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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
週六崇拜 Saturday Worship 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日學 Sunday School 主日 Sun 9:00 am 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 我的盼望 就在耶稣基督里 在你里面 满有平安 生命泉源 就在耶稣基督里 有主在我里面活着
在你里面 满有平安 生命泉源 就在耶稣基督里 有主在我里面活着 All of my hope lies in Jesus Christ alone For I know that He is my peace All of my joy lies in Jesus才 Christ alone He lives in me forever more

4 我宣告 在我里面的 比世上一切更有能力 我不属这世界 我高举耶稣的名
Declare “the One who’s within me Is greater than the one in the world” I’m not of this world I belong to Jesus, the King

5 我宣告 在我里面有 活水涌流 满有能力 有耶稣在我里面活着 我勇敢站立
Declare “the one who’s within me Is greater than the one in the world” I know that the King lives in me I am strengthened in Him

6 Conquers all of my enemies Is my portion, my victory
有主 在我里面 没有惧怕 能战胜仇敌 没有惧怕 还得胜有余 My Lord, who lives in me Conquers all of my enemies Is my portion, my victory

7 父神 創造的主 顯明你創造心意 興起你所揀選的百姓 在這地同心前進 Father of creation
Unfold Your sovereign plan Raise up a chosen generation That will march through the land

8 宇宙萬物都在嘆息 等候你能力顯明 求主釋放你的恩膏 哦 神就在這時刻
All of creation is longing For Your unveiling of Power Would You release Your anointing O God, let this be the hour

9 願你榮耀今降臨這裡 讓它從我們中間流到萬邦 願你香膏充滿在這裡 我們同心尋求你面
Let Your glory fall in this room Let it go from here to the nations Let Your fragrance rest in this place As we gather to seek Your face

10 The full release of Your promise
統管萬國的主 這世界仍要看見 你的應許完全彰顯 教會要全然得勝 Ruler of the nations The world has yet to see The full release of Your promise The church in victory

11 求你憐憫觸摸我們 使我們靠你剛強 勝過我們一切軟弱 使我們奮勇爭戰 Turn to us, Lord, and touch us
Make us strong in Your might Overcome our weakness That we could stand up and fight

12 願你榮耀今降臨這裡 讓它從我們中間流到萬邦 願你香膏充滿在這裡 我們同心尋求你面
Let Your glory fall in this room Let it go from here to the nations Let Your fragrance rest in this place As we gather to seek Your face

13 愿你国度降临 愿你旨意成全 让全地看见 神儿子的荣耀
Let Your kingdom come Let Your will be done Let the whole world see The glory of the Lord

14 O Lord, please Create in me Renew a right Spirit within me (x2)
上帝啊求你為我 造清潔的心 使我裏面重新 有正直的靈 (x2) O Lord, please Create in me A clean heart Renew a right Spirit within me (x2)

15 Away from Your presence And take not Your Holy Spirit from me
不要丟棄我 使我離開你的面 不要從我收回 你的聖靈 O Lord, cast me not Away from Your presence And take not Your Holy Spirit from me

16 the joy of Your salvation
求你使我 仍得救恩之樂 賜我樂意的靈扶持我 Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation And uphold me with Your free Spirit

17 我的心切慕你 如鹿切慕溪水 何时与你面对面 解我心思念
How my heart longs for You Like thirsting deer for streams Only when I’ve seen Your face Shall my longing ease

18 深愿永居你院宇 在你殿里求问 那日我将不再渴 永浴你爱河
O, to dwell within Your courts To live inside Your house Then Your love, a mighty flood Shall my thirsting douse

19 吹呀吹 神的风 把我带到他身边 烧呀烧 圣灵的火 让我消失他里面
吹呀吹 神的风 把我带到他身边 烧呀烧 圣灵的火 让我消失他里面 Fill my sails, wind of God Won’t You bring me to His side Brightly burn, blaze of the Lord And consume me in His fire

20 Come and fill this place For I long to know You more
聖靈請你來 充滿在這地 我渴望更認識你 更深的經歷 Holy Spirit God Come and fill this place For I long to know You more In a deeper way

21 Come and change my heart Open my eyes Open my ears
聖靈請你來 改變我心意 開我眼睛 開我耳 讓我更認識你 Holy Spirit God Come and change my heart Open my eyes Open my ears I want to know You more

22 And I exalt Your glory, glory
我呼求 聖潔 聖潔 聖潔歸我主 我尊崇你榮耀 榮耀 榮耀歸我主 And I cry holy, holy Holy is the Lord And I exalt Your glory, glory Glory to the Lord

23 Your precious blood was shed to save us
耶穌正在這裡 你寳血為我而流 潔淨我心 Jesus is here right now Your precious blood was shed to save us

24 你大能話語醫治 我的身體 你聖靈釋放我 得自由生命 耶穌正在這裡 Your mighty word was sent to heal us
Your holy name has power to deliver us Jesus is here right now

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