Breakout Discussion;
Workshop From:

10 Advanced Labs Website

11 他们不是一个人在战斗!

12 其他感想 对“电子线路”方面的训练比较重视! 实验中心建制很有必要 会议组织形式、内容很值得借鉴! 良好的合作令人艳羡!
MIT和哈佛的对比 会议组织形式、内容很值得借鉴! 良好的合作令人艳羡! 希望有更多的中美/国际交流、合作!

13 谢谢! 欢迎讨论! THANK YOU

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