Jianhua CHEN, Ling LIN, Liang CHEN, Wei BAO, Liang SUN

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1 Introduction of Carbon Emission Management Standardization in China 中国碳排放管理标准化工作进展
Jianhua CHEN, Ling LIN, Liang CHEN, Wei BAO, Liang SUN China National Institute of Standardization Nov, 2015 Good afternoon, everyone. I am CHEN Jianhua, from China National Institute of Standardiazation. I am very glad to have the opportunity to introduce you the GHG quantification and reporting work in the organizational level in China. But I want to say that these were mainly conducted by CNIS, and just part of the relevant GHG management work in China. It is just a very brief and general introduction.

2 Outline International background on carbon emission standard
Carbon emission management standard development in China Standards support the policy on carbon emission reduction 3 parts involved in this presentation. First, Second, Third

3 1. International background on standard
GHG Protocol Initiative (WRI/WBCSD) International Organization for Standardization (ISO) International Standards 国际标准 Std. of World Steel Association (WSA) European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) China National std. on Carbon emission Regional/National Standards 区域/国家标准 The GHG standards are classified into 5 levels in this pyramid. The top level is the standards or regulations developed by UNFCCC and IPCC. They provide the framework of GHG management activities, and could influence the direction of other GHG standards. The second level is the international standards developed by ISO. They have the global impact and application. The third level is the national or regional standards and regulations, for example, the standards developed under the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), which have the national or regional influence, even the international impact. The fourth level is the common standards and schemes developed by some organizations, such as Global Reporting Initiative, and WRI/WBCSD Protocol Initiative. These standards have influence in voluntary reduction systems, and is sometimes the exploration in the new fields. The bottom level is the enterprise standards. They could be the applications of the upper level standards or regulations in specific industries, and the experiences in this level could also support the development of upper level standards. Local Standards 地方标准 Std. for pilot carbon trading provinces in China Enterprise Standards 企业标准

4 2. Standard development in China
Standard system for GHG management Measurement, reporting and verification methods Basic data collection and integration Research 研究 National: General guideline of GHG accounting and reporting Sectorial: Guideline of GHG accounting for 10 sectors Local: Guideline of carbon accounting for enterprises in carbon-trading pilot system Organizational level 组织层面标准 Technical specification for assessment of the effect of GHG emission reductions Technical specification for projects in sectors of steel, cement, etc. Project level 项目层面标准 Technical specification for Low-carbon product assessment Product level 产品层面标准 The organizational management work includes two parts, the research and the standards development.

5 4. 企业碳排放报告支撑工作 2. Standard development in China
全国碳排放管理标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC548),2014年7月成立 业务指导单位:国家发改委应对气候变化司 秘书处:中国标准化研究院 工作范围: National TC 548 on Carbon Management of Standardization Administration of China(SAC/TC548), July of 2014 Directive:Dep. Of Climate Change, NDRC Secretariate:CNIS Scope: 研制产品层面的低碳产品评价 研制企业层面的碳排放核算与报告、低碳企业等方面标准 研制基于项目层面的碳排放核算与报告标准 研制区域层面的低碳园区、城市评价标准 研制碳捕获与碳储存等低碳技术与设备标准 研制低碳发展的术语、统计、监测等方面基础标准 Low-carbon products assessment std. Enterprise carbon emission accounting and reporting, low-carbon enterprise std. Project carbon emission accounting and reporting std. Low-carbon industrial park, low-carbon city std. Carbon capture and storage std. Fundamental: terminology, statistics, monitoring, etc.

6 2. Standard development in China
碳捕获与碳储存类标准 碳排放监测方法标准 碳排放监测设备标准 碳金融相关标准 碳资产相关标准 碳信息披露相关标准 碳排放术语、分类代码等标准 碳排放图形符号类标准 碳排放数据质量管理标准 产品碳排放核算与报告标准 项目减排量核算与报告标准 企业碳排放核算与报告标准 区域碳排放清单编制标准 低碳产品评价标准 低碳企业\园区\社区评价标准 低碳技术评价标准 行业单位产品碳排放限额 项目碳减排量核查标准 企业碳排放核查标准 碳汇核查类标准 碳汇核算标准 核查人员、机构要求标准 碳排放统计指标类标准 Generic 基础通用类 Accounting and reporting 核算报告类 Assessment 评价类 Verification 核查类 Technical 技术类 Service 碳管理服务类 Carbon emission std. framework 碳排放管理标准体系框架 碳排放信息系统平台类标准 Guidance for implementation in sectors 分行业的实施指南

7 2. Standard development in China
1 general guideline for GHG emission accounting and reporting 10 sectors’ requirements of the greenhouse gas emission accounting and reporting 1 项工业企业温室气体排放核算和报告 通则 10 个行业温室气体排放核算与报告要 求 Generic guideline 通则 Power generation enterprise 发电企业 Power grid enterprise 电网企业 Iron and steel enterprise 钢铁企业 Chemical industry enterprise 化工企业 Aluminum smelting enterprise 铝冶炼企业 Magnesium smelting enterprise 镁冶炼企业 Flat glass enterprise 平板玻璃企业 Cement enterprise 水泥企业 Ceramic production enterprise 陶瓷企业 Civil aviation 民航企业 This list shows the 10 sectors’GHG accounting methods developed under the organization of NDRC. The sectors include … These methods would be transformed to the national standards.

8 2. Standard development in China
Accounting boundary 确定温室气体排放核算边界 Accounting methods 计算温室气体排放量 The figure in the right side shows the program of GHG Q and R in Chinese general guideline in national level. Some additional detail content were include in that document. For example, Quality assurance 质量保证 Reporting requirments 报告

9 3. Standards support the policy on carbon emission reduction
Since Jun,2013. It covers 480,000sq.km. 18%population,30%GDP; Total emission is about 20% of China, covers 20 sectors, and 2000 enterprises,1.2billion tons CO2 allowances/year. The second large carbon market in the world. Data source:NDRC

10 3. Standards support the policy on carbon emission reduction
Beijing 北京 Shanghai 上海 Shenzhen 深圳 Tianjin 天津 Chongqing 重庆 Guangdong 广东 Hubei 湖北 Documen-tation legislation Government Notice Emission type CO2 (direct and indirect) Coverage heat supply , power generation, cement, Petrochemical. Car manufacturing, and public buildings steel, petrochemical, chemical, non-ferrous metal, power, building materials, textile, paper, rubber and chemical fiber power, gas and water supply ; Participation open to any financial institution. Iron and steel, chemicals, electricity , heat, petrochemical, oil and gas mining, civil construction electro-plated aluminum, metal alloy , calcium carbide, caustic soda, cement, steel & iron power, cement, steel, ceramics, petrochemical, non-ferrous, plastics, paper steel, chemical, cement, automobile manufacturing, power generation, non-ferrous metals, glass, paper

11 NDRC national ETS implementation roadmap
3. Standards support the policy on carbon emission reduction NDRC national ETS implementation roadmap The preparation phase (2014–15): During this phase the State Council plans to establish the design and conditions of the ETS. The operational improvement phase ( ): This period will begin with a test run where all the regulations pertaining to the national ETS will enter into force. 2017,the ETS will be fully implemented and adjusted to enhance market stability. The stabilization and maturation phase – beyond 2020: The objective of this stage will be to increase the number of trading products in order to further stabilize the national ETS and to enable the enhancement of market capacity and the exploration of linking with other existing ETS’s.

12 3. Standards support the policy on carbon emission reduction
Carbon emission trading system 碳排放权交易企业核算与配额分配 3. Standards support the policy on carbon emission reduction Enterprise GHG accounting 企业温室气体核算与报告 Enterprise level 企业层面 企业碳排放评价及低碳企业、园区评价标准,企业温室气体排放报告平台推广 Carbon emission accounting and reporting std. in sectors, low-carbon enterprise, low-carbon industrial parks 10个行业的碳排放核算方法标准,低碳企业、低碳园区评价 GHG reporting 温室气体报告平台 Product level 产品层面 产品碳足迹核算方法、碳标识以及低碳产品评价、评价工具开发及试点应用 Project level 项目层面 基于项目的碳减排量核算方法标准、工艺过程温室气体减排共性评价技术标准研究 Carbon footprint std. Low-carbon product assessment std. 产品碳足迹标准 低碳产品评价系列标准 Accounting method for project carbon emission reduction 项目减排量核算方法学 Energy conservation and low carbon product certification 节能低碳产品认证 碳交易抵消机制 Off set mechanism in ETS Green supply chain management 企业绿色供应链管理

13 Thank you for your listening
CHEN Jianhua Mobile: Tel: 陈健华 Mobile: Tel:

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