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施玲玲教授 巴德高中 Bard High School Early College

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1 施玲玲教授 巴德高中 Bard High School Early College
Lesson 19 Travel 第十九课旅行 施玲玲教授 巴德高中 Bard High School Early College

2 Learning objectives: Talk about your plans for summer vacation 谈谈你暑假的计划; Describe what kind of city Beijing is;北京 是什么样的城市? Describe your travel itinerary Ask for discounts, compare airfares and routes, and book an airplane ticket; Ask about seat assignments and request meal accommodations based on your dietary restrictions or preference

3 Relate and get ready How do students normally spend the summer?
What town or city is the nearest cultural or political center? What are its special attractions? Where can people get good deals on airline tickets? What is common expression for a commercial discount?

4 对话一 Traveling to Beijing 到北京旅行

5 Vocabulary 生词

6 马上 mǎshàng: immediately

7 I will come immediately.
我现在马上就来。 Can you call here right away? 你可以马上打电话给他吗?

8 fàngjià: Go on vacation; have time off
放假 fàngjià: Go on vacation; have time off

9 shǔjià: Summer vacation
Note:: 暑假(shu3jia4)/书架(shu1jia4) 暑假 shǔjià: Summer vacation

10 When are you going to have time off?
你什么时候放假? When are you going to have the summer break? 你什么时候放暑假?

11 公司 gǒngsī: company

12 实习 shíxí: To intern

13 Which company do you work for?
你在哪一家公司上班? I would like to intern at your company. 我想在您的公司实习。

14 dǎgōng: To work at a temporary job (often part time)
打工 dǎgōng: To work at a temporary job (often part time)

15 Where do you work? 你在哪儿工作? I am working part-time at a Chinese restaurant. 我在一家中国饭馆打工。

16 计划 jìhuà: To plan; plan

17 Do you have any plan for this summer?
这个暑假你有什么计划? What do you plan to do this summer? 这个暑假你计划做什么?

18 打算 dǎsuàn: To plan; plan

19 打算/计划 打算和计划:可以当noun and verb
打算--〉strickly speaking, more spoken; 计划--〉more written

20 Do you have any plan for this summer?
这个暑假你有什么计划/打算? What do you plan to do this summer? 这个暑假你计划/打算做什么? 今天晚上____跟你朋友去哪儿看电影?

21 父母 fùmǔ: parents

22 You can not call your parents in person “父母”。
父=爸爸,母=妈妈 You can not call your parents in person “父母”。 _______, 我们回来了! 我的______都在学校工作。 This summer I am going back to New York to see my parents. 这个暑假我要回纽约看我_____。

23 首都 shǒudū: Capital city

24 Where is the capital of the United States?
美国首都在哪儿? Washington D.C. 华盛顿城 ********************************* Where is the capital of China? 中国首都在哪儿? Beijing 北京

25 政治 zhèngzhì: Politics

26 I am not interested in politics.
我对政治没有兴趣。 Washington D.C. is the political center of the United States. 华盛顿城是美国的政治中心。

27 文化 wénhuà: culture

28 Beijing is the cultural center of China.

29 míngshèng gǔjī: Famous scenic spots and historical sites
名胜古迹 míngshèng gǔjī: Famous scenic spots and historical sites

30 你知道中国的哪些名胜古迹? 你知道美国的哪些名胜古迹? 我们的城市有什么名胜古迹? 名:名人,名校,名片 古:古人,古文,古城,古书

31 有名 yǒumíng: famous

32 He is a famous writer. 他是一个有名的作家。 The great wall is very famous. Every one knows it. 长城很有名,每个人都知道。 中国哪些城市很有名? 你的国家哪个演员很有名?

33 导游 dǎoyóu: Tour guide

34 If you come to Taiwan, I will be your tour guide.

35 护照 hùzhào: passport

36 dìng: To reserve; to book (seats in a restaurant, a ticket, a hotel room)

37 签证 qiānzhèng: visa

38 lǚxíngshè: Travel agency
旅行社 lǚxíngshè: Travel agency

39 Chángchéng: The great wall
长城 Chángchéng: The great wall

40 香港 xiānggǎng: Hong Kong

41 台北 Tǎiběi: Taipei

42 生词 明天我放假,想跟我一起去芝加哥吗? 旅行 放假fàngjià lǔxíng
A: 你放假的时候喜欢做什么? B: ____________________。(去旅行/在家看书/跟家人一起去露营)。 I have a day off tomorrow. Do you want to go to Chicago with me? 明天我放假,想跟我一起去芝加哥吗?

43 Before traveling overseas, you have to get the passport and visa.
出国旅行以前,得先把护照和签证办好。 Nowadays, many people go on line to book airline tickets. Rarely do people go to travel agency to get tickets. 现在很多人上网订机票,很少人去旅行社买机 票了。

44 Before traveling overseas, you have to get the passport and visa.
签证 qiānzhèng Bàn 旅行 lǔxíng 护照 hùzhào 旅行社 lǔxíngshè Before traveling overseas, you have to get the passport and visa. 出国旅行以前,得先把护照和签证办好。 Nowadays, many people go on line to book airline tickets. Rarely do people go to travel agency to get tickets. 现在很多人上网订机票,很少人去旅行社 买机票了。

45 马上 mǎshàng 实习 shíxí 计划 jìhuà 公司 gōngsī 打工 dǎ gōng 打算 dǎsuàn A: 这个暑假你有什么计划/打算? B: 我得找一家公司实习。 Summer break is coming soon。 暑假马上就要到了。

46 念课文对话一,回答下面的问题workbook练习本p.180
What will Wang Peng’s classmates do over the summer? 王朋的同学暑假要做什么? What is Wang Peng’s plan for the summer? 王朋暑假有什么打算? 王朋暑假打算做什么? What did Wang Peng say about Beijing? 王朋说北京怎么样?

47 Which cities in Asia(亚洲 yǎzhōu) has Li You visited before?
李友(以前)去过亚洲哪些城市? What does Li You need to do before traveling to Beijing? 李友去北京旅行以前得做什么?

48 Workbook II. B. Ask your classmate the following: Are you plan to travel, work, study, or do something else during the summer vacation? Travel: 旅行 (lǚxíng) Work: 工作 (gōngzùo) Study: 学习 (xúexí)

49 Find out how long it takes and how much it costs to obtain a tourist visa to China.
你们知道办中国的签证要花多少钱吗? 你们知道可以到哪儿办签证吗? 要多久可以办好签证?

50 语法 Adj+得+不得了 Denotes a high degree, subjective judgment of the attribute signified by the Adj This pen is incredible expensive. 這支笔貴得不得了。 Hui-Ju Chuang

51 Adj 得+不得了/极了/死了 Extremely (adjective)
This summer the airline tickets are very expensive. 今年夏天的机票非常贵--〉 That place is extremely beautiful. 那个地方漂亮极了--〉 I am tired to death. 我累死了--〉 上海夏天天气__得不得了--〉 北京的名胜古迹___得不得了--〉 寒假飞机票__得不得了。

52 Do Language Practice E p. 264. 不得了

53 Practice D. What Cities? 什么城市?P. 264
With your classmate, recap what you know about Beijing. 北京有哪些名胜古迹? If you could travel overseas during your this summer vacation, where would you go? Why? 要是今年暑假你可以去国外旅行,你会去 什么地方?为什么? What attractions would you want to see? 你想去看哪些什么名胜古迹?

54 紫禁城 zǐjīnchéng

55 万里长城 wànlǐ chángchéng

56 练习F. What do you want to be? P. 265.
A:What do you want to be? 你以后想当什么? B: 我以后想___________。

57 A: 你以后想当什么? B: 我以后想___________。


59 A: 你以后想当什么? B: 我以后想___________。

60 Ask your partner about his/her plans
Language Practice A: Planning Ahead (Textbook, p. 262) Example: A: 你今天晚上打算做什么? B:我打算好好准备一下明天的考试。 Ask your partner about his/her plans for the coming weekend: for the summer break for the next semester:  for next year:

61 Name that Capital 中国的首都在哪儿? 中国的首都在北京。 美国—华盛顿城 英国—伦敦(Kun1Dun1) 日本—东京

62 Read the pictures on p. 261, p. 267

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