覆蓋支架置入對於延遲胰十二指腸切除術後出血的治療 Covered stent placement for delayed post pancreatico-duodenectomy hemorrhage (PPH) Yu-Chen Wang, Yueh-Wei Liu Department of.

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Presentation on theme: "覆蓋支架置入對於延遲胰十二指腸切除術後出血的治療 Covered stent placement for delayed post pancreatico-duodenectomy hemorrhage (PPH) Yu-Chen Wang, Yueh-Wei Liu Department of."— Presentation transcript:

1 覆蓋支架置入對於延遲胰十二指腸切除術後出血的治療 Covered stent placement for delayed post pancreatico-duodenectomy hemorrhage (PPH) Yu-Chen Wang, Yueh-Wei Liu Department of General Surgery, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 座長 各位師長大家好 我是高雄長庚一般外科住院醫師王鈺鍞。 在這邊向各位分享我們對於(單一術者?)whipple 術後發生遲發性出血使用cover stent的經驗分享

2 Result No. PODB ISGPS Clinical finding Intervention 2nd intervention
Outcome (PODBD) 1 16 3 v/b blood cover stent no CHA 20 2 30 18 hemopytsis GDA 15 4 GDA pseudoaneursym 21 5 bloody stool and coffee ground re-laparotomy 58 6 12 TAE laparotomy 36 7 33 8 24 v/b blood with drop Hb:12-> 7.4) PHA AAD 收集從 至 ,接受whipple 手術的病人全部有126 位, 根據ISGPS, 有8位(6.35%)發生grade 2 以上的delay PPH. 這些病人的Pahology大致是 Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma/Ampulla vater adenocarcinoma. 臨床上的出血表現有6位是blood in the abdominal drain, 一位hemopytsis,一位血便.平均發生delay PPH為17天. 有4位病人primary intervention是接受cover stent,有2位primary intervention 為TAE, 但之後rebleeding, 所以還是去reopen.另外有1位primary intervention 是直接relapa, 另一位是relapa後又bleeding, 所以還是去放了cover stent.

3 Conclusion 這是其中一位成功案例 從左側的angiography可以看到GDA stump extravasasion, 右圖是經過coever sternt置放之後成功止血病人也順利出院. 所以到目前為止我們的經驗認為對於delay PPH, cover stent是一個first line choice. 謝謝

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