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快速了解電子產業 協助你求職 →開課資料 盧坤勇 副教授.

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Presentation on theme: "快速了解電子產業 協助你求職 →開課資料 盧坤勇 副教授."— Presentation transcript:

1 快速了解電子產業 協助你求職 →開課資料 盧坤勇 副教授

2 大綱 前言 求職管道 認識你的前程 如何評估一個好公司 複利的效果 可能就業職系 ─ 以台積電為例 更多元的職系 ─ 以光寶為例
校園徵才 ─ 以鴻海為例 工業局工廠公示資料查詢系統 省思

3 前程 養兵千日 用兵一時 大學四年(或更久) 求一世騰達 良禽擇木而棲 良臣擇主而侍 你未來的確幸在哪裡?
養兵千日 用兵一時 大學四年(或更久) 求一世騰達 良禽擇木而棲 良臣擇主而侍 你未來的確幸在哪裡? =>選擇好公司是一件很重要的工作 前程似錦 示警?!

4 求職管道 自行應徵 學長親友介紹 人力銀行 本校生涯發展與諮商輔導中心
勞動部勞動力發展署 – 就業服務中心(各縣市都有) 經濟部工業局工廠公示資料查詢系統

5 快速了解電子產業
認識你的前程 快速了解電子產業

6 1 2

7 3

8 4. 點選你們的本行

9 5. 從下方選單任選有興趣之類別

10 6. 從下方選單任選有興趣之公司

11 7. 點擊基本資料

12 8. 點擊 股利政策可 了解公司經營績效 公司代碼 經營項目 公司 IP 工廠所在地

13 9. 過去10年股利發放情形

14 好公司評估方式 每年都有配股或配息 每年配股或配息都大於1.5元 營業額持續上升 獲利穩定且持續上升

15 下表為現值1元,在設定之殖利率下,N年後之複利值
複利的效果 下表為現值1元,在設定之殖利率下,N年後之複利值 殖利率 期間 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 1 1.01 1.03 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 2 1.0201 1.0609 1.1025 1.21 1.3225 1.44 1.5625 1.69 5 7 1.4071 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 100 E+11

16 10. 點擊營收盈餘

17 11. 進入公司首頁

18 12. 找尋你的大確幸

19 相關連結 大立光: 台積電: 鴻海: 聯發科: 光寶:

20 可能就業職系 - 以台積電為例 Design Technology Platform Engineer Equipment engineer
Design Technology Platform (DTP) was set up in 1999 with the purpose of communicating between TSMC clients and our Research & Development (R&D) organization. In addition to technical experience, a DTP engineer is also skillful in project management to cope with diverse and complex projects. Equipment engineer An equipment engineer is the doctor of equipments who is in charge of maintenance, warm-up and trouble-shooting for equipments of each module to improve the operation efficiency. An equipment engineer also plans and executes projects of analysis and defect detection.

21 可能就業職系 - 以台積電為例 Facility Engineer
The Facility (FAC) Department performs various functions, such as mechanical, instrument & electrical, water, and gas/chemical sections. As a facility engineer, maintaining facility system and safety management system are major tasks. Conducting compliance auditing, following up with status of improvement action, participating in safety committee meeting and coordinating risk assessment activities are also what a facility engineer can experience.

22 可能就業職系 - 以台積電為例 Information Technology Engineer
Information Technology (IT) function's mission is to enhance TSMC's competitive advantage through cost-efficient, robust and scalable IT systems and solutions, including improving productivity, accelerating innovation, empowering customer service, enabling decision-making, embedding know-how in IT systems, and facilitating enterprise collaboration. 

23 可能就業職系 - 以台積電為例 Manufacturing Engineer - Three types of manufacturing engineers: Manufacturing Supervisor is a leader of production line who leads technicians to run the production and supervises the daily operations of IC foundry to ensure smooth workflow. Automatic Material Handling System(AMHS) Engineer is responsible for the AMHS system design and system integration, factory design and equipment layout optimization. Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Engineer is the information technology engineer exclusive for the manufacturing function, who is in charge of developing and maintaining manufacturing execution system, and fulfilling user requirements by implementing software engineering methodology.

24 可能就業職系 - 以台積電為例 Process Engineer A process engineer minimizes process variations and excursions in product manufacturing process so as to maximize wafer yield. The major responsibility is composed of:  Operation task: Solve process issue to ensure wafer delivery and ramp up new process, technology transfer or production. Process improvement: Develop tools to enhance wafer yield or reduce production cost.

25 可能就業職系 - 以台積電為例 Product Engineer
A product engineer provides expertise to TSMC customers, and collaborates with design teams to solve potential manufacturing problems. The job of a product engineer also requires analyzing their product requirements and developing effective methodology to demonstrate product performance. 

26 可能就業職系 - 以台積電為例 Quality and Reliability Engineer
A Quality & Reliability (Q&R) engineer is the champion of quality and reliability throughout the TSMC value chain. The responsibility of this position includes ensuring reliability of Research & Development process, assisting manufacturing to improve efficiency, and handling customer quality requirements. A Q&R engineer partners with operations staff to achieve manufacturing excellence and market leadership. 

27 可能就業職系 - 以台積電為例 Research and Development Engineer
A Research & Development (R&D) engineer's job includes conducting exploratory research in advanced CMOS and beyond as well as "more than Moore" technologies, defining design rules and transistor designs, evaluating a variety of advanced materials, equipment/ tools, process/ receipt tuning, and handling advanced device, process integration, new product tape-out. 

28 可能就業職系 - 以台積電為例 Testing Engineer
A testing engineer is a professional in charge of tester installation and maintenance, as well as determining the best way to improve test process and initiating innovative projects. Communicating with and coordinating between vendors and many other departments to identify problems and find out new solutions are also part of a testing engineer's work life.  

29 可能就業職系 - 以台積電為例 Technician
A technician (TE) is in charge of production operations, product inspection, product unusual problem identification, and quality improvement activities. An assistant technician is responsible for product transportation, packaging and equipment cleaning. 


31 錢多事少離家近?

32 省思 成家 立業 創業 守業 就業 競業: 一技之長變短 不要拒絕磨練的機會 敬業

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