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Survey of Selected Western Classics Unit 4: Shakespeare- Hamlet

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1 Survey of Selected Western Classics Unit 4: Shakespeare- Hamlet
授課教師 : 國立宜蘭大學外國語文學系 王淑華 教授 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】

2 The Chandos portrait, artist and authenticity unconfirmed
The Chandos portrait, artist and authenticity unconfirmed. National Portrait Gallery, London.

3 William Shakespeare Born 26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616 at Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England. English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon".

4 Complete Works of Shakespeare
39 PLAYS 154 Sonnets 4 Narrative poems Other poetry

5 Early plays were mainly comedies and histories ( ) Tragedies (about ) Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth, considered some of the finest works in the English language. Tragicomedies (Romances) and last plays ( /14)

6 The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Act 1, Scene 1: Elsinore. A platform before the castle. Act 1, Scene 2: A room of state in the castle. Act 1, Scene 3: A room in Polonius' house. Act 1, Scene 4: The platform. Act 1, Scene 5: Another part of the platform. Act 2, Scene 1: A room in POLONIUS' house. Act 2, Scene 2: A room in the castle. Act 3, Scene 1: A room in the castle. Act 3, Scene 2: A hall in the castle. Act 3, Scene 3: A room in the castle. Act 3, Scene 4: The Queen's closet. Act 4, Scene 1: A room in the castle. Act 4, Scene 2: Another room in the castle. Act 4, Scene 3: Another room in the castle. Act 4, Scene 4: A plain in Denmark. Act 4, Scene 5: Elsinore. A room in the castle. Act 4, Scene 6: Another room in the castle. Act 4, Scene 7: Another room in the castle. Act 5, Scene 1: A churchyard. Act 5, Scene 2: A hall in the castle.

7 Hamlet--Sources Shakespeare based Hamlet on the legend of Amleth, preserved by 13th-century chronicler Saxo Grammaticus in his Gesta Danorum as subsequently retold by 16th-century scholar François de Belleforest. He may also have drawn on or perhaps written an earlier (hypothetical) Elizabethan play known today as the Ur-Hamlet.

8 鬼魂 /丹麥前任國王(King Denmark, Ghost)—哈姆雷特的父親死後化成鬼魂。他被弟弟毒死時,哈姆雷特正在國外。
主要角色 (一) 哈姆雷特 (Prince Hamlet)—丹麥王子。在城外透過遇見父王的鬼魂,知道自己父親乃遭到叔父克勞地毒害,經過一次舞台劇的演出證明叔父克勞地為殺父兇手...為了報復,經歷痛苦掙扎後他達成目的,整個王宮也陷入死亡的恐怖中。他最後也中了致命的毒劍死去。 克勞地 (Claudius)—丹麥現任國王。哈姆雷特的叔父,在哥哥死後繼任王位。在哈姆雷特知道其為殺父凶手後,他百般阻撓,最後死在侄子復仇的毒劍下。 鬼魂 /丹麥前任國王(King Denmark, Ghost)—哈姆雷特的父親死後化成鬼魂。他被弟弟毒死時,哈姆雷特正在國外。 葛楚德 (Gertrude)—丹麥王后,王子的親生母親。先王死後改嫁克勞地,在莎士比亞的時代這種關係被視為亂倫,所以引起哈姆雷特的仇恨。她替哈姆雷特誤喝下克勞地預藏的毒酒,當場身亡。

9 主要角色 (二) 波隆尼爾 (Polonius)—克勞地的御前大臣。他是出名的老頑固,阻撓哈姆雷特與自己女兒歐菲莉亞之間的愛情。哈姆雷特總是假裝獃頭獃腦來戲弄他。他躲在一塊掛毯後,偷聽哈姆雷特與王后的談話時,被王子一劍刺死。 雷爾提 (Laertes)—波隆尼爾的兒子。為了父親和妹妹的死用劍殺死哈姆雷特。他也死在哈姆雷特的毒劍下,儘管當時哈姆雷特沒有意識到劍是帶毒的。 歐菲莉亞 (Ophelia)—波隆尼爾的女兒。她與哈姆雷特陷入愛河,但種種阻力警告王子,政治地位使他們無望結合。作為哈姆雷特瘋狂復仇計劃的一部分,她被他無情拋棄,加上父親的死讓她精神錯亂,最終失足落水溺斃。

10 主要角色 (三) 赫瑞修 (Horatio)—哈姆雷特在大學的好友。他沒有直接捲入王室之間的陰謀,成為哈姆雷特的傳聲筒,莎士比亞用他來烘托劇情。雖然他曾揚言要自殺,但卻是唯一活到劇終的主要角色。 羅生克蘭和蓋登思鄧 (Rosencrantz & Guildernstern)—都是哈姆雷特的大學同學。他們受克勞地之請前來照顧哈姆雷特。雖然兩人在劇中無太大用處,王子很快就懷疑兩人是間諜。當國王下密令要處死遠在英國的哈姆雷特時,他把名字偷換了。於是兩人在幕後莫名其妙地死去。 福丁布拉 (Fortinbras)—挪威王子。在劇中只有短短過場戲。他的重要性在於,由他說出全劇的最後台詞,似乎象徵一個更為光明的未來,闡述了劇作主題。

11 Themes and Motifs Doubleness- duplicity, deception, parallel, contrast- play-within-a-play (Mousetrap) Delay- inaction, procrastination Depression- melancholy, black bile Death - soliloquies [1:2; 3:1; 5:1] Poison- literal and metaphorical Revenge- duty, vengeance, resignation Good vs. Evil

12 Revenge Play- the Senecan Model
A secret murder A ghostly visitation of the murder victim to a kinsman/son A period of disguise, intrigue, or plotting, in which the murderer and the avenger scheme against each other A descent into either real or feigned madness by the avenger or one of the auxiliary characters An eruption of general violence at the end, which (in the Renaissance) is often accomplished by means of a feigned masque or festivity A catastrophe that utterly destroys the characters, including the avenger

13 Revenge Play- themes Both the stoicism of Seneca and his political career leave their mark on Renaissance practice. In the English plays, the avenger is either stoic or struggling to be so; in this respect, the main thematic concern of the English revenge plays is the problem of pain. Politically, the English playwrights used the revenge plot to explore themes of absolute power, corruption in court, and of factional concerns that applied to late Elizabethan and Jacobean politics as they had to Roman politics.

14 版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權圖示 來源/作者 2 WIKIPEDIA: 作品描述: The portrait of Wiliam Shakespeare, acquired by the National Portrait Galery in1856. 使用者: GianniG46 瀏覽日期: 2013/10/25 依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。 3 Born 26 April 1564……often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". 瀏覽日期: 2013/10/25

15 頁碼 作品 版權圖示 來源/作者 4 Complete Works of Shakespeare: 瀏覽日期: 2013/10/25 依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。 6 The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Act 1, Scene 1: Elsinore. A platform before the castle. …….Act 5, Scene 2: A hall in the castle.

16 頁碼 作品 版權圖示 來源/作者 7 Shakespeare based Hamlet on the legend of Amleth,……He may also have drawn on or perhaps written an earlier (hypothetical) Elizabethan play known today as the Ur-Hamlet. WIKIPEDIA: 瀏覽日期: 2013/10/25 8 哈姆雷特 (Prince Hamlet)—丹麥王子。在城外透過遇見父王的鬼魂,……她替哈姆雷特誤喝下克勞地預藏的毒酒,當場身亡。

17 頁碼 作品 版權圖示 來源/作者 9 波隆尼爾 (Polonius)—克勞地的御前大臣。……作為哈姆雷特瘋狂復仇計劃的一部分,她被他無情拋棄,加上父親的死讓她精神錯亂,最終失足落水溺斃。 WIKIPEDIA: 瀏覽日期: 2013/10/25 10 赫瑞修 (Horatio)— 哈姆雷特在大學的好友。……由他說出全劇的最後台詞,似乎象徵一個更為光明的未來,闡述了劇作主題。

18 頁碼 作品 版權圖示 來源/作者 12 A secret murder……A catastrophe that utterly destroys the characters, including the avenger WIKIPEDIA: 瀏覽日期: 2013/10/25 13 Both the stoicism of Seneca and his political career leave their mark on Renaissance practice…… that applied to late Elizabethan and Jacobean politics as they had to Roman politics.

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