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University of Michigan Flint Zhong, Yan

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1 University of Michigan Flint Zhong, Yan
Lesson 10 Dialogue 2 Grammar University of Michigan Flint Zhong, Yan

2 每…都… (měi...dōu..., every) In a sentence that contains the term 每 (měi, every), usually 都 (dōu, all) has to be inserted further along in the sentence, immediately in front of the verb.

3 他每天晚上都预习课文。 Tā měi tiān wǎnshang dōu yùxí kèwén. He studies the lessons in advance every night.

4 I come to every class. 我每节课都来。 Wǒ měi jié kè dōu lái.

5 University of Michigan Flint
这儿每个人我都认识。 Zhèr měi ge rén wǒ dōu rènshi. I know everyone here. University of Michigan Flint

6 常老师的字每个都好看。 Cháng lǎoshī de zì měi ge dōu hǎokàn. Every one of Teacher Chang’s characters looks nice.

7 要…了 (yào…le, soon) The 要…了 (yào…le) structure indicates the imminence of an anticipated action or situation. It also appears in the form of 快要……了 (kuài yào…le).

8 新年快要到了,我们给爸爸妈妈写一封信吧。
Xīnnián kuài yào dào le, wǒmen gěi bàba māma xiě yì fēng xìn ba. New Year is around the corner. Let’s write to Mom and Dad.

9 It’ll be winter break soon. What do you want to do?
寒假要到了,你要做什么? Hánjià yào dào le, nǐ yào zuò shénme?

10 The movie is going to start soon. Did you get the tickets?
电影快要开始了,你买票了吗? Diànyǐng kuài yào kāishǐ le, nǐ mǎi piào le ma?

11 The exam is coming. We have to study for it.
快要考试了,我们大家得准备一下。 Kuài yào kǎo shì le, wǒmen dàjiā děi zhǔnbèi yí xià.

12 University of Michigan Flint Zhong, Yan
谢谢 再见 University of Michigan Flint Zhong, Yan

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