Transportation 运输 Unit 7 1 去除PPT模板上的--无忧PPT整理发布的文字

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1 Transportation 运输 Unit 7 1 去除PPT模板上的--无忧PPT整理发布的文字
使用时删除本备注即可 将此幻灯片插入到演示文稿中 将此模板作为演示文稿(.ppt 文件)保存到计算机上。 打开将包含该图像幻灯片的演示文稿。 在“幻灯片”选项卡上,将插入点置于将位于该图像幻灯片之前的幻灯片之后。(确保不要选择幻灯片。插入点应位于幻灯片之间。) 在“插入”菜单上,单击“幻灯片(从文件)”。 在“幻灯片搜索器”对话框中,单击“搜索演示文稿”选项卡。 单击“浏览”,找到并选择包含该图像幻灯片的演示文稿,然后单击“打开”。 在“幻灯片(从文件)”对话框中,选择该图像幻灯片。 选中“保留源格式”复选框。如果不选中此复选框,复制的幻灯片将继承在演示文稿中位于它之前的幻灯片的设计。 单击“插入”。 单击“关闭”。 1

2 P. 174 Ⅰ. Supply the missing “road signs” between the following sentences. We are pleased to have received your L/C No. F but regret to find that some terms in it do not conform to contract stipulations. You are therefore requested to make the following amendments immediately to enable us to effect shipment in time. Under the present circumstances, our usual practice is to return the goods to you. But considering the close relationship between us, we now ask you to reduce the price by 40% and reimburse us immediately.

3 P. 174 Ⅰ. Supply the missing “road signs” between the following sentences. The customers here have always been satisfied with your products. However, some European manufacturers have recently launched new models, and these are catching on very fast. In view of the increased competition, we wonder whether you can improve your present designs.

4 P. 174 Ⅰ. Supply the missing “road signs” between the following sentences. We have received your inquiry of October 18 and appreciate your interest in our microwave ovens. For you information, our products are superior in quality and competitive in price. To give you a general idea of the various models we deal in, we are enclosing our latest leaflets for your reference. Having seen samples of your products, we are prepared to give them a trial, provided you can guarantee delivery on or before March 31. The enclosed order is placed strictly on this condition.

5 P. 177 Ⅴ. Translate the following sentences into English.
你方订单中能供现货的部分,我们已经执行。其余部分可能得耽搁4-6周。 We have already executed that part of your order which we could supply from stock. The remainder may be subject to a delay of four to six weeks. 请告知航班次数多少,大批装运的最低运费率及小批运货的拼装运费率。 We shall be glad to know frequency of sailings, lowest rates for large shipments, and groupage rates for small consignments.

6 P. 177 Ⅴ. Translate the following sentences into English.
你方297号订单项下货物已装箱待运,现附上托运(指示)单,请尽快填写签署后寄还我方。 The goods under your order No. 297 have been packed and are ready for despatch, and we would be pleased if you would fill up, sign and return the attached instructions form as soon as possible. 让我们为贵方办理所有装运及海关手续,既省时又节约。 You can save both time and money by letting us handle all shipping and Customs formalities for you.

7 P. 177 Ⅴ. Translate the following sentences into English.
为协助你方尽早将我们的产品销入你地市场,我们同意将6、7月份的首批交货,即整个数量的1/3,提前到4、5月份。 To assist you in introducing our products into your market as early as possible, we agree to advance the initial shipment of 1/3 (one third) of the total quantity from June/July to April/May.

8 P. 177 Ⅵ. Rewrite the following sentences.
The quantity of this parcel to be shipped to your port is so small that no vessel would like to call there. We therefore hope that the wording “Transshipment is allowed” can be included in the contract. (OR: Since the quantity of this parcel is too small to induce any vessel to call at your port, we wish to have the clause “transshipment is allowed” indicated / stated in the contract.) Containerized transportation owes its great popularity to its easy operation, speedy circulation/distribution of goods and direct forwarding of commodities from manufacturers’ premises / the point of manufacture to supermarkets.

9 P. 178 Ⅵ. Rewrite the following sentences.
Although our L/C was opened two months ago, we regret that having contacted our local forwarding agents several times we are told that the ship on which you assert shipping space has been booked has not yet reached your port. We are disappointed that Speedsure Cycles Ltd., to whom we entrusted the shipment of your order, failed our expectation, and we have to apologize for the great inconvenience caused. If you want to have the goods shipped in containers, we shall be pleased to comply. If not, we shall ship the goods in our customary packing.

10 Thank You!

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