Mini-SONG & Site testing at Delingha

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Presentation on theme: "Mini-SONG & Site testing at Delingha"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mini-SONG & Site testing at Delingha
Licai Deng SONG & mini-SONG

2 Primary Science Goals Photometry of a sample (defined later) of open clusters basic physical parameters measured in a uniform way; Time domain study of variable objects in selected clusters: long time based line, high cadence and high duty cycle, high precision photometric observations; A complete survey (defined later) of stellar variabilities along the main sequence ( Scu,  Cep &  Dor etc……) in selected open clusters; A complete survey (defined later) of small and large amplitude red variables along the RGBs of selected open clusters; A complete survey (defined later) of eclipsing binaries in selected clusters; Looking for transit of exoplanet systems; Looking for flare type variabilities in selected clusters; Stellar rotation and spots activities; …… Time domain study of selected field areas;


4 Secondary science goals:
Immediate follow-up of the optical after glows of GRBs; Follow-up of SNs found in nearby galaxies; Other generic ToO;

5 Fundamental requirements on hardware
To realize long time base line and cadence, a mini-SONG telescope should be attached to each SONG node, at least in SONG-North; To realize our science goals, (simultaneous) 2 color (SDSS g, r) photometry system is needed; To cover large enough cluster and vicinity area of Galactic open clusters, especially the well studied old populations of clusters, such as M67, NGC188, NGC7789 etc., a minimum of 40’x40’ FOV is needed; To reach the lower limit of -Scuti strip of typical open clusters, and to have them observed at 100 level S/N, and 1mm accuracy at a ~300s exposure, a minimum aperture of 50cm is needed (to be determined); To get an ideal sampling, 4kx4k CCD(s) is needed;


7 Basics of the survey: The sample of clusters are defined in such a way that the size (dynamical radius) ranges in 10’-30’ (to be determined), and the lower limit of -Scuti strip locates at 19m (if exist, for old clusters) or 5m below the MSTO are covered; A pilot general survey for pre-selected sample of clusters, measure the basic physical parameters; Differential photometry will be adopted though out the project, however, calibration should be done from time to time during the survey; The number of clusters eventually to be observed are similar to the number of SONG program stars, so that the cadence and duty cycle keep the same as the SONG;

8 Criteria for target selection
cluster with well determined parameters; cluster with -Scuti members; clusters with populated RGB; clusters with populated HB (RCG); richness in binaries; number of member stars; density of member stars in cluster core (for transit); etc ……

9 大气视宁度测量的两种方法 DIMM: SBIG视宁度仪: 望远镜口径较小; 不受跟踪误差影响; 测量结果有效性高;
以北极星为目标星,无需跟踪; 拖影,CCD单行向下读出; 仪器小巧,自动化程度高; 可实现长期连续监测,取得大量视宁度资料; 实测表明:易受风力影响;

10 德令哈SBIG seeing统计 2010年2月~3月,总数 1168 平均值1.6,权重值1.2 FWHM<1的占 24%
SBIG视宁度仪可以测到小于1 arcsec的seeing值。

11 对比观测概况 2010年3月在青海紫金山天文台德令哈观测站进行了为期一周的对比观测; SBIG视宁度仪与DIMM同时对北极星观测;
取得3个夜晚,871组有效DIMM视宁度数据,662组有效SBIG视宁度数据。 设备参数: SBIG视宁度仪参数 镜头口径 28mm 镜头焦距 150mm 焦比 F5.3 CCD ST-402ME 视场 2.7°x1.6° 曝光 TDI 5ms读出 DIMM参数 望远镜口径 250mm 望远镜焦比 F10 子孔径 50mm 子孔间距 200mm CCD pixel scale 7.4x7.4µm 空间分辨率 0.61 arcsec/pixel

12 DIMM配置

13 观测数据 系统差约为1 arcsec 北极星附近始终有云,风力稍大。

14 观测数据 系统差约为2 有薄云,风力较小

15 观测数据 系统差约为1.8 整夜有薄云,风力不大,前半夜有月亮

16 德令哈视宁度对比观测结果

17 SBIG受风力影响 2007年4月于河北兴隆观测站测得SBIG seeing与风力数据 Seeing与风速正相关; 风向也有相关性

18 SBIG与DIMM的比较初步结论 DIMM seeing与SBIG seeing有一定相关性 SBIG视宁度仪可估计视宁度好坏
趋势一致; 需要考察云和风影响; SBIG视宁度仪可估计视宁度好坏 测量值偏大; 可以测到小于1的seeing数据,尚需进一步校验精度; SBIG更易受到风速的影响; SBIG seeing与风速正相关; SBIG视宁度仪对云层遮蔽更敏感 SBIG视宁度仪口径较小;

19 谢 谢!

20 2007年4月24日DIMM和SBIG视宁度仪 夜间大气视宁度比较观测

21 2007年4月25日DIMM和SBIG视宁度仪 夜间大气视宁度比较观测

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