禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 復興的火焰正燃燒 讓我們響起勝利的號角 傳揚耶穌基督的真道 一起邁向合一的宣教
Let the fire of revival blaze Let us sound the victorious trumpets Proclaim the salvation of Jesus Christ Marching on towards the battle cry

4 在主前同心的禱告 讓我們忠於十架的呼召 以讚美在寶座前圍繞 讓復興的火在我裡面燃燒
With one heart praying for the lost Faithful to the calling of the cross Let's praise Him and worship in one accord The fire of revival burns brighter in my soul

5 復興的火 聖靈的火 在我心中點燃 把我燒在主祭壇
Revival's fire, Spirit desire Kindle within my soul Consuming my life, my all

6 Holy Spirit touch my heart Through me, the living water flows
圣灵触摸饥渴心灵 来充满恩膏我 从腹中流出活水的江河 Holy Spirit touch my heart Come anoint and fill me Through me, the living water flows

7 哦 圣灵我的主 让我再次更新 蒙祝福 Oh! Holy Spirit Lord Refresh me once again

8 求恩膏我 使我心灵 胜过世上一切诱惑 单单渴望学像我的主
求恩膏我 使我心灵 胜过世上一切诱惑 单单渴望学像我的主 Please anoint me to overcome all temptation in the world My desire is to be like You

9 求恩膏我 使我心灵 胜过世上一切诱惑 单单盼望彰显主的爱
求恩膏我 使我心灵 胜过世上一切诱惑 单单盼望彰显主的爱 Please anoint me to overcome All temptation in the world My desire is to show Your love

10 更新我心意 使我能像你 (2x) Change my heart O God May I be like You (2x)

11 主 你是陶匠 我是泥土 模我塑造我 是我的懇求 You are the potter I am the clay
Mold me and make me This is what I pray

12 更新我心意 使我能像你 (2x) Change my heart O God May I be like You (2x)

13 求主鑒察我的意念 你面前我無保留 親手帶領我的一生 教我行走義路
Search me, o God, and know my thoughts Nothing is hidden from You Lead me along Your path of life That I may walk in truth

14 To Your ways, to Your will, to Your heart
帶我親近 親近 更親近你 我主 你道路 你心意 你生命 Bring me closer, closer Closer to You, my Lord To Your ways, to Your will, to Your heart

15 求你賜我清潔的心 為我造正直的靈 並悅納我完全奉獻 作你謙卑僕人 Create in me a clean heart
Renew a right spirit in me Make of me, Lord, a servant who Walks in humility

16 To Your ways, to Your will, to Your heart
帶我親近 親近 更親近你 我主 你道路 你心意 你生命 Bring me closer, closer Closer to You, my Lord To Your ways, to Your will, to Your heart

17 主求你復興我 心中的聖潔 為我造清潔的心 使我重新有正直的靈
Lord, revive me in holiness Holiness in my heart Create in me a clean heart Renew a right spirit within me

18 主求你復興我 心中的聖潔 將我分別為聖 作你尊貴榮耀器皿
Lord, revive me in holiness Holiness in my heart Set me apart in Your holiness To be Your glorious vessel

19 I want to be Your living sacrifice and to be a vessel of holiness
我將身體獻上當作活祭 一生作你聖潔的器皿 I want to be Your living sacrifice and to be a vessel of holiness

20 I give my life to You, O Lord my God
我將生命獻上 為你而活 為你呼吸 I give my life to You, O Lord my God I’ll live for You

21 我將身體獻上當作活祭 一生作你聖潔的器皿 一生傳揚 基督的聖名
一生傳揚 基督的聖名 I want to be Your living sacrifice And to be a vessel of holiness All of my life, I will lift up Your name

22 Glory to the Lamb on the throne Alleluia, glory be to You
哈利路亞 榮耀歸寶座羔羊 哈利路亞 榮耀都歸你 榮耀都歸你真神 Alleluia Glory to the Lamb on the throne Alleluia, glory be to You Glory be to You, my God

23 我一生都要來敬拜你 哈利路亞 我的手我的口 我全心我全人 都要敬拜你
All my life I will worship You, Alleluia With my hands and my lips With my heart and my soul I will worship You

24 我們要不住的禱告 直等到復興的來到底 懇求主聖火來焚燒 哦主! 我們呼求 你的榮耀光照 聽到古今復興的浪潮 主啊我們也要求!

25 主我們也要見你的榮耀 我們要見到你復興來到 (二次) (最後一次)主我們也要!

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