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專利分析與競爭情報 陳省三博士 04-24-2008.

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Presentation on theme: "專利分析與競爭情報 陳省三博士 04-24-2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 專利分析與競爭情報 陳省三博士

2 企業競爭情報需求

3 What is Competitive Intelligence?
Competitive Intelligence is processed information about your business environment that enables more informed decision-making by identifying threats, developments and opportunities.

4 What is Competitive Intelligence?
Information that has been analyzed to the point where you can make a decision. A tool to alert management to early warning of both threats and opportunities. A means to deliver reasonable assessments. Comes in many flavors. A way for companies to improve their bottom line. A way of life, a process. Part of all best-in-class companies. Directed from the executive suite. Seeing outside yourself. Both short- and long-term. What Competitive Intelligence Is and Is Not, Leonard Fuld,

5 Components of CI Network
Purchasing Customer Service Production Management Research & Development Secretaries M & A YOU Investor Relations Legal Corporate Communications Exec. & Senior Management Sales Marketing

6 競爭情報 促成競爭情報發展因素 產業需求競爭情報 全球化激烈競爭 知識爆炸性累積 資訊科技快速發展 冷戰結束 分析對手 監測環境 市場預警
策略制定 產品開發 資訊安全

7 競爭情報_重要性 日本探察大慶油田開發情報 日本做法 1959年石油勘探隊在中國東北找到“大慶”油田。
人民日報登載了文章,肯定了中國有大油田,但對大慶油田的詳細資訊保密。 日本出於戰略上的需要,非常重視中國石油的發展,日本人開始“找大慶油田” 日本做法 監聽廣播,有8名監聽人員晝夜24小時監聽和收錄中國中央及地方電臺廣播節目 收集有關“大慶”的報導 日本的商社和金融機構在中國境內已發展到近千家,遍佈中國大中城市

8 競爭情報_重要性 競爭情報分析案例 照片:工人才必須戴大狗皮帽和穿厚棉被 在北緯46度至48度的區域內(中國東北北部)
照片:煉油廠+油井+手柄 推算出油井的直徑 照片:煉油廠遠景 推算油井之間的距離和密度 報導:鑽井機是人推、肩扛弄到現場 推斷此油田靠車站不遠 報導:提到馬家窯這個地名且最早鑽井是在北安附近 推斷此油田可能的區域 報導:提到有820口井出油 推斷油產量 測量了運送原油火車上灰土的顏色和厚度 推算油田和北京之間的位置、距離 判定大慶油田位置在中國黑龍江海倫縣東南馬家窯的安達車站附近,“馬家窯是大慶油田的北端,即北起海倫的慶安,西南穿過哈爾濱與齊齊哈爾之間的安達附近,……,南北四百公里的範圍。”,煉油廠加工原油能力約為100萬噸 。

9 競爭情報_重要性 競爭情報研判:當時大慶油田年產量約為360 萬噸 ,估計到1971年大慶年產量可增至1200萬噸,中國在近幾年中必然會感到煉油設備不足。 日本某重工財團集中有關專家和人員,依據所獲競爭情報,全面設計出適合中國大慶油田的採油設備。 以後中國政府向世界市場尋求石油開採設備,日本某重工集團以最快的速度和最符合中國所要求獲得中國巨額訂貨。

10 競爭情報 競爭情報分析 目的在贏和保持優勢 競爭對手、競爭環境及企業自身的資訊 進行合法地採集、選擇、評價、分析和綜合
並對其發展趨勢作出預測 為企業的戰略和戰術決策提供依據的智慧化活動過程

11 Patinformatics

12 Patinformatics The science of analyzing patent information to discover relationships and trends, which would be difficult to see when working with patent documents on a one-on-one basis. The term encompasses all forms of analyzing patent information.

13 Patinformatics Definitions Patent Intelligence
Patent Citation Analysis Patent Mapping Linear Patent Analysis

14 Patinformatics Patent Intelligence: the use of patent information to identify the technical capabilities of an organization and the use of that intelligence to develop a strategy for strategic technical planning.

15 Patinformatics Patent Mapping: sometimes described as white space mapping, which use published patent data to create a graphical or physical representation of the relevant art pertaining to a particular subject area or novel invention.

16 Patinformatics Patent Citation Analysis: the study of patent citations for potentially determining a patent’s value or, perhaps more reliably, the identification of potential licensing partners or leads based on the citation of an organization’s patents by another company in the same or a completely different market space.

17 Patinformatics Linear Patent Analysis:
* Create a tool kit of patinformatics tools. * Understand the need behind the need. * The need drives the question. * The question drives the data. * The data drives the tool.

18 Case Study : PLC-Power Line Communication

19 電力線通訊簡介 電力線通訊? 通訊網路的構成 Power Line Communication ,PLC
利用現有電力線,將數據或資訊以數位訊號處理方法進行傳輸 通訊網路的構成 骨幹網路 最後一哩-電力線為現存網路,已分布到每一電力用戶,可成為通訊網路中「最後一哩」應用選擇之一

20 電力線通訊簡介-通訊網路系統示意圖 電力系統 通訊網路 骨幹網路 最後一哩

21 研究流程 IPR-BS2C

22 PATENT MAP─技術週期圖


24 PATENT MAP─競爭國家IPC分類三階

25 PATENT MAP─競爭國家IPC分類四階

26 PATENT MAP─競爭國家IPC分類五階


28 PATENT MAP─IPC(一) IPC Code Item Count % H04B 3/54 64 29.4 % H→電學

29 PATENT MAP─IPC(二) IPC Code Item Count % H04M 11/04 25 11.5 % H→電學

30 PATENT MAP─IPC(三) IPC Code Item Count % H04B 3/56 20 9.1 % H→電學


32 PATENT MAP─UPC(一) U.S. Class Item Count % 340/310.01 15 22.1 %
340/310.01    % 340→Communication,Electrical 340/310.01→Signal over power line           

33 PATENT MAP─UPC(二) U.S. Class Item Count % 340/310.07 6 8.8 %
340/310.07  %  340→Communication,Electrical 340/310.07→With inductive coupling

34 PATENT MAP─UPC(三) U.S. Class Item Count % 340/310.02 4 5.8 %
340/   %  340→Communication,Electrical 340/310.02→Modulation technique       

35 PATENT MAP─競爭公司IPC分類三階

36 PATENT MAP─競爭公司IPC分類四階

37 PATENT MAP─競爭公司IPC分類五階

38 市場分析方法 篩選搜索引擎: Google、AltaVista、AskJeeves 。。。
本小組的研究方法採取以入口網站、蒐尋引擎及資料庫檢索等市場研究工具作交互比對分析。 篩選搜索引擎: Google、AltaVista、AskJeeves 。。。 專業顧問公司:International Business Strategies、Information Gatekeepers、 CRN (Cooperative Research Network) 入口網站:ARRL、。。。 專業資料庫: Dialog Profound、Goldfire 。。。 專業公司資訊網站: Hoover’s 、D & B 。。。 篩選搜索引擎 篩選入口網站及專業顧問公司 專業資料庫檢索 篩選市場分析報告及網站內容 檢索特定公司(領導廠商) 競爭情報分析

39 ©2004 Google - Searching 4,285,199,774 web pages
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40 Web Images Groups News FroogleNew! more » Web
                                          Web    Images    Groups    News    FroogleNew!    more »   Advanced Search   Preferences      Web  Results of about 2,490 for "power line communication"“portal OR gateway OR association". (0.70 seconds)  ARRLWeb: Broadband Over Power Line (BPL) and Amateur Radio Sponsored Links ... of IPv6, QoS and other advanced services over Power Line Communication networks. ... Power Line Communications Association (PLCA) Internet: k - 25 May Cached - Similar pages Powerline Communications Reliable, Robust and Field-Proven 20 Years in Powerline Communication - Home Networking ... Domosys - A provider of power line communication technology to the ... gateway solution and home gateway software. ... Alliance (HomePNA) - An association of companies ... - 8k - 25 May Cached - Similar pages See your message here... 6POWER: IPv6, QoS & Power Line Integration ... of IPv6, QoS and other advanced services over Power Line Communication networks ... 6POWER presented to the Austrian Association of Electricity Utilities ( k - Cached - Similar pages *** PLC forum *** - [ Translate this page ] Il forum di riferimento italiano dedicato al PLC ed automazione industriale. ... Il forum di discussione su PLC ed automazione industriale tutto ITALIANO k - Cached - Similar pages InfoWorld: EU launches power line Net initiative: February NEWS, EU launches power line Net initiative Commission's OPERA project aimed at encouraging competition in broadband market By John Similar pages

41 Contact Other Information FCC Information
FCC Information Applicable rules about BPL FCC letters to electric utility companies FCC Notice of Inquiry (NOI) on BPL Amateur Radio news releases about FCC NOI ARRL "RFI-Electrical" web pages How to File Comments with the FCC Contact FCC BPL/PLC Deployment and Field Trials -- Worldwide links Contact Contact ARRL Contact Other IARU Amateur Radio Organizations Contact BPL and Electric Utility Organizations Contact FCC Other Information Information About Amateur Radio Information About ARRL Links to BPL Organizations Links to BPL Manufacturers If You Can't Read the .PDF Files on This Page or CD... Return to "Quick Links" Section of This Document

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45 Power line communication


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59 Hoover’s—Ambient Corporation

60 市場及商業模式

61 Broadband Pricing Competition
Cable→$50 ↑/month DSL→$35/ month ; 西班牙45歐元/month Satellite→$40/month BPL→ 美國Manassas市$29.95/month(實際營運成本$35,市營電力公司十年合約$450萬) 美國Cinergy公司 3Mbps,$39.95/month;1Mbps,$29.95/month;Free Modem 英國Scottish and Southern Energy公司 1Mbps,₤30/month 西班牙Iberdrola公司,雙向600kbps,39歐元/month;雙向100kbps, 24歐元/month。”讓你的網路像光速一樣快”

62 台灣寬頻網路使用率 ‧2004年1月底止,台灣地區上網人口已達1264萬人,上網率達 61.01% ‧其中寬頻網路使用人數達903萬
‧行政院「2008年數位化台灣(e-Taiwan)計劃」之「寬頻到府600萬戶」 ─目前達成率五成一(51.15%)家庭使用寬頻上網,用戶數約330萬戶 Source:TWTNIC

63 European PLC Market Segment
類能源服務(Near Energy Services)-- 遠距抄錶(Remote Metering) 遠距計費(Remote Billing) 需求面管理(Demand Side Response) 配電系統自動化(Distribution Automation) 遠端控制供電(Remote Control of Supply) 電信服務(Telecommunication Services )-- 內容(Content) 無聲商務(Silent Commerce) In-home Application-- 根據Cahners In-State Group針對美國消費者安裝家用 網路原因調查數據可以得知,網路資源及資料共享佔71%, 由此可知In-home Application市場也是PLC主要市場所在。 Source: PALAS, 2001

64 European Baseline Set of PLC services
Telephony -- 語音(Voice) Person to Person-市內電話(Residential call)、Business call、 Emergency service call Person to pre-recorded data-Public information-氣象預報、 Tide-tables、路況報導、娛樂資訊、體育報導、旅遊資訊、購物資 訊、投票結果… Pre-recorded data to person-政策宣導、警報系統 客服服務-除一般傳統的電話客服項目外(p.28),PLC還能提供多方 通話(Multiway calling)、視訊會議、網路客服、遠距教學及其它商 務上之應用。 傳真服務-收發影像傳真(Fax image transmission)、影像廣播 (Image broadcasting)、Optically encoded data images Source: PALAS, 2001

65 Telemetry and utility related services–
Residential and SOHO telemetry services Power utility related services 網路交換系統(Network switching) 網路監控 故障診斷(Fault diagnosis) 需求面管理 遠端負載控制 費率轉換(Tariff switching) 自動讀錶 (AMR)

66 Summary : The Potential of PLC Services
Broadband Communication Services -- Telephony IP data services Large-scale mobile communications IP media content delivery Internet in-home and building management services– Ranging from automatic energy and building management Security application Health and elderly care Communication and at-a-distance applications E-Utility energy value chain operations Source: PALAS, 2001

67 European PLC Business Model 1
First Model:第一種營運策略為電力公司經由PLC系統販售頻寬,以瑞典為例,75%以上電力公司擁有自己的光纖網路 ,並經由這些光纖網路配合PLC系統,提供消費者所需 的頻寬。 Second Model:第二種營運策略係針對發展多角化服務 電力公司所設計,主要訴求為在電力公司獲利許可範圍內,提供優惠的價格並搭配其他加值服務以吸引消費者 Source: PALAS, 2001

68 European PLC Business Model 2
Third Model:第三種營業模式為電力公司成立獨立之寬頻服務公司,可以子 公司的形式或與其他業者合資方式成立。 技術層面 商業流程(Business Process) 行銷(Marking) 業務銷售(Sales) 2000年ONELINE電力公司已實施這個營運模

69 Differentiation factors in the supply market
Source: PALAS, 2001

70 <台灣電力公司所扮演的角色>
TPC 饋線出租 Solution 1 ISP業者 Chipset Transmission PLC Products Modem Coupler Repeater DS2 Ascom Interon 顧問 System analysis Solution 2 固網業者 community Customers Business building

網路加值服務供應商 ICP網路內容服務供應者 ASP應用服務供應者 DS2、ASCOM、INTELLON ITRAN‧‧‧ 晶片局端 設備供應商 配電饋線 網路服務業者 ISP SALES 網路末端接取設備供應商 MARKETING 資訊/家電/通訊設備供應商 CUSTOMER CARE Community 固網業者 ISP業者 Business building Customers

72       競爭要素 產業價值鏈 成本 品質 服務 實體網路建構者PLC 能以最經濟成本建設,使網路建設成本最低,使消費者能以最便直的使用成本享受寬頻網路。 網路品質穩定故障排除易,且網管能夠隨時監控網路狀況,以便及時處理。降低消費者使用疑慮。 涵蓋區域能廣泛包含可能消費區域,使消費者能方便獲得寬頻網路服務,不論其身處何處。 網路服務供者ISP 費率合理化;能提供消費者不同等級收費標準,不論是「重度上網者」、「企業用戶」、或者是「原撥接用戶-輕度上網者」都能有吸引人的費率結構。 有廣泛及高品質的網站內容,如遠距教學、遠距醫療、線上電玩遊戲、家庭保全,保全服務,互動式隨選視訊;使消費者能被吸引上網,選取所要的服務。 提供差異化的附加價值服務如電信服務VoIP,e-Business,證券網路查尋及下單交易,金融轉帳繳費。 多營業據點,方便消費各項服務申請及疑惑解答,(尤其初期推廣期間)。 與各金融機構合作解決金融流動安全及方便間題。 完善帳務系統,使網路上各式帳務問題能透過統一帳務系統解決。 網路內容服務供應者ICP 合理低廉的收費 提供適合寬頻特性網硌內容,如影像式互動式,吸引消費者上網。 差異化網路內容,使網站能在浩瀚的網址中獨特顯現。 與各寬頻ISP合作提供豐富的網站內容。 即時快速卡位趁寬頻尚在起步階段,先建立知名度,使消費者能安心連線使用。 網路末端接取設備供應商 經濟規模製造,降低成本。 取得認證機構認證(PLC Modem)。 採用標準界面IC。 零售通路的擴展唯有降低價格,擴展行銷通路,讓消費者多樣化、多通路的上架選擇,才能創造需求。 資訊/家電/通訊設備供應商 網路化的功能引進,將有助於家庭提早汰換家用設備,達到規模經濟的要求,降低成本 決定家庭網路共同標準,才能因連網的必要性趨動下,重新塑造新的機能,提升產品附加價值創造更大的商機。 提供能接取寬頻網路界面的設備,如IEEE1394界面,HAVi標準的家電產品。

73 Enterprise Operations
Network Management Services—offering a cost-effective, remote network management solution Strategy Management Combine the critical research and analysis with your goals and objectives to form a comprehensive business case and project roadmap Business and Technology Intelligence Providing accurate and comprehensive Intelligence related to BPL technology, regulatory, business, and competition Tailoring a package of services to support initiatives and help to meet customer’s needs Consulting Infrastructure, Capabilities, Finances Building a BPL Infrastructure Providing utilities with support for the full spectrum of activities necessary to construct a BPL infrastructure BPL Network Integration and Single-Source Integrations Solutions Implement engineering strategies to ensure a robust, BPL-based networks is delivered to clients

74 OPERA--Open PLC European Research Alliance(2004~2007)
OPERA認為PLC可以提供: ISP, E-Commerce, and E-banking Smart House Application Surveillance System Health Care Services Online Reading of Utilities Meters OPERA最重要目標: “Broadband for ALL” “An Information Society for ALL”

75 Deliverable No. Deliverable Name Delivery Date
Initial paper on the Project and plans January 2004 D101 Project Presentation D85 Web site March 2004 D86 Newsletter D45 Specification of PLC system requirements April 2004 D48 Specification of common MIB for all PLC equipment D52 Specification for EMC measurements to be performed D57 Specification of interfaces between home automation and PLC and between AMR and PLC June 2004 D100 IPR report containing:- Rules for the access rights to the pre-existing know-how and knowledge of the OPERA Project- The features of the protection that must be applied to the knowledge (if it is going to be patented, in what countries, etc.)- The knowledge to be disseminate D51 Specification of requirements of PLC equipment July 2004 D29 Report on the design of the PLC MIB August 2004 D2 Report of installation process of : - MV couplers - LV couplers - Filters and line conditioning devices September 2004

76 White paper "AMR" Report of channel measurement campaigns
D3 Report of channel measurement campaigns September 2004 D10 Reference guide on optimisation of PLC access network and their connection to the backbone network D11 Reference guide on implementation, installation, management and operation of PLC distribution networks D50 Specification of standard interfaces October 2004 D63 Report of new business model containing:- Description of new business models and   opportunities- Market applicability and acceptability survey D13 Report on the requirements and specifications for the integrated communication systems: PLC MV - LAN and PLC MV - PLC LV December 2004 D14 Report of MV backbone system D41 White paper "AMR" December 2004 D18 Specification for a coexistence mechanism (access /in-home PLC) February 2005 D4 Theoretical postulation of PLC channel model March 2005 D5 Report of Path loss as a function of frequency, distance and network topology for various low voltage / medium voltage European power-line networks D12 Interface Specification for PLC access and distribution networks D16 Reference guide for the selection of PLC distribution network technology D38 White paper "PLC tele-surveillance system" D68 Marketing white paper containing:- Chapter on sales channels- Chapter on market access tools and methods- Chapter on marketing intelligence-   Chapter on positioning in the market May 2005 D15 Recommendations for implementing satellite / LMDS access to PLC systems June 2005

77 White paper "VoIP over PLC"
D19 Full Simulation of the proposed coexistence mechanism solution June 2005 D39 White paper "E-health" D44 Report on presenting the architecture of PLC system, the electricity network topologies, the operating modes and the equipment over which PLC access system will be installed July 2005 D8 Report of EMC aspects over PLC technology August 2005 D36 White paper "VoIP over PLC" D42 White paper "Smart homes" D53 Report on disturbance voltage measurement method September 2005 D54 Report on radiation D55 Report on immunity D9 Certified components for field trial December 2005 D25 Report on the conclusions of Field Test and Implementation Solutions for:- NMS- Plug coverage- Backbone integration- Integration with satellite- Coexistence access / in-home- Services D35 White paper "Internet over PLC" December 2005 D37 White paper "Video services over PLC" D40 Specification of the Industrial Automation PLC services D43 White paper on providing traditional telecommunication services over PLC networks D56 Specifications for PLC type approval testing December 2005 D58 Report on the progress of PLC standardisation

78 Final plan for using and disseminating knowledge
Deliverables update to transform them to proposal documents (final drafts) for the standardisation bodies December 2005 D60 Report on the migration from existing rolled out PLC implementations D87 Technical papers December 2005 D88 Business papers D89 Reports and presentations about relevant results related to regulatory issues D90 Report of results about the Project D91 Road shows December 2005 D92 Technical visits D93 Participation in fairs D94 Participation in Conferences D95 Workshops D96 Theme parties D97 Training programmes D98 Press releases D99 Report on raising public participation and awareness D102 Report on the implementation of the gender action plan D103 Final plan for using and disseminating knowledge

79 具有PLC專利之製造商 Matsushita Phoenix Broadband Siemens Mitsubishi Sumitomo

80 具有PLC專利之系統整合商 Ambient
◎晶片製造商(Design House)在專利方面著墨不深,多以其它智財策略(如著作權、積體電路佈局)代替專利保護。

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