Food & Cooking.

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Presentation on theme: "Food & Cooking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food & Cooking

2 Warm Up 1. Name five kinds of seasons / drinks / foods in the
kitchen area. 2. What do you usually eat for breakfast / lunch / dinner? 3. What food do you like? Tell your teacher how to cook the food. 4. What seasonings will you use to cook / eat the food with?

3 Vegetables mushroom 香菇 carrot 胡蘿蔔 eggplant 茄子 onion 洋蔥 cabbage 高麗菜
green pepper 青椒 pumpkin 南瓜 cucumber 黃瓜 corn 玉蜀黍 sweet potato 蕃薯 potato 馬鈴薯 bamboo shoot 竹筍 tomato 蕃茄 cauliflower 花椰菜 Chinese cabbage 大白菜

4 Meats leg of lamb hot dog beef pork ball chicken 小羊腿 熱狗 牛肉 貢丸 雞肉
小羊腿 熱狗 牛肉 貢丸 雞肉 bacon sausage roast turkey salami drum stick 培根 香腸 烤火雞 義大利香腸 雞腿

5 Seafood milkfish 虱目魚 cuttlefish 墨魚 lobster 龍蝦 prawn 對蝦
sea cucumber 海參 fish ball 魚丸 clam 蛤蜊 cod section 鱈魚片

6 Beverages cola 可樂 coffee 咖啡 ice tea 冰紅茶 wine 水果酒
beer 啤酒 soda 汽水 cup soup 杯湯 milk 牛奶 juice 果汁 organic drinks 有機飲料 mineral-water 礦泉水

7 Menu steak taco salad onion rings submarine sandwiches
牛排 墨 西哥餅 沙拉 炸洋蔥圈 潛水艇堡 egg tart roast chicken pumpkin pie apple pie spaghetti with meat balls 蛋塔 烤雞 南瓜派 蘋果派 義大利肉丸麵 sandwich doughnut chocolate cake sundae pudding 三明治 甜甜圈 巧克力蛋糕 聖代 布丁

8 Food Preparation crush 切碎 sauté 炒 chop 切 steam 蒸 grind 磨 deep-fry 炸
bake 烤 cook 煮 stew 燉 peel 剝 crush 切碎 sauté 炒 chop 切 steam 蒸 grind 磨 deep-fry 炸

9 Seasonings salt pepper MSG (monosodium butter soy sauce
鹽 胡 椒 glutamate) 味精 奶油 醬油 brown sugar mustard vinegar ketchup oil miso 砂糖 芥末 醋 番茄醬 油 味噌

10 Tastes spicy 辣 hot 好辣 too spicy 辣死了 delicious 好吃
disgusting 噁心 sweet 甜 greasy 油膩 sour 酸 salty 鹹 bitter 苦 light 清淡 bad tasting 難吃

11 Expressions 1. What’s cooking? 在煮什麼東西? 2. Mmm, smells good. 嗯,聞起來好香。
3. What are you making? 你在做什麼料理? 4. Be careful, that’s hot! 小心,很燙喔! 5. Here, taste this. 來,嚐嚐看。 6. It’s almost ready. 快好了。 7. Turn on the oven. 打開爐火。 8. Turn down the gas. 把瓦斯關小點。

12 Dialogue 1 Tim: How can I help? Ada: Um… Why don’t you set the table?
Tim: I already did that. I want to help with the cooking. Ada: Okay, you can peel the carrots and rinse these tomatoes. Tim: All right, I’ll do that, but I want to do some real cooking.

13 Ada: Well okay, I guess you could cut up this chicken and then chop these vegetables.
After that, you can sauté the vegetables in this pan. Tim: Great! Now, how do you sauté? I’ve never done it before. Ada: What? Forget it. You can steam the vegetables instead. Tim: Okay, jus show me how.

14 Ada: Never mind. Here, just beat these eggs and
slice these onions.

15 Dialogue 2 Mary: What do you think of the soup?
John: It’s delicious. It has a very interesting flavor. Mary: What do you think of the baked chicken? Is it too salty or spicy? John: No, not at all! I’m enjoying every bite.

16 Mary: What do you think of this cake?
John: It’s yummy. It’s the best cake that anyone has ever made for me.

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