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BIOSIS Previews® 介绍 基于ISI Web of Knowledge平台

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1 BIOSIS Previews® 介绍 基于ISI Web of Knowledge平台
Welcome to the BIOSIS Previews training course. This presentation can be used as a self instruction package or to instruct others. Other materials are available from the Training & Support section of the BIOSIS website ( and should be used to accompany this course: Workshop Questions – sample search questions and answers customized for each major search system Workbook – providing a hard copy companion to this course with details of the database for each major search system Quick Reference Cards – handy desktop references which can be used as a reminder of database fields and functions All these materials can be downloaded from the BIOSIS web site

2 About BIOSIS BIOSIS—美国生物科学信息服务社 宗旨与使命为 “提供生命科学知识,促进生命科学发展” 非营利性的机构
总部位于美国费城 BIOSIS was founded in 1926 and is based in Philadelphia. It is a not-for-profit company which works closely with the scientific community and a number of bodies within the information industry. The UK office produces Zoological Record, first published in 1864, and operates the European help desk serving Europe and the Middle East.

3 BIOSIS Previews Biological Abstracts
Biological Abstracts/RRM (Reports, Reviews & Meetings) BIOSIS Previews

4 BIOSIS Previews 兼具深度与广度的生命科学暨生物医学数据库,是目前世界上最大的生命科学及生物医学数据库
由专家有系统的将资料汇整后,发展出一套特有的检索搜寻方式,将数据库完整的呈现在使用者面前。使用者只需要具备专业知识和简单的查询技巧,就可以在复杂而大量的数据库中,轻松且正确的找到完整的相关信息 BIOSIS Previews, which combines the well established printed references Biological Abstracts and Biological Abstracts/RRM (Reports, Reviews and Meetings) into a single electronic database, is renowned for its quality, and in depth coverage of the world’s biological and biomedical literature. The strengths and benefits to the user come from unparalleled indexing, which will be explained in this course.

5 BIOSIS Previews收录资料类型
Journals-期刊中的研究论文 Books-摘录书本中针对单一主题的深度讨论与研究结果。 Review Articles-评论性文章 Reports-研究报告 Meetings-学术研讨会之会议论文 Patents-专利法案 In order to be included in BIOSIS Previews, the item must be published, research and deal with life science topics. This provides for a wide range of literature types and broad subject coverage. Journals provide research articles, reviews etc. while more in-depth discussions can often be found in the book literature. Meetings are a vital and often difficult to locate source of up to date information, with many new findings being first presented at conferences. Coverage of meetings in experimental medicine & clinical research is largely absent from Medline and Embase. This is an important area as breakthrough information is often first presented at meetings/conferences. Patents are becoming increasingly important as all aspects of life sciences become available for patent. This is a vital area as most products here are high value, costly to develop and potentially easy to imitate.

6 统计 每年收录约56万笔的记录 自公元1969年以来,收录了超过1,300万笔的资料 超过5,200种国际科学期刊 1,500种国际会议
As well as items from international journals, BIOSIS Previews includes a range of literature types: 360,000 references to scientific journal literature 160,000 references to international meetings 20,000 references to review articles 17,000 references to books, book chapters, and software reviews 21,000 references to US patents BIOSIS Previews is updated on a weekly basis.

7 收录资料的地理范围 –超过90个国家 North America (31%) Asia, Australasia (14%)
Coverage is highly international, including journals and other material published in over 90 countries A full list of contributing countries is given in BIOSIS Serial Sources UK 10% Japan 7% France 3% Italy 2% Spain 1% Australia 1.5% Netherlands 7.5% Denmark 1.5% Sweden <1% Finland <1% Norway 1% Note: these figures relate to the country of publication, not the country where the study was carried out or where the author works/resides (from 1999 BIOSIS Serial Sources) Central & S. America (2%) Europe & Middle East (52%) Africa (1%)

8 涵盖学科主题 Traditional topics Interdisciplinary areas Related areas
In order to be included in the database, items must be published, life science and deal with research. Traditional areas include: Molecular biology, Botany, Zoology, Ecology and the Environment, Microbiology Interdisciplinary area such as Experimental, Clinical and Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Genetics, Agriculture and Nutrition, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Public Health And related area Methods, Instrumentation

9 编制专用的索引系统使检索高效、完整 By life scientists for life scientists
独特的索引方法为不同类型的信息提供 统一的结构,使检索更高效 CAS Registry Numbers and MeSH disease terms 使检索更有效 BIOSIS employs a team of trained graduate life scientists to index the literature, ensuring accurate representation of the biological content The value added indexing ensures that information can be located quickly and accurately by novices as well as providing advanced search features for the information professional Cross file searching is facilitated by adding additional terms common to other databases: CAS Registry Numbers can be used to locate chemical substances and compounds in a number of databases, including the CAS Chemical Registry database. MeSH disease terms can be searched in MedLine

10 基于 ISI Web of Knowledge平台的BIOSIS Previews
Web access 1969 onwards(交大用户从1996起) 周更新 通过Web of Knowledge连接全文 BIOSIS Previews can be searched using ISI Web of Knowledge interface via the Internet. The data of 1969-present is available. Updates are made on a weekly basis. Links to full text of journals are provided through the Web of Knowledge to approximately 900 journals included in the BIOSIS Previews database.

11 记录样例 Successful ribavirin therapy for severe adenovirus hemorrhagic cystitis after allogeneic marrow transplant from close HLA donors rather than distant donors Miyamura, K.; Hamaguchi, M; Taji, H; Kanie, T; Kohno, A; Tanimoto, M; Saito, H; Kojima, S; Matsuyama, T; Kitaori, K; Nagafuji, K; Sato, T; Kodera, Y Bone Marrow Transplantation 25 (5): March 2000 Document type: Article    Language: English    Abstract: Intravenous ribavirin was given to nine patients who had developed severe adenovirus-induced hemorrhagic cystitis (AD-HC) which was resistant to conventional therapy or where there was involvement of other organs after allogeneic BMT. Three patients recovered completely from AD-HC, two of whom had been resistant to vidarabine. All three had received sibling BMTs (2 HLA matched, 1 HLA mismatched). Typical journal record. A full bibliographic reference is shown followed by the Abstract and BIOSIS’ added value indexing fields. Abstracts are included in around 60% of the database as a whole and to 90% of journal records. The fields appearing on the search form will be discussed individually in the sections which follow.

12 记录样例 Addresses: Miyamura, K. First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Tsurumai-cho 65, Showa-ku, Nagoya, , Japan ISSN: BIOSIS Accession Number: PREV Major Concepts: Infection; Hematology (Human Medicine, Medical Sciences); Pharmacology Concept Code: Blood: lymphatic tissue and reticuloendothelial system Anatomy ; general/comparative: regeneration and transplantation Super Taxa: Adenoviridae: Animal Viruses, Viruses, Microorganisms; Hominidae: Primates, Mammalia, Vertebrata, Chordata, Animalia Biosystematic Code: 02601; 86215 The address(es) of the author(s) are given, linked to the author name(s), together with an ISSN and accession number. Should you have a query about a particular record in the database, please quote the accession number when contacting a BIOSIS help desk. The fields beginning with Major Concepts are all included in a TOPICS field search, but are displayed separately to label the information, making it easier to understand: Concept Codes/Names, Major Concepts, Super Taxa and Biosystematic Codes/Names will be discussed in detail later in the course.

13 记录样例 Taxa Notes: Animal Viruses; Animals; Chordates; Humans; Mammals; Microorganisms; Primates; Vertebrates; Viruses Organisms: adenovirus (Adenoviridae): pathogen; human (Hominidae): patient, adult Diseases: adenovirus induced hemorrhagic cystitis [AD-HC]: urologic disease, viral disease Chemicals & Biochemicals: HLA; ribavirin: antiviral-drug Registry Numbers: : RIBAVIRIN Methods & Equipment: allogeneic marrow transplantation: therapeutic method Miscellaneous Descriptors: clinical symptoms Taxa Notes: these terms are broad common names of organisms to allow easy access to larger groupings without the need to use several Super Taxa terms or organism names. Terms which are particularly useful allow easy retrieval of groups such as invertebrates, chordates, vertebrates, mammals, birds etc. as well as providing for the ability to include or exclude human studies through the use of terms such as humans, nonhuman mammals, nonhuman vertebrates, nonhuman primates. Organisms: includes the name(s) or the organism(s) which are the focus of the item. A broader term taken from the Controlled Vocabulary (Authority File) Super Taxa list is provided to allow the broadening of searches. The role of the organism in the paper is provided as a modifier. This can include its gender, age class, or function (for example, male, child, patient, predator, parasite, model etc.) Diseases: Beginning in 1998, this field contains information on diseases and pathologies discussed in the item. The type of disease is given as a modifier. Disease modifier are included in the Controlled Vocabulary (Authority File) which can be accessed from the BIOSIS website at Chemicals & Biochemicals: contains details of any chemicals, compounds or drugs discussed in the item. Controlled drug modifiers from the Controlled Vocabulary (Authority file) detail the type of action for any drugs listed. It is recommended to search for chemicals using the Registry number if possible. Registry numbers: a numerical code assigned to each chemical and its synonyms. This is the recommended way to search for chemical names as synonyms are automatically included. You can identify a Registry Number code by searching the chemical name in the TOPICS field and reviewing the Registry Number field in a few records. Methods & Equipment: from 1998 forward, contains details on any methods and equipment discussed in the item. Miscellaneous Descriptors: contains terms which cannot be categorized to one of the other TOPICS fields. ADDITIONAL TOPICS FIELDS NOT SHOWN IN THE SAMPLE RECORD: Geopolitical Location: the geographical location on which the study is focussed. This is not the authors’ address location (use address field) or the publisher’s location. Broader terms are given in parentheses to allow expansion of the search. Sequence Data: includes details of gene, nucleotide and amino acid sequences. Where relevant, a reference number is given to the appropriate gene bank to allow the full sequence to be requested. Industry: The type of industry discussed in the item (for example pharmaceutical industry, food industry etc.) Time: geological time periods as discussed for fossil organisms Parts, Structures and Systems: from 1998 forward, provides information on the organ systems and other parts of the organisms discussed. Includes controlled terms from the Controlled Vocabulary (Authority File) for each organ system (for example, respiratory system, reproductive system etc.) Institutions & Organizations: from 1998 forward, provides names of companies discussed in the item. Note these are not the companies associated with the authorship of the item; those can be found in the Address field. Persons: from 1998 forward, lists people discussed in the article. For example, Charles Darwin: biologist Albert Einstein

14 系统主页

15 系统主页

16 Web of Knowledge 年份限制 The initial screen allows selection of database year (cf publication year) or limiting to a particular group of updates. Click “Search” to access the search form.

17 Web of Knowledge 检索界面 (1)
Enter search term(s) or phrase(s) in the fields. It is recommended that TOPICS be used for most searches. A discussion of each field follows.

18 Web of Knowledge 检索界面 (2)
After entering the search terms, select any limits from the lists at the bottom of the form and click “Search” to carry out the search.

19 检索界面:分三个区域 检索式输入区 指令区 检索限制与排序区
Use truncation to allow for variations in initials/first names History Note: Enhanced in 1998 to provide up to 26 author addresses (previously 1), if given in the source document

20 检索运算符 运算符是用以连接检索词,表明检索词 间逻辑关系、位置关系或进行相近词形 查询的符号,有布尔逻辑算符、位置算 符和截词符三种。运算符的使用可以提 高检出文献的准确率和全面性 Use truncation to allow for variations in initials/first names History Note: Enhanced in 1998 to provide up to 26 author addresses (previously 1), if given in the source document

21 布尔逻辑算符 AND:两个检索词必须同时出现在同一 记录中。例:animal AND plant
NOT:在检出文献中去除含有后一检索 词的文献。例:animal NOT dog OR:两个检索词只要有一个出现在记录 中就可以。例:animal OR plant Use truncation to allow for variations in initials/first names History Note: Enhanced in 1998 to provide up to 26 author addresses (previously 1), if given in the source document

22 位置算符 SAME两个检索词出现在同一句子或同 一字段中。例:tongue SAME base
Use truncation to allow for variations in initials/first names History Note: Enhanced in 1998 to provide up to 26 author addresses (previously 1), if given in the source document

23 截词符 无限截词符:* 用于单词的末尾替代字 母。例:compute* 可检出compute, computes, computed, computer, computerization等形式 通配符:?用于单词的任何位置,一个 ?替代一个字母,替代若干个字母用若 干个?。例:wom?n 可检出woman, women;compute?? 可检出compute, computes, computer Use truncation to allow for variations in initials/first names History Note: Enhanced in 1998 to provide up to 26 author addresses (previously 1), if given in the source document

24 检索入口:提供以下四个方面 ,共9个检索入口,检索时对字母大小写不敏感
著者信息(ex. Author, Address) 文献形态相关信息(ex. Publications, Meeting information, Patent assignee, Patent number) 研究主题(ex. Major Concepts, Topic) 研究生物体(ex. Topic, Super Taxa) Use truncation to allow for variations in initials/first names History Note: Enhanced in 1998 to provide up to 26 author addresses (previously 1), if given in the source document

25 著者信息检索 著者姓名查询(AUTHOR):必须以姓在前、名在 后形式输入,名可以是缩写,也可以是全名。例: Miyamura K Saito H* Smith Arabella 检出结果中会显示该著者对应的地址。 著者地址查询(ADDRESS):著者地址包括通讯地 址、 地址和Web网站。可以输入地址的一部分 或关键词进行查询。例:SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIV nagoya university nagoya univ* (Address) It is recommended that author names are searched as last name plus first initial truncated to allow for full and abbreviated author forenames. Note: the links between the author name and the corresponding address. The author Miyamura is shown in the Address field to relate the address to the corresponding author name.

26 著者信息检索 Search example Miyamura K Saito H* nagoya university nagoya univ* Display example (Authors) Miyamura, K; Hamaguchi, M; Taji, H; Kanie, T; Kohno, A; Tanimoto, M; Saito, H; Kojima, S; Matsuyama,T; Kitaori, K; Nagafuji, K; Sato, T; Kodera, Y Display example (Author Address) Miyamura, K First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Tsurumai-cho 65, Showa- ku, Nagoya, , Japan (Address) It is recommended that author names are searched as last name plus first initial truncated to allow for full and abbreviated author forenames. Note: the links between the author name and the corresponding address. The author Miyamura is shown in the Address field to relate the address to the corresponding author name.

27 文献形态相关信息检索 文献出处查询(SOURCE PUBLICATION):可输入刊名/书名全称,查询在特定的期刊或图书上发表的文献,注意不能用刊名/书名缩写查询.例:Bone Marrow Transplantation New England Journal of Medicine cell 如果不知道确切的刊名/书名,可点击Publication List链接,浏览所有刊名/书名全称。 会议信息查询(MEETING INFO):可输入会议名称、地点、主办者和会议时间进行查询,关键词和全称形式均可 例:Zoological AND Japan AND 1996 Up to 10 languages can appear in each record. Search for languages in the limit options at the end of the search form. Document type: a large number of specific document types are available in the limits at the end of the search form. History Note: From , maximum number of languages was five

28 文献形态相关信息检索 专利查询 专利授让人查询(PATENT ASSIGNEE):可输入专利授让人名或机构名查询。例:输入L'Oreal 可检出 L'Oreal, L'Oreal SA, Societe L'Oreal S.A.等授让人。输入Novartis可检出Novartis AG, Novartis Corporation, Novartis Finance Corporation, Novartis Crop Protection Inc.等授让机构 专利号查询(PATENT NUMBER):输入专利号时国别代码可省。例: Up to 10 languages can appear in each record. Search for languages in the limit options at the end of the search form. Document type: a large number of specific document types are available in the limits at the end of the search form. History Note: From , maximum number of languages was five

29 研究主题检索 主题检索(TOPIC ):在TOPIC检索框中输入关键词或检索式,系统将在文献的以下19个字段进行检索
在TOPIC检索时,可在Title选项前打钩,指定系统仅在文献标题字段中检索 Limit by Document Type (at the end of the search form) to retrieve all meeting records. MEETING INFO on the search form retrieves Meeting Title, Date, Location, and URL information. Sponsor URL and details are included in the database, when available.

30 geopolitical location 地缘政治区域
diseases 疾病 geopolitical location 地缘政治区域 industry 工业 taxa notes 等级注释 time 年代 abstract 摘要 sequence data 测序数据 parts, structures & systems of organisms生物体的组成部分、结构、系统 persons 人类 title标题 alternate indexing轮排索引 super taxa高层次生物等级分类 chemicals & biochemicals 化学和生化制品 nstitutions & organizations 机构与团体 miscellaneous descriptors 各种描述符 registry numbers 登记号 organisms 生物体 major concepts 主要概念标题词 The Controlled Vocabulary (Authority File) comprises several branches or subject areas. It is important to remember that terms included only represent selected topics and relate to certain fields. The arrangement is not the same as MedLine or CAB Abstracts which have more controlled terminology for all topics covered. Searching is achieved here by using a combination of controlled terminology for broad topics and to set the overall scope of the search and free text for specific topics, allowing greater precision and use of up to date and author’s terminology. Three Controlled Vocabulary branches are available on the search form: Major Concepts: broad life science topics which are used to convey the overall scope of the item Super Taxa: Broad scientific/Latin names hierarchy Taxa Notes: Common organism names – available as a limit Terms from other controlled vocabulary branches can still be used in searches by entering them in the TOPICS field. Identify terms using the listing on the BIOSIS website or look up terms in the BIOSIS Search Guide.

31 主要概念标题词检索(MAJOR CONCEPT):
指文献论述的较宽泛的学科主题,可在检索框内直接输入主要概念标题词进行检索。如果不清楚主要概念词的确切书写形式,点击“List”可以选择按字顺或者按学科等级隶属关系浏览所有的主要概念标题词,选取一个或多个合适的主要概念标题词复制到检索框中,并根据需要用AND或NOT连接多个概念词. 例:Pest Assessment Control AND Management Marine Ecology Immune System OR Infection To locate a specific known book use keywords from the book title in the TOPICS field. To limit to book records, use the document type limit at the end of the search form. Other book information in the records Title information Author or editor information ISBN information Book Distributor Information Book Publisher Information In overall book records, the Title field contains the title of the overall book; in chapter records, the TI field contains the chapter title and the overall book title is located in the Source field.

32 研究生物体检索 高层次生物等级分类检索(SUPER TAXA):指生物体和微生物体较宽泛的种属类别,检索方法与主要概念标题类似。
例:Porifera Ornithorhynchidae OR Tachyglossidae Patents are included in the BIOSIS Previews database from 1999- To locate all patents, limit by the Document Type PATENT (at the bottom of the search form) Additional fields available from: Patents Number Patent Assignee

33 限制选项:在检索页面底部区域,可进一步限定检出文献的语种、类型和生物体
检索结果限制与排序 限制选项:在检索页面底部区域,可进一步限定检出文献的语种、类型和生物体 排序方式:可限定检出文献按更新日期、相关性、第一著者、出处、会议名5种方式排序 Natural language indexing means that searches can be carried out using familiar terms which the authors originally used. Consider use of synonyms, British/US spellings etc. To maximise the precision, limit the search to the TOPICS field. Also check the BIOSIS controlled vocabulary (Authority File) for lists of broader controlled terminology to support your search. Web of Knowledge uses implied adjacency. Leaving a space between search terms retrieves records where the two terms appear adjacent to one another as part of a phrase.

34 检索结果的显示/打印/保存 简要记录显示:以题录格式(包括著者、题名 、出处)每页显示10条记录。用户可对需要的 文献作标记,也可标记全部检出文献(Mark all)。标记完毕后必须点击提交按钮( SUBMIT),才能输出所标记的文献 全记录显示:点击带下划线的文献题名,可浏 览该文献全记录(包括摘要等所有字段),并 可标记文献或清除标记,点击MARKED LIST 按钮可显示所有已标记记录。点击GO TO WEB OF SCIENCE按钮,可链接到web of science数据库查询该文献的引用和被引用情况 .html The controlled vocabulary (Authority File) is available and uses natural language rather than codes to index topics to controlled terminology. Use the “Select from list” option to view term broader and narrower terms and phrases Also available on the BIOSIS website at

35 保存/调用检索策略 保存检索策略:在检索页面输入完整的检索策 略后,可点击SAVE QUERY按钮在本地硬盘上 保存检索策略,以便下次检索时使用 运行保存的检索策略:在主页上点击“浏览” 按钮,选择保存检索策略的文件名,点击OPEN QUERY按钮,系统显示该检索策略的检索页面 ,点击Search可再次运行该检索策略

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