第十八課 現在分詞.

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1 第十八課 現在分詞

2 1. 介紹: 如英文的 “–ing”字, playing, dancing, talking. 但英文的“–ing”字, 可以有兩种用法, 一為分詞用法, 如作形容詞 (a sleeping beauty) 和副詞用法 (While playing, I saw him), 一為動名詞 (gerund)的用法, 如同希臘文的不定詞的用法 (Eating is enjoying; To eat is to enjoy). 是動詞形容詞, verbal adjective, 所以有動詞 (時態和語態) 和形容詞 (性, 數, 格) 的特性. 時態 (現在, 過去, 現在完成, 未來式-12次在新約中). 語態 (主動, 被動, 關身, dep). 分詞在性數格上, 必須和它所修飾的名詞一致. 它可以有受詞和副詞性的修飾詞, 因此在翻譯這分詞片語時, 可以用關係子句翻出.

3 分詞的觀點(Aspect) 現在式: 連續性的動作. 過去式: 未定界的動作. 現在完成式: 完成的卻有現在果效的動作. 分詞的語法分析 (8 點) 分詞, 時態, 語態, 格, 性, 數, 字典型, 分詞的意思. avkou,ontoj: 分詞, 現在式, 主動, 所有格, 陽性, 單數, avkou,w, 正聼見. avkou,ontoj: ptc, prest, act, gen, mas, sing, avkou,w, hearing.

4 現在式主動分詞 字幹 + 連接母音 + 分詞的詞素 + 格字尾 lu + o + nt* + - lu + ousa* + -
字幹 + 連接母音 + 分詞的詞素 + 格字尾 lu o nt* lu ousa* *t 不能在字尾, 所以省略, 但在陽性單數名詞字尾的 o 會延長成爲 w (lu,wn), 在中性卻不變 (lu/on); a 前的字母若不是 e, i, r, 間格和所有格就要用 hj 和 h| (cf. do,xa). 現在式関身/被動分詞 lu o meno j/n lu o menh

5 分詞的用法: 由上下文來決定. 副詞 (動詞分詞) 的用法: 分詞前不帶有冠詞, 主要在描寫與動詞有關的動作, 通常用一副詞性的分詞片語或子句來表達. o` a;nqrwpoj avpe,qane dida,skwn auvto,n. The man died while teaching him. Matt 1:19: VIwsh.f de. o` avnh.r auvth/j( di,kaioj w'n kai. mh. qe,lwn auvth.n deigmati,sai( evboulh,qh la,qra| avpolu/sai auvth,nÅ

6 o` a;nqrwpoj o` le,gwn tw/| o;clw| evstin o` dida,skalo,j mou.
形容的用法: 通常帶有冠詞, 主要在修飾一個名詞或代名詞, 但也可以不帶冠詞, 要看上下文來決定是形容性, 還是述詞 (o` lo,goj avgaqo,j) 的用法. o` a;nqrwpoj o` le,gwn tw/| o;clw| evstin o` dida,skalo,j mou. The man who is speaking to the crowd is my teacher. (The man speaking to the crowd is my teacher.) o` a;nqrwpoj legwn tw/| o;clw| evstin o` dida,skalo,j mou. The man speaking to the crowd is my teacher. ei=don tou.j avposto,louj le,gontaj tau/ta. I saw the apostles speaking these things. I saw the apostles while they were speaking these things.

7 ei=don tou.j avposto,louj tou.j le,gontaj tau/ta.
I saw the apostles who were speaking these things. 名詞的用法: 分詞帶著冠詞, 也可作名詞, 它的性數格必須要看它在句子中的功用來決定. o` tw/| o;clw| le,gwn evstin o` dida,skalo,j mou. The one who is speaking to the crowd is my teacher. ei=don to.n le,gonta tau/ta evn tw/| i`erw/|. I saw the one who was speaking these things in the temple. to. sw/zon tou.j avnqrw,pouj to. qe,lhma tou/ qeou/ evsti,n. The matter that saves (the) men is the will of God. ta. blepo,mena ouv me,nei eivj to.n aivw/na. The things which have been seen do not remain forever.

8 didaskome,nw| u`po. tou/ avposto,lou prosh/lqon auvtw/| oi` dou/loi.
While he was being taught by the apostle, the servants came to him. o` a;nqrwpoj o` le,gwn tw/| o;clw| h=n o` dida,skalo,j mou. The man who was speaking to the crowd was my teacher. do,xhj

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