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Social Innovation- How does it related to me

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1 Social Innovation- How does it related to me
By Antony Pang

2 The Dots 匯點顧問公司創辦人及行政總裁
PTS Infinity, 體驗式學習培訓公司共同創辦人 香港浸會大學社會工作系顧問委員會委員 香港中文大學MBA課程客席講師 香港中文大學Center for Entrepreneurship顅問 香港社會服務聯會, 社創基金顧問 香港政府轄下, 民政事務總署, 伙伴倡自強協作計劃委員會委員 HKJC InnoPower panel judge 黑暗中對話(香港)有限公司前行政總裁 及 股東 創辦 東華三院轄下,Biciline 單車生態遊社會企業 市場學 (香港) 註冊社工(香港) 註冊賭博輔導員 (加拿大) 犯罪學 (英國) 敍事治療師 (澳洲)

3 Why you do this????? From Dream to work; Career to create impact
From Mission to Action Bigger Power equal to greater responsibilities: strike for your ideology Why you do this?????

4 I+O photography studio

5 BiciLine EcoTourism

6 DID HK Dialogue Experience Dialogue in the Dark

7 Culture and heritage

8 Major Types of Social Innovation Projects
Product – new, redesigned or improved goods and services in addressing social needs Platform – an exchange platform to match idle, underutilized or unused resources for the creation of greater social value Process – new, redesigned or improved delivery models to enhance social impact and improve operational efficiency Policy – new project or service which filling the existing policy gap, and fostering a policy change

9 Product Platform Process Policy

10 Social innovation process


12 Samples of questioning reality

13 What means to me Putting other person under spotlight
Finding double stories Trust in multiple possibilities Genuine curiosity Alert power and domination Avoid Totalization Avoid any kinds of subjugation Social Heart and business mind What means to me

14 Bash from Nigeria “ Prison is never physical, it is mental” “If you don’t build your dream, somebody will hire you to build their own.”

15 Train Rats for Mine and tuberculosis detection at Tanzania, Mozabique, Thailand.
APOPO – Hero Rat

16 Litre of Light

17 Finale Build our charisma and presentation Continuous evolution
Social Heart, Business mind Build trust and cross sector collaboration Innovation always come with passion and Fun Find share mind and wave length people Finale

18 Charisma is from respect and humbleness
Charisma is from respect and humbleness. Fun is the fuel to energize you Innovation is always at foot.

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