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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 In Lord Jesus, in Lord Jesus
我們成為一家人 因著耶穌 因著耶穌 成為神兒女 We've become a family In Lord Jesus, in Lord Jesus We are God's children

4 我們成為一家人 因著耶穌 因著耶穌 成為神國的子民
We've become a family In Lord Jesus, in Lord Jesus Enter into the kingdom of God

5 因著耶穌得潔淨 因著耶穌入光明 因著耶穌同享復活的生命
We are washed up by His blood We are brought into His light We enjoy the resurrected life of Christ

6 同享生命的喜悅 同在主愛中連結 因著耶穌同受豐盛的產業
We partake the joy of life We are bound by the love of Christ We are heir to the full abundance of our God

7 In Lord Jesus, in Lord Jesus
我們成為一家人 因著耶穌 因著耶穌 成為神兒女 We've become a family In Lord Jesus, in Lord Jesus We are God's children

8 我們成為一家人 因著耶穌 因著耶穌 成為神國的子民
We've become a family In Lord Jesus, in Lord Jesus Enter into the kingdom of God

9 因著耶穌同敬拜 因著耶穌蒙慈愛 因著耶穌彼此恩慈來相待
Let us worship in one accord Let us praise His love for all Let us treat one another with a tender heart

10 或在喜樂中歡唱 或遇苦難同哀傷 因著耶穌同渡人生的風浪
Whether we sing joyful songs Or we grief our broken hearts Jesus leads us through each Stormy day and night

11 這是以利亞的日子 齊宣揚我主的話語 哦 這是你僕人的日子摩西 公義今正被顯明 These are the days of Elijah
Declaring the word of the Lord And these are the days of Your servant Moses Righteousness being restored

12 哦 雖然這苦難的日子 充滿飢荒黑暗刀劍 而我們仍要在這曠野呼喊 預備耶和華的道路
And though these are days of great trials Of famine and darkness and sword Still we are the voice in the desert crying "Prepare ye the way of the Lord"

13 看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 揚起你聲 這是恩典的禧年 救贖恩典從錫安山而來
Behold he comes riding on the clouds Shining like the sun at the trumpet call So lift your voice it's the year of Jubilee And out of Zion's hill salvation comes

14 這是以西結的日子 枯乾的骸骨正復活 哦 這是你僕人的日子大衛 重新建造讚美殿
And these are the days of Ezekiel The dry bones becoming as flesh And these are the days of Your servant David Rebuilding a temple of praise

15 哦 這是大收割的日子 看哪 莊稼已發白 哦 我們是你葡萄園的工人 齊宣揚我主的話語
And these are the days of the harvest The fields are white in the world And we are Your laborers in Your vineyard Declaring the Word of the Lord

16 看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 揚起你聲 這是恩典的禧年 救贖恩典從錫安山而來
Behold he comes riding on the clouds Shining like the sun at the trumpet call So lift your voice it's the year of Jubilee And out of Zion's hill salvation comes

17 錫安兒女歡喜快樂 以色列揚聲歡呼 全心全意歡欣歌頌 哦!耶路撒冷

18 1.因為主已挪去你刑罰 除滅你仇敵 以色列的王 萬有之主 在我們中間 祂是全能神

19 2.因為主你神在你們中間 祂是全能神 祂要因為你 喜樂歌唱 揚聲歡呼 祂是救贖主

20 主啊 我們等候祢 帶著偉大的期待願祢來 主啊 我們渴慕祢 渴慕祢聖靈澆灌充滿我
主啊 我們等候祢 帶著偉大的期待願祢來 主啊 我們渴慕祢 渴慕祢聖靈澆灌充滿我 Oh Lord, we’re waiting for You With great expectation for Your coming Oh Lord, You are our desire We desire Your Holy Spirit to fill us

21 Wind of the Spirit lift us
我要回轉歸向祢 求祢紀念 願聖靈的風吹起 帶我翱翔 Please remember us as we turn back to You Wind of the Spirit lift us higher and higher

22 我要緊緊抓住祢 願祢國降臨 震動這地 使萬民敬畏
願祢國降臨 震動這地 使萬民敬畏 We want to embrace You May Your kingdom come and shake this land Till we honor You

23 Rend the heavens Oh! Lord Descend upon us and all nations
願祢裂天而降 裂天而降 降臨這地 降臨萬國萬邦 Rend the heavens Oh! Lord Rend the heavens Descend upon us and all nations

24 Rend the heavens Oh! Lord Let revival fires ignite us
願祢裂天而降 裂天而降 使復興的火不斷燃燒 求復興我們 Rend the heavens Oh! Lord Rend the heavens Let revival fires ignite us Revive us Oh! Lord

25 神羔羊是萬王之王 寶座前有眾水的聲音 榮耀權能都歸羔羊 眾天使都俯伏敬拜祂

26 哈利路亞 榮耀歸祂 神羔羊已全然得勝 哈利路亞 榮耀歸祂 神羔羊是萬王之王
哈利路亞 榮耀歸祂 神羔羊已全然得勝 哈利路亞 榮耀歸祂 神羔羊是萬王之王

27 fill this land with the Father’s glory
哦 主發光 讓這地充滿父神榮光 靈火焚燒 焚燒眾人心靈 Shine, Jesus, shine fill this land with the Father’s glory Blaze, Spirit, blaze Set our hearts on fire

28 Flood the nations with grace and mercy Lord and let there be light
活水湧流 讓全地充滿敬拜讚美 求發命令 主啊 照亮這地 Flow, river, flow Flood the nations with grace and mercy Send forth Your Word Lord and let there be light

29 主 我們仰望你的榮面 願榮耀藉著我們彰顯 生命更新天天不斷改變 願你真理榮美讓人看見 光照我們 光照我們
As we gaze on Your kingly brightness So our faces display Your likeness Ever changing from glory to glory Mirrored here may our lives tell Your story Shine on me, shine on me

30 主我神 我愛慕祢 我一生都獻給主祢 Lord my God, I adore You I give all my life to You

31 主祢的愛 如高山深似海 祢的愛 無人可擬 我一生都獻給主祢 Higher and deeper than mountain and sea
主祢的愛 如高山深似海 祢的愛 無人可擬 我一生都獻給主祢 Higher and deeper than mountain and sea Who can compare with Your love I give all my life to You

32 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

33 Come and fill this place For I long to know You more
聖靈請你來 充滿在這地 我渴望更認識你 更深的經歷 Holy Spirit God Come and fill this place For I long to know You more In a deeper way

34 Come and change my heart Open my eyes Open my ears
聖靈請你來 改變我心意 開我眼睛 開我耳 讓我更認識你 Holy Spirit God Come and change my heart Open my eyes Open my ears I want to know You more

35 And I exalt Your glory, glory
我呼求 聖潔 聖潔 聖潔歸我主 我尊崇你榮耀 榮耀 榮耀歸我主 And I cry holy, holy Holy is the Lord And I exalt Your glory, glory Glory to the Lord

36 Let me be as gold and precious silver Let me be as gold, pure gold
煉淨我 哦主 煉淨我的心如同寶貴金銀 煉淨我的心如精金 Purify my heart Let me be as gold and precious silver Let me be as gold, pure gold

37 焚燒的靈 我心唯一懇求 能成為聖潔 分別為聖歸於你主
Refiner’s fire My heart’s one desire Is to be holy Set apart for You, Lord

38 Set apart for You my Master
我願成為聖潔 分別為聖歸於你我的主 來遵行你旨意 I choose to be holy Set apart for You my Master Ready to do Your will

39 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

40 當聖靈進入我的心 我的心要讚美你 我的心要敬拜你
When Holy Spirit comes through me 我的心要讚美你 My heart will give praise to You 我的心要敬拜你 My heart will worship You, oh Lord!

41 Come and dance to the King
大衛之舞 The dance of David 充滿喜樂之舞 Is with joy and victory 神的兒女 Children of God 來跳大衛之舞 Come and dance to the King

42 黑暗中的光芒 (1/4) [The Light in the Darkness]

43 黑暗中的光芒 (2/4) [The Light in the Darkness]

44 黑暗中的光芒 (3/4) [The Light in the Darkness]

45 黑暗中的光芒 (4/4) [The Light in the Darkness]

46 親愛的寶貴耶穌 你愛何等地甘甜 我的心深深被你吸引 愛你 是我的喜樂
So precious, my Jesus How sweet and pure is Your love You have drawn me deeper in love with you My joy is filled loving You

47 一生愛你 一生敬拜你 一生愛你 一生榮耀你 一生奉獻 一生不回頭 一生愛你 跟隨你
一生愛你 跟隨你 With all my love, I will worship You. With all my life, glorify Your name. I give my live, never turn away. I will love You all my days.

48 永活全能真神 (1/4) [Almighty Living God]

49 永活全能真神 (2/4) [Almighty Living God]

50 永活全能真神 (3/4) [Almighty Living God]

51 永活全能真神 (4/4) [Almighty Living God]

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