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啊!聖善夜 衆星照耀極光明 今夜良辰 親愛救 主降生

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Presentation on theme: "啊!聖善夜 衆星照耀極光明 今夜良辰 親愛救 主降生"— Presentation transcript:

1 啊!聖善夜 衆星照耀極光明 今夜良辰 親愛救 主降生
啊!聖善夜 O Holy Night 啊!聖善夜 衆星照耀極光明 今夜良辰 親愛救 主降生 O ho-ly night! The stars are bright-ly shin-ing -- It is the night of the dear Sav-ior’s birth 1/12 教會聖詩#139

2 世人沈淪 全地已罪惡貫盈 直到主來 靈魂自覺奇珍
直到主來 靈魂自覺奇珍 Long lay the world in sin and dark-ness Pin-ing – Till He ap-peared Gift of in-fi-nite worth 2/12

3 道成肉身 降臨到 人世間 Be-hold the Babe in Yon-der man-ger low-ly
3/12 聖嬰耶穌 卑微馬棚裏安歇 道成肉身 降臨到 人世間 Be-hold the Babe in Yon-der man-ger low-ly ’Tis God’s own Son come Down in hu-man form

4 恭敬崇拜 至高聖潔的救主 啊!聖善夜 聖夜 基督降生 啊!聖善夜 聖夜 啊!聖善夜
Fall on your knees be-fore the Lord most ho-ly O night di-vine O night when Christ was born O night di-vine O night O night di-vine 4/12

5 是神所賜 無限慈愛禮物 With hum-ble hearts we bow in ad-o-ra-tion
2 虔卑俯伏 恭敬崇拜聖嬰孩 是神所賜 無限慈愛禮物 With hum-ble hearts we bow in ad-o-ra-tion Be-fore this Child gift of Gid’s match-less love 5/12

6 賜我救恩 親自為我還罪債 使我將來 與祂永遠同住
6/12 賜我救恩 親自為我還罪債 使我將來 與祂永遠同住 Sent from on high to pur-chase our sal-va-tion That we might dwell with Him ev-er a-bove

7 7/12 何等恩典 榮耀無比的福氣 為救罪人 救主孤單受死 What grace un-told to leave the bliss of glo-ry And die for sin-ners guilt-y and for-lorn

8 恭敬崇拜 高聲傳講主故事 啊!聖善夜 聖夜 基督降生 啊!聖善夜 聖夜 啊!聖善夜
Fall on your kness repeat the won-drous sto-ry O night di-vine O night when Christ was born O night di-vine O night O night di-vine 8/12

9 何等快樂 燦爛光明的日子 祂必再來 榮耀地掌王權
3 何等快樂 燦爛光明的日子 祂必再來 榮耀地掌王權 O day of joy, when in e-ter-nal splen-dor He shall re-turn in His glo-ry to reign 9/12

10 衆口同聲 讚美稱頌主恩賜 祂有權能 全地都當宣傳
10/12 衆口同聲 讚美稱頌主恩賜 祂有權能 全地都當宣傳 When ev-’ry tongue due praise to Him shall ren-der His pow’r and might to all na-tions pro-claim

11 困倦世人 驟獲希望真高興 因為迎接 一榮耀的清晨
11/12 困倦世人 驟獲希望真高興 因為迎接 一榮耀的清晨 A thrill of hope our long-ing heart re-joic-es For soon shall dawn that glad e-ter-nal morn

12 啊!聖善夜 聖夜 基督降生 啊!聖善夜 聖夜 啊!聖善夜
12/12 恭敬崇拜 高唱快樂的詩歌 啊!聖善夜 聖夜 基督降生 啊!聖善夜 聖夜 啊!聖善夜 Fall on your kness with joy lift up your voic-es O night di-vine O night when Christ was born O night di-vine O night O night di-vine

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