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Oxford English Module 2 Work and play 4 Art Period 1.

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1 Oxford English Module 2 Work and play 4 Art Period 1

2 subjects Think and say Maths Chinese Music English Art PE Science
Pre-task preparation 1: 活动内容:头脑风暴(Brainstorming) 活动目的:结合已有知识,复习已学词汇;打开思路引出主题 操作方法:教师提问What subjects do you know? 学生讨论。 PE Science 2

3 Look and guess The students are going to an art museum tomorrow.
Pre-task preparation 2: 活动内容:看图猜猜 活动目的:引出课文内容 操作方法:教师提问,学生回答。 T: What lesson are they having? The students are going to an art museum tomorrow. 3 3

4 What can we see in an art museum?
Ask and answer What can we see in an art museum? Pre-task preparation 3: 活动内容:问答 活动目的:引出课文内容 操作方法:教师提出问题,学生讨论,然后回答。 art museum

5 In an art museum painting sculpture Pre-task preparation 4 : 活动内容:看图说说
操作方法:学生看图,教师出示单词并讲解。 T: In an art museum, we can see paintings and sculptures. painting sculpture 5 5

6 Read aloud While-task procedure 1: 活动内容:朗读 活动目的:了解课文背景 操作方法:教师出示句子,学生朗读。 The students are going to an art museum tomorrow. Miss Wang is telling them about some paintings. 6 6

7 Listen and answer 1. Which painting does Kitty like? Why?
While-task procedure 5: 活动内容:听录音,回答问题 活动目的:理解对话意思,并对两种不同的画有初步的了解。 操作方法:听对话,请个别学生回答问题。 She likes the one on the left because she likes the colours. 7 7

8 Listen and answer 2. What do you know about the paintings on the left?
The painting on the left is an oil painting. It’s colourful. 8 8

9 Tip 油画(an oil painting, a painting in oils) 是以用快干性的植物油调和颜料。在画布亚麻布纸板或木板上进行制作的一个画种。画面所附着的颜料有较强的硬度,当画面干燥后,能长期保持光泽。凭借颜料的遮盖力和透明性能较充分地表现描绘对象,色彩丰富,立体质感强。油画是西洋画的主要画种之一。 9 9

10 Listen and answer 3. What do you know about the painting on the right?
It’s a Chinese ink painting. It’s usually in black and white. 10 10

11 Tip Chinese ink painting 国画(宣画):即用颜料在宣纸、宣娟上的绘画,是东方艺术的主要形式。国画,又称“中国画”,古时称为丹青。我国传统绘画(区别于“西洋画”)。主要指以毛笔、墨、国画颜料等画在娟、宣纸、帛上并加以装裱的卷轴画。题材可分人物、山水、花鸟等,技法可分工笔和写意。 11 11

12 Listen and answer 4. Which painting does Joe like? Why?
He likes the one on the right because he likes horses. 12 12

13 on the left on the right While-task procedure 6: 活动内容:看图,读词组
活动目的:理解词组含义 操作方法:出示图片,教师领读。 13 13

14 Look. Which bear do you like? Why?
Ask and answer While-task procedure 8: 活动内容:问答 活动目的:操练核心句型 操作方法:看图问答。 Look. Which bear do you like? Why? I like the one … because …

15 Which story do you like? Why? I like the one … because …
Ask and answer Which story do you like? Why? 其他说明:故事分别为:Three little pigs, The ugly duckling。 I like the one … because …

16 Ask and answer Which house do you like? Why? I like the one … because …

17 Choose and say on the left oil painting colourful
While-task procedure 9: 活动内容:看图说话 活动目的:巩固课文内容 操作方法:看图介绍。 T: Look! There are two paintings on the blackboard. One is on the left. The other one is on the right. Now can you choose one and introduce it to your deskmate? on the left oil painting colourful 17 17

18 Choose and say on the right Chinese ink painting black and white 18 18

19 While-task procedure 10:
活动内容:跟录音朗读课文,分角色朗读 活动目的:进一步理解课文,训练语音语调 操作方法:全班跟读课文,然后分角色朗读对话。

20 Role-play Steps: Form groups of 4 (narrator, Miss Wang,
Kitty and Joe). 学生分角色表演对话。 2. Act it out. 20 20

21 Read and learn While-task procedure 11: 活动内容:图片知识补充 活动目的:了解更多文中图片的相关信息 操作方法:教师介绍。 The name of this oil painting is Starry Night. It is a very famous painting by Vincent van Gogh.

22 Read and learn This painting was by Xu Beihong, a very famous Chinese artist. He was good at drawing horses.

23 Discuss and share oil paintings 23 23

24 Discuss and share Chinese ink paintings 24 24

25 Ask and answer Which painting do you like? Why? Post-task activity 2:
活动内容:两人问答 活动目的:运用本课核心句型来表达自己的喜好和理由,并为之后的Make a dialogue做准备 操作方法:同桌两人问答。 Which painting do you like? Why? 25 25

26 Ask and answer Which painting do you like? Why? 26 26

27 Look and say Group 1 Group 2 27 27

28 Show time! 请选择此组图片的学生表演对话。 Group 1 28 28

29 Show time! Group 2 29 29

30 Homework Listen and read Student’s Book page 22.
2. Make a new dialogue. 3. Finish Workbook pages 20 and 22.

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