電源測試 測試目的: 確認電源的性能與可靠度,提供具有依據的測試數據給客戶參考。確保研發出高性能,高穩定性,高可靠度的產品。保證公司產品的知名度與良好反應。

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Presentation on theme: "電源測試 測試目的: 確認電源的性能與可靠度,提供具有依據的測試數據給客戶參考。確保研發出高性能,高穩定性,高可靠度的產品。保證公司產品的知名度與良好反應。"— Presentation transcript:

1 電源測試 測試目的: 確認電源的性能與可靠度,提供具有依據的測試數據給客戶參考。確保研發出高性能,高穩定性,高可靠度的產品。保證公司產品的知名度與良好反應。

2 Inrush Current 開機瞬間電流 Purpose: Measure the inrush current of the input while the power supply turn on. 目 的:量測輸入電源電壓瞬間開啟時,電源供應器之瞬間開機電流. Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件: 溫度25℃ 相對濕度65% Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之全電壓頻率範圍 Min/115Vac/230Vac/Max 2. The output load is full load on all outputs at under the product specification. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值﹒ 3. The measurement can be implemented only when the AC input voltage at the phase of 90 °and then the power supply turn on. 3. 量測時必須於輸入之交流電壓在相角90°時,將電源供應器開啟,量測其輸出入瞬間 電流量﹒ 4. Do the test in cold start one time, so do in hot start one time. 4. 冷機和熱機各做一次. Result limit: Sure there is no damage of components. 結果判定:不能造成產品元件損坏.

3 Test Waveform

4 1.Input Current & Power 輸入電流及功率
Purpose: Measure the input current and power of the switch power supply. 目 的:量測電源供應器之輸入電流及功率 Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃,相對濕度65% Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage & frequency must be under any condition of the range of the product specification. 測試條件:1.輸入電壓及頻率以產品規格之全電壓頻率範圍 2. The output load is full load on all outputs 2.輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值 Full Load = Result limit: The maximum input current shall not exceed the specified. 結果判定:輸入電流不能超出產品規格

5 Efficiency And Power Factor 輸出效率及功率因素
Purpose: Measure the efficiency and power factor of the SPS. 目 的:量測電源供應器之輸出效率及功率因素 Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件 : 溫度25℃ 相對濕度65% Test Conditions: 1.The power supply must be on for 10 minutes before measure. 測 試 條 件: 1.需先開機10分鐘 2. The input voltage & frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification. 2. 輸入電壓及頻率以產品規格之全電壓頻率範圍 3. The output load is full load on all outputs . 3. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值 Result limit: The efficiency must exceed the specified. 結果判定: 效率必須大于產品規格才合格.

6 Input Current Test 輸入電流測試
Purpose: Check the power supply’s input current be in the range of specification, and fuse is accord to safety requirement. 目的: 確認電源的輸入電流在規格范圍內並且所用保險絲符合安 規要求. Environmental Conditions: Temperature : 25℃ ; Humidity: 65% 環境條件: 溫度 25℃ ; 濕度 65%. Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage & corresponding frequency must be Min/115Vac/230Vac/Max of product specification. 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之最小/115Vac/230Vac/最大電壓及相應頻率 2. The output load is Full/Max load. 2. 輸出負載以滿載/最大載測試

7 No Load Start 無負載啟動測試 Purpose: Check the power supply can start with no load. 目的: 量測控制開/關的開關需求電壓. Environmental Conditions: Temperature : 25℃ ; Humidity: 65% 環境條件: 溫度 25℃ ; 濕度 65%. Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage & frequency must be Min/Max rated of the product specification. 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之最小/最大電壓及頻率 2. The output load is no load. 2.輸出負載以空載測試

8 Over Shoot & Under Shoot 電壓過衝及過降
Purpose: Measure whether output voltage over shoot or under shoot from the SPS rise to the output voltage stable. 目 的:量測輸出電壓於開機到穩定時之間, 其電壓上升是否有過衝或過降現象. Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度 65% Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之全電壓頻率範圍 2. The output load is full load on all outputs. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值﹒ Result limit: The range of over shoot & under shoot should be less than 10% of the normal voltage. 結果判定:過衝或過降幅度小于其電壓值的10%.

9 電壓過沖

10 5vsb(過沖)

11 -12V過沖

12 SB過沖波形

13 -12V過沖

14 Line Regulation 輸入電壓調整率
Purpose: Measure the stability of the output voltage when the input voltage is variable. 目的:量測電源供應器因輸入電壓變化輸出電壓穩定度﹒ Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度 65% Test Demands: 1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之全電壓頻率範圍 2. The output load is full load on all outputs at under the product specification. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值 3. Test can be performed only after the SPS is on for about 10 minutes. 3. 開機10分鐘后測試. Result limit: The output voltage can not exceed the allowed difference. 結果判定:輸出電壓不可超出誤差值.

15 Load Regulation 負載調整率 (± 5% or ± 10%)
Purpose: Measure the stability of the output voltage when the load is variable. 目 的:量測電源供應器因輸出負載變化之輸出電壓穩定度﹒ Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度 65% Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之全電壓頻率範圍 2.Output load: Maximum, middle, minimum load by the product specification. 2.輸出負載以產品規格之最大,中間,最小額定電流值.(依產品規格書為依據) Result limit: The output voltage can not exceed the allowed difference . 結果判定:各組電壓不能超出誤差值

16 Dynamic Load Regulation 動態負載變動率
Purpose: Measure the stability of output voltage under the condition of all kinds of load being synchronous varying. (Min Load Start & Each output Max Load) 目的:量測各組負載在做同步變化條件下,各組輸出電壓的穩定性. Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度25℃, 相對濕度 65%. Test Conditions: 1. The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之全電壓頻率範圍 2. Output transient step sizes for each output when at capacitive load: +12V1/40%,+12V2/60%,+5V,+3.3V/30%, +5Vsb/0.5A, -5V, -12V/0.1A. 2. 在容性負載條件,各組輸出動態變化負載幅度 3. Simultaneous load steps on the +12V,+5V,+3.3V output,all step occur in the same direction. 3. 在+12V,+5V,+3.3V負載同時變化時,其所有負載變化的趨勢應是一致的. 4. Dynamic frequency : 50Hz/10kHz 動態頻率: 50Hz/10kHz 5. Slope: 1A/uS       斜率: 1A/uS. Result limit: Output voltage is in the product specification. 結果判定: 各輸出電壓在產品規格范圍內.

17 Test Waveform

18 Ripple & Noise 輸出漣波和雜訊 Purpose: Measure the ripple & noise of output voltage under any condition. 目的:在各種條件下量測各組輸出電壓之漣波和雜訊大小. Environmental Condition: Temperature: 25℃;Reletive Humidity: 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度 65% Test Conditions: AC input voltage: The Maximum and minimum voltage of product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之最大,最小電壓範圍 2. The output load is the maximum and minimum load of specification regulation. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大,最小額定電流值.(依產品規格書為依據) Result limit: Ripple & Noise can not exceed the specified. 結果判定:各組輸出漣波和雜訊不能超出規格書要求. (+3.3V,+5V,+5Vsb: 50mV, -12V,-5V,+12V: 120mV)

19 Voltage Line Brownout 電壓線性燒錄
Purpose: Measure the stability of the SPS when the input voltage varies linearly. 目的:量測電源供應器因輸入電壓線性變化導致輸出電壓的變動直至關機. Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度 65% Test Demands: 1.The input voltage must varies from 0~Max and Max~0 with a step of 1 volt per an interval of 5 seconds, Until the SPS turn on & work normally or shut down normally without other noise. 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以每5秒1伏的間隔從0~最大和從最大~0變化直至電源電源開啟並正常工作或者正常當機為止(無異音) 2. The output load is Min/Full load on all outputs at under the product specification. 2.輸出負載以產品規格之最小和最大額定電流值 3.Test can be performed only after the SPS is on for about 10 minutes. 3.開機10分鐘后測試. Result limit: The SPS shouldn’t be damaged, and can restart normally after test. 結果判定:電源不能有損壞的現象,並且能在測試後可以重新開啟

20 Rise Time & Fall Time 電壓上升及下降之時間
Purpose: Measure the rise time and fall time of the output voltage specified. 目 的:量測被指定之輸出電壓其上升及下降之時間 Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度 65% Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之全電壓頻率範圍 2. The output load is full load on all outputs at under the product specification. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值﹒ 3. Rise time: The time from 10% of each output voltage to 90% of each output voltage when Power On. 3. 量測各組輸出電壓由 10%上升至95%之時間 ( T-rise: 0~20mS ) 4.Fall time: The time from 95% of each output voltage to 10% of each output voltage when Power Off. 4.下降時間:量測各組輸出電壓由95%下降至10%之時間. ( T-fall≦2000mS ) Result limit: The Rise Time must conform to the specification; During the Fall Time, no vibration over 50% of each output voltage occurs. 結果判定:上升時間符合產品規格;下降時間不能有大于電壓值50%的振蕩現象.

21 Test Waveform (Rise)

22 SB Rise Waveform

23 -12V Rise Waveform

24 Fall Waveform (+5vsb)

25 Fall Waveform (-12v)

26 Test Waveform (Fall)

27 Turn on Delay Time 開機延遲時間
Purpose: Measure the time between AC input power on to output voltage rise to 95% of normal. 目 的:量測交流輸入接通時到輸出電壓上升至95%時之延遲時間. Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之全電壓頻率範圍 2. The output load is full load on all outputs at under the product   specification. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值﹒ 3. The time is from the appearing of AC waveform to 95% output voltage. 3. 從交流波形出現至被指定輸出電壓(+5V)上升到95%這段時間. 4. Do the test in cold state one time, so do in hot state one time. 4. 冷機和熱機各做一次. Result limit: The start-up Time can not more than 10 second or per as the requirements of product specification. 結果判定:開機延遲時間小于10秒或按產品規格書之規定( 2000mS ).

28 Turn on Delay waveform

29 ON/OFF(Power-on Time) 控制開/關
Purpose: Measure the enabling/disabling voltage for remote ON/OFF. 目的: 量測控制開/關的開關需求電壓. Environmental Conditions: Temperature : 25℃ ; Humidity: 65% 環境條件: 溫度 25℃ ; 濕度 65%. Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage & frequency must be middle rated of the in the product specification. 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之中心電壓及頻率 2. The output load is the maximum and minimum load of specification regulation. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大,最小額定電流值

30 Test Waveform

31 Power Good Delay Time 電源確認信號(100mS~500mS)
Purpose: Measure the sequence relationship between Power Good Signal and specified output voltage. 目的:量測電源確認信號與被指定輸出電壓之間的時序關係 Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度 65% Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之全電壓頻率範圍 2. The output load is full load on all outputs at under the product specification. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值﹒ 3. Power good delay time is measure the interval between specified output voltage rise to 95% and other is power good signal rise to 100% 3. 量測當被指定電壓上升至95%,而電源確認信號上升至100%時,兩者間之時間差為 電源確認信號延遲時間.(Power Good Delay Time) 4. Power good fail time is measure the interval between power good signal off to specified output voltage falling to 95% . 4. 量測當電源確認信號電壓消失,被指定電壓下降至95%時,兩者間之時間差為 電源確認信號消失時間.(Power Good Fail Time) Full Load =180W: +5V/9A、+12V/9A、-12V/0.3A、+3.3V/5A、+5Vsb/1.5A. Result limit: The result must meet the requirements of product specification. 結果判定:必須符合產品規格書要求.

32 PG Delay Time

33 PF Delay Time

34 Hold-up Time 關機保持時間 Purpose: When the power loss its input power, Measure the power supply should maintain output in regulation limit time. 目 的:量測輸入電源關斷后,電源指定輸出電壓繼續維持輸出的持續時間. Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification. 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之全額定電壓頻率範圍 2. The output load is full load on all outputs at under the product specification. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值﹒ 3. When the power loss its input power, output voltage is reduced to regulation low line(+5V reduced to+4.75V). 3. 交流輸入關斷后,指定輸出電壓下降至規格下限(+5V為降至4.75V時之時間) 4. Do the test in cold start one time, so do in hot start one time. 4. 冷機和熱機各做一次. Result limit: The Hold-up Time can’t be less than the specified ( T-holdup≧ 16mS ). 結果判定: 關機延遲時間不能小于產品規格

35 Test Waveform

36 Over Voltage Protection 輸出過電壓保護
Purpose: The SPS must be of self-protection in certain voltage and period when the feed back is un-controlled. So it’s load system shall not be damaged. 目 的:量測當電源供應器回授失控時,須要於一定之電壓及時間內作到自我保護,以确保使用電源之外部負載系統不會因電源失控而受損﹒ Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度65% Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之全電壓及頻率範圍 2. The output load is the minimum load of specification regulation. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最小額定電流值﹒ 3. Voltages of each group added to protection. 3. 分別迫使各組電壓升至保護為止﹒ Min. Load = 6.75W: +5V/0.3 A、+12V/ 0.3 A、-12V/ 0 A、+3.3V/ 0.5 A、+5Vsb/ 0A. Result limit: The protection voltage must be within the specification. 結果判定:保護電壓值在規格之內

37 Over Current Protection 過電流保護
Purpose: The SPS must be of self-protection when the current over the specified. 目的 : 量測電源供應器當負載電流超出一額定電流時,須要能自我保護 Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度65% Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之全電壓頻率範圍 2. The output load is the minimum load of specification regulation. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最小額定電流值﹒ 3. Each current be added against 10A/S rate until the SPS was protected. 3. 開機後分別將各組輸出電流以10A/S比率向上加至電源出現保護為止﹒ 4. Be sure the SPS belongs to latch-off or recovery with the voltage decreasing. 4. 測試前須確認被測物屬電壓下降拴鎖型或電壓下降恢復型﹒ Min. Load = W: +5V/ A、+12V/ A、-5V/ A、-12V/ A、+3.3V/ A

38 Short Circuit Protection 輸出短路保護
Purpose: The SPS must be of self-protection when the any output voltage was shorted with the ground. 目的:量測將所有輸出按順序對地線作短路開機及開機短路,電源供應器須要自我保護 Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度65% Test Condition: 1.Input voltage & frequency must be Maximum in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格最大額定電壓及頻率 2. The output load is the maximum and minimum load of specification regulation. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最小額定電流值﹒ 3. Be sure the SPS latch-off or recovery with the voltage decreasing. 3. 測試前須確認被測物屬電壓下降拴鎖型或電壓下降恢復型﹒ Min. Load = 6.75W: +5V/ 0.3A、+12V/0.3A、-12V/ 0 A、+3.3V/ 0.5A、+5Vsb/ 0A. Result limit: 1.If the tested SPS belongs to latch off, The SPS function must be normal at intervals of 10s on/off. 結果判定:1.被測物屬電壓下降拴鎖型,可以開關機一次間格10秒,電機功能要正常. 2. If the tested SPS belongs to recovery, The SPS function must be normal within10s 2.被測物屬電壓下降恢復型,10秒內電源功能要正常.

39 Over Power Protection 過功率保護
Purpose: The SPS must be of self-protection when over power for output load. 目的:量測電源供應器當負載電流超出一額定功率時, 電源供應器須能自我保護. Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度65% Test Condition: 1.The input voltage & frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓及頻率以產品規格之全電壓頻率範圍 2. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值﹒ 3. Each current be added until the SPS was protected. 3. 開機後各組電流分別向上加至電源供應器出現保護不工作狀態﹒ 4. Be sure the SPS belongs to latch-off or recovery with voltage decreasing. 4. 測試前須確認被測物屬電壓下降拴鎖型或電壓下降恢復型﹒ 5. Record the power of the protection point, 5. 量測時記錄保護點之功率. Full Load =180W: +5V/9A、+12V/9A、-12V/ 0.3A、+3.3V/ 5A、+5Vsb/ 1.5A. Result Limit: It must be protected against specification and it can work properly after reset. 結果判定:必須在規格內保護并且重新開機能正常工作

40 Over Temperature Protection 過溫保護
Purpose: The SPS must be of self-protection when over Temperature for fan fail or in high temperature ambient. 目的:量測電源供應器當風扇失效或周轉溫度太高, 電源供應器須能自我保護. Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃/Max+10 ℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃/規格最大加10 ℃, 相對濕度65% Test Condition: 1.The input voltage & frequency must be Min & Max in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓及頻率以產品規格之電壓範圍的最小和最大值. 2. The output load is the typical & full load of specification. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之半載和潢載﹒ 3. Lock the fan and cold start / after 10 minutes on with typical & full load and the lock the fan, after in Max+10 ℃ temperature ambient for 2 hours and then turn on with full load / after work stability in Max temperature ambient and the rise the ambient temperature. Each test should make the SPS safely and until shut down with protection. 3.卡住風扇並冷機開啟 / 以半載和滿載燒機10分鐘後再卡住風扇, 把電源放在最大加10 ℃的環境中兩個小時後再以滿載開啟 / 在最高溫度環境工作穩定後再把環境溫度往上加, 每種測試測試都須確保電源不損壞並且直至保護當機. 4. Be sure the SPS belongs to latch-off or recovery with voltage decreasing. 4. 測試前須確認被測物屬電壓下降拴鎖型或電壓下降自恢復型﹒ 5. Record the power of the protection temperature&time point, 5. 量測時記錄保護點之溫度及時間. Result Limit: It must be protected follow specification and can work properly after restart. 結果判定:必須在規格內保護并且重新開機能正常工作

41 Continuity ON/OFF 連續開關機
Purpose: Check whether the power supply is damaged or dangerous when the power On and Off continually for long. 目的:量測電源供應器於長時間連續開關機是否會損壞及危險 Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度65% Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格之全電壓頻率範圍 2. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值﹒ 3. On/Off 1000 times continually at 5 seconds interval. 3. 連續開關機1000次,開機5秒,關機5秒﹒ 4. Test after the last SPS turn on 10 minutes. 4. 最後一次開機完成後,10分鐘測試. Result limit: The output voltage can not exceed the allowed difference 結果判定:各組電壓不能超出誤差值.

42 Temperature 主要元件溫升 Purpose: Measure the temperature of main elements under each input condition. 目的: 測量在各種輸入條件下電源供應器各主要元器件的溫度. Test conditions: 1.The input voltage is against the middle of the rate voltages frequencies. 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓以產品規格額定中心值及頻率范圍. 2. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值. 3. Test point shall at the worst temperature-rising point of the test elements. 3. 量測時測試點為各測試元之最差溫升點. 4. Records should be made after elements’ temperature stable (About 30 minutes). 4. 電源供應器各元件溫升穩定后(約30分鐘)時開始記錄. Result limit: The elements’ temperature can not exceed their specification. 結果判定: 各元件溫升不超過元件規格的80%.

43 Components’ Derating 零件的降額使用
Purpose: Measure every element built in the power supply to check its safety on design. 目的: 量測電源供應器使用的每個電子元件,以驗証是否符合設計安全. Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度65% Test Conditions: 1.Measurement must be implemented after turning on the SPS 10 minutes. 測試條件:1.開機10分鐘後. 2. Test mostly parameter of every element. 2. 測試每一個零件的主要參數. 3. Input voltage & frequency must be Min & Max of the product specification. 3. 輸入電壓及頻率以產品規格最低,最高電壓及頻率 4. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation. 4. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值﹒ Result limit: Less than design guideline of it’s rated specification. 結果判定:零件的電壓,電流,溫度或功率使用率不能超過相應值

44 Vibration 振 動 Purpose: Check whether the SPS can work normally under external vibration. 目的: 測試電源在受一定外力動時,產品必須能正常工作之可靠度. Test Condition: 1.Vibrate for 30 minutes at each vibration frequency. 測試條件: 1.振動頻率在10、20、30Hz情況下,每個頻率點振動30分鐘. 2. The SPS must be fixed on vibration board. 2. 電源必須固定在振動台面上. 3. The vibration must be performed from various directions. 3. 振動時必須做到每個方向的振動(上下左右). Result limit: 1.Check that the inner components can not loose or damage. 結果判定: 1.開蓋檢查機內零部件不能出現松動或損壞. 2.The SPS can work normally, and can pass Hi-Pot test. 2.電源能正常工作, 並且可以過高壓測試.

45 Low Temperature Start 低溫啟動
Purpose: Check whether the power supply can normally start up in the low temperature environment. 目的:量測電源供應器在低溫環境溫度下是否能正常啟動 Environmental Conditions: Temperature must be the lowest temperature of the product specification. 環境條件: 溫度以規格書上之最低溫度. Test Conditions: 1.Input voltage & frequency must be the lowest & highest in the range of the product specification. 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓及頻率以產品規格最低及最高電壓及頻率. 2. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值﹒ 3. The SPS must lie for continuous 4 hours at the lowest temperature then test the each output voltage. 3. 在最低的環境溫度下連續放置4小時以上后測試各組輸出電壓﹒ Result limit: The SPS can normally start up and each output voltage can’t be out of the tolerance. 結果判定:能正常開啟并且各組電壓不能超出誤差值.

46 High Temperature Burn In 高溫燒機
Purpose: Check whether power supply can normally start up in the high temperature environment and the component’s temperature is OK. 目的:量測電源供應器在高溫高濕環境溫度下是否能正常啟動 和零件溫升是否在范圍之內. Environmental Conditions: Temperature must be the highest in the range of product specification and humidity be 90%. 環境條件: 溫度以規格書上之最高溫度及相對濕度90% Test Condition: 1.Input voltage & frequency must be the lowest & highest in the range of specification 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓及頻率以產品規格最高及最低電壓及頻率 2. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值﹒ 3. The SPS must lie for continuous 4 hours at the highest temperature then test each output voltage. 3. 在最高的環境溫度下連續放置4小時以上后測試各組輸出電壓﹒ Result Check: The SPS can work normally and each output voltage can’t be out of the tolerance, All components should not over their temperature limits. 結果判定:能正常工作并且各組電壓不能超出誤差值.所有零件溫度不超出規格范圍.

47 Temperature Cycle 溫度循環
Purpose: Check whether the power supply can work normally at the variable high & low temperature. 目的:量測電源供應器在經環境溫度循環上升下降時,是否能正常工作 Test Conditions: Do as the following intervals and temperature. 測試條件:1.按下表的環境溫度与時間循環變化 2. The output load is against the maximum rated current in the product specification 輸入以產品規格之中心電壓及頻率 3. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值 4. Do as the above 10 times continuously and make an ATE test after test. 連續按上表循環10次并以結束時作ATE電氣性能測試 5. After 10 cycles, make a safety Hi-Pot test. 10次循環結束時作一次安規高壓測試 Result limit: There aren’t defects in ATE test and safety test. 結果判定:不能出現電氣性能与安規測試不良

48 Test Criteria 測試依據 01 常溫-25 65 0.5 10 25 1 02 11 25-15 65-0 03 25-35
ITEM 次序 Temperature 溫度(OC) Hum 濕度(%) Time 時間(H) 01 常溫-25 65 0.5 10 25 1 02 11 25-15 65-0 03 25-35 12 15 04 35 13 15-0 05 35-最高溫 65-85 14 06 最高溫 90 07 最高溫-35 90-65 16 -15 08 35-25 17 0-65 09 18 -25

49 Acoustic Noise 噪 音 Purpose: Measure whether meets the specification the level of the noise generated by the power supply. 目 的: 量測電源供應器之噪音是否符合客戶要求. Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage & frequency must be the middle of the rated in the product specification. 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓及頻率以產品規格之中心額定值. 2. Place a microphone in the horizontal direction with fan built in the power supply, ensure the distance between them is in the range of 30cm & 100cm. 2. 麥克風與風扇水平同一軸線,距離為 30cm&100cm﹒ 3. The environmental level noise is dB(the load must be on). 3. 背景噪聲 (負載機開啟)為 dB﹒

50 Hi-pot 耐壓測試 Purpose: Check the ability of bearing the external highest voltage. 目的: 量測當電源供應器受外界電極時,必需承受高壓. Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度65% Test Conditions: 1.Primary to Ground: 2121Vdc/1minute/10mA max. 測試條件: 1.初級對地:一般用 2121Vdc /1 分鐘/10mA MAX. (Critical safety criteria specified by nation in production specification) (以規格書上記載最嚴格國家安規測試) 2. Primary to Secondary: 4242Vdc/1minute/10mA max. 2.初級對次級:一般用 4242Vdc /10mA MAX/1分鐘. Result limit: There aren’t any nonconformity. 結果判定:不能有不良現象.

51 Leakage Current 漏電流 Purpose: Check whether the leakage current meets safety requirements when the input wire to ground. 目的:量測當電源供應器輸入對地漏電流是否符合安規要求. Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25℃, Relative Humidity 65% 環境條件:溫度 25℃ 相對濕度65% Test Conditions: 1.The input voltage is 250Vac with full load. 測試條件: 1.輸入電壓為交流250V,輸出負載為滿載. 2. Measure the leakage current: live wire to ground; Neutral wire to ground, Primary to Second. 2. 測量L對GND,N對GND,一次側對二次側之漏電流. Result limit: The leakage current must less than 3.5mA 結果判定:漏電流小于3.5mA.

52 Ground Resistance 接地阻抗
Purpose: Check whether the case grounds well. 目 的:測量電源外殼接地是否良好 Test Conditions: 1.Current 40Adc,Resistance<100mΩ. 測試條件: 1. 直流電流25A、阻抗<100mΩ. 2. Connect ground wire with the return terminal of safety analyzer and case with current terminal. 2. 將輸入地線接安規分析儀 返回端,外殼接安規分析儀 電流端. Result limit: The ground resistance must less than 100mΩ. 結果判定: 接地阻抗小于100mΩ

53 Insulation Resistance 絕緣阻抗
Purpose: Check whether the primary and secondary insulations meet the safety requirements. 目的:測量電源供應器之初次級隔離是否符合安規要求 Test Conditions: 1.DC voltage 500VDC,lnsulation resistance lowest limit:100MΩ. 測試條件: 1.直流電壓500VDC ,絕緣下限電阻值100MΩ. 2. Connect AC input L,N with H.V terminal of safety analyzer after short, and output wires except ground wire with return terminal after all short. 2. 交流輸入L,N短路后連接安規測試儀H.V端,輸出端(除地線外)全部短路后,連接測試儀之Return端. Result limit: The insulation resistance not less than 100 MΩ. 結果判定: 絕緣電阻>100MΩ

54 Open & Short (Abnormal) 開路與短路
Purpose: When one important component is open or short, what will happen to the SPS. 目的: 觀察當一個元件開路或短路時,POWER所發生的現象. Test Condition: 1.The primary input voltage & frequency is against the maximum and the minimum of the rated. 測試條件: 1. 初級部分輸入電壓以產品規格之最高、最低電壓及頻率. The secondary input voltage is against the medium of the rated. 次級部分輸入電壓以產品規格之中心電壓及頻率. 2. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation. 2. 輸出負載以產品規格之最大額定電流值﹒ 3. There isn’t over current protective device equipment at AC input line and the power can off only after stability. 3. 交流輸入不能有過流保護裝置及現象發生至穩定后才能切斷電源 . Result limit: After each test, (If the SPS is damaged, should do a Hi-Pot Test, and can Pass) 結果判定: 每次測試結束後 (如果電源有損壞的現象發生,應該做一次高壓測試,測試結果要求可以通過)

55 EMI Conduction & Radiation 電磁兼容 傳導和輻射
Purpose: Check the ability of resisting to EMI and the outward interference degree. 目的: 量測電源之電磁抗干擾能力及對外干擾程度. Test conditions: 1.FCC15 standard: Input voltage 120Vac,Output load is half & full load of product specification. 測試條件: 1.FCC15標準: 輸入電壓為120Vac,輸出負載為產品規格的半載和滿載. 2. EN55022 standard: Input voltage 220Vac,Output load is Maximum load of product specification. 2. EN55024標準:輸入電壓220Vac,輸出負載為產品規格的最大額定電流值. Result limits: Pass the above two standards. 結果判定: 兩種標準都必須PASS

56 EMI Criteria EMI 標准 Conduction----傳導 Radiation----輻射

57 Other Safety Test Item 其它安規測試項目
Voltage Fluctuation / Flicker Measurement 電壓波動、閃爍-----EN Electrostatic Discharge 靜電放電 ----EN Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Measurement 電快速脈沖群 ----EN Surge Measurement / PLT ( Power Lighting Transient ) 浪湧 ----EN Conducted Susceptibility Measurement 傳導抗擾度 EN Radiated Susceptibility Measurement 輻射抗擾度----EN Voltage Dips and Interrupting Measurement 電壓跌落及中斷 EN

58 Q&A 問與答 Any question ? Thanks a lot !

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