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Mainland, Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR Intellectual Property Symposium 2003 December 11-12, 2003 Intellectual Property Training Centre, Beijing 如何利用知識產權促進經濟發展.

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Presentation on theme: "Mainland, Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR Intellectual Property Symposium 2003 December 11-12, 2003 Intellectual Property Training Centre, Beijing 如何利用知識產權促進經濟發展."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mainland, Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR Intellectual Property Symposium December 11-12, 2003 Intellectual Property Training Centre, Beijing 如何利用知識產權促進經濟發展 Intellectual Property Rights as a Tool to Economic Development 許焯權 香港大學文化政策研究中心 Desmond Hui, CCPR, HKU

2 知識產權作為經濟發展及公共政策的考慮,乃透過創意產業的提倡及推廣,英國政府率先在一九九七年將創意產業納入其經濟發展的政策。
IP is on the agenda for economic development and public policy through the promotion of Creative Industries, first formulated as a government policy and strategy by Britain in 1997, where

3 英國政府將創意產業定義為「產業源於個別創意、技術及人才,透過創造及運用知識產權,可帶來財富及就業的潛力。」
Creative Industries were defined as “those industries which have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property.”

4 知識產權的概念令「創意產業」有別於一般的「文化產業」,因為創意得以客觀化及合法化。
The incorporation of the concept of IP also distinguishes the term “Creative Industries” from the general “Cultural Industries” as the qualification of creativity is now objectified and indeed legalized.

5 雖然文化及藝術通常都與創意扯上關係,故此某程度上也和知識產權有關,但其涉及的範圍太廣,在概念上較難清楚界定。
Although culture and the arts are involved primarily with creativity and therefore to some extent with IP, the realm is much wider and therefore not as conceptually clear to be defined.

6 這也是許多人對創意產業誤解的地方:他們認為只將十一至十三項產業界定為創意產業,是否等於說其他產業便沒有創意?
This is also where some detractors of Creative Industries fail to understand the significance of the concept when they speak of the absurdity of identifying only sectors of economic activities as “creative” – as if the rest were not.

7 他們不明白這個界定是基於知識產權所賦予這些產業經濟(或盈利)的權利的保障。
The point of the whole exercise of identification and inclusion, however, is to demarcate the extent of IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) so that the economic rights (or the rights to profit) are protected.

8 英國創意產業包括了13個類別: 廣告、建築、藝術品、古董市場及工藝品市場、設計、時裝設計、電影與錄像、互動消閒軟件、音樂、表演藝術、出版、軟件與電腦服務及電視與電台。
The UK identified 13 sectors under their definition of Creative Industries: advertising, architecture, the art and antiques market, crafts, design, designer fashion, film and video, interactive leisure software, music, the performing arts, publishing, software and computer services, television and radio.

9 與此同時,許多國家也仿效英國發展文化或創意產業 – 其中亞洲國家及地區包括南韓、新加坡及台灣。
At the same time, countries around the world emulate the UK policy to develop their respective cultural/creative industries – e.g. South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan are the notable examples from Asia.

10 香港特區政府二OO二年委託香港大學文化政策研究中心對香港創意產業進行研究,結果於二OO三年九月發表。
HK SAR Government commissioned the Centre for Cultural Policy Research at the University of HK to study the Creative Industries in HK in 2002 and the report was released in September 2003

11 香港創意產業定義為一個經濟活動群組,開拓和利用創意、技術及知識產權以生產並分配具有社會及文化意義的產品與服務,更可望成為一個創造財富和就業的生產系統。
Creative Industries in Hong Kong are defined as “a group of economic activities that exploit and deploy creativity, skill and intellectual property to produce and distribute products and services of social and cultural meaning - a production system through which the potentials of wealth generation and job creation are realized. ”

12 產業分佈圖 - 11個類別 產業類別 分支部門 廣告 廣告公司與機構、公共關係服務、市場研究機構、其它廣告服務 建築
建築設計、境觀設計及結構工程 藝術品、古董及手工藝品 珠寶製造、古董、藝術與工藝品、畫廊、博物館及視覺藝術﹙部分﹚ 設計 設計服務,包括時裝、平面、產品、室內設計及傢俬、鞋類、玩具及產品的設計服務 數碼娛樂 互動消閒軟件﹙遊戲﹚、動畫、教育及娛樂軟件 電影與視像 電影與視像圖案機構、電影製作室、電膠片處理及電影院等 音樂 錄音與製作、音樂表演 表演藝術 表演藝術、現場表演及戲劇娛樂 出版 印刷、出版及有關行業﹙包括漫畫與多媒體出版﹚ 軟件與電子計算 軟件顧問、軟件服務、數據輸入、網頁設計、設計及互聯網應用等 電視與電台 電視與電台製成及有關服務

13 Mapping - 11 sectors of economic activities are included under this definition:
Industry Category Description 1. Advertising Advertising companies and agencies, public relation services, market research companies, advertising services, n.e.c. 2. Architecture Architectural design, architectural design and structural engineering. 3. Art, antiques and crafts Jewellery manufacturing, antiques, works of art and crafts. Galleries, museums, visual arts (partial) 4. Design Designing services (fashion, graphics, products, interior, furniture, toys, shoes, etc.) 5. Digital entertainment Interactive leisure software (games), animation, education and entertainment software, and location-based entertainment (eg: Disneyland) 6. Film and video Motion and video pictures companies, film studios, film processing, and cinemas and movie theatres, etc. 7. Music Music recording and production, musical performance 8. Performing arts Performing arts and theatrical entertainment 9. Publishing Printing, publishing and allied industries (including comics and multimedia publishing) 10. Software and computing Software consultancy and services, data processiong, web design and internet application, etc. 11. Television and radio Television and radio production and related services

14 Results: Economic Values
研究結果: 經濟價值 Results: Economic Values Contribution to GDP in 2001: 3.8% or HK$46.1 billion (decreased from 4.1% of GDP or HK$47.7 billion in 1996) 對2001年生產總值的貢獻: 3.8%或港幣461億元 (比1996年的4.1%或或港幣477億元下調) Growth (-0.7%) in comparison with annual growth of total economy (1%) 比較整體經濟增長 (1%) 與產業增長 (-0.7%)

15 1997至2001年創意產業價值與香港本地生產總值之年度變動
Year-on-year Change in CI’s Value and HK’s GDP, 97-01

16 Comparison with other sectors
與其他經濟部門比較 Comparison with other sectors 2001年不同產業所佔全港生產總值百分比 Share of GDP in 2001 製造業 Manufacturing 5.1 建造業 Construction 4.9 水、電、煤氣 Electricity, Gas & Water 3.3 批發及零售業 Wholesale & Retail 3.7 出入口貿易 Trade (Imports / Exports) 19.5 餐廳及旅館業 Restaurants & hotels 2.9 運输及儲物業 Transports, Storage 8.0 通訊業 Communications 2.6 金融及保險業 Finance & Insurance 12.0 房地產 Real Estate 5.9 商業服務業 Business Services 4.6 社區、社會及個人服務業 Communities, Social & Personal Services 21.9

17 研究結果: 就業人數 Results: Employment
Share of total employment: 5.3% or 170,011 in 2002 (increased from 5% or 153,190 in 1996) 對總就業人數的貢獻: 2001年17萬人或5.3% (比1996年5%或15萬人增加0.3%) Growth (1.8%) in comparison with average annual growth (0.8%) of employment 比較整體就業人數按年增長(0.8%),產業就業人數按年增長(1.8%)增加1%

18 研究結果: 公司數目 Results: Establishment No. of establishments also increased from 25,342 in 1996 to 30,838 in 2002 公司數目由1996年25,342間增至2002年30,838間

19 創意就業人士特徵 I Characteristics of Creative Workforce I 56,199 core workers engaged in 19 occupations of creative production (OCP): 19個創意行業56,199名核心員工當中: generally male-dominated (68%, more than the 56% of overall workforce) 男性居多 (68%, 比總男性就業人口56%高) generally young, half of which fall in the age range between 25-34 年青,半數介乎25至34歲

20 創意就業人士特徵 II Characteristics of Creative Workforce II high educational qualification (64.7% with degrees) 高學歷 (64.7%有大專學位) 94% Creative workers are employees 94%為僱員 Income level is diverse (12% with less than HK$10,000/month, but generally lower than professionals) 收入水平参差 (12%收入少於每月HK$10,000,但一般較專業人士為低)

21 知識產權問題複雜,涉及多個層面如 Issues of IP – a complex problem involving:
保障科技創新、國際合作、立法、執法及資訊自由流通 Protection of technological innovation International cooperation Legislation Law enforcement Free-flow of information

22 若要創意產業能蓬勃及持續發展,認識並保障知識產權是必需的。從九十年代初期至中期香港唱片業的生存,一度受盜版問題嚴重威脅,直至於1998年通過防止盜用版權條例第544條,才受到保障。
The recognition and protection of IPR is essential for the sustainability and prosperity of Creative Industries, e.g. music recording industry in HK from early to mid 1990s was once threatened by piracy, later controlled by Prevention of Copyright Piracy Ordinance, Cap 544 (1998).

23 受盜版和侵權情況影響的包括 IPR infringement affects:
「電影與錄像」、「電視與電台」、「出版」、「軟件」及「品牌貨品」等行業。 Film and video TV and radio Publishing Software Design and branded goods

24 適用於香港的國際知識產權條約: International treatises applicable to HK include:
《保護工業產權巴黎公約》( );《保護文學藝術作品的伯恩公約》 ( );《日內瓦全球版權保護協定》( );《華盛頓專利合作條約》( );《日內瓦公約(關於保護錄音製品制作者防止未經許可複製其錄音製品) 》(1971) Paris Convention ( ) Berne Convention ( ) Geneva Convention ( ) Washington Treaty ( ) Geneva (Phonograms) (1971)

25 適用於香港的國際知識產權條約: International treatises applicable to HK include:
根據世界貿易組織約定,香港乃與貿易有關的知識產權協議﹙TRIPS﹚單獨締約方。 HK is a separate contracting party to “TRIPS” (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Agreement) under WTO.

26 香港有完善的法律體系保障多方面的知識產權 HK has comprehensive legislation
範圍包括商標、專利、外觀設計、版權、集成電腦的布圖設計﹙拓樸圖﹚及植物品種保護。 Trade Marks Patents Designs Copyright Layout Design of IC (integrated circuits) Plant Varieties (with relevant ordinances)

27 負責保護知識產權的相關機構 Government structure and hierarchy in operations and enforcement
工商及科技局、知識產權署及香港海關。 CITB (Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau) IPD (Intellectual Property Department) C&ED (Customs and Excise Department)

28 知識產權註冊制度、平行進口、盜版問題、為侵犯知識產權而需負上的責任、政府項目的知識產權擁有權、本地及地區內香港的知識產權、中國內地市場等。
面對的挑戰 Challenges 知識產權註冊制度、平行進口、盜版問題、為侵犯知識產權而需負上的責任、政府項目的知識產權擁有權、本地及地區內香港的知識產權、中國內地市場等。 Registration of IPR Parallel-Importation Piracy Liability of Infringement of IPR IP Ownership of Government Projects HK’s IP: Local and Regional Mainland China

29 知識產權註冊制度 Registration of IPR
知識產權署負責專利、外觀設計及商標的註冊;漁農自然護理署署長則負責植物品種的註冊;版權及集成電腦的布圖設計則無需註冊。 IPD responsible for registration of patents, designs and trademarks Plant varieties registered with Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Copyright works and IC do not need registration

30 知識產權註冊制度 Registration of IPR
根據香港版權條例,版權無需預先註冊。原創作品一經任何形式﹙如文字、錄音、拍照等﹚記載,便可享有版權保障 (五十年)-這個無需辦理任何正式手續便可自動享有保障的原則和國際條約上的規定是吻合的 (《伯爾尼公約》及《與貿易有關的知識產權協議》 ) 。 In HK, copyright protection does not need registration once the creation is recorded in some form (sound, text or image etc.) and valid for 50 years In line with international treatises such as Berne Convention/TRIPS.

31 知識產權註冊制度 Registration of IPR
香港政府目前並無設立版權註冊處。除外觀設計註冊處、專利註冊處及商標註冊處外,知識產權處亦設立代表個別產業的版權特許機構註冊處,為法例所認可。一般相信,有關產業要有一定數目的版權交易,才能支持特許機構的運作。 HK has no registry for registering copyright work; But has registry for Designs, Patents, Trademarks and Copyright Licensing Bodies. In order for a licensing body to be truly viable, there must be a significant amount of copyright fee transaction for the relevant industry.

32 知識產權註冊制度 Registration of IPR
香港目前有三間版權註冊特許機構,分別是香港作曲家及作詞家協會、香港複印授權協會有限公司及香港版權影印授權協會有限公司。 There are 3 Copyright Licensing Bodies in HK: Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Limited the Hong Kong Copyright Licensing Association Limited the Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society Limited

33 平行進口 Parallel-Importation
根據目前的版權條例,任何人在作品發表首天起計18個月內作入口或平行進口,即屬刑事罪行。在作品發表超過十八個月後平行進口或銷售,雖不會構成刑事責任,但版權持有人可要求民事補救﹙例如禁制令、交出產品及賠償﹚。政府以及部分被訪者認為放寬平行進口限制,能令消費者受惠。然而有部份界別憂慮放寬限制會大大影響產品價格和助長翻版,嚴重打擊創意產業。   Criminal offence to import or sell parallel-import copyrighted products within 18 months of their first publication Civil liabilities after 18 months Lifting of parallel importation restriction might be beneficial to consumers but Could be difficult for local copyright owners and especially SMEs

34 平行進口 Parallel-Importation
工商及科技局與知識產權署經常就管制平行進口的問題和業界交換意見。局方和署方認為目前的規定和2001年對版權條例的修訂放寬了一些限制,這樣一方面能在鼓勵創意及保障知識產權間取得平衡;另一方面則透過放寬平行進口提高消費者利益。 Current restriction and liberalization under the Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2001 (passed in July 2003) struck an acceptable balance between encouragement of creativity and protection of IP and enhancement of consumer interest

35 盜版問題 Piracy 有了1998年頒布的防止盜用版權條例,加上海關嚴密執法,香港在某些特定的範疇中,打擊盜版已初見成效。例如:盜版唱片的市場比例從2000年的25至50%下降至2001年的10至25%。香港乃全球最先實施生產光碟發牌制度的其中一個地區,此政策要求製造每一光碟必須印上製造商編碼。 Prevention of Copyright Piracy Ordinance (enacted in 1998) Strong enforcement by C&ED Piracy in music industry dropped from 25-50% in 2000 to 10-25% in 2001 HK is one of the first places in the world to implement the licensing policy – optical discs marked with the manufacturer’s code

36 盜版問題 Piracy Piracy problems often complicated by: Liability
法律責任問題﹙如:一般消費者在家中使用侵權產品要不要負上法律責任?應該涉及刑事還是民事制裁等﹚、執法成效、在香港司法管轄範圍外版權被侵犯及在市場不完全開放的地區被侵權的情況都令侵權問題變得更複雜。 Piracy problems often complicated by: Liability Law Enforcement Outside of HK’s jurisdiction Markets not fully open to HK

37 為侵犯知識產權而需負上的責任 Liability of Infringement of IPR
除欺詐使用商標須負上刑事責任外,由2001年起,凡使用盜版電影、電視劇集、音樂唱片以及電腦程式作商業用途均屬刑事罪行。然而,將在家中使用侵權物品列為刑事罪行的建議依然備受爭議。 Since 2001, criminal offence to use pirated movies, TV dramas, music recordings and computer programmes in business Criminal sanction for domestic copyright infringement remains debatable (problems include disturbance of privacy during investigation, circulation and distribution of information etc.)

38 為侵犯知識產權而需負上的責任 Liability of Infringement of IPR
政府正草擬法例將未經授權接收收費電視作商業用途列為刑事罪行(廣播(修訂)議案2003 );可是消費者在家中使用未獲授權的解碼器則只需負上民事責任(英國、加拿大都將此等非法行為列為刑事罪行)。香港政府認為,在使用科技手段(如將收費電視數碼化)仍未能遏止非法收看收費電視節目的情況下,政府才會將之刑事化。 Criminal offence for unauthorized pay-TV reception for commercial purpose (being legislated – Broadcasting (Amendment) Bill, 2003) but Civil liability only for domestic users (criminal for UK and Canada) Government position: introduce end-user criminal liability only when unauthorized viewing cannot be stopped by technological means (such as digitization of pay-TV services)

39 政府項目的知識產權擁有權 IP Ownership of Government Projects
部分政府項目需要保密,但不應以知識產權的擁有權作為保密的手段。發展商因失去知識產權的擁有權而未能將產品轉售,而政府作為知識產權持有人又往往不會再加以利用,以致知識產權未能被充分開發。 IP ownership should not be used as a means to preserve secrecy Government should relax the IP ownership to encourage more economic opportunities for the project developers

40 本地及地區內香港的知識產權 HK’s IP: Local and Regional
本地知識產權的立法和執法並不能令部分以出口為主的創意產業得益。有業內人士曾經見過有冒牌仿製貨品在香港以外的地方製造,然後再輸入香港並展示於香港的展銷會。政府可以提高保障香港知識產權的姿態,例如在對外貿易談判中,提升有關知識產權問題的優先次序。其它建議包括:將侵犯香港知識產權的地區列入黑名單、透過香港經濟貿易辦事處協助解決有關知識產權問題、與外地政府雙邊確認知識產權認證等。 Protection of HK IPRs overseas Government to help in bilateral recognition of IP certifications with other governments; prioritize IP issues in external trade talks

41 中國內地市場 Mainland China 目前內地政府嚴格限制版權產品(如唱片、圖書、電影及電視節目)的直接進口。在珠江三角洲的多個有線電視台都盜用香港免費電視節目的訊號,並加插當地的廣告以獲取收入。香港的電視經營者要取得全面的正式落地權還有很多的困難和不明朗因素。 Tight restriction on media related industries to enter the Mainland market Difficulties for certain industries such as TV operators: signals of terrestrial TV channels from HK being broadcasted in the PRD regions by local stations with commercials replaced Uncertainties in obtaining proper and comprehensive landing rights Impact from WTO?

42 音樂產業例子 Example of Music Industry
版權保障了作曲、填詞、錄音、影像 Copyright protection on Melodies Lyrics Sound recordings Music Videos

43 違反音樂版權的刑事罪行 Music Copyright Criminal Offences
盜版(如販賣盜版光碟): 最高可罰款港幣五萬及入獄四年 製造及販賣用以進行盜版器材:最高可罰款港幣五十萬及入獄八年 Copyright piracy (e.g. selling pirated CDs) maximum fine of HK$50,000 per infringing copy + 4 years imprisonment.  Making and selling of equipment for copyright piracy fine of HK$500, years imprisonment

44 音樂版權的受管制行為 Music Copyright Restricted Acts
表演權利 “Performing” Rights 在公共場所表演 To perform, show or play the work in public 廣播 To broadcast the work or include it in a cable programme service 發放公眾(如以互聯網) To make available copies of the work to the public (e.g. over the Internet) 器械權利 “Mechanical” Rights 抄製 To copy the work 其他權利 Other Rights 公開發表 To issue copies of the work to the public 稍以修改 To make an adaptation of the work

45 音樂版權的行政管理 Music Copyright Administration
Works 器械團體/出版者Mechanical Society / Individual Music Publishers 表演團體Performing Society (e.g. CASH) 作曲及填詞Melodies & Lyrics 唱片公司社團Record Companies’ association (e.g. ifpi) 灌錄及影像Sound Recordings & Music Videos 唱片公司Individual Record Companies 管制行為Restricted Acts 器械權利“Mechanical” Rights 表演權利“Performing” Rights

46 亞太區主要有關音樂版權的表演團體 Key Performing Societies in Asia Pacific
國家Country 團體 Performing Society China Music Copyright Society of China (MCSC) Australasia Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA) Japan Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) Korea Korea Music Copyright Association (KOMCA) Hong Kong Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH)

47 亞太區主要有關音樂版權的器械團體 Key Mechanical Societies in Asia Pacific
Country Mechanical Society Japan Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) Australasia Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society (AMCOS) Korea Korea Music Copyright Association (KOMCA)

48 有關音樂版權的團體管理 Key Music Copyrights Administered by Societies
管理權利 Rights administered in details 表演團體 Performing Society 公共表演 Public performance 廣播 Broadcast 有線發放 Cable diffusion 以互聯網發放 Making available over Internet 器械團體 Mechanical Society 抄製 Copying 光碟 CD production 電視 TV production 電影 Film making

49 集中管理音樂版權的優點 Merits of Collective Music Copyright Administration
符合經濟效益 Resources and means for a one-stop and cost efficient service to both creators and users 國際網絡 International coverage 統一牌照 Blanket licensing arrangement 創作人專心工作 Creators to concentrate on creative activities 用者免卻麻煩 Users to save the hassle of going to individual right owners and to avoid diverse fee rates

50 版權費的分發 Royalty Distribution
目的非為收取 Not for the sake of collection 乃為分發 But for the sake of distribution 正確、公平、及經濟 Accuracy, equitability & economy 財務收益激發創意 Financial returns propel creativity

51 亞太地區收益超過十億美元 Asia Pacific 2002: total royalty income for melodies and lyrics over US$1 billion
國家Country 組織 Society 版權收入 Annual Royalty Income 2002 (US$) Japan JASRAC $884.6 million Australasia APRA/AMCOS $79.7 million Korea KOMCA $32.6 million Hong Kong CASH $15.4 million China MCSC $2.3 million

52 數碼權利管理 Digital Rights Management (DRM)
美國電影產業 the US movie industry: In 1974 – 收入二十億美元 Revenues: 2 billion 全由電影院 Channels: ALL through movie theaters After 25 years… In 1999 – 收入三百三十億美元 Revenues: 33 billion Channels: (80%) 新媒介 new distribution channels such as pay TV, video and TV (20%) 電影院 Movie theatres

53 例子 Melodies and Memories Global Ltd (http://www. m-m-g
日本電通公司成立數碼權利管理公司 Dentsu of Japan formed MMG in 2001 to provide standardized, comprehensive management system for digital content rights 音調 ‘Melodies’ – a system for managing music copyrights and permission data 記憶 ‘Memories’ – an expanded version for application to all types of contents 建立共同語言管理亞洲在內容上的數碼權利,並在香港及南韓成立分公司 To establish a common language for copyright concerning the use of content in Asia, formed M&M HK and M Cube Gate2 in Korea in 2001

54 完畢 The End 謝謝 Thank You

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