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[A] E-Marketing in Context
參考資料: Judy Strauss, Adel I. El-Ansary, and Raymond Frost, E-Marketing, Prentice Hall, 2006. Chap 1: Convergence. Chap 10: Product. 林東清,「資訊管理:e化企業的核心競爭能力」,智勝,2002年9月初版。
Overview The Google Story The Music Industry 網路經濟的四大定律
Past, Present, and Future E-Marketing in Context: Environment, Strategy, and Performance (ESP)
1. The Google story Some search engines
Yahoo!奇摩 (
The Google story Some search engines
Openfind ( 查詢結果排序方式:關鍵字出現的密度、出現的位置、相關度、網頁被連結的次數。
The Google story Some search engines
2006 Winter Games Doodle
The Google story
The Google story 15th-most-visited U.S. web site
1998 年史丹佛博士班學生Larry Page 和 Sergey Brin 創立 。 透過公開的網站( 使命:在Internet上,藉由使世界的資料更容易存取使用,來傳遞最好的搜尋經驗。
The Google story Google 的涵義
由英文字「googol」而來,是美國數學家 Edward Kasner 的外甥 Milton Sirotta 隨便造的一個詞,此字代表10的 100次方。 Google 使用這個龐大的數字,代表公司想征服網上無窮無盡資料的雄心。
The Google story Google 的技術 簡潔的網頁 關鍵字或交叉搜尋技術
PageRank(tm) 網頁排行專利技術:以客觀的分析來決定網頁的重要性 使用網頁的連結架構:網頁 A 連結至網頁 B 時,則視網頁 A 投給網頁 B 一票,藉由收到的票數來評估網頁的重要性。 可避免人為感情因素,沒有人可以透過購買的方式,來取得較高的搜尋結果順序: 透過誠實並且客觀的方法,能容易地找到優質的網站。
Google 廣告
The Google story Google 的經營模式:Google Business Solutions
競爭:Yahoo!奇摩 搜尋功能擴充
2. The Music Industry File sharing programs, such as KaZaA, enable consumers to illegally download music. The Recording Industry Association of America has sued (起訴) over 400 consumers for piracy (侵權). 14% U.S. consumers still download illegal files CD sales $13 billion (130億) in 1999; dropped to $10.6 billion in 2003. Less than revenues for blank CDs.
The Music Industry The actual cost of producing a CD is $10.17.
Only $1.29 goes to the artist. The rest is for manufacturing, distribution, advertising, studio (錄音室), the composer (作曲家)… Online distribution makes sense. Apple Computer introduced iTunes Sell 2.5 million (250萬) songs a week at $0.99 each.
The Google story & iTunes
They Show: Some marketing principles never change. Markets always welcome an innovative new product providing customer value. Customers trust good brands: Google. Consumers will do the “right thing”: iTunes. Well-crafted (卓越技能) marketing mix strategies can be effective in helping newcomers enter crowded markets.
What is E-Marketing? The use of information technology for:
Transforming marketing strategies to create more customer value (more effective segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and positioning strategies), More efficiently planning and executing the conception, distribution, promotion and pricing of goods, services, and ideas, Creating exchanges that satisfy individual consumer and organizational customers’ objectives.
3. 網路經濟的四大定律 摩爾定律(Moore’s Law) 梅特卡菲定律(Metcalfe’s Law)
網際網路成長動力 梅特卡菲定律(Metcalfe’s Law) 公司遞減定律(Law of Diminishing Firms) 擾亂定律(Law of Disruption)
3.1 摩爾定律 Intel創辦人Gordon Moore在預測半導體科技的進步速度時,曾預測:
Each new generation of chips (released about every 18 months) packs 2x components into the same surface area to create 2x power 價格不變情況下,晶片密度(等同運算能力) 每18個月會加倍 這個現象就是IT產品在極快的速度下,變得更快、更小、更便宜
3.2 梅特卡菲定律 The more people on line, the bigger the e-commerce opportunity 網路的效用與使用者數目的平方成正比 效用(網路價值) 效用 = 使用者2 網路價值=(n^2-n)*v 使用者人數(網路節點數)
隨著網路的發展而出現 的可能交談數目
網路的外部性效果 梅特卡菲定律背後的理論,為網路的外部性 效果(Network Externally) EC蓬勃發展現象之解釋
使用者愈多,對原來的使用者不僅其效果不會如一般經濟財(人愈多分享愈少),反而其效用會愈大。 EC蓬勃發展現象之解釋 摩爾定律加上產業合流現象形成到處資訊化 梅特卡菲定律再把到處資訊化的企業,以網路外部性的乘數效果加以連結 造就充滿商機及成長潛力驚人的全球化EC市場。
3.3 公司遞減定律 解釋公司規模遞減現象 由於摩爾定律及梅特卡夫菲定律,使得天涯若比鄰,因此全球化專業分工、策略聯盟遠比一切功能及自製來得經濟且績效較高 亦即透過縮編、外包、策略聯盟、虛擬組織,價值網路(Value Network)的形成,而使公司的規模遞減。
3.4 擾亂定律 科技以快速、突破性的跳躍而進步著,但商業、社會及政治法律的演化卻是漸進的,其速度遠遠落後於科技變化速度,因此在這期間產生了鴻溝(Gap) 。 變化 時間 科技變化 商業變化 社會變化 政治變化
4. Past, Present, and Future
(不景氣) (理想破滅)
4.1 Past: Tough Times Marketers return to their traditional roots and rely on well-grounded strategy and sound marketing practices. During the dot-com shakeout from , there was much industry consolidation (強化鞏固): Some firms, such as Levi Strauss, stopped selling online = not efficient + created channel conflict. Other firms merged, E.g. AOL purchased Time-Warner.
4.2 Present Power shift from sellers to buyers.
Marketing fragmentation: mass market to one customer. Death of distance. Time compression: Online stores can be open 24/7. Knowledge/database management is key. Marketing and technology: an interdisciplinary focus. Intellectual capital (智慧資本) rules Imagination, creativity, and entrepreneurship (企業關係) are more important resources than financial capital.
4.3 Future Consumer Control
Convergence of television, radio, print, etc. Customer-controlled entertainment, and shopping on demand. Personal video recorders (PVRs): Consumers can pause, rewind, or record up to 160 hours of live television programming for later viewing. Akimo: New services that maintain a library of 10,000 programs and give customers access vie the Internet to the television or other appliance (家庭設備).
Future Improved Internet Strategy Integration Refined Metrics
Multichannel marketing: Web site, retail store, and catalog. Integration of customer service across channels. Refined Metrics Tracking customer acquisition cost (CAC) and other key metrics is a critical marketing function still in its infancy. Future metrics will provide better measures of performance.
Future Wireless Networking Increases Appliance Convergence
Cell phones, PDAs and Notebooks connect to the Internet via wireless modem worldwide. Customers will have information, entertainment and communication when and where they want it. Appliance Convergence Computers can receive digital radio and TV. TV sets can receive the Web. GPS allows in-car communication: if a car needs repair, it will send a message to the nearest dealer.
Future Semantic Web will utilize a standard definition protocol that will allow users to find information based on its type, such as: The next available appointment for a doctor Details about an upcoming concert Menu at the local restaurant The value of the Semantic Web is truly information on demand.
5. Environment, Strategy, and Performance (ESP Model)
Legal - Ethical Technology Internet E Competition Other factors Markets SWOT E - Business S Strategy/ E - Marketing Implementation Marketing Mix Model Strategy P Performance Metrics
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