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Presentation on theme: "献给那些有云计算背景知识,准备投身OpenStack学习和研究的开发者们"— Presentation transcript:

1 献给那些有云计算背景知识,准备投身OpenStack学习和研究的开发者们

2 开源社区 开源社区不仅仅是一种生产模式,同时也是一种基于项目活动之上的交流模式。社区不会强制成员该怎么做,它只会鼓励成员该怎么做。
本质:一群技术人员 开源精神:开放、互助、参与、分享 对项目有兴趣:乐于参与项目的运作、开发、测试、维护等 主要来源:与项目利益相关的企业/组织、个人开发者、科研机构 开源项目核心成员的主要特征 开发能力强,经验丰富 对项目所在领域的产品或者类似项目的理解和参与经验,对项目所在领域核心技术的掌握 对项目的设计思想、架构演进、关键特性实现等方面的理解 较高的代码质量 长期跟踪项目,并作出个人贡献 参与设计,实现feature,修正bug,review代码等等 项目的核心负责人 具备项目经理和产品经理的双重技能 从项目创始初期即作为核心贡献者参与项目

3 1 2 背景知识和必备技能 背景知识 ReST 虚拟化 (libvirt, kvm, openvswitch, lvm, ceph...)
数据库 (Mysql, PostgreSQL) 消息队列服务 (RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, Qpid) 技多不压身... 2 必备技能 英文 Python Google

4 参考和求助 √ √ 参考 – 权威、不过时 求助 – 要想得到一个好答案,先从一个好问题开始 中策 下策 上策 中策 下策 上策
OpenStac官方文档, OpenStack Wiki, Google doc, README 中策 国内外大牛的技术博客 下策 A: 你那儿有没有OpenStack的资料,给我发一下,我学习学习? 我:... 求助 – 要想得到一个好答案,先从一个好问题开始 上策 OpenStack General mailing list OpenStack Development mailing list IRC ( 中策 找同事咨询 在QQ群、微信群、博客或微博公开求助 清晰描述问题出现的版本、相关配置、日志、初步的排错过程等 下策 自己憋着

5 Step1 架构

6 Step2 实际部署 操作系统 手动安装 自动安装 Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE...
交换机配置 自动安装 DevStack ( Fuel from Mirantis ( Compass from Huawei ( 离线 all-in-one ISO from Huawei ( ...

7 Step3 使用OpenStack Horizon

8 Step3 使用OpenStack cURL $ curl -i ' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{"auth": {"tenantName": "admin", "passwordCredentials": {"username": "admin", "password": "devstack"}}}' Postman

9 Step3 使用OpenStack OpenStack command-line clients
OpenStack Python SDK ( from os import environ as env import novaclient.v1_1.client as nvclient nova = nvclient.Client(auth_url=env['OS_AUTH_URL'], username=env['OS_USERNAME'], api_key=env['OS_PASSWORD'], project_id=env['OS_TENANT_NAME'], region_name=env['OS_REGION_NAME']) print(nova_client.servers.list())

10 Step4 Under the hood

11 带有low-hanging-fruit标签的bug 参与代码review Tempest门槛用例,大牛们都很忙 bug提交和修复
Step5 Contribution 文档的bug修复 带有low-hanging-fruit标签的bug 参与代码review Tempest门槛用例,大牛们都很忙 bug提交和修复 blueprint的提交和实现 为社区撰写文档

12 Step5 Contribution Corporate Contributor License Agreement
Create launchpad account Join OpenStack Foundation Sign the CLA Setup&Config Git Upload SSH Find a Bug Fix & Commit & Review & Merge Congratuations

13 Step5 Contribution, 同时可以登录Gerrit,Jenkins
Corporate Contributor License Agreement Create launchpad account Join OpenStack Foundation Sign the CLA Setup&Config Git Upload SSH Find a Bug Fix & Commit & Review & Merge Congratuations 同时可以登录Gerrit,Jenkins 注意:邮件地址很重要,后面还会用到

14 Step5 Contribution
Corporate Contributor License Agreement Create launchpad account Join OpenStack Foundation Sign the CLA Setup&Config Git Upload SSH Find a Bug Fix & Commit & Review & Merge Congratuations

15 Step5 Contribution
Corporate Contributor License Agreement Create launchpad account Join OpenStack Foundation Sign the CLA Setup&Config Git Upload SSH Find a Bug Fix & Commit & Review & Merge Congratuations

16 Step5 Contribution Corporate Contributor License Agreement
Create launchpad account Join OpenStack Foundation Sign the CLA Setup&Config Git Upload SSH Find a Bug Fix & Commit & Review & Merge Congratuations

17 Step5 Contribution Step 1: Check for SSH keys
Corporate Contributor License Agreement Create launchpad account Join OpenStack Foundation Sign the CLA Setup&Config Git Upload SSH Find a Bug Fix & Commit & Review & Merge Congratuations Step 1: Check for SSH keys Step 2: Generate a new SSH key Step 3: Add your SSH key to Gerrit

18 Step5 Contribution Corporate Contributor License Agreement Create launchpad account Join OpenStack Foundation Sign the CLA Setup&Config Git Upload SSH Find a Bug Fix & Commit & Review & Merge Congratuations

19 Step5 Contribution Corporate Contributor License Agreement Create launchpad account Join OpenStack Foundation Sign the CLA Setup&Config Git Upload SSH Find a Bug Fix & Commit & Review Congratuations api-site/api-ref/src/wadls/netconn-api/src/os-subnets.wadl commit message: review:

20 Step5 Contribution Corporate Contributor License Agreement
Create launchpad account Join OpenStack Foundation Sign the CLA Setup&Config Git Upload SSH Find a Bug Fix & Commit & Review Congratuations

21 2011至今就职于华为 IT 产品线 Cloud OS 产品部

22 Thanks! Stay hungry, Stay foolish, and Keep Healthy.....

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