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Presentation on theme: "塔迪兰电信."— Presentation transcript:

1 塔迪兰电信

2 主要内容 公司概况 市场透视 Aeonix简介

3 公司概况

4 塔迪兰电信 始于1963年 2011年4月被Afcon控股有限公司收购 2012年9月成功收购EasyRun技术
在电话、UC&C和应用方面具有独特的技术能力 遍布全球的跨国企业 全球在职人员超过200人(需要考证) 全球分销渠道 全球支持机构 客户数量超过10万 PABX端口数超过2000万

5 全球办事处和分销网络 美国 以色列 中国 印度 全球 俄罗斯和独联体 塔迪兰电信股份有限公司(100%控股) 分销: 代表处(新德里)
合作伙伴 政府直销项目 美国 塔迪兰电信通信服务 同属于Afcon控股有限公司的姊妹企业 系统集成商—语音/数据/应用 为80多万线端口和设备提供维护服务 以色列 昆明塔迪兰电信(KTT) 塔迪兰电信,TTLP- 51% 红塔集团下属子公司-16% 中国电信下属子公司 – 33% 分销 中国 代表处(新德里) 印度 UC&C解决方案的主要分销模式 核心代理商(下属60个二级代理商) 本地生产和市场营销 俄罗斯和独联体 分布于41个国家的200多个代理商和技术合作伙伴 全球

6 全新的塔迪兰电信 新的管理团队 新的核心团队 真正的全球化 研发投入—年营业额的20-25% 产品、销售、市场营销、财务
软件研发、软件测试、技术支持、项目管理、财务管理 真正的全球化 形成以技术支持、项目管理、昆明软件测试团队和市场营销为核心的矩阵管理模式 研发投入—年营业额的20-25%

7 全新的技术方式 从硬件到软件和应用 在IT/数据中心环境下电信设备的灵活性和可靠性 简单便捷(安装、管理、使用和维护) 可移动性 开放的架构
私有云和分布式组网 可扩展性

8 市场透视

9 IP技术的市场趋势 SIP中继组网 统一通信 协同 移动功能 虚拟化 云计算
 SIP Trunking: Replacing legacy PSTN access with SIP-based services can reduce costs and improve flexibility for call routing, mobility integration and disaster recovery. On average, companies save anywhere from 20-60% off their PSTN access bill when they move to SIP trunking. Those that centralize access realize the largest savings. Unified Communications & Collaboration : joining of various real-time communications applications into a suite of integrated collaboration services. For most, this means tying telephony together with instant messaging, conferencing, unified messaging and video—enabling users to see each other’s presence status and initiate any form of communications via a single application. Over 60% of companies have some UC implementation under way, Mobility: One of the most frequent questions I get is, ” can I get rid of my desktop phones”? Companies are actively looking at extending telephony and UC capabilities to mobile users across a range of smartphone and tablet devices. While the ability to eliminate the expensive desktop phone (and the required Ethernet infrastructure) is attractive, be aware that mobile voice services require careful attention to Wireless LAN (WLAN) architecture. For those on public wireless services, voice quality still lags behind that of a hard phone. Still, we see growing use cases, especially for field workers, where simply provisioning an integrated mobile phone makes a great deal of sense. Virtualization: In the last few years, VoIP vendors have ported their IP PBX software to virtual appliances or general purpose hypervisors, enabling their customers to take advantage of lower infrastructure and operating costs. Now some of those same vendors are working to support voice and Video via virtual desktop infrastructure(VDI). VDI raises some particular thorny challenges thanks to the need to localize voice/video encapsulation, but it also offers the potential to reduce capital and operational expenses at the desktop. Cloud services:  As additional UC applications are moving to the cloud, companies have more choices in their adoption of UC applications.  Cloud services today offer a full range of UC applications on a subscription basis and offer scalable and affordable solutions.  Many companies will adopt  a hybrid approach to cloud services and deploy both cloud and premise based UC.  Examples of hybrid deployments are using cloud services for conferencing, video, messaging and premise based services for telephony

10 IT经理面临的挑战 多站点 管理传统设备 对UC&C解决方案的需求 第三方集成方案 有限的资金预算 关键业务 安全问题
Multisite environment is challenging to manage- multi systems, duplicate resources and lack of control pushing IT managers to look for a solution that can be managed centrally in a unified manner Legacy Equipment & Limited budget – today’s challenging global economic situation requires IT managers and CFOs to take extra care before spending money, managing and utilizing legacy equipment along with new technology is essential. Demand for UC&C Solutions- Organizations moving towards UC&C. it is not only a trend but a mandatory requirement, IT managers are looking for a complete solution that can combine different type of communications such as Video and audio conferencing, instant messaging, IP telephony and collaboration capabilities. Multi vendor solution- multi vendor solutions require more resources and expertise, how customers can implementing next generation solution, manage and control it with the same amount of resources? Mission critical- in mission critical environments, IT manages invest extra money in a redundant solution. This require the highest level of fault tolerance and failover so no single point of failure and not a single communication is lost in an event of system failure Security issues- now more than ever, dealing with network security is a real challenge for IT managers. Growing demand of employees to access company network is a challenge that can not be avoided. IT managers have to prepare in advance and assure secured infrastructure and products are well protected from any security threat on the network

11 Aeonix简介

12 Aeonix是一个综合平台,可集成不同的UC&C系统、软交换和传统的TDM设备
Aeonic的含义–永恒或永生 Aeonix是一个综合平台,可集成不同的UC&C系统、软交换和传统的TDM设备 Aeonix可以在云环境下运行

13 UC&C解决方案可满足大型企业及其机构当前和未来的需求和挑战
价值主张 UC&C解决方案可满足大型企业及其机构当前和未来的需求和挑战 可扩展性– 2.5万用户* 灵活性 开放的架构 便捷性 最低的总体拥有成本(TCO)和最少的IT资源 Aeonix is a pure software based Unified Communications & Collaboration solution (UC&C) that consolidates disparate business applications into a single powerful platform. It is delivered on a fault tolerant and open architecture, with intuitive management tools. Aeonix can be deployed in a private cloud environment or as an on premise solution. Value Proposition Aeonix was designed to meet current and future challenges of distributed organizations: Scalability – Aeonix has the ability to extend customer networks based on current demand and changing needs. The open-ended architecture allows customers flexibility to buy and install only what they currently need, and to add users, remote locations and additional applications as they become necessary. The standard system solution has the ability to provide service from 10 to 100,000 users. Simplicity – Aeonix includes unified management of all system services and applications. An intuitive GUI and a simple licensing mechanism make it easy to install, manage and maintain. Adding users, remote sites, or applications to one Aeonix server, is the same as adding them to every server in the network. Open Architecture – Aeonix supports standard protocols such as SIP (unmodified), CSTA, and Web Services. This architecture allows customers to seamlessly integrate a variety of common applications and to add desired devices to the system (BYOD). Security protocols are implemented to ensure the system’s integrity and prevent unauthorized operations. Resiliency – A system can consist of one or many servers while each Aeonix server provides complete 100% application functionality. In a “clustered” (multi-server) environment, automated diagnostics and recovery mechanisms deliver the highest levels of fault tolerance and failover. The Aeonix delivers powerful, flexible, and adaptable communications to enterprises both large and small. Its’ simple unified management structure ensures that customers experience the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) with minimal IT resources required. * Aeonix R1 (1版本)支持1.5万线用户,预计2013年中可支持2.5万线用户。

14 Aeonix统一通信 Aeonix可集成不同的UC&C解决方案 集中管理 协同 集成微软的Lync Collaboration
UNIFIED Management – Integrated management as part of Aeonix Web Admin for all Aeonix UC&C Supported end points (SIP) -Windows, Android, IOS Collaboration Document sharing (Dual Stream) - Presentation mode - MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, MS Word, Adobe PDF, Image file Lync- Aeonix closely integrates with Microsoft Lync which enables customers to choose their preferred Coloration application. Microsoft IP-PBX certification - Integrating of SIP based PBX products with Microsoft Lync Server 2010 – to be completed by early 2013

15 Aeonix统一通信 语音和视频会议—在座机和移动用户之间组织会议 高性价比、得到行业市场认可的优秀解决方案
随时可组织会议(临时会议和遇我会议) 针对会议主席的丰富功能/高效的会议管理 同时组织多个会议,单个会议可包括多个成员 动态视频,成员加入或退出会议时自动切换视频 Enterprise visual communications and conferencing solutions are going through dramatic changes. There are two major trends occurring. Traditional room based video conferencing is moving to higher and higher video quality with high definition endpoints; consolidating Soft switches with Video Conference solution bring conferencing to the desktop; both driving the need for new levels of scalability and device support. As a result, enterprises are asking for a solution that will support and protect their current investment in IP Telephony solutions while giving them the flexibility to adopt these emerging conferencing solutions.

16 Aeonix的移动功能 Aeonix平台可支持各种移动终端和功能 支持的设备 – IOS、安卓、微软
根据定位提供服务—实时状态更新、工作人员追踪 通过移动客户端(第三方设备)享用各种话机功能 以用户为中心—使用移动终端控制座机 远程配置—话务量、话机的路由策略(限制、规则等) 移动终端可实现Aeonix的各种应用(调度、Navigator等) 软件开发采用开放的API接口

17 Aeonix自由云架构 Aeonix可在云环境下运行 多租户(Multi tenancy) CUGS (封闭用户组) 集中管理 Web管理

18 Aeonix的应用 Aeonix可以为各行业市场提供丰富的应用包: 调度台—主要针对指令和控制中心 话务台 系统监控(NMS—网管系统)
Navigator—统一通信 Dispatch Console – IP/TDM telephony support Radio over IP Text messages Group calls Zone paging (Broadcasting) Attendant Console Configurable hot keys Active directory support One step transfer Separate lists for: Incoming calls Held calls Queued calls Presence and status indication Virtual speed-dialing buttons NMS - Aeonix generate standard SNMP traps from it’s critical services to a central third party SNMP solution. The following functionalities will be available: Standard MIB configuration Central real-time monitoring solution Audit trails of system alarms and notifications Alerting actions – , SMS etc. Remote access Advanced network mapping- Multi level hierarchical approach can represent cities, buildings or sub-networks

19 Aeonix的应用(2) 对所有系统实体进行集中管理 呼叫中心—一体化“客户交互管理”综合解决方案
ACD报告工具—基于对某个时间段的呼叫趋势和模式的统计分析 统一消息 录音(VC Log)

20 Aeonix先进的技术水平 可用性 分布式 可扩展 开放性 数据复制 私有云 热备份 集中管理 逃生节点 远程站点 无单点故障 应用
一套软件满足不同的容量需求 按需订购 永不间断 硬件通用 虚拟化 SIP话机 第三方应用 用户自带设备 This slide showing the strengths of Aeonix architecture, the best way to present it by reviewing each square separately and give one or two examples as follows: High Availability & distributed Aeonix is a robust and resilient distributed communications solution with no single point of failure. Optimized to work in a clustered environment, Aeonix’s unique N+1 capabilities allow for seamlessly configuring this highly scalable cluster solution directly online. Each Aeonix server is a replication of the other servers, ensuring that 100% application and call continuity is maintained in the event any single server goes down. Full redundancy coupled with automated diagnostics, disaster recovery, and load balancing mechanisms means that Aeonix provides the highest levels of fault tolerance in each and every server in the cluster. In addition, a site can also continue to function as a “Survivable Node” in the event the WAN connection is lost. Scalable – the main strengths is that we use the same software for 10 users or 25,000 user. Customers can easily scale up their system whenever needed Open platform – from its inception, Aeonix was designed and planned to work in a variety of distributed environments, including virtual, private cloud, hosted and on premises deployments. Instead of building on existing legacy infrastructure, Aeonix’s brand new architecture is designed to meet today’s and next generation pure IP UC&C platform requirements based on adherence to industry open standards, such as SIP, CSTA and web services. This smart architecture provides a flexible and open platform that can be easily integrated with 3rd party solutions, supporting pure SIP (unmodified) functionality and allowing customers to choose their SIP end points (BYOD).

21 Aeonix– 满足不同用户需求的完整解决方案
塔迪兰如何处理IT挑战? 集中管理和监控 在一个平台上管理所有站点 对所有站点的统一监控(SNMP) 继续使用原有的模拟和数字话机,也可同时引用SIP终端 UC综合解决方案 视频会议 语音会议 协同 移动通信 减少总体拥有成本 电话 人员 设备 效率 热备份 1+N 逃生节点 热插拔RAID磁盘数组,热插拔PSU(供电设备) 无单点故障 SRTP- 加密版RTP TLS- 加密版SIP信令(通过TCP/IP传输) 通过SSL进行网络管理 多站点 管理传统设备 对UC&C解决方案的需求 第三方集成方案 有限的资金预算 关键业务 安全问题 开放和灵活的架构 第三方集成 用户自带设备 SDK套件(软件开发套件) Aeonix– 满足不同用户需求的完整解决方案

22 Aeonix- 主要特点 用户 IT负责人 合作伙伴 透明接入IP网(IP/数字/模拟分机) 通信永不间断 应用和用户自带设备
统一和集中管理 降低成本,提高运营效率 性能卓越、稳定可靠 合作伙伴 全球支持体系—7x24小时全方位支持 便捷/快速—安装、维护和培训 The summary slide is focused on 3 main areas – end user, IT Manager and Partner. The main message behind this slide is that Aeonix was cleverly designed to meet market needs, supporting end users better, while making IT manager’s life easier. In addition it is the perfect dealer’s product providing end to end simple approach – easy to buy and sell, simple installation process, easy to maintain and use and most importantly reducing TCO for customers as and dealers!

23 谢谢

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