Lab 303 Layout and Measurement Equipments Rules

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1 Lab 303 Layout and Measurement Equipments Rules

2 量測儀器室 使用規則 食物、飲料禁止攜入儀器區內,實驗室禁止嬉戲、喧嘩等危險活動 。
使用儀器前須先詳細閱讀各儀器之使用手冊,或向熟悉使用方法人請教。 實驗室使用時請維護實驗室之整潔,並於使用完畢後將儀器、零件、工具回歸定位,各項繞線需拆除。 任何儀器與配件使用前須要先登記,設定好儀器在使用前須工作人員簽名始能使用,完畢須要檢查通過,工作人員簽名才能離開。 電線、連接線等各項耗材請儀器使用人自備,本實驗室僅提供各項儀器必須之耗材。 當儀器發出任何警告訊號時,請立即停止操作並通知管理人員處理。 使用儀器如有任何問題,請立即通知管理人員。 非上班時間不開放使用, 有特殊需求經指導教授同意後提出申請。

3 量測儀器室 預約規定 儀器的預約原則: 非研究群為週一、週二、週四工作日之上午9時至中午,研究群為其它時段。
有特殊需求者(已初步驗証完晶片, 需長時間量測、記錄晶片資訊等理由), 經指導教授同意後,並且 給指導教授以及管理員提出非上班時間使用申請。 預約時間未到將記違規乙次,遲到超過30分鐘視為未到。無故取消累記兩次者記違規乙次。 預約開放兩週的日期預約,最晚請於預計使用日前一日提出申請,以方便安排儀器使用順序。每時段僅開兩組人員登記(儀器不衝突的原則)。 每週每人僅開放兩個時段預約, 需要更多時間的學員請當日詢問儀器使用狀況, 或申請非工作時間使用。

4 焊接室 使用規則 食物、飲料禁止攜入儀器區內,更不得在儀器區飲用。 實驗室禁止嬉戲、喧嘩等危險活動 。
實驗室使用時請維護實驗室之整潔,並於使用完畢後將工具、零件、電材回歸定位,所有廢電料皆需自行清除。 使用前須要事先登記,使用完畢須要檢查通過才能離開。 最晚請於預計使用日前一日提出申請。 若需於夜間或假日借用實驗室者,一定要在上班時間提出申請,未事先申請者一律不準借用。 電線等各項電料耗材由使用者(或各實驗室)自備。 離開座位請立即關閉焊槍以及熱風槍等高熱電源設備,以免危害實驗室安全。 有嚴重違反使用規則者,將取消借用之權利,並通知指導教授。

5 Lab303. Layout

6 Measurement Room Layout
1-1 00. Audio Precision PSIA-2722 Programmable Serial Interface Adapter 01. Audio Precision SYS-2722 Test System for high resolution ADC 02. Agilent 81130A Pulse Data Generator (400/660 MHz / 1.32Gbit/s) 03. Agilent 54831D 4+16-Channel, 600 MHz Mixed-Signal Infiniium Oscilloscope 1-2 04. Agilent 16702B Logic Analysis System 05. Agilent 54832D 4+16-Channel, 1 GHz Mixed-Signal Infiniium Oscilloscope. 2-1 06. Agilent 54622D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope 07. Agilent MSO9404A Oscilloscope: 4 GHz, 4 analog plus 16 digital channels 08. Tektronix TDS6124C Digital Storage Oscilloscope. 2-2 09. Agilent 16902B Logic Analysis System 10. Agilent E8257D PSG Analog Signal Generator 11. Agilent E4440A PSA Series Spectrum Analyzer, 3 Hz - 26 GHz 3-1 12. Agilent E8257D PSG Analog Single Generator 3-2 13. Agilent 86100B Infiniium DCA Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope 14. Agilent N4901B Serial BERT 13.5Gb/s 15. Agilnet E5071B ENA RF Network Analyzer, 300 kHz to 8.5 GHz 4-1 16. N6705B DC Power Analyzer, Modular, 600 W, 4 Slots Instek LCR-8110G 20Hz ~ 10MHz Precision LCR Meter 18. 巨孚(Giant Force Instrument Enterprise Co) Programmable Temp. & Humi. Chamber (CP) 19. High Resolution Digital Camera P1. Keithley 2400 Source meter X2. P2. Agilent 34401A Digital multimeter P3. Agilent E3630A 30W power supply (8V/3A or 15V/2A) P4. Agilent E3610A 30W power supply (8V/3A or 15V/2A) X7 P5. Agilent 33250A AWG (80MHz function/arbitrary waveform generator) X2 P6. GoodWell PPT-1830 GPIB Powergrammable Power Supply X2

7 Equipments Introduction
Oscilloscope (MSO) Agilent 54622D The Agilent 54622D 2+16 channel, 100 MHz Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope (MSO), with two scope channels and 16 logic timing channels.

8 Equipments Introduction
Oscilloscope (MSO) Agilent 54831D Agilent 54832D 600-MHz Bandwidth 4GSa/s sample rate. 1-GHz Bandwidth 4GSa/s sample rate. The 54831D/54832D with 4 scope channels and 16 timing channels and combines the detailed signal analysis of a scope with the multi-channel timing measurements and triggering of a logic analyzer.

9 Equipments Introduction
Oscilloscope (MSO) Agilent MSO9404A Oscilloscope: 4 GHz, 4 analog plus 16 digital channels 4 GHz bandwidth across all 4 analog channels 4 analog channels + 16 digital channels 20 GSa/s max. sample rate Standard 20 Mpts memory per channel, upgradeable to 1 Gpts

10 Equipments Introduction Oscilloscope (Wide-Bandwidth)
Agilent 86100B Infiniium DCA Wide-Bandwidth Oscilloscope 54754A Differential TDR/TDT Plug-In Module 86112A Dual Electrical 20 GHz Plug-In Module

11 Equipments Introduction Oscilloscope (Digital Storage )
Tektronix TDS9124C Digital Storage Oscilloscope 4 Channel 12GHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope 40 GS/s real-time sample rate on two channels*1 20 GS/s real-time sample rate on all four channels with 500 fs/sample interpolated points

12 Equipments Introduction Logic Analysis & Pattern Generator
Agilent 16702B / 16902B Logic Analysis System 16740A logic analysis module

13 Equipments Introduction Logic Analysis & Pattern Generator
Agilent 16902B Modular Logic Analysis System 16950B Logic Analyzer Module 16720A 300 M Vector/Sec Pattern Generator Module

14 Equipments Introduction
Pulse Generator Agilent 81130A Pulse Data Generator (400/660 MHz / 1.32Gbit/s) 400/660 MHz single- or dual-channel pulse data generator Pulse, burst, pattern modes selectable Precision timing model and sequenced PRBS capability SMA(f) 3.5 mm : Differential

15 Equipments Introduction
BER Agilent N4901B Serial BERT 13.5Gb/s Frequency Range: 150Mb/s Gb/s True differential data generation and analysis Jitter modulation capability: 200ps, DC to 1 GHz Low intrinsic Jitter: < 1ps RMS TYP. Transition Time (10%-90%)s: < 25ps Integrated CDR: operates in data rate ranges form Gb/s Gb/s, Gb/s and Gb/s Input Sensitivity: <50mV pp

16 Equipments Introduction
Generator Agilent E8257D PSG Analog Single Generator, up to 67 GHz Agilent 33250A AWG (80MHz function/arbitrary waveform generator)

17 Equipments Introduction
Spectrum Agilent E4440A PSA Series Spectrum 3 Hz GHz To analyze the frequency spectrum

18 Equipments Introduction
Network Analyzer Agilent E5071B ENA RF Network Analyzer, 300 kHz to 8.5 GHz. To measure S-parameter, Z-parameter and Y-parameter of a network. To analyze the frequency response of a network

19 Equipments Introduction
Audio Audio Precision PSIA-2722 Programmable Serial Interface Adapter The Audio Precision Programmable Serial Interface Adapter (PSIA) facilitates the connection of chip-level devices, such as analog-to-digital converters, digital-to-analog converters and sample-rate converters to a System Two Cascade and Cascade Plus measurement instrument. Voltage levels for 5 V and 3.3 V TTL; 1.8 V, 2.4 V, and 3.3 V CMOS with front panel LED logic voltage indicators. Audio Precision SYS-2722 Test System for high resolution ADC

20 Equipments Introduction
Power Analyzer N6705B DC Power Analyzer, Modular, 600 W, 4 Slots 4-slot mainframe holds up to 600 W of total power up to 4 modules. More than 30 DC power modules to choose from (modules ordered separately) Voltmeter accuracy: Up to 0.025% + 50 µV, up to 18 bits Ammeter accuracy: Up to 0.025% + 8 nA, up to 18 bits Arbitrary waveform generator function: Bandwidth up to 100 kHz, output power up to 500 W Scope function: Digitizes voltage and current at up to 200 kHz, 512 kpts, up to 18 bits Data logger function: Measurement interval from 20 µs to 60 s, max of 500 M readings per datalog 4 GB of non-volatile data storage for data log, scope traces, instrument settings

21 Equipments Introduction
LCR Meter Instek LCR-8110G 20Hz ~ 10MHz Precision LCR Meter DC Resistance Measurement Comprehensive Measurement Functions Monitoring of DUT Voltage and Current Pass/Fail Test Standard Interface : RS-232 & GPIB Graph Mode Test Frequency 20Hz ~ 10MHz Large LCD Display 6 digit Measurement Resolution 0.1% Basic Measurement Accuracy Multiple Step Mode

22 Equipments Introduction
Meter Agilent 34401A Digital Multimeter Keithley 2400 Source meter To measure DC and AC voltage and current . Resistance measurement. Open/short measurements To provide DC bias voltage or current source for DUT

23 Equipments Introduction
Power Supply Agilent E3610A 30W power supply (8V/3A or 15V/2A). Agilent E3630A 35W triple output power supply (6V/2.5A or ±20V/0.5A). GW PPT-1830 GPIB programmable power supply

24 Equipments Introduction
Power Supply Hamlet MH101標準型三眼正立金向顯微鏡 Moticam 2000 Live High Resolution Didital Camera

25 Equipments Introduction
Temp & Humi Chamber Programmable Temp. & Humi. Chamber (CP) Model GTH CP-AR Temp. & Humi. Range -40 ℃ ~100 ℃ 10% ~ 98% RH Indication Resolution 0.01℃ ; 0.01%RH

26 Reference Document Website Documents
Documents Equipments user’s guide Equipments user’s manual Equipments quickly start guide Equipment’s datasheet Application notes

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