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第10章 全球市場中 產品與品牌決策
印度的Suzlon Energy 1995年,譚堤(Tulsi Tanti)因面臨電力成本上漲,於是決定建造兩具風力渦輪機
譚堤的工廠從紡織轉為製造風力渦輪的發電機、變速箱、塔樓、旋轉翼片和風力渦輪 譚堤的公司現稱Suzlon Energy,在替代能源來源的成長需求中占一席之地 Suzlon繼續轉入美國市場,但因產品品質等問題,影響其潛力和其他綠能企業 The product “P” of the marketing mix is at the heart of the challenges and opportunities facing global companies today: Management must develop product and brand policies and strategies that are sensitive to market needs, competition, and company ambitions and resources on a global scale. Effective global marketing often entails finding a balance between the payoff from extensively adapting products and brands to local market preferences and the benefits that come from concentrating company resources on relatively standardized global products and brands.
印度的Suzlon Energy Suzlon Energy的成功闡明一個重點:產品──與其相關企業及品牌──可說是公司行銷方案最關鍵的要素,且是公司價值不可或缺的要素 風力發電是一種極具潛力的替代能源
產品的基本概念 產品的物品、服務或構想 產品的分類 有形的屬性 無形的屬性 消費性產品 工業用產品 PVC管是工業用產品的例子之一
A product’s tangible attributes can be assessed in physical terms such as weight, dimensions, or materials used. Consider, for example, a flat-panel TV with an LCD screen that measures 42 inches across. The unit weighs 100 pounds, is four inches thick, and has a tuner capable of receiving high-definition TV signals over the air. These tangible, physical features translate into benefits that enhance the enjoyment of watching prime time TV and movies on DVR’s. Intangible product attributes, including status associated with product ownership, a manufacturer's service commitment, and a brand's overall reputation or mystique, are also important. When shopping for a new TV set, for example, many people want “the best:” They want a TV loaded with features (tangible product elements), as well as one that is "cool" and makes a status statement (intangible product element). PVC管是工業用產品的例子之一
品牌 消費者心目中一組複雜形象和使用經驗所形成 代表特定廠商對特定產品的一種承諾 也是品質的保證
能幫助消費者選購想要的特定商品,可用來辨識不同公司的相同產品 品牌形象(brand image)就是消費者記憶中品牌聯想所反映出對某一品牌的知覺 Customers integrate all their experiences of observing, using, or consuming a product with everything they hear and read about it. The essence of a brand exists in the mind; as such, brands are intangible. However, companies develop logos, distinctive packaging, and other communication devices to provide visual representations of their brands. A logo can take a variety of forms, starting with the brand name itself.
品牌權益 反映出公司在品牌持續投資的整體價值 品牌價值也反映出品牌和消費者之間建立關係的價值 關係愈密切,品牌價值也愈大
The value of global megabrands such as Coca-Cola and Marlboro runs in the tens of billions of dollars. Warren Buffett, the legendary American investor who heads Berkshire Hathaway, asserts that the global power of brands such as Coca-Cola and Gillette permits the companies that own them to set up a protective moat around their economic castles. As Buffett once explained, “The average company, by contrast, does battle daily without any such means of protection.” That protection often yields added profit, because the owners of powerful brand names can typically command higher prices for their products than can owners of lesser brands. In other words, the strongest global brands have tremendous brand equity.
在地產品和品牌 常被侷限在單一國內市場中銷售 有時全球公司為了迎合特定國家市場的需求和偏好,便會設計與生產在地的產品和品牌
延伸的本國產品和品牌,有時代表著極大的競爭阻力,可防止全球企業進入該國市場 Products and brands can be broken down into three different categories. These are local, international and global. The next few slides illustrate the difference between the categories. In developing countries, global brands are sometimes perceived as overpowering local ones. Growing national pride can result in a social backlash that favors local products and brands. In China, a local TV set manufacturer, Changhong Electric Appliances, has built its share of the Chinese market from 6 percent to more than 22 percent by cutting prices and using patriotic advertising themes such as “Let Changhong hold the great flag of revitalizing our national industries.” Coca-Cola has developed several branded drink products for sale only in Japan, including a noncarbonated, ginseng-flavored beverage; a blended tea known as Sokenbicha; and Lactia-brand fermented milk drink. In India, Coca-Cola markets Kinely brand bottled water. The spirits industry often creates brand extensions to leverage popular brands without large marketing expenditures. For example, Diageo PLC markets Gordon’s Edge, a gin-based ready-to-drink beverage in the U.K. Allied Domecq created TG, a brand flavored with Teacher’s Scotch and guaraná, in Brazil.
國際產品和品牌 只供應特定區域內的幾個市場 「歐洲產品」 Daimler針對歐洲市場發展的兩人座Smart車,最近也在美國推出
International products and international brands are offered in several markets in a particular region. For example, there are a number of “Euro products” and “Euro brands” that are offered in Europe but not the rest of the world.
全球產品和品牌 全球產品必須滿足全球市場顧客的想法和需求 全球品牌(global brand)在全世界都有相同名稱、相似形象和市場定位
Harley Davidson在全球 60個以上的國家有經銷商
全球產品和品牌 「多國企業在不同國家營運,而全球企業把全世界視為單一國家市場。我們知道阿根廷和法國是不同的國家,但我們一視同仁,不僅銷售相同的產品,用相同的製造方法,採用相同的公司政策。甚至使用相同的廣告。當然是以不同的語言。」 --前執行長亞佛.傑伊恩(Alfred Zeien) As this quote implies, companies such as Gillette enjoy several benefits and advantages that derive from creating global products and utilizing global branding. These include economies of scale associated with creating a single ad campaign for the world and the advantages of executing a single brand strategy. All global companies are trying to increase the visibility of their brands, especially in the key markets such as the United States and China. Examples include Philips with its "Sense and simplicity" global image advertising and Siemens' recent "Be inspired" campaign.
全球產品和品牌 全球品牌不同於全球產品 iPod=品牌 mp3播放器=產品
品牌策略 透過組合品牌策略,行銷人員可槓桿操作公司的信譽,為一系列產品發展獨特品牌識別
Sony的隨身聽 共同品牌又稱為雙元品牌,特色在於產品包裝或廣告上,強調兩個以上不同公司或產品品牌 NutraSweet與Coca-Cola Intel Inside行銷計畫 Properly implemented, co-branding can engender customer loyalty and allow companies to achieve synergy. However, co-branding can also confuse consumers and dilute brand equity. The approach works most effectively when the products involved complement each other. Credit card companies were the pioneers, and today it is possible to use cards to earn frequent flyer miles and discounts on automobiles. 中央處理器
品牌沿用 是把成功品牌名稱當作一把傘,當進入新事業領域或開發新產品線時,就可知道是該公司的新產品類 例子:Virgin(維珍)集團
經營的事業包括航空、鐵路、零售商店、電影院、金融服務和軟性飲料等 其中有些事業是全球性的,有些是地方性的 The brand has been built on Richard Branson’s shrewd ability to exploit weaknesses in competitors’ customer service skills, as well as a flair for self-promotion. Branson’s business philosophy is that brands are built around reputation, quality, innovation, and price rather than image. Although Branson is intent on establishing Virgin as the British brand of the new millennium, some industry observers wonder if the brand has been spread too thin.
世界最有價值的品牌 Table 10-2 shows global brands ranked in terms of their economic value as determined by analysts at the Interbrand consultancy and Citigroup. To be included in the rankings, the brand had to generate about one-third of sales outside the home country; brands owned by privately held companies such as Mars are not included. Not surprisingly, Coca-Cola tops the list. However, one of the telling findings of the rankings is that strong brand management is now being practiced by companies in a wide range of industries, not just by consumer packaged-goods marketers.
全球品牌發展 管理者想建立全球品牌時 全球品牌領導制度 首要考慮此舉能否與公司的目標或市場搭配 管理者必須衡量預期的規模經濟可否實現
管理者必須了解,建立全球品牌團隊的困難度 管理者必須警覺到,單一品牌無法適用全部市場 全球品牌領導制度 運用組織的結構、流程及文化,分派全球品牌建立的資源,以創造全球綜效,並發展協調與操作國家品牌槓桿策略的全球品牌策略 Aacker and Joachimsthaler’s research
全球品牌發展 以本國市場為開端,在每一個所進入的市場為顧客建立價值命題
將品牌帶出國界前,必須思考有關品牌識別的元素,選擇具有全球化潛力的品牌名稱、商標和符號 發展全公司良好的溝通系統以分享並善用行銷方案與各國顧客的資訊與知識 發展出橫跨市場與產品的一致性規劃流程,讓身處不同市場的管理者都有可遵循的範本 指派特定品牌管理議題的責任給當地的品牌經理人或團隊,來以確保他們採行最佳作法 運用全球優勢的槓桿執行品牌建立策略,並回應當地的差異 Both this slide and the next offer eight suggestions for managers that are seeking to develop global brand leadership.
在地與全球產品和品牌: 需求基礎方法 馬斯洛需求層級理論
The essence of marketing is finding needs and filling them. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a staple of sociology and psychology courses, provides a useful framework for understanding how and why local products and brands can be extended beyond home country borders. Maslow hypothesized that people’s desires can be arranged into a hierarchy of five needs. As an individual fulfills needs at each level, he or she progresses to higher levels. At the most basic level of human existence, physiological and safety needs must be met. People need food, clothing, and shelter, and a product that meets these basic needs has potential for globalization. Mid-level needs in the hierarchy include self-respect, self-esteem, and the esteem of others. These social needs, which can create a powerful internal motivation driving demand for status-oriented products, cut across the various stages of country development. Rolex, Louis Vuitton, and Dom Perignon are just a few of the global brands that consumers buy in an effort to satisfy esteem needs. Some consumers flaunt their wealth by buying expensive products and brands that others will notice. Such behavior is referred to as conspicuous consumption or luxury badging. 馬斯洛需求層級理論
馬斯洛需求層級: 亞洲的修正模型
「來源國」成為品牌要素 全球行銷中的活生生的事實是對特定的知覺與態度長延伸對來自該國的商品上 日本 德國 法國 義大利 法國香水
One of the facts of life in global marketing is that perceptions about and attitudes toward particular countries often extend to products and brands known to originate in those countries. Such perceptions contribute to the country-of-origin effect; they become part of a brand’s image and contribute to brand equity. This is particularly true for automobiles, electronics, fashion, beer, recorded music, and certain other product categories. Perceptions and attitudes about a product’s origins can be positive or negative. On the positive side, as one marketing expert has pointed out, “‘German’ is synonymous with quality engineering, ‘Italian’ is synonymous with style, and ‘French’ is synonymous with chic.” English tea French perfume Jamaican rum Chinese silk Italian leather Japanese electronics USA: Wal-Mart, Land’s End, Budweiser, Marlboro Korea: LG, Hyundai, Daewoo, Samsung 法國香水
產品包裝 消費包裝品(consumer packaged goods)這個詞彙也指出,各種產品包裝設計之目的是為了在運送期間、在零售店裡,以及在顧客使用或食用前,一直保護或盛裝產品 環保包裝(eco-packaging)在今日是重要議題,包裝設計者必須注意環境保護問題,像是可回收或材質的生物分解性,也要符合法令規定 包裝亦具有重要的溝通功能,產品包裝(及標籤)的溝通作用是提供消費者購買該產品的決定基準 In many instances, packaging is an integral element of product-related decisions. Packaging is an important consideration for products that are shipped long distances to markets in all parts of the world. A critical element in the success of Corona Extra beer in export markets was management's decision to retain the traditional package design that consisted of a tall transparent bottle with "Made in Mexico" etched directly on the glass. At the time, the conventional wisdom in the brewing industry was that export beer bottles should be short, green or brown in color, with paper labels. In other words, the bottle should resemble Heineken’s! The fact that consumers could see the beer inside the Corona Extra bottle made it seem more pure and natural. Today, Corona is the top-selling imported beer brand in the United States, Australia, Belgium, the Czech Republic, and several other countries. Nestlé has packaging teams throughout the world that are required to contribute packaging improvement suggestions on a quarterly basis. Implemented changes include a new plastic lid to make ice cream containers easier to open; slightly deeper indentations in the flat end of candy wrappers in Brazil that make them easier to rip open; and deeper notches on single-serve packets of Nescafé in China. Nestlé also asked suppliers to find a type of glue to make the clicking sound louder when consumers snap open a tube of Smarties brand chocolate candies.
產品標籤 提供各種產品資訊給消費者 產品內容的標示可能得依照國家或地區的規定 香菸產品上強制規定要有「抽菸影響健康」的警語
美國汽車標示法規定,廠商必須標明所有轎車、貨車和迷你箱型車的原產地、最後裝配地及主要組件的來源國 歐盟要求所有含基因改造成分的食品,都必須標示清楚以告知顧客 One hallmark of the modern global marketplace is the abundance of multi-language labeling that appears on many products. In today’s self-service retail environments, product labels may be designed to attract attention, to support a product’s positioning, and to help persuade consumers to buy. Today, virtually all food products sold in the United States must present information regarding nutrition (e.g., calories and fat content) and serving size in a standard format. The use of certain terms such as "light" and "natural" is also restricted. Other examples of labeling in global marketing include: • Since mid-2004, the European Union required labels on all food products that include ingredients derived from genetically modified crops. • Responding to pressure from consumer groups, in 2006 McDonald’s began posting nutrition information on all food packaging and wrappers in approximately 20,000 restaurants in key markets worldwide. Executives indicated that issues pertaining to language and nutritional testing would delay labeling in 10,000 additional restaurants in smaller country markets. • Nestlé recently introduced Nan, an infant-formula brand that is popular in Latin America, in the American market. Targeted at Hispanic mothers, Nestlé Nan’s instructions are printed in Spanish on the front of the can. Other brands have English-language labeling on the outside; Spanish-language instructions are printed on the reverse side.
包裝的美感 全球行銷人員必須了解美感的重要性 美感則來自產品、包裝、標籤顏色或形狀等
Aesthetic elements that are deemed appropriate, attractive, and appealing in one’s home country may be perceived differently elsewhere. In some cases, a standardized color can be used in all countries; examples include the distinctive yellow color on Caterpillar’s earth-moving equipment and its licensed outdoor gear and the red Marlboro chevron. In other instances, color choices should be changed in response to local perceptions. Red: South Africa = mourning; India = purity; China = celebration, good luck; Russia = Bolsheviks, communism; Western = excitement Yellow: China = nourishing; Egypt = mourning; India = merchants; Western = hazard, warning, hope Green: China = exorcism; India = Islam; Ireland = the country; Western = Spring, rebirth, go, ecology Blue: Iran = heaven and spirituality; Western = depression, sadness, “something blue” bridal tradition, conservative Purple: Thailand = mourning; Western = royalty White: Japan white carnation = death; Eastern = funerals; Western = brides, angels, good guys, hospitals, doctors, peace
產品保固 書面保證(express warranty)是以文字形式保證購買者買的是該項產品,或產品在預估期限內壞損時可獲得的服務
在全球行銷中,產品保固可使公司處於有利地位的競爭工具 In the late 1990s, Hyundai Motor America chief executive Finbarr O'Neill realized that many American car buyers perceived Korean cars as "cheap" and were skeptical about the Hyundai nameplate's reliability. In fact, the company had made significant improvements in the quality and reliability of its vehicles, but consumer perceptions of the brand had not kept pace with the changes. O'Neill instituted a 10-year, 100,000-mile warranty program that represents the most comprehensive coverage in the auto industry. Concurrently, Hyundai launched several new vehicles and increased expenditures for advertising. The results are impressive: Hyundai's U.S. sales jumped from about 90,000 vehicles in 1998 to nearly 400,000 vehicles in 2003.
延伸、調整與開發: 全球市場的行銷策略 延伸策略(extension strategy):產品不做改變地擴展到母國以外的市場
調適策略(adaptation strategy):為符合特定國家市場,產品的設計、功能和包裝都必須反映當地的需求 開發新產品來植入全球市場人們的心中 Laws and regulations in different countries frequently lead to obligatory product design adaptations. This may be seen most clearly in Europe, where one impetus for the creation of the single market was the desire to dismantle regulatory and legal barriers that prevented pan-European sales of standardized products. These were particularly prevalent in the areas of technical standards and health and safety standards. In the food industry, for example, there were 200 legal and regulatory barriers to cross-border trade within the EU in 10 food categories.
全球產品規劃: 可替代的策略方案 Extension strategies are employed by companies in the international, global, and transnational stages of development. The critical difference is one of execution and mind-set. In an international company, for example, the extension strategy reflects an ethnocentric orientation and the assumption that all markets are alike. A global company such as Gillette does not fall victim to such assumptions; the company's geocentric orientation allows it to thoroughly understand its markets and consciously take advantage of similarities in world markets. Likewise, a multinational company utilizes the adaptation strategy because of its polycentric orientation and the assumption that all markets are different. By contrast, the geocentric orientation of managers and executives in a global company has sensitized them to actual, rather than assumed, differences between markets. Strategy 1: Common for B2B Strategy 2: Low-cost because the product is unchanged, communication is adapted Strategy 3: Cadillac wants to sell 20,000 autos outside the U.S. by 2010; will adapt to local market requirements Strategy 4: Combines local market conditions recognized in Strategies 2 and 3
延伸、調整與開發: 全球市場的行銷策略 策略1:產品—溝通延伸(雙重延伸) 策略2:產品延伸—溝通調適 策略3:產品調適—溝通延伸
策略4:產品—溝通調適(雙重調適) 策略5:開發新產品
如何選擇行銷策略 兩個與產品—溝通決策有關的典型錯誤:
「非我發明症候群」(not invented here syndrome, NIH),忽略子公司或分公司管理者所做的決策 假設適合國內市場顧客的產品,也一定適合其他地方的顧客,因此強迫海外分子公司使用相同的政策
如何選擇行銷策略 全球行銷的產品─溝通策略選擇,主要依據三大因素: 以產品本身的功能或能滿足的需求來界定
以使用該產品、潛力消費者的偏好以及對於產品的購買力來界定市場 以造成的調適和製造成本來考量產品—溝通策略 This slide sums up the section regarding choosing a product-communication strategy. It is important to note that only after analysis of the product-market fit and of company capabilities and costs can executives choose the most profitable strategy.
新產品的全球行銷策略 為了贏得全球競爭,行銷人員、設計專家及工程師必須共同創造能提供全球市場更大價值的創新產品
在競爭激烈的市場環境中,許多公司都了解持續開發和導入新產品才能生存與成長,這也是策略5的重點:開發新產品 行銷人員也應尋找可創造全球廣告和促銷活動以支持新產品或品牌的機會
確認新產品的構想 什麼是新產品? 對使用者或購買者是新的 對組織是新的 對特定市場是新的
The starting point for an effective worldwide new-product program is an information system that seeks new-product ideas from all potentially useful sources and channels these ideas to relevant screening and decision centers within the organization. Ideas can come from many sources, including customers, suppliers, competitors, company salespeople, distributors and agents, subsidiary executives, headquarters executives, documentary sources (e.g., information service reports and publications), and, finally, actual firsthand observation of the market environment. The diagram on this slide illustrates the continuum that new products will fall into and the amount of learning that consumers will have to go through in order to use the product. Continuous innovations = “new and improved;” less R&D needed; a faster computer Dynamically continuous innovations = require less learning and is less disruptive; Gillette Sensor, Sensor Excel, and MACH3 brings news technology for an unchanged category, wet shaving Discontinuous innovations = represent a break with the past; VCRs
新產品的發展 開發全球產品最主要的考量就是研發費用 當競爭加大,公司可藉由設計全球性商品來降低研發成本
其他的設計相關成本,無論是由製造商或消費者來承擔,都必須經過仔細的考量 A high volume of information flow is required to scan adequately for new-product opportunities, and considerable effort is subsequently required to screen these opportunities to identify candidates for product development. The best organizational design for addressing these requirements is a new product department. Managers in such a department engage in several activities. First, they ensure that all relevant information sources are continuously tapped for new-product ideas. Second, they screen these ideas to identify candidates for investigation. Third, they investigate and analyze selected new-product ideas. Finally, they ensure that the organization commits resources to the most likely new-product candidates and is continuously involved in an orderly program of new-product introduction and development on a worldwide basis.
國際新產品部門 產品在不同價格下的市場大小? 產品的相關活動可能會面臨哪些競爭者的回應動作?
能否利用現存的架構來行銷此產品?如果不行,必要的改變及伴隨而來的成本? 這項產品的預估需求量在不同的競爭程度與特定的價格下,如果將產品的生產功能外包,扣除成本後還有足夠的利潤嗎? 這項產品與我們的策略發展計畫配適嗎? A high volume of information flow is required to scan adequately for new-product opportunities, and considerable effort is subsequently required to screen these opportunities to identify candidates for product development. The best organizational design for addressing these requirements is a new product department. Managers in such a department engage in several activities. First, they ensure that all relevant information sources are continuously tapped for new-product ideas. Second, they screen these ideas to identify candidates for investigation. Third, they investigate and analyze selected new-product ideas. Finally, they ensure that the organization commits resources to the most likely new-product candidates and is continuously involved in an orderly program of new-product introduction and development on a worldwide basis. 32
測試新產品 何時測試新產品? 產品全面推上國際市場前,進行實際市場的產品測試極為重要
新產品導入海外市場的重要課題,在於產品與當地的人、化學及機械等因素互動時,可能會有無法預期的不相容問題 產品全面推上國際市場前,進行實際市場的產品測試極為重要
Suzlon Energy的課題 一具由Suzlon製造、John Deere Wind Energy公司投資的渦輪片破裂,並毀損一座高塔,引起大眾對其產品品質的注意 Suzlon宣布強化或更換1,251座渦輪片,而這幾乎是該公司在美國銷售數量的全部 當Suzlon為產品的可靠度與耐久度問題忙得焦頭爛額之際,又爆發其他的產品研發問題
Suzlon Energy的課題 Suzlon內部研究與技術更新並未跟上客戶需求
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