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WCI332 Windows Vista映像技术和Windows PE

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Presentation on theme: "WCI332 Windows Vista映像技术和Windows PE"— Presentation transcript:

1 WCI332 Windows Vista映像技术和Windows PE

2 课程内容概述 本次课程主要介绍Windows Vista全新的部署方式、新的映像技术以及全新的部署工具Windows PE

3 课程内容安排 概述 Windows Vista部署 Windows PE 2.0 问题和反馈 客户的挑战
部署工具和技术 部署过程和最佳实践 Windows PE 2.0 问题和反馈

4 11/12/ :00 AM Windows Vista部署 4 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

5 客户的挑战 从客户收集到的主要问题 应用程序兼容性和用户状态迁移 部署的花费、复杂性和时间需求 缺乏部署的架构和工具 缺乏最佳实践和指导
向与会者简要介绍企业在大规模部属客户端操作系统时目前碰到的主要问题: 安装速度慢,配置复杂 HAL不匹配 多语言需要维护多镜像 XP加第三方工具能够实现,但VISTA更好

6 Windows Vista部署目标 更好的应用程序兼容性 更快速、更可靠的部署 减少了映像的数量 更好的维护映像 集成了部署工具
全面的最佳实践 为Windows部署提供统一的格式 独立的平台架构,通过Windows访问硬件平台 独立的操作系统 减少磁盘空间和带宽的花费 能够不破坏操作系统中的应用程序 减少工程花费

7 如何完成部署任务? 主要来自与三个方面的创新 最佳实践 部署工具 操作系统 Windows Vista在部署方面主要带来了三个方面的创新
包括最佳时间、部署工具以及操作系统的设计 操作系统

8 操作系统

9 Windows映像 系统映像在桌面部署中是标准的最佳实践 Microsoft基于映像部署的历史 新的Windows映像
在提供了更好的可靠性的同时减少了花费、复杂性和时间 Microsoft基于映像部署的历史 RIS、ADS、Xpe、SMS OSD 问题:映像格式和工具不兼容 新的Windows映像 Windows Vista带来了统一的、全新的映像技术 很多人之前使用的映像工具,如Ghost或PQI来部署操作系统 这些之前所使用的映像工具能够更快速、更可靠地完成了部署 Microsoft也有基于映像部署的历史 在XP中支持的RIS ADS中支持服务器的部署 嵌入式XP中,使用Xpe部署 也可以通过OSD完成部署,并且提供了统一的映像格式WIM

10 Windows映像 设计目标 用于Windows部署的统一格式 支持多种硬件平台 操作系统独立 减少了磁盘空间和带宽消耗
非破坏性的操作系统映像程序 减少了部署工程的花费 When we were designing Vista Setup, we went to the drawing board and set the following design goals for Windows Imaging. We wanted all release channels (retail, OEM and Corp) to use image based deployment. We wanted the same image to work across different platforms and work across different geometry of drives. Meaning an image created for a 50 GB hard drive should work when deployed to a 100GB hard drive. Which implied that the imaging format had to be file based and not sector based. We wanted all editions of the OS (Home, Professional, Enterprise etc.) to use a single image When using a single image for all editions of OS, we did not want duplication of data. If the same file was present in all editions, we wanted to use a single instance of the file and not maintain separate copies. So reducing disk space and bandwidth requirement when downloading the image was a major design goal. We wanted both clean install of a brand new PC as well as upgrade of an existing PC work with images. So we had to ensure that for upgrade scenarios application of the OS image did not destroy existing data in the Computer that was getting upgraded. And last but not least, we designed it from the ground up with the goal in mind of reducing costs for our customers. We wanted customers to reduce the number of images they have to maintain and service and also reduce deployment time and costs.

11 WIM file-system filter
Windows映像 设计 四个主要部分 Windows映像格式 (WIM) 工具(ImageX) API 启用技术 ImageX WIMGAPI Windows Imaging design involves a 4 part design. #1 is the imaging format used for creation of the image (aka. The Windows Image file or the WIM file). #2 is a file system filter driver (aka. The WIM boot filter) that allows to browse or mount the WIM file as a file system. #3 is an API know as the WIMGAPI that provides the layer to programmatically access or manipulate the WIM file. #4 is a command line tool that provides for most of the functions that customers would want to use to create and manage a WIM. WIM File 启用技术 WIM file-system filter WIM boot filter

12 Windows Vista安装光盘预览 Browse the Vista Setup DVD and show layout. Show new IBS executable setup.exe. Explain how winnt32 had been removed and Setup.exe is written from scratch to use imaging technology. Show install.wim and highlight that it’s pretty much occupying 75% of the DVD. Setpup.exe itself is just a mere 47 KB. And mention how thru Componentization we have made it possible for Setup.exe to not hard code any special logic and instead be data driven described by component manifests. So you want to see what is inside a WIM. In order to see that you require the Tools that come as part of the AIK. Show AIK DVD and show how you can get ImageX by installing it (no need to put AIK ibto the Computer and start the install. That is part of demo#3. Tell audience you have copied install.wim to my laptop in C:\WIMs Open a command prompt and go to where ImageX is present. Show audience how you can get info on the image using ximage /info Show how you can browse contents of WIM using ImageX /mount option Explain how mount is being handled thru a file system filter driver. Show the WIM filter file system driver in Tools and explain to audience that it is installed when AIK is installed. To check go to command line and issue fltmc and show the wimfltr driver After browsing unmount. Show other capabilities of WIM like creating a WIM adding data files to it. Call it data.WIM. After adding files commit and unmount. Show how you can add DATA.WIM to to install.WIM. After adding DATA.wim, show ximage /info on the WIM Show how you can delete a DATA.WIM After deleting show ximage /info on WIM Show how you can merge two WIMS. After merge mount WIM and browse WIM to show the merged data files. Unmount WIM.

13 Windows映像 基于映像的安装 Windows安装 (Setup.exe) 完全重新设计的架构,更好地支持sysprepsd映像的部署
替代了Winnt32.exe 应用程序运行在Windows PE上 基于映像 完全重新设计的架构,更好地支持sysprepsd映像的部署 能够部署定制的映像 安装“阶段”和配置阶段替代了文本模式和GUI模式 IBS is the unified Longhorn Core Setup mechanism for all OS Deployment solutions. It is used by all deployment customers, across all architectures . The unit of install for IBS is a WIM or (Windows Imaging File). A WIM is a pre-staged and pre-installed OS image that has already been sysprep’d for reseal by the Windows Build Lab. IBS install can be automated with an answer file. Uanttend.xml in Longhorn will replace all the numerous answer files (unattend.txt, winbom.ini, sysprep.inf etc.) that are required for automating XP install currently. IBS was written from the ground up and implemented in a file called Setup.exe. No more Winnt32.exe. Default file system format for IBS is NTFS and upgrades FAT to NTFS. Windows Longhorn can be installed from CD or from network. An install can be configured/customized and then re-captured into WIM or any other third party format which can then be re-deployed to other machines. Besides on-line setup IBS also allows for new scenarios of off-line image editing using an unattend file.

14 基于映像的安装 阶段 低级别安装 Windows PE 在线配置 Windows 欢迎界面 (OOBE) 引导到“基本的”操作系统
纯净安装/升级 裸机安装 配置组件: 引导到“基本的”操作系统 应用许可文件 从Unattend.xml应用设置 组件设置 Windows特性 安装“特殊化”: Sysprep specialization 即插即用/硬件匹配PnP / 用户特殊配置: 最终用户许可协议 机器名 区域设置 基本安装界面: 数据输入 磁盘配置 应用映像 准备引导数据 离线配置

15 部署设计创新 统一独立的基于XML的 更好地无人值守操作 Unattend文件 完全自动运行 高性能,基于映像的安装
更快速地部署,更高的可靠性 文件和注册表重定向 保护用户账户并且保证之前应用程序的兼容性 Let me talk about some of the design innovations specifically. In the past with XP and Server 2003, customers had to deal with several install answer files, unattend.txt, sysprep.inf, oobe.txt etc. With Windows Vista we have made a significant step forward and consolidating all those unattend files into a single, and that too an XML based unattend file. What that gives you is a lot less error-prone unattends. You can automate remote installations much more easily with Windows Vista. And because of XML there is significant potential for automation. We have provided for libraries that will help the with the automation of creating unattend files. You might have to rewrite some of those scripts that you have right now, but investments that you make in creating some of those scripts for an XML based un-attend environment is going to pay off going forward. Other things that we have innovated and invested significantly is a much higher performance image base-setup. WIM is the image of choice of Windows Vista. And we have a new setup that takes advantage of the characteristics of WIM to give you a much faster, and much more reliable installation. Many of our customers want to lock down their end-user environments significantly so that they can reduce the spread of mal-ware, reduce the spread of viruses etc. But they are finding it very challenging to do so in the current environments. This is because many legacy applications require end users to have admin access. They will not run in the UAC or protected user environment. The reason being they have these applications try to write to Windows or Program Files directories. And in a UAC environment they will fail. But with Windows Vista we have this incredible capability of re-directing those writes. So you can run those old applications in a protected UAC based environment and when those applications try to write to Windows, or try to write to Program Files, Windows Vista will trap that write and re-direct it to the virtual store. So from an applications perspective it still thinks it’s running as admin. But Windows Vista in some sense is fooling it by re-directing that write. In the past, Servicing was done at a file or registry level and the means of doing it was adhoc. WU used one way, Add/Remove Components used another way. OS Setup or SP setup used another way. With Vista we have a new servicing stack built in that unifies the way different clients like Windows Update, Add/Remove Components and OS Setup services the Operating System. Servicing is done at the Component level and done under the supervision of what is known as the Trusted installer. 组件修改 增加系统的补丁和更新,保证系统完整

16 部署设计创新 Windows映像 模块化 减少了映像的数量! 基于文件的格式-硬件独立 非破坏性的升级
一个WIM文件存储多个映像-减少了空间和复杂性 单一实例和压缩存储 可引导、可修改 添加/删除可选的组件-驱动、补丁、语言包 映像的定制 更高的可靠性 语言独立 通过各个阶段保持一致 So let’s look back and summarize we what learned so far. Quiz the audience. What is the biggest change in Setup in Vista. Answer : Windows Imaging and Image based setup. Is the new WIM format, sector based or file based? Does the WIM provide for a non-destructive upgrade. Yes? Can we have more than one images in a single WIM. If the same file is used acrross multiple images in a WIM is the file duplicated. Answer no? WIMs dosingle instancing to save space. What does modularization of the OS give? Seperation of language neutral part and language depenedent part. Better layering of the OS with well defined depenencies. 世界范围内的单一映像 离线映像修改 减少了映像的数量!

17 部署工具 Moving onto the next area of deployment innovation in Vista.
The next thing I want to talk about, the second phase is the deployment Tools on top of Windows Vista. This is something I’m very excited about because we’ve never had really good tools to help customers deploy. Customers had to cobble together a lot of third party tools in order to effectively deploy Windows. But with Windows Vista we are trying to address a lot of those shortcomings.

18 部署工具 Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK)
Windows System Image Manager (WSIM) Package Manager ImageX, SysPrep Windows PE Windows Deployment Services (WDS) User State Migration Tool (USMT3.0) Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT5.0)

19 计划阶段 计划 收集软件和应用程序的详细目录 分析应用程序的兼容性,通过Web服务检查问题 兼容性修补 决定迁移列表-数据、设置
Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) 计划 收集软件和应用程序的详细目录 分析应用程序的兼容性,通过Web服务检查问题 兼容性修补 决定迁移列表-数据、设置 创建迁移脚本-基于XML 测试、测试、再测试 How to you go about the planning scenario? The first thing that you will have to do is inventory all the software applications that you have. You’ll have to analyze the applications that you have for compatibility to see if they work on Windows Vista. The applications that work in an XP or 2000 environment, you have to make sure that they would work in a Windows Vista environment. You would run tests of your own. And if there are challenges that you come across you’ll have to figure out what kind of fixes to apply and mitigate the challenges. With Windows Vista we have a tool that we have significantly upgraded from previous versions - . Application Compatibility Toolkit. We have significantly enhanced it, and it will be available for Windows Vista to help you move your application to Windows Vista and help you with app compat and also fixing some of the challenges. Once you have figured all of those things out, you have to decide on what you want to migrate. A lot of users will have their settings, their data that they want to migrated. With Windows Vista we have enhanced capability of moving applications along with their settings. If you have an application that works in XP and you have tested it out and it works in Windows Vista you can put that into a “white list” of sort. And Windows Vista will migrate those applications from the old user’s XP desktop to the new Windows Vista desktop. It’s just really a nice touch. Then you have to create migration scripts that help you with this migration, list of things that you want to move. In Windows Vista we have a tool that will help you with, in all these steps. The User State Migration Tool has been around for a while. We have enhanced it significantly, especially in moving applications over to help you with your migration scenarios. Then what you have to do is you have to test, test and test it to make sure that all these applications work and the migration works. User State Migration Tool (USMT)

20 桌面工程 工程 在工作站上安装部署工具 插入Windows Vista操作系统光盘 从光盘中加载操作系统映像
创建、编辑XML Unattend文件 使用Unattend文件添加、删除可选的组件,如:驱动、补丁、语言包等 更新或设置所有组件的属性 完成修改映像 The next phase is a very, very important phase, and we have invested significant amount of resources to help you with this. Let us go through a sample scenario for engineering a desktop. The first thing you would do is you would install the new Windows Vista tools on your engineering workstation. Then you would insert the Windows Vista media into your drive. And remember Windows Vista is built up of these interdependent modules, some of which you can add in, a few of which you can remove. In fact very few of which you can remove. An It Pro can only customize it to a certain degree. But what you can do is you can collect all those OS modules using this tool. You can add in your drivers, your patches and of course your language packs straight into the image that you want. You can also remove or edit certain modules like for example you can say maybe I do not want the game module to be part of this. You might be able to take it off. And then the other big portion of that is you can create and edit your unattend.xml file. The automation which if you do not want to have a manual installation you can put all of the instructions in there on the unattend file and you can create it completely using this tool. And then you can save the image into a network share for the next steps of this. With Windows Vista we have a completely new tool called the Windows Setup Manager. It’s a brand new tool that’ll help you work with all of the modules within Windows Vista collect the modules add drivers and add languages and create your unattend file. This we believe is a huge, huge step forward for a customer who wants to work with a single suite of tools from throughout all the, the phases of deployment. System Image Manager

21 Windows System Image Manager
创建Windows无人值守安装应答文件(unattend.xml)的工具 也可以通过打包应答文件和所有安装过程中要添加的文件来创建配置集 替代了Setup Manager Windows System Image Manager显示 Windows映像中所有可配置的设置及它们正确的值,如: Microsoft Internet Explorer主页,显示器分辨率 分发共享中的内容,如:驱动、安全更新和应用程序

22 Windows System Image Manager 生成unattend文件-流程
Install.wim Distribution Share Windows Vista Business Apps System Image Manager Windows Vista Home Updates Drivers Windows Vista Enterprise Unattend.xml

23 安装WAIK并且使用System Image Manager
Show the AIK DVD. Put in into the Computer and show the install screen. Walk thru the install folder structure of AIK on the laptop. Explain to audience Tools like WinPE, ImageX, System Image Manager. Fire-up SIM. Start with a complete empty image manager (Nothing open by default, what it would look like after you first install) Connect to a distribution share Explain what is in the distribution share Show how to create a distribution share Open an already created distribution share Show drivers, packages, and where $OEM$ would go – talk about the functionality that will be provided for $OEM$ and what won’t be – mention there is an alternative new way to get bits down to the machine and you will talk about it later. Also mention that Dave will go over some of the items in his servicing demo at the end of the day Connect to an image Show the components, connect back to modularization and how each component owns its own settings Show an example of IE home page for a setting Show packages explain how they are added to the image Create a new unattend file Go over the passes and why they are present in the unattend file Show how to add a package from the distribution share Talk about how most things from Microsoft will be packages, in box drivers, security updates, etc. Show how to add a driver from the distribution share Make sure to take about the fact that it will install all of the drivers it finds in this folder (inf based only msi based installers would have to be treated like other apps) Also this is for out-of-box drivers, in box you can do with packages Now talk about creating the unattend that we are demoing and that they will be creating in the labs Add the disk partition settings Disk 0 partition 1 Show how to use the context sensitive help with the partition numbering Add the other setup settings Accept EULA Product Key Etc. Add the WinPE international settings Note that these settings aren’t available in WSIM in the build they are receiving but will be in for Beta 2. They will have to copy and paste. Add shell settings Skip oobe Mention that while they can see all of the settings here they have to consult the OEM policy before they change them. That’s all of the settings for the unattend in the lab show a few more settings you might be interested in. Additionally the support number settings are coming in later builds. Show how to add a data wim and talk about the differences with $OEM$ Show how to add a run synchronous command Talk about add apps and how to do it, show the short cut to run synchronous, talk about $OEM$ Add a package from the Image Should the Optional windows features and that you can enable or disable them, also talk about the fact that we security fixes are install you will be able to see that here Save the unattend file The open it and go through the sections of the unattend file Publish to a configuration set Talk about the benefits of a configuration set and then publish one and show it

24 桌面工程 工程 在参考样机上安装映像 安装核心应用程序 (如Microsoft Office)、补丁(非操作系统)和驱动(非inf)
捕获系统卷为一个WIM文件,并且进行压缩 离线添加额外的文件或映像 拷贝映像到分发媒体或网络共享上以便于部署 Continuing the engineering scenario. The first thing you have to do is install the image that you’ve created from your previous version from Setup Manager, installed onto your reference PC. Then you install applications like Microsoft Office, maybe some of your line of business applications. Some of the patches which are not OS, and some of the non-INF drivers. If you add them in there, now the Image is pretty much ready to go. Now you shut down the machine and capture that desktop volume completely into a WIM file and compress it. And then you can add additional files and images if you want to. These things can be added offline. You don’t have to boot the image in order to do that, it’s a huge advantage. And then you can copy the image into a distribution media like a DVD that you can ship out internally all to a network share for remote deployment. All these scenarios can be enabled currently using a completely new tool called “X-Image.” And I will show you a demo of X-Image and some of the capabilities that it provides coming up right now. So this is a brand-new tool and we are very, very excited about this because of the investments you have made in engineering the desktop in which Microsoft had a gap to fill. Package Manager Sysprep, ImageX

25 映像修改 Package Manager Package Manager能够安装和配置packages到离线映像
更新补丁、Windows Feature、语言包和驱动程序 驱动 放置在驱动存储中 Package Manager能够向驱动存储中添加第三方驱动程序

26 Windows Deployment Service (WDS) Image based Setup (IBS)
执行 执行部署 Windows Deployment Service (WDS) 部署 网络引导 (PXE) 从网络共享下载映像 通过介质或远程,基于unattend.xml的设置安装WIM映像 引导到Windows Vista! We talked about planning, we talked about engineering the desktop where we have some great tools. Now I want to talk about the third phase. Where you actually take the image that you have, the gold image, and deploy it on to machines. The way the sample scenario would work is that you would PXE boot your PC if you are doing it remotely. And that would enable the machine to download the image from the network share and install it. We have an enhanced tool called “WDS” which is the next version of the currently available RIS. It’s significantly enhanced and it allows it to work with WIM images and the Windows Vista environment. And you can use that to do a remote desktop deployment including bare-metal installs. After you get that down you install the WIM image via the media or you can install it remotely as you would do with WDS, and based on the instructions that you’re always created on a unattend file which you might have created using setup manager. And the tool that helps you install this thing as a brand new setup called “Image Based Setup.” As you know, Windows Vista is only available in a WIM file format. So we have completely re-written setup to be much faster and much more reliable. And that’s it! You’re now ready to boot into Windows Vista! Image based Setup (IBS)

27 Windows Deployment Services
替代了RIS来进行远程部署 安装在Longhorn server、Windows Server 2003上 能够安装Windows Vista、Windows XP、Windows 2000、Windows Server 2003系统 支持WIM映像格式 使用Windows PE做为引导环境 定制的WDS客户端 RAM Disk支持WIM映像 全新统一的PXE架构 提供插件来支持核心网络功能

28 完整的部署周期 计划 工程 执行 工具 工具 工具 Windows PE 应用程序收集 应用程序分析/测试 应用程序兼容性修补 迁移测试
迁移脚本 工程 建立桌面映像 定制映像 添加驱动、语言、应用程序 捕获映像 准备部署 执行 安装映像 迁移/升级 远程部署 So coming back to the major phases of deployment – I just want to show you that entire deployment life cycle. We have tools in planning, we have tools in engineering, we have some in the implementation and deploy side as well. And we have tools and some technologies that will help you enable the entire deployment life cycle. And before had some gaps we think we have filled those gaps and we have really, really great tools to help you. 工具 ACT, USMT 工具 Image Based Setup, ImageX, System Image Manager, Sysprep 工具 Image Based Setup, USMT, WDS Windows PE

29 最佳实践 Now I want to touch upon the third element, a very, very important element of deployment. With all of the tools and all of the technologies you still need to have really good process and best practices to help you with the deployment.

30 部署的最佳实践 商务客户端部署 (BDD) Windows Vista BDD的增强
桌面部署的最佳实践 脚本、工具和文档 一致的、可重复的方法论 对于企业和小型商业客户 可用于部署Microsoft Windows 和Microsoft Office System! Windows Vista BDD的增强 应用程序兼容性的增强 端对端的部署监测 使用新的Windows Vista部署工具 安全性 BDD可用于部署Windows Vista和Office And that’s what we’re offering with the next enhanced version of the business desktop deployment solution. For those of you who don’t know about it, but the business desktop deployment solution has been around for a little while, right now we have a 2.0 version. It’s available right now for a free download if you go to What it offers you is a set of best practices to enable desktop deployment. We have some tools, some really good documentation, some excellent scripts. What we are trying offer with the business desktop deployment solution is consistent and repeatable methodology that you can use again and again with really predictable results. Because that’s what is very important to make sure you get the predictable results. With BDD and the zero touch environment can get you sub hundred dollar deployments per desktop, which is significant. And it’s available to both enterprises as well as small business. BDD for Windows Vista – we are going to enhance it significantly. Better capability in application compatibility and packaging. How do we enhance the tools to help you do to move your applications from the previous versions of Windows onto Windows Vista? Much better monitoring during the deployment process, we want to make sure that we get good reports and make sure that the deployment process is going on very, very smoothly. We want to help you with that. The next thing is we obviously want to enhance BDD with the new tools that Windows Vista brings. Especially the engineering tools as well as the remote deployment tools. And we also want to make sure that the process of deployment is a lot more secure and we have hardened that process as well. So those are the things we are looking at the next version of BDD coming out, along with Windows Vista. And so we want you to keep a look out for that. Right now you can go to Download BDD right now, it’s free. Can play around with how we can do it with Windows XP and office today and look out for when Windows Vista comes out.

31 Windows PE 2.0 Now I want to touch upon the third element, a very, very important element of deployment. With all of the tools and all of the technologies you still need to have really good process and best practices to help you with the deployment.

32 介绍Windows PE WinPE 是… WinPE不是… 由Windows Vista组件构建的操作环境
对于企业客户是一个可定制的产品,来帮助他们构建部署应用程序 替代了DOS引导磁盘 WinPE不是… 嵌入式的操作系统 替代客户端或服务器的操作系统 WinPE主要是为了替代DOS的,是一个独立的操作系统,WinPE2.0是以Windows为内核的操作系统,但仅包含必需的服务 WinPE是Windows Vista安装环境中的一部分,Windows Vista的安装首先会引导到WinPE的环境之下,因此WinPE用来进行Vista的部署 WinPE是可定制的,可以根据企业的需求进行定制WinPE,可以向WinPE中添加驱动、补丁以及应用程序等内容 但要注意:WinPE会有很多限制,因此它不能替代客户端或服务器的操作系统,并且也不是一个嵌入式的操作系统。

33 介绍Windows PE 设计目标 轻量级 强大 灵活 小型操作系统< 120 MB (压缩的) 快速引导 从压缩的映像运行-RAM中
提供完全访问内置的驱动、网络的Win32API 可由多种介质引导,如:UFD、CD、网络等 为应用程序提供临时存储空间 灵活 允许定制映像的可选组件 在线或离线驱动注入 标准的WinPE会非常小,经过压缩(剔除不必要的组件后进行压缩)可以小于120MB WinPE可以加载到内存当中运行,这样就可以加快引导速度 WinPE能够提供强大系统支持,是之前的DOS所不能提供的: 1、支持NTFS分区 2、支持网络 3、支持脚本和应用程序 4、支持32或64位设备驱动 5、支持API、WSH、MDAC、HTA等组件 6、可以从CD、DVD、UFD、HD或网络进行引导

34 应用场景 Windows Vista安装和部署 WAIK/OPK IBS –Image-based setup
每一份Windows Vista的拷贝都通过WinPE安装 替代了“测试模式”安装 在WinPE上进行磁盘配置,制作映像 WDS – Windows Deployment Services 替代RIS 基于WinPE的WDS客户端 WinRE – Windows Recovery Environment 基于WinPE的应用程序,从磁盘上隐藏分区或CD/DVD上引导 执行安装修复、系统回滚、重新映像和CLI接口 SMS v4使用WinPE做为部署环境 WAIK/OPK 简述Windows Vista在部署方面的改进 最主要的一点改进是基于映像的部署方式,因此在进行Windows Vista部署时首先要加载到WinPE的环境之下 可以使用WDS进行大规模远程部署 可以使用Windows PE制作Windows恢复环境,帮助修复、恢复系统 定制WinPE或Windows Vista的安装,需要使用 WAIK(Windows自动安装工具包) OPK(OEM预安装工具包)

35 引导选项 引导选项 基于文件的写入过滤提供了 “scratch space” 支持由HD、CD、DVD、网络(PXE)引导 架构
IA64 支持引导格式 Flat image – 基于介质的 压缩的WIM到RAMDisk(推荐) 基于文件的写入过滤提供了 “scratch space” 可以通过多种方式和多种架构引导WinPE Flat image:原先的引导方式,引导完WinPE之后,WinPE运行在介质上,因此整个运行WinPE的阶段不能移开介质 RAMDisk:WinPE2.0采取的引导方式,会将整个WinPE加载到内存当中所开启的虚拟CD中,并且还会开启scratch space用于 应用程序的临时写入注册表

36 由WIM引导 引导选项仅支持WinPE映像 通过mini-filter (wimfsf.sys)和OS loader功能实现
WinPE ISO / Layout 1 Bootmgr从BCD读取ramdisk选项 2 Bootmgr挂接上空的ramdisk(boot.sdi) Boot boot.sdi 3 Bootmgr挂接wim到ramdisk卷上(NTFS) BCD Sources 4 bootmgr/winload读取并加载引导文件 来初始化内核 boot.wim 5 内核初始化wimfsf.sys,之后的内容通过 wimfsf.sys保持 bootmgr


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