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及时准确的为您解答临床及科研问题 让您紧贴第一手医学发展信息

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1 及时准确的为您解答临床及科研问题 让您紧贴第一手医学发展信息
及时准确的为您解答临床及科研问题 让您紧贴第一手医学发展信息 Smarter Easier Better 爱思唯尔: 刘宝印 2018/9/20

2 Agenda Brief Introduction of Elsevier / 爱思唯尔简介
CASE by Using MDConsult / 使用MDConsult的一个实用案例 MDConsult Introduction / MDConsult内容介绍 4. Demo

3 ELSEVIER Introduction
Elsevier is committed to making genuine contributions to the science and health communities by providing: World-class information Global dissemination and preservation Innovative Tools A Commitment to Work Together

4 ELSEVIER Introduction

5 ELSEVIER Introduction

6 ELSEVIER Introduction – Titles & Books
1580年,Elzevir 1823 Lancet 1858 Gray’s Anatomy 1930 Cecil’s Textbook of Medicine 1976 Cell 1997 SD 1997 MD 56% 医学诺贝尔奖

7 ELSEVIER Introduction – e-Products

8 CASE 对于慢性荨麻疹(Chronic Urticaria) 使用Cetirizine(西替立嗪)和Fexofenadine(非索非那定)
哪一种治疗效果好? 证据何在?

9 CASE 循证医学的5个步骤 Formula an Answerable Question. 由个案的临床资料形成可回答的临床问题
Track Down the Best Evidence 寻找最佳实证(各种文献及资料库) Critically Appraise the Evidence for Validity, Impact, and Applicability 评估各种医学报告的可信度、临床重要性及可用性 Integrate with Our Clinical Expert and Patient Value 整合并应用于实际患者的治疗方案 Evaluate Our Effectiveness and efficacy 效果评估

10 CASE - PICO Patient Intervention Comparison Outcome Chronic Urticaria
Cetirizine(西替立嗪) Comparison Fexofenadine(非索非那定) Outcome Which one is better

11 Chronic Urticaria Cetirizine Fexofenadine
CASE - Acquire / Search Chronic Urticaria Cetirizine Fexofenadine

12 CASE - Search Results

13 CASE - Result from Books

14 CASE - Result from Journals

15 CASE - Result from Medical Topic

16 CASE - Result from Medical Topic / Treatment

17 CASE - Result from Medical Topic / EBM

18 CASE - Cetirizine EBM

19 CASE - Fexofenadine EBM

20 CASE – Summary of Evidence

21 MDConsult Introduction
MD Consult brings the leading medical resources together into one integrated online service to help physicians efficiently find answers to pressing clinical questions and make better treatment decisions. Find answers quickly Keep up with new developments Educate patients About MD Consult MD Consult brings the leading medical resources together into one integrated online service to help physicians efficiently find answers to pressing clinical questions and make better treatment decisions. Find answers quickly Keep up with new developments Educate patients A service of Elsevier, a world leader in health care and medical science publishing, MD Consult operates a family of electronic information resources that meet the clinical content needs of physicians and other health care professionals. MD Consult was founded in 1997 through a unique venture of the world's leading medical publishers that included Mosby and W.B. Saunders. Our flagship online product, the MD Consult Core Service, quickly earned acclaim for its select content offering and intelligent design. A favorite of primary care physicians and specialists alike, MD Consult now serves over 280,000 users and is licensed by more than 1,700 health care organizations worldwide, including nearly 95% of US medical schools. Subscribers search our extensive content 1.5 million times per month and view more than 8 million pages of clinical content, primarily during daytime practice hours. The site is designed to meet the exacting needs of clinical practitioners, providing practical and time-saving features that let you quickly access the precise information you need. Leading Medical Reference Books: The complete text of over 50 leading medical reference books. Users can search the entire collection simultaneously to pinpoint the specific information needed. Also, search and compare over 50,000 high-quality images. Full-Text Journals and Clinics of North America: Full text articles are available through a powerful search engine that includes the complete contents of over 80 journals and Clinics of North America. PDFs are available for many of the journal and Clinics of North America articles. Journal Databases: Simultaneously search the full text of our online journals and millions of MEDLINE abstracts. Guidelines: Access our collection of more than 1,000 peer-reviewed practice guidelines, which are regularly updated and organized by topic and authoring organization for easy browsing. Patient Education: Nearly 10,000 printable, patient handouts which you can customize, adding your own notes, patient instructions, and contact information. CME: Grand Rounds activities across 15 specialties. FREE CME credit for the first five conferences that you submit for credit. Plus Clinical Cornerstone and FREE CME, sponsored by Exerpta Medica. Drug Information: MD Consult drug information is provided by Gold Standard. Accepted standard MD Consult has been adopted by more than 90% of North American medical schools and is used in over 1,700 healthcare organizations worldwide. With over a quarter million physician and professional users, MD Consult is the most respected online clinical information service. Get Clinical Answers Quickly MD Consult is one of the most efficient tools available to physicians today, putting a breadth of highly respected, current clinical resources at your fingertips. Keep Up With The Latest Developments MD Consult makes it easy and convenient to stay current with the newest developments in practice ?from recent journals to FDA announcements. Throughout the site, updates are flagged and highlighted so you'll know instantly what is new. News: The latest findings and developments in medical news, sorted by interest, allows users to stay current with new developments from all of the major journals, government agencies, and medical conferences. Users also receive concise clinical summaries and links to related information. In This Week's Journals: Select articles from the most respected medical journals. Key contents are presented in an easy-to-scan format, including concise article summaries that provide a fast overview. Pocket Consult: Pocket Consult puts current medical news, drug updates, and journal abstracts on your hand held device each time you hot-sync. Plus you receive 20 free medical calculators, and the ability to store, record, and initiate searches of MD Consult from the PDA. Educate Patients MD Consult includes patient education handouts that you can customize to help your patients understand their illnesses and your treatment recommendations.

22 首页(Home) 导航栏 热点关注 新闻与更新 MDS骨髓增生异常综合症 myelo dys plastic syndrome

23 检索呈献 – 进一步搜索 骨髓增生异常综合征 MDS

24 检索呈献 – 进一步搜索结果 骨髓增生异常综合征 MDS

25 检索呈献 – Full Text 骨髓增生异常综合征 MDS

26 MDConsult 内容介绍 在线专家诊疗系统( FirstConsult ) 参考书籍(51经典核心医学参考书)
医学期刊(53本期刊+35本北美临床) 北美临床杂志 病人教育(10000份定制的病人教育手册) 药物信息(提供最新最全面的药物信息) 诊疗指南(1000份的同行评议的指南) 医学图片(超50000张,可供下载打印) 新闻报道(各专科最新医学及临床新闻) 继续医学教育(Online CME)

27 注册个人账户 Create Account

28 注册个人账户 Create Account

29 Login

30 Login

31 在线专家诊疗系统( FirstConsult )
FirstConsult创新性:为医生及医学院学生提供患者评估、诊断、管理和预后方面权威的、持续更新的循证医学指导,并Palm和PPC。First Consult is an authoritative evidence-based and continuously updated clinical information resource for healthcare professionals. Designed for use at point of care, it provides instant, user-friendly access to the latest information on evaluation, diagnosis, clinical management, prognosis, and prevention. Medical Topics are First Consult's comprehensive database of clinically-compiled, weekly-updated information on patient evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, tests, prevention, and much more Differential Diagnoses provides a rapid evaluation of your patient's complaint with interactive access to potential diagnoses ordered by age and prevalence Procedures provides clear systematic guidance, including videos and medical animations, of procedures integral to the practice of medicine across many specialties

32 在线专家诊疗系统 – Medical Topics
提供700多个临床主题,涵盖23个学科领域。每周更新。 MESSAGING: The power to treat more patients, more effectively, in less time. Saves Valuable Time First Consult is an evidence-based, continuously updated clinical resource for health care professionals, providing instant access to the latest in evaluation, diagnosis, management, outcomes and prevention. Designed for Use at the Time and Point of Care First Consult's Differential Diagnosis tool enables practitioners to work back from a patient's presenting sign or symptom to interactive diagnostic pathway tables that feature over 1,800 possible diagnoses, sorted by age and prevalence, for at-a-glance review. Supports Clinical Judgement The Medical Topics knowledge base is at the heart of First Consult, offering indepth coverage of the conditions most often seen in daily practice.  Medical Topics offer consistently organized, regularly updated information on patient evaluation, diagnosis and treatment, tests, disease prevention, and much more.  Look for summaries of, and links to, clinically actionable evidence, graded in accordance with American Academy of Family Physicians guidelines. Step-by-Step Procedure Technique Instructions with Visuals Procedures provide clear, systematic guidance, in the form of text, video and animation on surgical and diagnostic procedures integral to practicing medicine across most specialties.  Each Procedure features evidence-based management guidelines, follow-up issues and clinical pearls from expert contributors. Enhances Patient Communication and Compliance Patient Education handouts are fully customizable and available in both English and Spanish. Perfect for Clinical Rotations As residents and students talk to patients during their clinical rotations, First Consult improves skills in treatment planning, clinical documentation, and patient communication. Provides Instant Access to Expert Advice All of the information on First Consult must pass a rigorous screening process by the First Consult Editorial Board - comprising of leading authorities in internal and specialty medicine.  Led by Fred F. Ferri, MD, FACP, the Editorial Board members are dedicated to ensuring the quality, currency, and accuracy of content on First Consult.  They also contribute valuable wisdom they've gained throughout a lifetime of medical teaching and patient care. Point of Care 进入临床和轮转医师 研究生 根据病人主诉提供各种鉴别诊断,这一点和临床很贴切 通过症状来找病因。和research有区别

33 在线专家诊疗系统 – Topic / MDS

34 在线专家诊疗系统– Topic / MDS / EBM

35 在线专家诊疗系统 – DDX / Chronic Cough
鉴别诊断:Differential Diagnoses provides a rapid evaluation of your patient‘s complaint with interactive access to potential diagnoses ordered by age and prevalence 。 提供与病人主诉相关的体征和症状列表,按年龄和流行性进行比较和浏览 1800种症状列表。 Potential diagnoses for a chief complaint are displayed by age groups, and within each age group they are ordered by prevalence from most common to least common. Items displayed with an asterisk (*) should be ruled out immediately. Ordering of diagnoses is regularly reviewed by the Differential Diagnoses Editorial Board members.

36 在线专家诊疗系统 – DDX / Chronic Cough
鉴别诊断:Differential Diagnoses provides a rapid evaluation of your patient‘s complaint with interactive access to potential diagnoses ordered by age and prevalence 。 提供与病人主诉相关的体征和症状列表,按年龄和流行性进行比较和浏览 1800种症状列表。

37 在线专家诊疗系统 – DDX / Chronic Cough
Gastroesophageal reflex disease 胃食管反流疾病 喉癌

38 在线专家诊疗系统 - Procedures 切除和修复
通过视频剪辑、动画演示和关键步骤说明提供清晰权威的操作指导。临床要点由专家推荐,每项操作遵循循证医学指导。 切除和修复

39 在线专家诊疗系统- Procedures / Video
活组织切片检查 活体切片短片

40 参考书籍(Books)- List Alphabetically

41 参考书籍(Books) - List by Specialty

42 参考书籍(Books)- Cecil Medicine

43 参考书籍 – Chapter 193 – Myelodysplastic Syndrome

44 参考书籍(Books)- Print Previews

45 参考书籍(Books)- PDF

46 参考书籍(Books)- Browse by Index / Bleeding

47 参考书籍(Books)- Best-known
Cecil Textbook of Medicine 希氏内科学 Braunwald's Heart Disease Braunwald‘心脏病学 Campbell's Urology 坎贝尔泌尿外科学 Sabiston Textbook of Surgery 克氏外科学 Miller's Anesthesia 米勒麻醉学 Williams Textbook of Endocrinology 威廉姆斯内分泌学 Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 尼尔逊儿科学 Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics 坎贝尔骨科手术学

48 附:参考书籍收录书目(1-27) Abeloff: Clinical Oncology,3rd ed.
Adkinson: Middleton's Allergy: Principles and Practice, 6th ed. Auerbach: Wilderness Medicine, 4th ed. Behrman et al: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17th ed. Brenner & Rector's The Kidney, 7th ed. Browner: Skeletal Trauma: Basic Science, Management, and Reconstruction, 3rd ed. Canale: Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, 10th ed. Cheng-Zaas: The Osler Medical Handbook, 1st ed. Cohen-Powderly: Infectious Diseases, 2nd ed. Cummings et al: Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 4th ed. DeLee: DeLee and Drez's Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, 2nd ed. Duthie: Practice of Geriatrics, 3rd ed. Feldman: Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 7th ed. Ferri: Ferri's Clinical Advisor, 2006 ed. Ferri: Practical Guide to the Care of the Medical Patient, 6th ed. Ford: Clinical Toxicology, 1st ed. Frontera: Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Gabbe: Obstetrics - Normal and Problem Pregnancies, 4th ed. Gershon: Krugman’s Infectious Diseases of Children, 11th ed. Goetz: Textbook of Clinical Neurology, 2nd ed. Goldberger: Clinical Electrocardiography, 6th ed. Goldman: Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 22nd ed. Grainger and Allison's Diagnostic Radiology: 4/e, A Textbook of Medical Imaging Green: Skeletal Trauma in Children, 3rd ed. Habif: Clinical Dermatology, 4th ed. Harris: Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology, 7th ed. Henry: Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 20th ed.

49 附:参考书籍收录书目(28-51) Hoffman: Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice, 4th ed. Jacobson: Psychiatric Secrets, 2nd ed. Johns Hopkins: The Harriet Lane Handbook: A Manual for Pediatric House Officers, 17th ed Khatri: Operative Surgery Manual Kumar: Robbins and Cotran: Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th ed. Larsen: Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 10th ed. Long: Principles & Practice of Pediatric Infectious Disease, 2nd ed. Mandell, Bennett & Dolin: Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 6th ed. Marx: Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice, 6th ed. Mason: Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, 4th ed. Mettler: Essentials of Radiology, 2nd ed. Miller: Anesthesia, 6th ed. Moore & Jefferson: Handbook of Medical Psychiatry Noble: Textbook of Primary Care Medicine, 3rd ed Park: Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners, 4th ed. Rakel: Conn's Current Therapy 2006, 58th ed. Rakel: Integrative Medicine Rakel Textbook of Family Practice, 6th ed. Roberts: Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine, 4th ed. Stenchever: Comprehensive Gynecology, 4th ed. Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed. Walsh: Campbell's Urology, 8th ed. Yanoff: Ophthalmology, 2nd ed. Zipes: Braunwald’s Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 7th ed.

50 医学期刊(Journals) 医学期刊板块的首页:有涵盖Medline的期刊检索栏,有高级检索栏,有期刊收藏目录,有知名期刊本周重要文章的摘要栏,还有本周医学医刊栏的更新栏。 下面我们通过点击一个具体的期刊名字,来展示一个期刊浏览界面。

51 医学期刊- American Heart Journal

52 医学期刊(Journals)- Full-Text

53 医学期刊(Journals)- PDF and Save

54 医学期刊(Journals)- Best- Known

55 附:全文医学期刊收录目录 Family Practice Management Adolescent Medicine
American Family Physician American Heart Journal The American Journal of Cardiology American Journal of Emergency Medicine American Journal of Gastroenterology American Journal of Kidney Diseases The American Journal of Medicine American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology American Journal of Ophthalmology American Journal of Sports Medicine American Journal of Surgery Anesthesiology Annals of Emergency Medicine Annals of Family Medicine Canadian Medical Association Journal Chest Clinical Cornerstone Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine Critical Care Medicine Disease-A-Month Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine Evidence-based Health Policy & Management Evidence-based Healthcare and Public Health Evidence-based Healthcare: A Scientific Approach to Health Policy Evidence-based Obstetrics & Gynecology Evidence-based Oncology Family Practice Management Gastrointestinal Endoscopy General Hospital Psychiatry Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Journal of Clinical Anesthesia Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Journal of Men's Health The Journal of Men's Health & Gender Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Journal of Pediatrics Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Journal of the American College of Surgeons Journal of the American Dietetic Association Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Journal of the American Society of Nephrology The Lancet Infectious Diseases The Lancet Neurology The Lancet Oncology Neurology Operative Techniques in General Surgery Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Pediatric Neurology Urology

56 附:医学期刊收录年鉴-Mosby Yearbook
Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology Anesthesiology and Pain Management Cardiology Critical Care Medicine Dentistry Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery Diagnostic Radiology Emergency Medicine Endocrinology Family Practice Gastroenterology Hand Surgery Medicine Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine Neurology and Neurosurgery Nuclear Medicine Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women's Health Oncology Ophthalmology Orthopedics Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Pediatrics Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery Psychiatry and Applied Mental Health Pulmonary Disease Rheumatology, Arthritis, and Musculoskeletal Disease Sports Medicine Surgery Urology Vascular Surgery MDCYB Myelodysplastic syndromes Mosby Year Book: years old Abstracts of articles carefully selected from 500+ journals worldwide Expert commentaries evaluate the clinical importance of each article and discuss its application to the physician's practice 28 YBs, published annually, consist of the best journal article abstracts of the year published within the discipline. However, customers want an electronic destination

57 年鉴-Mosby Yearbook搜索结果

58 年鉴-Mosby Yearbook阅读

59 北美临床杂志(The Clinics) The clinics provide comprehensive clinical reviews of timely subjects, including diagnosis and therapy, new materials and new equipment, Each clinic contains invited review(10-14per issue) on a single topic in a single specialty and sub specialty, Around the world the clinics are read and respect for the authoritative and unbiased coverage of the topic。 更像一本书, Each issue features a Guest Editor a single timely topic Always four issues a year Review articles not original ones updates the latest trends in patient management and the newest advances; provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options ISBN, Preface, Forward, without abstracts

60 北美临床杂志 - Cardiology Clinics

61 北美临床杂志收录目录 Adolescent Medicine Clinics Anesthesiology Clinics
Anesthesiology Clinics of North America Cardiology Clinics Clinics in Chest Medicine Clinics in Family Practice Clinics in Geriatric Medicine Clinics in Laboratory Medicine Clinics in Liver Disease Clinics in Perinatology Clinics in Sports Medicine Critical Care Clinics Dermatologic Clinics Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics Gastroenterology Clinics Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America Infectious Disease Clinics of North America Medical Clinics of North America Neurologic Clinics Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics Ophthalmology Clinics of North America Orthopedic Clinics of North America Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America PET Clinics Pediatric Clinics of North America Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice Psychiatric Clinics of North America Radiologic Clinics of North America Rheumatic Diseases Clinics of North America Sleep Medicine Clinics Surgical Clinics of North America Ultrasound Clinics Urologic Clinics of North America

62 诊疗指南(Guidelines) A guideline is any document that aims to streamline particular processes according to a set routine. By definition, following a guideline is never mandatory (protocol would be a better term for a mandatory procedure). Guidelines are an essential part of the larger process of governance. Guidelines may be issued by and used by any organization (governmental or private) to make the actions of its employees or divisions more predictable, and presumably of higher quality. A medical guideline (also called a clinical guideline, clinical protocol or clinical practice guideline) is a document with the aim of guiding decisions and criteria regarding diagnosis, management, and treatment in specific areas of healthcare. Such documents have been in use for thousands of years during the entire history of medicine. However, in contrast to previous approaches, which were often based on tradition or authority, modern medical guidelines are based on an examination of current evidence within the paradigm of evidence-based medicine. They usually include summarized consensus statements, but unlike the latter, they also address practical issues. Modern clinical guidelines briefly identify, summarize and evaluate the best evidence and most current data about prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, therapy including dosage of medications, risk/benefit and cost-effectiveness. Then they define the most important questions related to clinical practice and identify all possible decision options and their outcomes. Some guidelines contain decision or computation algorithms to be followed. Thus, they integrate the identified decision points and respective courses of action to the clinical judgment and experience of practitioners. Many guidelines place the treatment alternatives into classes to help providers in deciding which treatment to use. Additional objectives of clinical guidelines are to standardize medical care, to raise quality of care, to reduce several kinds of risk (to the patient, to the healthcare provider, to medical insurers and health plans) and to achieve the best balance between cost and medical parameters such as effectiveness, specificity, sensitivity, resolutiveness, etc. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that the use of guidelines by healthcare providers such as hospitals is an effective way of achieving the objectives listed above, although they are not the only ones.

63 诊疗指南 – View by Topics / MDS

64 诊疗指南 – View by Topics / MDS
诊疗指南板块,搜集了各个学会最新的诊疗指南信息.为您提供一站式的服务.在这里您可以查阅世界上最新诊疗指南信息. 首页由搜索栏,浏览方式栏和更新栏三个栏目组成.界面友好,简单直接. 好,现在看一下医学图片板块

65 诊疗指南– View by Specialties/ Hematology / MDS

66 病人教育(Patient Education)
我认为独特的是整合了“Patient Education”,是一个真正比较专业化的Patient handouts,非专业人士可以从中了解基本的医学知识,同时也是医学生的临床入门教程10,000

67 病人教育 – MDS

68 病人教育 – Add Special Instructions

69 病人教育 – Print Preview

70 病人教育 – Medication / Azacitidine

71 病人教育- Add Special Instructions?

72 药物信息(Drugs) 用药安全提示 FDA最新批准信息

73 药物信息 – Search for Azacitidine

74 药物信息 view by Drugs Name / Azacitidine

75 药物信息 - View Details of Azacitidine

76 药物信息 - Azacitidine / Indication and Dosage

77 药物信息 - Azacitidine / FDA Approved Indication

78 药物信息 – Search Drugs by Indication / COPD

79 医学图片(Images) 医学图片板块,因为50000多张丰富的图片,目前不提供浏览功能,您可以通过输入关键词直接察看相关图片.例如我们输入diabetes. 就可以看到:

80 医学图片 – Search for MDS Compare

81 医学图片(Images)- Compare (up to 4)

82 继续医学教育(CME) 继续医学教育是一个学习和了解国外继续医学教育内容,并且获得国外继续医学教育学分的窗口.希望大家关注并有所收获.

83 继续医学教育 - Cardiometabolic risk

84 继续医学教育 – Read and Find Similar Articles

85 继续医学教育(CME)- TEST

86 继续医学教育(CME)- Cyberounds

87 继续医学教育(CME)- Register

88 继续医学教育(CME)- Test and Submit

89 新闻报道(News) 选定学科更新 近期新闻排行榜 MD Consult News is updated daily.
Provides concise clinical summaries on new developments from all major journals, government agencies, and medical conferences. News stories are provided by Elsevier Global Medical News and MD Consult Editorial staff. MD Consult News is updated daily. News stories are provided by Elsevier Global Medical News and MD Consult Editorial staff.

90 新闻报道(News)- 阅读及相关文献 相关文献

91 新闻报道(News)- 订阅Newsletter

92 新闻报道(News)- 接收Email和RSS Feed
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94 Personal Account 个性化服务 指定专科

95 我的文件夹 (My Folder) 个人文件整理工具 储存及整理资料 储存搜寻项目,方便再用 设定搜寻通报 可于任何电脑存取文件夹
另外,提醒大家留意一下mdConsult提供的两个免费工具,my folder 和MDCosnult移动版.通过他们可以方便你的使用.

96 MDConsult移动版 第一手医学新闻 药物新知 个人化期刊摘要 展开并储存搜寻项目 支持掌上型电脑(Palm及 PPC)平台
另外,提醒大家留意一下mdConsult提供的两个免费工具,my folder 和MDCosnult移动版.通过他们可以方便你的使用. 第一手医学新闻 药物新知 个人化期刊摘要 展开并储存搜寻项目 支持掌上型电脑(Palm及 PPC)平台

97 Demo

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