劉昫如 Hsu-Lu Ruth Liu Elsevier 教育訓練顧問

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1 劉昫如 Hsu-Lu Ruth Liu Elsevier 教育訓練顧問
ScienceDirect 教育訓練 2006 劉昫如 Hsu-Lu Ruth Liu Elsevier 教育訓練顧問 Welcome to this training session. ScienceDirect is the world's largest electronic collection of science, technology and medicine full-text and bibliographic information. It has become an essential information resource for millions of scientists around the world.

2 Elsevier與ScienceDirect(SDOL)
Elsevier, 全世界最大STM學術期刊出版機構 ScienceDirect 全世界最大的STM全文與書目電子資源資料庫 索引、摘要、全文(手冊、叢書、參考工具書、期刊)資料庫 單一平台上包含超過 2,100 種期刊(含現刊、已停刊、移出資料庫) 超過2,000種期刊的回溯性文獻 超過7,720,000篇全文 透過 CrossRef 連結,連接至超過 300 家其他供應商平台上的全文 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

3 涵蓋的主題領域 Physical Sciences and Engineering Life Sciences
Chemical Engineering Chemistry Computer Science Earth and Planetary Sciences Energy Engineering Materials Science Mathematics Physics and Astronomy Life Sciences Agricultural and Biological Sciences Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Environmental Science Immunology and Microbiology Neuroscience Health Sciences Medicine and Dentistry Nursing and Health Professions Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine Social Sciences and Humanities Arts and Humanities Business, Management and Accounting Decision Sciences Economics, Econometrics and Finance Psychology Social Sciences ScienceDirect materials span 25 subject areas, including … Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

4 涵蓋的時間範圍 一般期刊文獻 回溯性期刊文獻 自1995年至今 超過4,000,000篇全文 1823年至1994年間
超過3,000,000篇全文 部分期刊回溯自第一卷第一期起 ScienceDirect materials span 25 subject areas, including … Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

5 新版 ScienceDirect 設計理念 減少使用者的點選次數 節省使用者時間 同一個畫面呈現多種功能 採納更多使用者的意見並符合使用習慣
Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

6 啟動 註冊帳號密碼 合法IP內,隨時可註冊;與Scopus共用帳號密碼 使用完整的個人化功能
Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

7 SD首頁 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

8 瀏覽功能 瀏覽首頁 期刊 / 書 首頁 首頁 從首頁直接連結至期刊 / 書名清單以及學科領域瀏覽清單 期刊與書同在一個瀏覽區域
使用者可輕易地控制欲顯示的文獻類型 使用者可同時檢視多種學科領域的文獻內容 從瀏覽的頁面可直接連結到未正式出版的文獻 從瀏覽的頁面可直接將期刊 / 書加到常用清單或設為新知通報 期刊 / 書 首頁 呈現卷期清單以及當期的目次頁以供快速連結與導航 Homepage – today you can browse a-z via a link on the title finder box but this is not very clear. Subject browse from the homepage today is not possible Browse page – for browsing all content you need to go to the journals and books room separately, there is not an option to see journals+book series and (hand)books+references content types at the same time. Today, the user needs to change the defaults in the dropdown box on the browse page to only see subscribed content. With revamp this is much more visible and easier to manage by (un)checking the various boxes. Today, there is no option to view multiple (sub)categories at the same time. With revamp you can easily check which (sub)category content you want to view. Today, users have to go to the journal homepage to add a journal to favorites or alerts, or to see the articles in press, with revamp they can manage this from the title browse list. Journal/book homepage: User does not have to hit back button to visit another volume/issue Over 50% of all journal homepage visits go to the most recent issue first, showing this as default on the journal homepage will save many users a click Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

9 BROWSE Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

10 Browse to the articles in press of 瀏覽尚未正式出版(in press)的文章
瀏覽功能範例 (II) Browse to the articles in press of FEBS Letters 瀏覽尚未正式出版(in press)的文章 以FEBS Letters為例 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

11 從瀏覽期刊的頁面,可連結到in press的文章
設定為常用期刊 設定為期刊卷期新知通報 點選2次 即可連結到in press的文章 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

12 Browse through 2 issues of The Lancet
瀏覽功能範例 (III) Browse through 2 issues of The Lancet 同畫面呈現 期刊卷期索引 與 該期內容 以Lancet為例 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

13 當期的目次頁毋須點選 在進到期刊首頁後,自動呈現 在期刊首頁中 卷期索引就在畫面左側 易於快速切換於不同卷期間 瀏覽同一期刊的兩個卷期
只需點選3次 Jnl Homepage always shows most recent issue ToC, no extra click. Navigation on all pages, no back button necessary to navigate through journal Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

14 檢索功能示範 Quick Search 快速檢索 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

15 快速檢索提供4種使用者最常執行的功能 快速檢索可以執行  這些檢索功能會出現在ScienceDirect中 每個畫面 搜尋期刊 / 書籍
搜尋特定的卷 / 期 / 頁碼 作者檢索 文章篇名、摘要、關鍵字檢索 出版年設定  這些檢索功能會出現在ScienceDirect中 每個畫面 Title finder used to only be on the homepage and the journal/book homepages, now is accessible from every page via the QS bar. Volume/issue/page search only available via the search form (and many users are not aware of this) Author search was already available in QS bar, but not specific. Author search-only was available from the search form. Keywords search was already available. Possibility added to search within a specific year range. Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

16 title, abstract, keywords (earthquake) 利用quick search搜尋文章題名、摘要、關鍵字
Find all articles from title, abstract, keywords (earthquake) 利用quick search搜尋文章題名、摘要、關鍵字 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

17 QUICK SEARCH 1.篇名、摘要、關鍵字 2.作者 4.卷、期、頁次 3.期刊/書籍 名稱
--This Journal/Book-- 1.篇名、摘要、關鍵字 2.作者 3.期刊/書籍 名稱 4.卷、期、頁次 Searching for Journal and Book Titles In Quick Search, enter your search term(s) in the Journal/book title field only. Notes   If you enter search terms in any of the other Quick Search fields, your search will return articles instead of journal and book titles. You can search a specific journal or book using Quick Search. When the text, --This Journal/Book--, displays in the Journal/book title field and you are viewing a journal or book home page, entering terms in the other Quick Search fields will search only content in that journal or book. You do not have to enter the entire title. For example, entering neuro bio will return all titles that include those letters. Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

18 Find all articles from author (Murray)
快速檢索功能示範(II) Find all articles from author (Murray) 利用Quick Search搜尋特定作者 以作者姓氏Murry為例 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

19 僅需點選2次 即可得到結果 使用者可輕易地在SD的任何一個畫面鍵入 作者名字 執行 作者檢索
Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

20 Basic and Advanced Searches
檢索功能示範 Basic and Advanced Searches 基本檢索與進階檢索 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

21 基本檢索(Basic Search) 檢索詞彙、特定來源、主題、年代範圍 使用布林運算元 AND、OR、AND NOT
包括 / 不包括 in press 期刊論文 Basic 檢索欄位可容納多個檢索詞彙 All the search forms, except for Scirus, have basic and advanced search modes. The basic search mode offers a menu-driven form that to search terms, specified sources, subjects and date ranges. You can include the Boolean operators AND, OR, AND NOT to limit your search. There is also the option to include or exclude Articles in Press. 重新執行先前已 儲存的檢索策略 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

22 基本檢索– 檢索範圍 預設的 All Sources 檢索表包括 Journals、Books、Reference WorksA、Abstract Databases與Scirus The All Sources search form allows you to search across multiple sources available on ScienceDirect. This includes journals, abstract databases, reference works and books. If you do not have a subscription to a particular source, it isn’t included in your search. Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

23 進階檢索(Advanced Search)
包括in press期刊論文 使用布林運算元(and, or, and not)和 LexisNexis 檢索語法 處理複雜和長檢索句 The advanced search mode allows you to construct more complex and lengthy search strings. The menu form is replaced with an empty search box. By using Lexis-Nexis search syntax, you can limit your search by field segments by typing in the field name, followed by all of your search terms enclosed in parentheses. You can include Boolean operators to add more segments. Advanced 檢索欄位可容納 複雜的檢索指令 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

24 實機練習- 1 快速檢索練習 基本檢索練習 2004年出版與台灣的地震有關的研究 練習一:綠茶在癌症預防方面的研究
關鍵字:Taiwan, earthquake 基本檢索練習 練習一:綠茶在癌症預防方面的研究 關鍵字:green tea, cancer, prevention 練習二:台灣有關SARS的研究 關鍵字:Taiwan, SARS 欄位特性:主題欄位(題名、摘要、關鍵字);機構 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

25 結果中再檢索(Search Within Results )
使用檢索結果頁中的檢索方塊 輸入術語以精簡原始檢索要求 使用 LexisNexis 檢索語法來指定檢索欄位 執行無限量的精簡檢索 以green tea, cancer, prevention + Taiwan 為例 再檢索資料庫中所有欄位 After you have run a query, you can use the “Search Within Results” box to narrow your results from results already returned. From the query box on at the top of the search results page, enter terms to refine your original query. When you enter a term, you search all fields. However, you can use the Lexis-Nexis search syntax to specify search fields. You can perform an unlimited number of search refinements. Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

26 檢索結果(Search Results) 編輯、儲存檢索結果、儲存為新知通報服務 E-mail結果與匯出書目資料到論文管理軟體
When you have run a search, you have several options on the results page. You can view, edit or save the query with the search links. You can the results list by clicking on “ Articles.” You can download the citation to reference management programs such as ProCite, EndNote or Reference Manager by selecting “Export Citations.” To change the sort, go to the “Sort By” drop-down menu and select either date or relevance. 按日期或相關性排序 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

27 檢索結果 – 呈現內容 使用檢索結果頁的連結來檢視 Article List (書目資料)
Full Abstracts (完整摘要+書目資料) Use the link from the search results page to view partial or full abstracts with the citations (authors, article & journal titles, dates). This allows you to scroll through the results and view abstracts right from the results list. Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

28 儲存檢索結果(Save Search) 在檢索結果頁中儲存檢索
If you would like to save a search query to run at a later time, you may do so by first running the search and retrieving the results list. Then at the top of the list, click ‘Save Search’ to keep your search indefinitely under your profile. Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

29 跨越文件限制(Document Limit Override)
ScienceDirect 並未限制檢索的文件數量 但是,ScienceDirect 只顯示 1,000 筆結果 解決之道:建議以年代限縮檢索結果 檢索找到超過 10,000 筆結果時會有提示訊息: Do you want to cancel or continue the search?(您要取消或繼續檢索?) 每一組 1,000 筆顯示結果都已排序 您可選擇按日期或相關性順序來檢視結果 行動記錄僅記錄最近的 100 個行動 If a search finds over 10,000 results, a message appears asking if you want to cancel or continue the search. The 1,000 results displayed are ranked by date or relevance. Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

30 實機練習- 2 結果中再檢索練習 檢索結果練習 先執行title中有關台灣地震的檢索 利用再檢索功能找出與集集(Chi-Chi)相關的文獻
練習一:用不同方式取得檢索結果 練習二:選擇不同檢索結果呈現方式 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

31 個人化功能 使用者的行動都會被儲存下來,例如現在的檢索、瀏覽文章、期刊或書等 從首頁即可設定新知通報、常用期刊 / 書、儲存檢索策略等
使用者可在首頁,將常用的功能設定為快速連結 SD 的功能 常用的任何外部網頁 “Remember Me” ,使用者在勾選 Remember Me的功能後,可毋須再自行登錄帳號密碼,即自動登入SD,並直接進到個人化的機能中 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

32 個人化設定功能示範 My Setting 增加/移除新知通報 ‧ 個人資料 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

33 我的個人設定 可隨時變更個人設定 If you need to view or change any of your settings, you can use the ‘My Profile’ link to quickly access each personalized section. Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

34 設定檢索新知通報(Search Alerts)
在結果頁的再檢索區域,為檢索設定檢索通報 You set up a search alert from the results page of a search in any research area. Click ‘Save as Search Alert’. A screen will appear asking you to name your search and specify the address to send the information to and how often you would like the alert to run. You can select to run search alerts daily, weekly or monthly. Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

35 設定卷期新知通報(Volume / Issue Alerts)
透過 My Alerts To request a new volume or issue alert, check the box next to ‘Alert me when new Journal Issues are available’ from the journal browse screen. Or select “Alert me when new volume issues are available” from the books browse screen. You can also go to the ‘Alerts’ screen and add or remove Journals or Books. 透過期刊 / 書清單 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

36 設定引用新知通報(Citation Alerts)
To set up a citation alert, you must be viewing the article you’re looking for in citations. From the actions list on the upper or lower right side of the article, select ‘Save as Citation Alert’. A page will appear asking for the name of the alert, your address and the frequency you would like to have the citation search run. Enter your selections and click ‘Save Alert’. 在論文頁設定引用通報 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

37 設定引用新知通報的好處 在您選擇的期刊論文被其他新的論文(在 ScienceDirect中) 引用時,透過電子郵件通知您
Citation alerts can notify you by when an article you select is cited by new articles on ScienceDirect. If you are an author, you can track all ScienceDirect papers citing your article. If you’re a librarian, you can use citation alerts to notify you each time a particular campus author publishes. Or to get a list of all articles your campus authors have published on ScienceDirect. For more detailed instructions, check out ScienceDirect’s interactive online tutorials – available under Help. Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

38 個人化功能示範(I) Recent Actions 行動記錄 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

39 只需點選1次 即可得到結果 在Recent Actions 中 儲存使用者 先前所有的檢索行動 只要點選清單中的 特定檢索記錄
即可快速地重新執行檢索 並顯示結果 Note: all the actions done (searching for FEBS, Cell and Author Murray) are now shown in the recent actions list 只需點選1次 即可得到結果 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

40 個人化功能示範(II) Accessing Alerts 連結新知通報 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

41 只要勾選 “Remerber me” 使用者即可自動登入 並從首頁立即可連結到個人化服務的功能 僅需點選 1次 即可進入新知通報功能
When user checks remember me, next time s(he) is automatically logged in with immedaite access to alerts from the homepage Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

42 個人化功能示範(III) Quick Links 快速連結 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

43 在首頁可將常用的功能設定為快速連結 不論是SD 的功能 或常用的任何外部網頁皆可
Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

44 自學輔助工具 快速參考指南 SDOL互動式自學系統Science Direct Tutorials 系統中說明(Help)
系統中說明(Help) 在特定功能中點選Help,可直接帶出該功能的說明 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

45 SDOL互動式自學系統 For more information, you can go to ScienceDirect Info, at It’s free and easy to subscribe to SD Connect, giving you information you can feature on your library’s Web site or Web site – or otherwise pass along to fellow staff or researchers. The newsletter offers tips on how to get the best out of ScienceDirect, information on the latest additions to coverage, and information on Scirus – freely available to all. Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

46 Author Gateway – 作者之門 http://authors.elsevier.com/
期刊簡介:範圍、讀者群設定等 投稿須知:收稿地址(信箱)、審查制度、摘要長度與內容、引用格式、抽印本…… 投稿進度:審稿進度、接受與否 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

47 Scirus – 科學資訊的檢索引擎 http://www.scirus.com/
協助使用者在網上尋找科學研究的資料類似 Google, Yahoo等等,但檢索結果更精確 被提名 2003 年度最佳科學網站 Best Science Web Site Award by the Webby Awards ( 贏得2004年WEBAWARD(Best Directory or Search Engine Website)( 免費! Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

48 我們的提醒…… 尊重版權 合理使用 Hsu-Ju Ruth Liu (Taiwan) 2006

49 Thank you! Please remember you can visit ScienceDirect Info any time for further, newly updated information. 3

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