粮农技术与工程系列讲座 Series of Lectures on Grain & Agriculture

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1 粮农技术与工程系列讲座 Series of Lectures on Grain & Agriculture
HE NAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 粮农技术与工程系列讲座 Series of Lectures on Grain & Agriculture Technology and Engineering

2 粮食安全省长责任制 The System of Provincial Governors’ Responsibility
HE NAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 粮食安全省长责任制 The System of Provincial Governors’ Responsibility for Grain Security 讲解人:吴一平

3 内容 Content 一、问题的提出 The proposal of the problem 二、提出的背景
粮食安全省长责任制 内容 Content 一、问题的提出 The proposal of the problem 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal 三、省长的责任 The responsibility of the provincial governors 四、省长责任制的意义 The significance of the system 五、如何落实省长责任制 How to implement the system

4 一、问题的提出 The proposal of the problem
粮食安全省长责任制 一、问题的提出 The proposal of the problem 1994年以来,中国实行粮食省长负责制,即“米袋子”省长负责制,规定:各省区市的行政首长(省长、主席、市长)负责本地区粮食的供需平衡和粮价的相对稳定。 Since1994,China began to implement the system of provincial governors responsibility for grain security , namely, the responsibility for rice bag , which provides that all chief executives(governors, chairmen, mayors) should be responsible for the balance of demand and supply of local grain , as well as the relatively stability of grain price.

5 一、问题的提出 The proposal of the problem
粮食安全省长责任制 一、问题的提出 The proposal of the problem 2010年11月以来,国务院多次强调要落实好“米袋子”省长负责制,细化量化考核指标体系,强化地方政府责任,确保粮食的生产和供应。 Since November2010, t he State Council has repeatedly emphasized the system should be implemented, the check-up index system should be detailed and quantitated , the government responsibility must be enhanced, the supply and demand of grain should be guaranteed.

6 一、问题的提出 The proposal of the problem
粮食安全省长责任制 一、问题的提出 The proposal of the problem 2012年3月5日温家宝总理在《政府工作报告》中强调指出: “落实好“米袋子”省长负责制和“菜篮子”市长负责制,保障主要农产品供给。” On March 5th,2012,Premier Wen Jiabao pointed in his report on government work , that the system of provincial governors responsibility for rice bag and the system of mayor’s “basket” responsibility should be fully carried out, that the supply of major farm products should be secured.

7 一、问题的提出 The proposal of the problem 《国务院关于建立健全粮食安全省长责任制的若干意见》
国务院2014年12月31日颁布:国发〔2014〕69号文 《国务院关于建立健全粮食安全省长责任制的若干意见》 The State Council enacted on Dec 31st,2014: NO.69 Document in 2014 of the State Council Several Opinions on establishing the system of provincial governors responsibility for grain security 《意见》明确指出:省长在维护国家粮食安全方面承担有责任 Opinions expictly pointed that provincial governors are responsible for maintaining the state grain security

8 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal
粮食安全省长责任制 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal 1. 中国国内粮食生产2004—2014年实现“十一连增”,一些地方存在放松粮食生产、忽视粮食流通、过度依靠中央的现象,自觉承担维护国家粮食安全责任有所松懈。 The production of China’s grain has increased in a row for 11 years since 2004 through 2014 Chart 1 Total Output of China’s Grain Yrear Unit : tons 年份 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 粮食总产量 60703 60194 58958 57121 54648 53082 52871 50160 49804 48402 46947

9 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal
粮食安全省长责任制 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal 一些地方责任有所松懈具体表现在: The loose responsibility does exist in some places: (1)相当部分省份、地区偏重工业化和城镇化,忽视农业生产,占用大量耕地,导致粮食生产下滑; Numerous provinces lay more emphasis on industrialization and urbanization , neglect agricultural production ,and impropriate a large amount of plow land , which bring about the declines in grain production;

10 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal
粮食安全省长责任制 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal 一些地方责任有所松懈具体表现在: The loose responsibility does exist in some places: (2)过去的主要产粮大省,特别是沿海发达省份、地区,因农业比较利益偏低,导致粮食生产锐减; In the previous major agricultural provinces , especially in the coastal rich provinces and places , the grain production declines sharply , as the agriculture comparative advantage is low.

11 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal
粮食安全省长责任制 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal 一些地方责任有所松懈具体表现在: The loose responsibility does exist in some places: (3)现在的主要产粮大省,主要是华北、东北地区,因种粮比较利益偏低,出现大量的农业非粮化现象和比较严重的非粮化倾向。 North and Northeast are the contemporary major agricultural provinces. As the agriculture comparative advantage is low, there is much agriculture non-food phenomenon and serious tendency for non-food phenomenon.

12 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal
粮食安全省长责任制 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal 2. 国内粮食生产成本快速攀升,粮食价格普遍高于国际市场,如何在“双重挤压”下创新农业支持保护政策、提高农业竞争力,是必须面对的一个重大考验。 As the domestic production costs of grain rose rapidly , and the grain price is usually higher than the international one , we are faced with a major test-how to innovate a new policy protecting agriculture, and raise competitiveness in the double pressures.

13 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal
粮食安全省长责任制 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal 3. 国内粮食供求长期处于紧平衡,但农业资源尤其是耕地、水资源短缺,开发过度、污染加重,如何在资源环境硬约束下保障农产品有效供给和质量安全、提升农业可持续发展能力,是必须应对的一个重大挑战。 The supply and demand of domestic grain has been in tight balance for ages , but the agricultural resources ,especially farmland , and water are in shortage, overexploited, and seriously polluted, how to ensure an effective supply of farm products, and how to safeguard products quality safety, enhance the sustained development of agriculture in the environment constraints , we must rise to all the challenges.

14 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal
粮食安全省长责任制 二、提出的背景 The Backgrounds of the Proposal 基本国情 basic domestic conditions: 中国是13亿人口的大国,粮食安全是实现经济发展、社会稳定和国家安全的重要基础。大国效应决定必须确保谷物基本自给、口粮绝对安全,把饭碗牢牢端在自己手上。 China is a huge country with a population of 1.3 billion people , grain security is the significant foundation of economic development , social stability and national security. Large-country effect must ensure that the grain is generally self sufficient , food is secure, and we are exactly in charge of our own food.

15 三、省长承担的责任(8个方面) The responsibility bore by the provincial governors
粮食安全省长责任制 三、省长承担的责任(8个方面) The responsibility bore by the provincial governors 1. 稳定发展粮食生产,巩固和提高粮食生产能力; Steadily develop grain production ,consolidate and increase food production capacity; 2. 落实完善粮食扶持政策,抓好粮食收购,保护种粮积极性; Implement and perfect the grain supporting policy, put more efforts into grain purchasing ,protect the enthusiasm of farmers to grow grain;

16 三、省长承担的责任 The responsibility bore by the provincial governors
粮食安全省长责任制 三、省长承担的责任 The responsibility bore by the provincial governors 3. 管好地方粮食储备,确保数量充足、结构合理、质量良好、调用高效; Manage local grain reserves , ensure sufficient amount , reasonable structure ,good quality and effective invoking; 4. 实施粮食收储供应安全保障工程,加强粮食流通能力建设; Implement security system of grain purchasing  and supply ,strengthen the grain circulation capacity;

17 三、省长承担的责任 The responsibility bore by the provincial governors
粮食安全省长责任制 三、省长承担的责任 The responsibility bore by the provincial governors 5. 深化国有粮食企业改革,促进粮食产业健康发展; Deepen the reform of state-owned grain enterprises, promote the healthy development of grain industry; 6. 完善区域粮食市场调控机制,维护粮食市场稳定; Improve the regulating mechanism of regional grain market, maintain the stability  of grain market;

18 三、省长承担的责任 The responsibility bore by the provincial governors
粮食安全省长责任制 三、省长承担的责任 The responsibility bore by the provincial governors 7. 健全粮食质量安全保障体系,落实监管责任; Improve the guaranteeing system of grain quality and safety, implement the responsibility for supervision; 8. 大力推进节粮减损,引导城乡居民健康消费。 Vigorously promote saving grain and cutting losses, guide the healthy consumption of urban and rural residents.

19 四、省长责任制的意义(4个方面) The significance of the system
粮食安全省长责任制 四、省长责任制的意义(4个方面) The significance of the system 1. 维护和确保国家粮食安全,即保障国民的粮食有效需求,即口粮、饲料用粮、食品加工用粮、能源化用粮需求;既要保障足够的数量需求,又要确保质量安全需求。 maintain and ensure national grain security , namely , guarantee the national effective demand for grain , such as rations , grain for fodder and industrial uses,energy-oriented uses . take both quantity and quality into account.

20 四、省长责任制的意义 The significance of the system
粮食安全省长责任制 四、省长责任制的意义 The significance of the system 2. 发挥各区域的资源禀赋和优势,如土地、光照、降水、温度以及灌溉等,提高土地的粮食生产能力;如东北的光照时间长,南方的降水充沛、温度高,中原地区可一年两熟等。 Eelaborate each place's advantage of resources,such as land ,light , temperature and precipitation , irrigation. Improve the production capacity of grain ,for example, Northeast has long hours of  sunlight, the south enjoys abundant rainfall, and high temperature,  Central China has two  plantings a year.

21 四、省长责任制的意义 The significance of the system
粮食安全省长责任制 四、省长责任制的意义 The significance of the system 3. 实现各地部分粮食自给,有效减少国内交通运输压力和产地的粮食储备压力和过量储备运输造成不必要的损失。 Reach self-sufficiency of some grain in all places , effectively reduce the pressure of transportation, of grain reserves in producing area, and reduce the unnecessary loss caused by excessive reserve transportation.

22 四、省长责任制的意义 The significance of the system
粮食安全省长责任制 四、省长责任制的意义 The significance of the system 4. 通过各地种粮规模化、集约化,可以确保种粮农民增收和粮食加工储运企业等获得规模效益。 The farmers' income will be increased , the processing and storage and transportation enterprises  will gain economy of scale   through the scale and intensification of agriculture.

23 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system 生产领域 总产量=播种面积*单产 消费领域 口粮、饲料、食品、能源 流通领域 收购、储运、加工 供给方 农户、大户、合作社、公司 粮食市场 市场机制、市场秩序、政府监管 田间  餐桌的粮食产业链条 = 生产+收购+储运+加工+配送+消费 需求方 供给方 国企、私企、经纪人 食品市场 需求方 个人、餐饮业、单位团体 巩固提高粮食生产能力 切实保护农民种粮积极性 抓好粮食收购管好地方储备 增强粮食流通能力建设 促进粮食产业健康发展 保障区域粮食市场基本稳定 强化粮食质量安全治理 推进节粮减损健康消费 省长责任 领域 主体 市场 中央政府的责任:强化保障措施和监督考核

24 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system Production fields 生产领域 Total output=sowing area *per unit yield 总产量=播种面积*单产 Consumption field 消费领域 rations 口粮、fodder 饲料、 food 食品、energy 能源 Circulation Field 流通领域 purchasing 收购、storage 储运、processing 加工 Supply-side 供给方 peasants 农户、 major households 大户、 cooperative 合作社、enterprises 公司 Grain market 粮食市场 mechanism、order、regulation farmland 田间 dinning table 餐桌的粮食产业链条 = product 生产 +purchase 收购+reserve 储运+process 加工+deliver 配送+consume 消费 Demand-side 需求方 Supply-side 供给方 state-owned enterprise 国企、 private enterprise 私企、 agents 经纪人 Food market 食品市场 Demand-side 需求方 individual 个人、 catering industry 餐饮业、 groups 单位团体 巩固提高粮食生产能力 切实保护农民种粮积极性 抓好粮食收购管好地方储备 增强粮食流通能力建设 促进粮食产业健康发展 保障区域粮食市场基本稳定 强化粮食质量安全治理 推进节粮减损健康消费 Responsibilities 省长 责任 Fields领域 Bodies 主体 Market 市场 中央政府的责任:强化保障措施和监督考核 Central Government's responsibilities:Reinforce supporting measures / supervision /examinaion

25 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system 1. 巩固和提高粮食生产能力(5个措施) Consolidate and increase grain production capacity (1)严格耕地保护制度,坚决守住耕地红线(18亿亩),确保耕地面积稳定、土壤质量不下降. Tighten the land preservation system,implement the responsibility of 1.8 billion mu of arable land and resolutely defend the red line,ensure the stability of land ,and maintain the land quality.

26 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system ①规范耕地占补平衡:占一补一、先补后占、占优补优;粮食主销区确立种植面积底线;鼓励发展木本油料,减少与粮争地。 standardize the balance of occupation and compensation of land: occupy one -acre plot, cultivate one, cultivating comes first, then occupying the land, both with the same quality; the main sale regions establish the bottom line of planting area, encourage developing wooden edible oil plants.

27 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system ②加强耕地质量建设,提高耕地基础地力,提升产出能力。占用耕地特别是基本农田:剥离耕作层土壤后再利用,开展补充耕地土壤改良和培肥。 Strengthen the quality of cultivated land , improve the  basic land capability ,  improve the capacity of output. Cultivated land, especially basic farmland, can not be reused before the soil plough horizon is stripped, soil improvement and soil fertility should be developed. ③严格执行政府领导干部耕地和基本农田保护离任审计制度。 Strict enforcement of the system of government leaders till the land , and the system of protecting basic farmland and audit system when leaders leave post.

28 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (2)按照总体规划加快建设高标准农田 Speed up the construction of high-standard farmland according to the overall planning ①粮食主产区用好中央财政补助资金,落实配套措施,大规模改造中低产田,把产粮大县建成粮食核心产区。 Major grain producing areas shall utilize the allocations from the central government budget, actively carry out  the matching measures, massively ameliorate medium and low yielding land , develop the major grain-producing counties into core grain-producing areas.

29 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system ②粮食主销区、产销平衡区建设一批旱涝保收高产稳产口粮田。 Develop farmland in the main grain producing regions, in the areas where production and marketing reach a balance , ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain, maintain high and stable production ③加强农田水利建设,实施节水重大工程,解决灌溉最后1km。 Strengthen the construction of irrigation and water conservancy, implement major water saving projects, solve the irrigation problem till the last 1 km.

30 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (3)加大财政投入引导社会资本参与粮食科技创新、推广运用 Increase financial input, guide social capital to engage in the innovation of grain science and technology ,as well as the popularization and application. ①培育、推广“高产、优质、多抗”粮油品种。 Good varieties of cereals and oils with high yield, high quality  and multi resistance shall be cultivated and popularized. ②开展粮食高产创建、增产高效可持续模式攻关,集成推广。 Develop grain with high yield, establish a efficient sustainable mode, integrated promotion shall be put into reality.

31 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system ③加快发展农业机械化,强化农机农艺深度融合,实现粮食作物品种、栽培技术和机械装备的集成配套。 Speed up the development of agricultural mechanization, strengthen the deep integration of agricultural machines and agronomy . Combine the varieties of grain , cultivation  techniques and machines, keep them integrated. ④建立基层农技推广机构、人员绩效考核激励机制。 Establish institutions to promote basic agricultural skills, develop the performance evaluating system.

32 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (4)建立新型粮食生产经营体系 Establish new sound grain producing and operating system  ①培育种粮大户、家庭农场、农民合作社、产业化龙头企业等,给予其晾晒、烘干、仓储、加工等配套设施的建设用地支持。 Develop large grain producing households, family farms, farmers' cooperatives, and leading enterprises of agricultural  industrialization , support them with construction land to dry , reserve, and process grain.

33 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system ②建立健全承包土地经营权流转市场,鼓励有条件的农户自愿流转,流转要避免“非粮化”、坚决禁止“非农化”。 Establish a sound market of the rights of contracting rural land, encourage peasant households with proper conditions voluntarily to transfer land , and during the process, non-food phenomenon of cultivated land shall be avoided, non-agricultural land shall be prohibited. ③采取财政扶持、信贷支持、政府购买等,积极发展合作式、托管式、订单式等粮食生产经营公益性、社会化服务模式。 Adopt financial support, credit support, government  purchasing, actively develop cooperative mode, managed service mode,  and order-oriented mode for public welfare and socialized services.

34 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (5)增强粮食可持续生产能力 Enhance the ability of sustainable development of grain ①发展节水、旱作农业,推广节能技术、测土配方施肥,坚决制止过度开发农业资源、过量使用化肥农药农膜、超采地下水。 Develop dry-farming and water-saving agriculture, popularize  energy-conserving technology , test soil for formulated fertilization, resolutely prohibit the excessive development of agricultural resources, prohibit overusing chemical fertilizer, agricultural film, as well as the over-draft of groundwater.

35 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (5)增强粮食可持续生产能力 Enhance the ability of sustainable development of grain ②推广机械化深松整地、保护性耕作、施用有机肥和秸秆还田、循环农业技术,加快实施土壤有机质提升补贴项目。 Promote machinery subsoiling and land-preparation , and conservation tillage, apply organic fertilizer , introduce straw application, recycling agriculture .Speed up the implementation of subsidy for improving soil organic matter.  ③加强农业气象灾害防御、病虫害防控等防灾减灾体系建设。 Strengthen the system of agricultural meteorological disaster prevention, of controlling pests and diseases.

36 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system 2. 切实保护种粮积极性(3个措施) Protect the enthusiasm for grain growing (1)落实和完善粮食扶持政策。 Implement and improve the grain supporting policy. ①提高补贴政策的精准性、指向性。Improve the precision and directivity of subsidy policy. ②新增补贴向粮食主产区、主产县、新型粮食生产经营主体倾斜。The new subsidies will emphasizes the  major grain producing areas, major grain-producing counties and the new main body of  grain production and  management. ③加强监管,确保补贴及时、足额到生产者手中。Stronger regulation ,ensure that the full subsidies are given to producers on time. ④引导支持金融机构为生产者提供信贷等金融服务。Guide the financial institutions to provide credit and other financial services. ⑤对粮食作物保险给予支持。Give support to the grain insurance.

37 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (2)抓好粮食收购。Pay special attention to the grain purchasing ①根据种植布局和交通条件,统筹设立收购网点,方便售粮。 According to the growing layout and traffic conditions , establish the purchasing networks. ②发挥国有粮食企业主导作用,鼓励引导符合条件的多元市场主体参与政策性粮食收购。Exert the leading roles of state-owned grain enterprises, encourage eligible various market body to engage in grain purchasing that is for policy consideration. ③积极支持农发行落实收购资金,加大对符合贷款条件企业收购粮食的支持力度。Actively embrace the Agricultural Development Bank to implement purchasing funds, strengthen the support for the enterprises that are eligible for the loans to purchase grain. ④加强粮食收购市场监管,严厉打击“转圈粮、打白条”、压级压价等坑农害农行为。Tighten supervision over grain purchasing market, deliver severe blows to the action of phantom sale, issuing an IOU, as well as forcing down the price, and other actions that are harmful for peasants.

38 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (3)努力提高种粮比较收益。Endeavor to improve the comparative gains of grain growing. ①完善粮食市场价格形成机制,引导粮价保持合理水平。Improve the price forming mechanism, lead the grain price to reach a reasonable level. ②鼓励引导农业产业化龙头企业与粮食生产者建立紧密的利益联结关系,采取保底收购、股份分红、利润返还等,让粮食生产者分享加工销售的收益。Encourage the leading enterprises of  agricultural industrialization to establish an interest connection with grain producers, adopt minimum guaranteed purchasing, share bonus, recovery profits, etc, in order to let grain producers enjoy the profits of processing and marketing. ③健全重要农资储备制度,稳定农资价格。Better the system of reserving important agricultural materials, keep the grain price stable.

39 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system 3. 管好地方粮食储备。(2个措施) Manage local grain reserves growing (1)落实地方粮食储备。Implement the local grain reserves. ①严格按照国家有关部门确定的储备规模和完成时限,抓紧充实地方储备。Strictly in accordance with the reserves scale and deadline required by the related state departments, enrich the local reserves. ②优化储备布局、品种结构,落实储备费用和利息补贴资金,完善轮换管理、库存监管机制。Optimize the reserve layout and breed structure, implement the reserve funds and interest subsidy, better the system of rotating management  duties and stocks supervising. ③定期将粮食储备品种、数量、布局等信息上报。Regularly report the grain breed, number, layout of stocks.

40 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (2)创新地方粮食储备机制。Innovate the mechanism of local grain reserves ①探索建立政府和社会相结合的梯级粮食储备新机制。Endeavor to establish a new mechanism of cascade grain reserves combined by government and society. ②运用财政、金融、投资等手段,建立地方政府掌控的社会粮食周转储备。Exert the mans of finance and investment to establish a system of the storage and turnover of social grain controlled by government.  ③鼓励符合条件的多元市场主体参与地方粮食储备。Encourage eligible various market body to engage in local grain reserving. ④严格执行粮食经营、加工企业最低最高库存制度,鼓励企业保持合理库存。Exert strict enforcement of the system of minimum and maximum store of grain operating and processing enterprises. ⑤建立地方和中央粮食储备协调机制,充分发挥调控市场、稳定粮价的协同效应。Establish a reserves coordination mechanism of both local and national governments, exert synergies of regulating market and stabilize grain prices.

41 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system 4. 增强粮食流通能力。Enhance the ability of grain logistics (1)实施粮食收储供应安全保障工程。implement security project of grain storage and supply. ①将粮食仓储物流设施作为重要农业基础设施抓紧建设,加快危仓老库维修改造,建立国有仓储物流设施保护制度。Regard the construction of basic agricultural facility especially for grain storage and logistics as the main point; speed up the maintain of warehouses in danger; establish protecting system for state grain storage logistics facility. ②创新投融资方式,引导社会资本积极参与,尽快建成与本地区粮食收储规模和保障供应相匹配,布局合理、功能齐全的仓储物流体系。According to the local storage scale and supply amount, build a layout-reasonable and fully-functioning logistics system by innovating new forms of investment & financing, leading the social capital actively in. ③支持种粮大户、农民合作社建设带烘干设备的储粮设施。Support high-producing households and rural cooperatives to build the grain storage facility with dryer machines.

42 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (2)打造粮食物流网络。Design grain logistics network. ①推广散粮、成品粮集装化物流,引导企业购销运联营,打造跨区域粮食物流通道。Promote the containerization among bulk grain and made-up articles to guide associated purchase and sale of companies, further to open the way toward transregional logistics. ②将粮油供应网络建设纳入各地城镇建设和商业网点规划,完善粮食交易中心功能,建设联网竞价交易平台,推进政策性粮食联网交易,培育一批公益性成品粮批发市场。Let the supply network running of the grain & oil as the part of the urbanization and commercial network plans all over China; complete the functions of grain trading center; establish bidding trade platform on website; enhance the policy component in online trading, further to create a commonweal wholesale market of processed grain.

43 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (3)加强粮食产销合作。Enhance the cooperation of production and sale. ①粮食主销区、产销平衡区与主产区按照互惠互利原则,建立紧密稳定的产销关系;The regions of grain supply, grain sale and grain both supply& sale would build bonding and stable relationships based on the mutual benefit principle; ②双方要鼓励支持各自企业到对方区域投资建设产销基地、仓储物流设施和营销网络,建立异地储备。Both sides should support each other in the way of bilateral investment to other side's production and sales base construction, storage facility for logistics, selling network and the storage establishment for foreign regions.

44 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system 5. 促进粮食产业健康发展(3个措施)promote the sound development of grain industry (1)培育发展新型粮食流通主体。the cultivation and development of new subject of grain circulation. ①深化国有粮食企业改革,推进企业兼并重组,妥善解决企业欠缴职工社会保障金、历史性亏损挂账等遗留问题。Continuing to deepen the reform of national grain enterprises, boosting the merger and restructure of those enterprises, and proper settlement of some leftover problems such as enterprises default on the social security of employees and historic losses, etc. ②积极发展混合所有制粮食经济,培育国有资本与集体资本、非公有资本交叉持股的新型市场主体;支持民营粮食企业和粮食经纪人发展;推动粮食企业对外合作,培育具有国际市场竞争力的大型粮食企业集团。To positively develop grain economic of mixed ownership, cultivation of the cross-shareholding new market players of state-owned capital, collective capital and non-public capital; to promote grain industries launch foreign cooperation, and cultivate large grain groups that have international market competitiveness. ③鼓励粮食企业利用期货市场规避经营风险。Encouragement of grain industries evade risks by making use of futures market.

45 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (2)推动粮食产业升级。The promotion of the upgrade of grain industries. ①培育壮大粮食类产业化龙头企业,促进生产要素向优势企业集聚。To foster the development of grain industries leading enterprises, and promote the factors of production to the advantage of enterprises cluster. ②支持粮食企业推广应用先进技术装备,进行技术改造升级,开展现代粮仓科技应用示范。Supporting grain industries popularization and application of advanced technical equipment, conduct upgrade of technologies, and implement application of modern granary science. ③将主食产业化作为保障食品安全的重要民生工程,鼓励企业延伸加工产业链,开发新型优质健康食品;鼓励大中型主食加工企业发展仓储物流冷链设施,向农村乡镇延伸产销网络。The staple grain industry as an important livelihood projects to ensure food safety, encourage enterprise to extend the industrial chain of grain processing, develop healthy food with new and high-quality features; encourage large and medium staple food processing enterprises in the development of logistics of cold chain facilities, extend production and sales network to the township and rural areas.

46 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (3)发挥加工转化对粮食供求的调节作用。Play a regulating effect on the processing and conversion of grain supply and demand. 按照企业自愿参与、政府适当补偿原则,选择一批骨干粮食加工转化企业纳入粮食市场调控体系,当粮食供>求时,适当增加企业非食品用途的粮食加工转化;当粮食供应紧张时,相应减少或停止企业非食品用途的粮食加工转化。In accordance with principle of enterprise take voluntary participation and government make appropriate compensation, select a group of backbone of the grain processing enterprise transformation into the grain market regulation system, when the food supply is greater than demand, an appropriate increase in non-food use of grain processing and conversion of enterprises; when the food supply, corresponding to reduce or stop corporate non-food use of food processing and conversion.

47 五、如何落实省长责任制 6. 保障区域粮食市场基本稳定(4个措施)
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制 6. 保障区域粮食市场基本稳定(4个措施) Assure the basic market stability in grain zones (1)完善粮食调控机制。complete the regulatory mechanism. ①有效发挥粮食储备吞吐、加工转化的调节作用和财政补贴的导向作用,确保粮食市场基本稳定。To assure the basic stability of grain market, we should reinforce the ability to regulate grain market, the adjustment ability by processing and transforming and the guidance from fiscal subsidies. ②认真执行国家粮食进出口政策,积极配合检验检疫等部门加强进口粮食质量安全把关,配合海关等部门严厉打击粮食走私,对边境小额贸易、边民互市贸易实施有效管控。Seriously execute the national import and export policy of grain; actively coordinate with the relevant Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine department to reinforce the security check of import grain; coordinate with the relevant department as customhouse to strike a severe blow on grain smuggle and have an efficient control to the border small-volume trade or the bi-trade of citizens living in border.

48 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (2)健全粮食应急供应保障体系。Perfect the grain security system for emergency supply. ①2017年底前建成,做到布局合理、设施完备、运转高效、保障有力,确保严重自然灾害或紧急状态时的粮食供应。The system mentioned should be finished by the end of 2017 meeting the requirements of reasonable layout, complete facility, running in a high efficiency and strong guarantee, to reach the supply amount when there is natural hazard or in emergency.

49 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system ②各乡镇、街道至少1个应急供应网点;In each village , town or street, there should be at least one aiding station connecting online; 直辖市、省会城市、计划单列市人口集中的社区,每3万人至少1个应急供应网点,配套相应的应急加工企业、储备设施和配送中心。As for the zones owning big population in municipalities directly under the central government, in capital city of each province or the community distinguished by heavy population, among each 30 thousands people, one aiding station should be planed, along with the relevant aiding processing enterprises, storage facilities and distribution center.

50 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system ③大中城市和价格易波动地区的成品粮油储备要达10—15天市场供应量。For the large or middle scale cities who may be influenced by the price fluctuation, their aiding amount of grain and oil products should be at least sufficient for 10-15days. ④采取企业自愿、政府认定、签订合同的方式,选择符合条件的粮食加工和经营企业承担应急供应任务并给予必要支持。Select qualified grain processing or sale enterprises to be responsible for the aiding affairs with the great supports under the condition of enterprises' willing, government's identification and signing contracts.

51 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (3)加强粮食监测预警。strengthen the monitoring and warning system. ①健全粮食生产、流通、加工和消费调查统计体系,完善产粮大县粮食产量抽样调查制度,确保调查数据及时准确。Improve the system of grain production, processing and expenditure survey, improve the sampling survey system of major grain-producing counties, ensure the data is timely and accurate. ②落实粮食经营信息统计报告制度,督促各类涉粮企业按照国家粮食流通统计制度的规定,建立经营台账,定期向粮食行政管理部门报送统计数据。Implement the system of reporting the operating information of grain operators, supervise all concerned grain enterprises to establish a sales account according to the requirement of national grain rules ,and regularly submit the statistical data to the administrative department of grain.

52 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (3)加强粮食监测预警。Strengthen the monitoring and warning system. ③发挥物联网、大数据信息技术在粮食监测预警中的作用,加强粮食市场监测、分析和信息发布。Exert the role of the Internet and huge data technology in grain monitoring and warning, to strengthen the monitoring,  analyzing and of grain market, as well as the  information releasing.

53 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (4)维护粮食市场秩序。maintain the order of grain market. ①加快建立粮食经营企业信用体系和粮食市场监管协调机制,坚决打击囤积居奇、哄抬粮价、以次充好、掺杂使假、计量作弊等扰乱粮食市场秩序的行为。Accelerate the establishment of grain enterprises ' credit system and the grain market supervision and coordination mechanism, determined to fight the action of hoarding and profiteering , driving up the grain price, shoddy goods for quality goods , adulteration, and cheating when measuring grain. ②接受国家有关部门委托,做好行政区域内中央储备粮等中央事权粮食库存检查工作。Entrusted by the relevant state departments, prepared to be tested in the grain stored for state.

54 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system 7. 强化粮食质量安全治理(3个措施) Strengthen the safety controlling of grain quality (1)加强源头治理。To strengthen the management of sources. ①污染严重区采取土壤修复、调整种植结构、划定生产禁止区,防治源头污染。Polluted areas should take soil remediation, adjust the planting structure, delimit production prohibited areas to prevent the pollution of sources. ②健全化肥、农药等农业投入品监管制度,大力推广高肥效、低毒低残留农药。A sound system of regulation of agricultural inputs such as chemical fertilizers , pesticides , and vigorously promote high fertilizer effect , low toxicity, low residual pesticides. ③建立土壤环境监测网络,加快建成农业农村废弃物(垃圾、农药包装、污水)收集处理系统,有效解决耕地面源污染。Establish the soil environment monitoring network, accelerate the completion of collection and disposal system which deals with rural garbage , pesticide packaging waste and sewage ,then effectively solve the farmland non-point source pollution.

55 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (2)健全粮食质量安全保障体系。 Better the system of safeguarding grain quality. ①2018年底前,城乡普遍建立放心粮油供应网络。By the end of 2018, urban and rural areas generally set up the assured grain and oil supply network. ②完善质量安全标准体系,健全产地准出制度和质量标识制度,实行从田间到餐桌的全过程监管制度。Improve the quality and safety standard system, perfect the origin of quasi system and quality labeling system , take the measure of supervision system ,concerning the whole process , from field to table. ③加强监测预警,严防发生区域性、系统性质量安全风险。Strengthen monitoring and early warning, to prevent the occurrence of regional and systemic quality safety risk. ④加强对农药残留、重金属、真菌毒素超标粮食的管控,建立其处置长效机制,禁止不符合食品安全标准的粮食进入口粮市场。To strengthen the pesticide residues, heavy metals, excessive mycotoxins in food control, establish a long-term mechanism, prevent the food which does not comply with the food safety standards from getting into the grain markets.

56 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (3)落实粮食质量安全监管责任。Carry out the supervision responsibilities for food quality. ①严格实行监管责任制和责任追究制度,落实地方政府属地管理和生产经营主体责任。Strictly implement the regulatory responsibility and accountability system, make sure that the local government take the responsibility of apanage and production management. ②加强基层粮食质量安全监管,强化县乡两级监管责任。Strengthen food quality and safety supervision of grass-roots and strengthen the supervision responsibility of County and Township , this two levels. ③深入开展粮食质量安全治理整顿,完善不合格粮食处理和有关责任者处罚机制。Carry out the grain quality and safety management, improve the punishment mechanism about the dealing of unqualified grain and related officials.

57 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system 8. 大力推进节粮减损和健康消费(2个措施) Vigorously promote to save food, reduce the damage and consume healthily. (1)加强爱粮节粮宣传教育。Strengthen the propaganda and education of loving food and saving food. ①大力普及营养健康知识,引导城乡居民养成节粮的消费习惯,营造厉行节粮的浓厚社会氛围。Vigorously popularizing the knowledge about nutrition and health, leading urban and rural residents to form such a consumption custom of saving food, constructing a strong social atmosphere to enforce to save grain.

58 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (1)加强爱粮节粮宣传教育。Strengthen the propaganda and education of loving food and saving food. ②推行科学文明餐饮消费,加强对餐饮业、单位食堂等引导监督,大力倡导“光盘行动”,各级机关、国企、公共机构率先垂范,制止、杜绝粮食浪费。Pursue the implementation of scientific and civilized consumption of food, to strengthen the supervision and guidance of the catering industry, canteens etc., strongly initiate "clear your plate“ campaign, All levels of government, state-owned enterprises, public institutions should take the lead to prevent and eradicate food waste.

59 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (2)全面实施节粮减损。Full implementation of saving and derogating grain. ①在粮食生产、流通、消费领域全面推广节粮减损新设施、新技术、新装备。To comprehensively promote new grain-saving impairment facilities, new technology and new equipment in the field of grain production, circulation and consumption. ②加快改造粮食仓储设施,鼓励使用绿色储粮技术,推广农户科学储粮。Accelerate the transformation of grain storage facilities , encourage the use of green grain storage technology, promote scientific grain farmers. ③督促企业合理控制加工精度,避免过度加工造成浪费和营养流失,提高成品粮出品率和副产品综合利用率。Urge enterprises to use reasonable control precision, to avoid the loss of nutrients and waste though excessive process, improve the yield of grain production rate and comprehensive utilization of by-products.

60 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system 9. 强化保障措施和监督考核(2个措施) Reinforce supporting measures and supervision and examination (1)强化粮食安全保障措施。Reinforce grain security and supporting measures 。 ①加强粮食生产指导、重大技术推广、环境监测治理、统计信息服务、行政执法和监督检查、质量安全监管、投入品监管等方面的相关行政工作力量。Strong the administrative power in grain cultivation guide, the promotion of major technology, environment examination and treatment, statistical information service, executive law enforcement, supervision and inspection, supervision of quality, inputs control and etc.

61 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (1)强化粮食安全保障措施。Reinforce grain security and supporting measures 。 ②各级财政继续支持保障粮食安全的相关工作,粮食主销区、产销平衡区要及时足额安排粮食风险基金。The finance apartments in different levels continue to support relevant work about grain security, at the same time the main regions for sale or some also for both supply and sale should raise sufficient fund for possible grain risks. ③地方各级政府要按照保障粮食安全的要求,落实农业、粮食等相关行政主管部门的职责任务。Governments in different levels should supervise the responsibility of administrative departments related to agriculture and grain according to the requirements for grain security.

62 How to implement the system
粮食安全省长责任制 五、如何落实省长责任制(9个方面) How to implement the system (2)建立监督考核机制。Establish the supervision and appraisal mechanism。 发展改革委、粮食局会同有关部门,根据《意见》要求制定监督考核办法,定期组织考核,对成绩突出的给予表扬,对不合格的予以通报批评、责令整改并追究责任,重大情况及时向国务院报告。Encourage the cooperation between Reform Commission and Food Bureau; to make them formulate detailed supervision and evaluation methods referring from the documents named ''Proposal''and carry them out; rewards excellet ones and critisize unqualitified ones with criticism notice, ordering correction and investigation, ending with report submission to the State Council.

63 粮食安全省长责任制 粮食安全省长责任制 谢 谢! Thanks !

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