Dr. Huang Chenxi, Professor

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1 Dr. Huang Chenxi, Professor
7th PRC-ADB Knowledge-Sharing Platform:  Social Assistance System Construction, Experiences and Lessons Disclaimer: The views expressed in this document are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), its Board of Directors, or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this document, and accept no responsibility for any consequence of their use. By making any designation or reference to a particular territory or geographical area, or by using the term “country” in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Determination of Social Assistance Recipients:Experience and implications from China Dr. Huang Chenxi, Professor Department of Social Work/Population Research Institute, School of Social Development, East China Normal University

2 Social assistance Selective security programs: individuals and families in poverty Based on Means-test or need assessment means test/income test/income-related/ assets test Final safety net(family, market and other security programs) 问:为什么要建立社会救助制度帮助穷人? 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

3 The reform of China’s social assistance system (Liu, 2010)
Traditional social assistance system The new social assistance system Disaster relief and social assistance are combined together Without standard Assistance according to identity Three noes Five-guarantees Assistance provided very casually Unsystematic assistance Disaster relief and social assistance are divided Clearly defined standard Assistance according to poverty levels The poor or low-income labors regular assistance Systematic assistance 理念突破:从救济到救助;从“三无”人员到所有低收入家庭;从只对没有劳动能力的人口进行救助,转变为对有劳动能力和没有劳动能力的人都进行救助 制度突破:新型社会救助体系凸显政府责任 内容突破:从实物救助到收入救助;从生存保障到生活保障 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

4 Population receiving Minimum Living Standard Guarantee (MLSS)
In 2012, there million and 53.4 million people in urban and rural areas who received MLSS, accounting for 3.01% and 8.31% of the population in urban and rural areas respectively. : recipients receiving MLSS (10 thousands) urban rural — —Coverage rate in rural areas —Coverage rate in urban areas 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

5 The Identification of Social Assistance Recipients
eligibility Age Residence and nationality conditions entitlement How to define poverty:the definition and setting of poverty line How to identify poor families: means test and behavior examination 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

6 Eligibility Criteria Locally-funded
Serving the registered permanent residents Difference between urban and rural areas 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

7 Definition & Establishment of the level of assistance
Households eligible for MLSS Income per capita of family members living together below the level of local minimum living standard(1999) family property meets pre-defined requirements (2014) Low income households or households at the margin to receive MLSS Household income per capita less than 1.5 times of the minimum living standard 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

8 Definition & Establishment of the level of assistance
Urban Minimum Living Standard(1999) Based on the basic living expenses including clothing, food and housing of urban redsidents. The costs of water, electricity, gas and coal, and the education of children are also take into consideration. Local requirements about family property conditions (2014) Family members have one or no house, or have 2 houses but the housing space per capita is below the average level(Zhejiang Province)。 Other factors: government’s financial capacity,relationship with oter social security programs,relationship with other provinces or cities 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

9 Definition & Establishment of the level of assistance
Adjustment of the level of assistance Annual adjustment mainly based on the change of CPI Lack of transparency & inadequate consideration of social development Lack of adjustment with the change of income per capita Lack of adjustment related to the basket baggage 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

10 New Type of Poverty: poverty due to big expenditure
Big expenditure caused by serious diseases, children's education and various emergencies etc. go beyond the affordability of family income Discussion: idea innovation, operation difficulty, not a good solution Balanced budget rarely used as measurement of poverty in academics Difficulty to define and rationalizeexpenditure Assistance is not a good solution to big expenditure in medical treatment and education etc. 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

11 Means Test Units of application Income and property checking
Household: family members living together Legal guardians Living apart should take the responsibility to support family members Income and property checking Imperfection of income reporting system Identifition of property and income mainly based on observation Deception occurs often Centered on redidents' economic status 年,10313户家庭经核对发现不符合申请条件,自愿退出廉租房或经适房的申请,为公共财政节省资金约11.9亿元 2012年上半年用于低保,查到不符合条件的家庭57%自动退出 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

12 Behavior monitoring Most recipients having ability to work-increasing worry about welfare dependance Focusing on recipients at the labor age Good behavir record Compulsory registration of job seeking information 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

13 Experiences It's a complicated process to identify eligible recipients. A series of policies are issued, which reflect different values. As part of integrated social wefare system, social assistance should cooperate with other social security programs. the functions of each programs should be reasonably defined. Law improvement is a key point to the successful implementation of the social assistance system. In countries that develop rapidly and exhibit internal difference between different regions, The identification of the recipients should adapt to local socioeconomic conditions and adjust with socioeconomic changes . 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

14 Huang Chenxi 13764981081 cxhuang@re.ecnu.edu.cn
Thank you! Huang Chenxi

15 黄晨熹 博士/教授 华东师范大学社会发展学院社会工作系/人口研究所
第七届中国-亚行知识共享平台 “社会救助制度建设的经验与借鉴”研讨会 社会救助对象的确定:中国经验和启示 黄晨熹 博士/教授 华东师范大学社会发展学院社会工作系/人口研究所

16 社会救助 选择性保障项目,面向贫困家庭和人口 以家计调查或需求评估为基础 最后的安全网(家庭、市场、其他保障项目)
家计调查(means test)/收入调查(income test)/收入关联(income-related)/财产调查(assets test) 最后的安全网(家庭、市场、其他保障项目) 问:为什么要建立社会救助制度帮助穷人? 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

17 中国救助制度的改革 (刘喜堂,2010) 传统社会救济制度 新型社会救助体系 救灾救济一体 无标准救助 依据身份救助 随意性救助 零散救助
“三无”人员 “五保”老人 随意性救助 零散救助 救灾、救助分离 有标准救助 依据贫困程度救助 有劳动能力的贫困或低收入者 规范性救助 系统救助 理念突破:从救济到救助;从“三无”人员到所有低收入家庭;从只对没有劳动能力的人口进行救助,转变为对有劳动能力和没有劳动能力的人都进行救助 制度突破:新型社会救助体系凸显政府责任 内容突破:从实物救助到收入救助;从生存保障到生活保障 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

18 低保人数及比重 2012年城乡低保人数分别2142万和5340万,分别占城乡人口的3.01%和8.31%。 中国-亚行知识共享平台

19 社会救助对象的确定 申请资格(eligibility) 给付条件(entitlement) 最低年龄门槛 居住和国籍条件
何谓贫困人口:救助线的定义和确立 如何筛选贫困家庭:家计调查和行为审核 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

20 申请资格 地方化筹资Locally-funded 面向当地户籍人口 城乡分割 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

21 救助标准的定义和确立 最低生活保障家庭 低收入家庭或低保边缘户 凡共同生活的家庭成员人均收入低于当地低保标准的家庭(1999)
且符合当地最低生活保障家庭财产状况规定的家庭(2014) 低收入家庭或低保边缘户 家庭人均收入低于当地同期最低生活保障标准的1.5倍 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

22 救助标准的定义和确立 城市最低生活标准(1999) 当地最低生活保障家庭财产状况规定 (2014)
按照当地维持城市居民基本生活所必需的衣、食、住费用,并适当考虑水电燃煤(燃气)费用以及未成年人的义务教育费用确定。 当地最低生活保障家庭财产状况规定 (2014) 城镇居民家庭成员名下仅有1套住房或无房,或者有2套住房,但人均建筑面积低于统计部门公布的上年度当地人均住房建筑面积(浙江省)。 其他因素:政府财政能力,与其他社会保障关系,与兄弟省市关系 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

23 救助标准的定义和确立 救助标准的调整 按年度定期调整,考虑CPI变动为主 缺乏透明性,较少考虑社会发展的因素: 缺乏随人均收入变化的调整
缺乏对“菜篮子”的调整 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

24 新型贫困救助的探索:支出型贫困 支出型贫困和低保 评价:观念创新,操作困难,实非良策
主要指因大重病、子女就学、突发事件等原因造成家庭“硬支出”(刚性支出)过大,超出家庭收入的承受能力,实际生活水平处于贫困状态的困难群体, 评价:观念创新,操作困难,实非良策 学界很少用收支平衡来度量贫困 “支出”难以界定和合理化 救助非解决大额“刚性支出”(医疗、教育)的良策 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

25 家计调查 申领单位的确定 收入财产核算 家庭户:共同生活的家庭成员 分开居住的赡养(抚养、扶养)人具有赡(抚、扶)养责任 收入申报制度不完善
以人工观察为主的财产、收入认定方法 骗保错保现象仍有发生 居民经济状况核对中心 年,10313户家庭经核对发现不符合申请条件,自愿退出廉租房或经适房的申请,为公共财政节省资金约11.9亿元 2012年上半年用于低保,查到不符合条件的家庭57%自动退出 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

26 行为审核 有劳动能力者成为低保对象主体,福利依赖的担忧逐渐显现 劳动年龄阶段低保对象为主 良好行为记录 强制求职登记 中国-亚行知识共享平台

27 经验 社会救助的对象确定过程非常复杂,设计一系列的政策选择,而这些政策选择背后体现不同的价值观。
作为整合性社会福利体系的一部分,社会救助要和其他社会保障项目合理分工,发挥各自独特功能,不能互相替代 法律建设对社会救助制度的顺利推行至关重要 在地区差异明显且快速发展的国家或地区,社会救助对象的确定既要契合当地社会经济发展水平,也要适应社会经济发展变化。 中国-亚行知识共享平台 2018/9/20

28 黄晨熹 13764981081 cxhuang@re.ecnu.edu.cn
谢谢大家! 黄晨熹

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