Kingdom – Plantae 植物界 without flowers / fruits with flowers / fruits

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1 Kingdom – Plantae 植物界 without flowers / fruits with flowers / fruits
(Non-flowering Plants) Phylum Angiospermophyta 被子植物 (angiosperms) without seeds with seeds Phylum Coniferophyta 裸子植物 (conifers/gymnosperms) without with vascular tissues vascular tissues (有維管組織) Phylum Bryophyta Phylum Filicinophyta (mosses) 蘚 (ferns) 蕨

2 Phylum Mosses e.g. Polytrichum
Habitat (棲息地) – damp / moist ( 潮濕), shady(陰暗) and cool habitat. Features Less efficient water conservation / uptake (不能有效地吸水) 1. Gametophytes have no cuticle (角質層), water and nutrients (養料) diffuse (擴散) rapidly in and out. 2. No true root / have only rhizoids, (沒有真根,只 有假根), water uptake is less efficient (不能有效地吸 水) 3. Gametophytes grow tightly in form of a mat for water retention. (孢子體緊密生長在一起像墊一樣 保存水分)

3 Mosses (蘚) 孢蒴 孢子體 孢子 葉螺旋排列於莖上 配子體 假根

4 Phylum Mosses e.g. Polytrichum
Water necessary for reproduction Male gametes (雄配子) are motile (可游動), a water medium is necessary for their movement to female gamete to carry out fertilization to complete the life cycle. (需要水作媒介游到雌配子進行受精作用)

5 Phylum Mosses e.g. Polytrichum
External features of mosses** 1. Gametophyte has leaves with chlorophyll to absorb light for photosynthesis. 2. Gametophyte has rhizoids (假根) for water absorption. 3. Sporophyte has a small amount of chlorophyll for photosynthesis and is partially dependent on gametophyte for food (也依賴配子體提供食物). 4. Sporophyte has foot (基足) to absorb food and water from the gametophyte. 5. Sporophyte has capsule (孢蒴)which contains spores (孢子) for reproduction.

6 6. The capsule of sporophyte is elevated by elongation of seta and the hygroscopic nature of peristome requires a dry atmosphere for liberation and dispersal of spores. It shows full adaptation to disperse the spores in dry conditions. 蒴柄長而堅挺,將孢蒴舉出配子體上,外蒴齒層富有感濕性,幫助散播孢子。因此蘚可適應於在 乾燥環境下散播孢子,孢子隨風散播。

7 Ferns

8 Ferns (蕨類植物) a. Habitat : open areas, hillside / roadside / walls
B. Features For water conservation / uptake: 1. Frond (羽葉) has hairy cuticle (角質層有幼毛). 2. True roots (adventitious root 不定根) for water uptake and vascular tissues (維管組織) to conduct (運送) water  stand drier areas (較乾旱的地區). Water necessary for reproduction 1. Male gametes (雄配子) are motile (可游動), a water medium is necessary for their movement to female gamete to carry out fertilization to complete the life cycle. (需要水作媒介游到雌配子進行受精作用)

9 External features of ferns
1. Fronds have chlorophyll 2. Fronds have hairy cuticle 3. True roots and vascular tissue 4. Sorus / sori (孢子囊群) on lower surface of frond. 5. Annulus (環帶) and stomium (裂口) of sporangia (孢子囊) favours spore dispersal in dry atmosphere.

10 Gymnosperm (裸子植物) Habitat: Open dry areas, hillside No flowers and fruits, with seeds Green leaves Leaves needle-shaped (針狀) / scale- like (鱗狀葉) Leaves with thick cuticle(厚角質層) Cones (毬果) for reproduction. Roots

11 Gymnosperm

12 Male cone

13 Female cone

14 Mature female cones & seed

15 Xerophytic features of Pinus leaf (松樹葉的旱生特徵)
1. Thick cuticle 2. Transverse section (橫切面) of leaf is semi-circular (半圓形) 3. Sunkened stomata (內陷氣孔) – trap water vapour Resin 松脂

16 上表皮有厚的角質層 保衛細胞 內陷氣孔 副衛細胞 下皮層 松脂管 葉肉細胞 柱鞘 氣室 木質部 內皮層 纖維 韌皮部

17 Angiosperms / flowering plants) 被子植物
1. Flowers 2. Fruits 3. Roots 4. Green leaves 5. Leaves with cuticle 6. Leaves with midrib (中脈) Divided into two groups: Monocotyledonous plant (單子葉植物) and dicotyledonous plants (雙子葉植物) Monocot are herbaceous plants (草本植物); Dicot are herbaceous or woody (木本的)



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