祂已被尊崇 He is exalted 祂已被尊崇 祂名稱為至高君王 我要讚美祂 祂已被尊崇 祂作王到永遠 來讚美祂聖名

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Presentation on theme: "祂已被尊崇 He is exalted 祂已被尊崇 祂名稱為至高君王 我要讚美祂 祂已被尊崇 祂作王到永遠 來讚美祂聖名"— Presentation transcript:

1 祂已被尊崇 He is exalted 祂已被尊崇 祂名稱為至高君王 我要讚美祂 祂已被尊崇 祂作王到永遠 來讚美祂聖名
Twila Paris 祂已被尊崇 祂名稱為至高君王 He is exalted The King is exalted on High 我要讚美祂 I will praise Him 祂已被尊崇 祂作王到永遠 He is exalted forever exalted 來讚美祂聖名 And I will praise His name 1/2

2 祂已被尊崇 He is exalted 祂已作王 祂真理永遠掌權 天上地下 歡呼頌揚祂聖名 祂已被尊崇 祂名稱為至高君王
Twila Paris 祂已作王 祂真理永遠掌權 He is the Lord Forever His truth shall reign 天上地下 Heaven and earth 歡呼頌揚祂聖名 Rejoice in His holy name 祂已被尊崇 祂名稱為至高君王 He is exalted The King is exalted on high 2/2

3 我相信神蹟 I Believe In Miracles
Carlton Buck John W. Peterson 中譯:周巽光 我相信神蹟 I Believe In Miracles 我相信會有神蹟 使人得著釋放 I believe in miracles I’ve seen a soul set free 何等奇妙 生命改變 Miraculous the change in one 救恩在各各他 Redeemed through Calvary 1/2

4 我相信神蹟 I Believe In Miracles
Carlton Buck John W. Peterson 中譯:周巽光 我相信神蹟 I Believe In Miracles 像野地的百合花 在艱難中綻放 I’ve seen the lily Push its way Up through the stubborn sod 我相信會有神蹟 I believe in the miracles 我相信全能神 For I believe in God 2/2

5 在這個時刻 In Moments Like These
David Graham 在這個時刻 我向主歌唱 In moments like these I sing out a song 唱出一首愛的詩歌 I sing out a love song to Jesus 在這個時刻 我高舉雙手 In moments like these I lift up my hands 向我的主高舉雙手 I lift up my hands to the Lord 1/2

6 在這個時刻 In Moments Like These
David Graham 歡唱我愛袮主 Singing I love You, Lord Singing I love You, lord 我愛袮 I Love You 2/2

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