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Johnny Depp.

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1 Johnny Depp

2 Born John Christopher Depp II June 9, (age 48) Occupation Actor, screenwriter, director, musician Years active 1984–present

3 Early life the son of a waitress and a city engineer
one brother and two sisters has German, Cherokee(北美印第安人的柴罗基部族 ) and Irish ancestry (血统) moved to more than 20 different locations when young 彻罗基族(北美印第安人之一族)

4 1980s Depp got a guitar as a 12years old birthday gift , a year after his parents' divorce, Depp dropped out of high school to try to become a rock musician. Later he met Nicolas Cage and they became good friends. What’s more Cage is the one who encouraged him to become an actor when his music career was over.

5 Career -- Television In 1987, he became popular by staring in a lead role in 21 Jump Street (《龙虎少年队》) dollars/episode一集 " it was an uncomfortable situation and I didn't get a handle on it." Depp promised himself that he would only appear in the films that he felt right for him. 少年龙虎队

6 Film roles First major role was in the 1984 horror film A Nightmare on Elm Street,《猛鬼街》. He also appeared in Platoon 《野战排》(1986) and starred in cry baby in 1990,which made him draw Tim Burton’s attention. Depp then left his teen idol image青少年偶像形象 in 1990, playing the quirky title(古怪造型) role in Tim Burton’s (鬼才导演蒂姆·波顿) film, Edward Scissorhands 《剪刀手爱德华》. The film's success began a long association between Depp and Burton. 少年龙虎队

7 野战排 Platoon 1986

8 Depp and Burton Depp's film characters have been described by the press as "iconic loners,"and Depp has noted that this period of his career was full of "studio defined failures" and films that were "box office poison," stating that he believes film studios never "understood" the films he appeared in and did not know how to market them properly.Depp has also said that he specifically chose to appear in films that he found personally interesting, rather than those he thought would succeed at the box office.

9 “Johnny Depp is playing Tim Burton in almost all his movies.”
(戴普可以说是蒂姆的御用演员) Depp has referred to working with Burton as “coming home”(回归) And he called Burton “...a brother, a friend,...and a brave soul”. (在蒂姆的自传中写道:他是亲人,是朋友,同时拥有着勇敢的灵魂)

10 Tim Burton is a famous director and Depp has played a major role in his films for about 10 times. Such as Edward Scissorhands (剪刀手爱德华 1990 ) , Sleepy Hollow(断头谷 1999) , Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(查理和巧克力工厂 2005) , Sweeny Todd(理发师陶德2007) , Alice‘s Adventures in Wonderland (爱丽丝梦游仙境2010)and so on.

11 在2009年的吉尼斯纪录里,Johnny和蒂姆·波顿因前后7次合作,累计9.86亿美元的影片票房成绩被评为最卖座的电影搭档)
Together, they were named the best partner for world’s top box: 9.86 billion dollars all together for only 7 films, which was written into The Guinness Book of records. Oscar nominations 在2009年的吉尼斯纪录里,Johnny和蒂姆·波顿因前后7次合作,累计9.86亿美元的影片票房成绩被评为最卖座的电影搭档)

12 剪刀手爱德华 Edward Scissorhands 1990

13 查理和巧克力工厂 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2005
The film was a box office success and received positive critical reaction

14 爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland 2010

15 Johnny Depp Genius

16 断头谷 Sleepy Hollow 1999

17 寻找梦幻岛 Finding Neverland 2004
Oscar nomination for best actor (for the 1st time)

18 加勒比海盗 Pirates of the Caribbean 03 06 07 11
Oscar nomination for best actor (for the 2nd time) Depp's status as a major star was solidified with the success of the 2003 Walt Disney Pictures film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, for which his lead performance as the suave pirate Captain Jack Sparrow was highly praised. The performance was initially received negatively by the studio bosses who saw the film, but the character became popular with the movie-going public. In 2006, Depp's co-star from the sequel to Pirates of the Caribbean, Bill Nighy, described the role as probably being "one of the most popular performances of recent times."According to a survey taken by Fandango, Depp was also considered to be one of the main reasons audiences wanted to see the movie. The film's director, Gore Verbinski, has said that Depp's Jack Sparrow character closely resembles Depp's own personality, was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for the role.

19 理发师陶德 Sweeney Todd 2007 Oscar nomination for best actor (for the 3rd time) Won the best actor of Golden Globe 2008(金球奖最佳男演员)

20 浓情巧克力 Chocolat 2000

21 Awards and nominations
Has got 39 awards and 52 nominations (39个获奖和52个提名 ) till now Others People‘s Sexiest Man Alive(<人物>杂志全世界最性感的男士 ) 2003&2009 Vogue’s Best Dressed Men 2010 被杂志评选为最佳着装男士之首 Empire’s Sexiest Man Alive (<帝国>杂志全世界最性感的男士) 1995&2009 People’s most fashionable man (<人物>最时尚男明星 ) 2005 Forbes’s the actor who has the most appeal power <福布斯>杂志最具票房号召力演员之首

22 It seems the only thing Depp need now is the Gold Oscar Statue (小金人)


24 Gold Oscar statues

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