„High-Tech made im Allgäu“

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1 „High-Tech made im Allgäu“
SycoTec GmbH & Co. KG | SEITE 1

2 Milling with ESD Spindles - 什么是ESD What ist ESD?
静电放电Electrostatic discharge (ESD) 两种材料的摩擦和静电感应可能产生电位差 The friction between two materials and electrostatic induction can create a difference of electrical potential 电位差会导致瞬间静电放电 The potential difference can lead to an ESD event ESD甚至可能产生电火花 ESD can even create spectacular electric sparks 在PCB生产中ESD可以足够损坏敏感的电子元器件 In PCB Production ESD can be large enough to cause damage to sensitive electronic components

3 Milling with ESD Spindles - Electrical discharge during milling
Milling pcbs without ESD-Spindle spindle housing 主轴外壳和轴心无导电接触 Non electro-conductive contact betweeen housing and shaft 摩擦导致静电 Electric charge by friction 导电通过电子元器件 Discharge on electronic components 可能损坏电子元器件 Damage of electronic spindle shaft current flow of the esd electronic components milling tool V electro static voltage on the board PCB Board Ground Ground

4 Milling with ESD Spindles - Electrical discharge during milling
使用带ESD功能主轴Milling pcbs with ESD-Spindle spindle housing 主轴的轴心和外壳导电接触 electro-conductive contact betweeen housing and shaft 摩擦产生静电 Electric charge by friction 通过主轴放电 Discharge through Spindle 保护电子元件 No Damage to the electronic components spindle shaft conductive contact current flow of the esd electronic components milling tool V electro static voltage on the board board Ground Ground

5 标准4041ESD主轴 Standard 4041ESD(2.001.4600) - 技术参数Data sheet / facts
Highlights of data sheet Motor system 3 Phase asynchronous motor Speed range 5.000 – rpm Weight 3.5 kg Protection category IP 54 Tool change Pneumatical 5 – 6 bar Protected against dirt and cooling lubricant Sealing Air 0.5 – 0.8 bar (hose Ø inner/outer 4/6 mm) Bearing System 2 x Hybrid, 1 x Steel 应用Applications: PCB routing ESD: 通过钢球轴承导静电discharge on Steel rear bearing(见草图see schematic) 缺点Problem: 如果导电电流过大,会破坏润滑油脂而损坏轴承 If the current flow of the discharge is too high, it can damage the bearing 缩短主轴寿命Reduced lifetime

6 HF-Motor Spindle 4041 ESD-Router / 2.001.4600
- 工作原理Functional principle spindle housing fleeting ring milling tool hybrid bearings steel bearing electro static voltage at the board V spindle shaft axis Ground Ground current flow of the esd 电流可能导致轴承磨损过快 The Discharge of the board can damage the steel bearing. > 缩短主轴寿命 Reduced lieftime

7 标准4041HY-ESD主轴 Standard 4041 HY-ESD(2.001.2520)
- 技术参数Data sheet / facts Highlights of data sheet Motor system 3 Phase asynchronous motor Speed range 5.000 – rpm Weight 3.5 kg Protection category IP 54 Tool change Pneumatical 5 – 6 bar Protected against dirt and cooling lubricant Sealing Air 0.5 – 0.8 bar (hose Ø inner/outer 4/6 mm) Bearing System 3 x Hybrid 应用Applications: PCB割板 PCB routing ESD: 通过碳刷导电discharge on carbon pin (see schematic) 未通过轴承导电 > 延长了主轴寿命 No discharge on bearing > increased lifetime of Spindle

8 HF-Motor Spindle 4041 HY-ESD / 2.001.2520
- 工作原理Functional principle spindle shaft axis milling tool fleeting ring spindle housing Hybrid bearings 导电碳刷carbon pin spring V Ground electro static voltage at the board current flow of the esd 通过碳刷导电->延长了主轴寿命 Discharge by carbon pin > increased lifetime of Spindle 但是But: 碳刷磨损完后无法导电 No discharge if carbon pin is used up

9 4041HY-ESD-BW主轴 4041 HY-ESD-BW(2.001.3530) - 技术参数Data sheet / facts
Highlights of data sheet Motor system 3 Phase asynchronous motor Speed range 5.000 – rpm Weight 3.5 kg Protection category IP 54 Tool change Pneumatical 5 – 6 bar Protected against dirt and cooling lubricant Sealing Air 0.5 – 0.8 bar (hose Ø inner/outer 4/6 mm) Bearing System 3 x Hybrid 应用Applications: PCB割板PCB routing ESD: 通过碳刷导电discharge by carbon pin (see schematic) 监控Monitoring: 生产过程中监控静电导电 Monitoring of the electrical discharge during processing (see schematic)

10 HF-Motor Spindle 4041 HY-ESD-BW / 2.001.3530
- 工作原理Functional principle monitoring cycle 碳刷carbon pin insulated cable spring spindle housing fleeting ring milling tool hybrid bearings electro static voltage at the board V spindle shaft axis Ground Ground current flow of the esd

11 HF-Motor Spindle 4041 HY-ESD-BW / 2.001.3530
- 工作原理Functional principle spindle shaft axis milling tool fleeting ring spindle housing hybrid bearings 碳刷carbon pin spring V Ground electro static voltage at the board insulated cable monitoring cycle 碳刷和轴心无接触时监控无闭环 No contact between carbon pin and spindle shaft Monitoring cycle doesn´t work!!!

12 注意事项 Precautions 保证密封气无油无水 The sealing air must not contain oil and water 水和油会增大碳刷的电阻值 Oil and water will dramatically increase resistance of carbon brush 保证 bar 密封气进入主轴 Ensure bar sealing air enters into the spindle 气压不足会导致粉尘进入主轴使碳刷磨损增大 Lower preasure leads dust into spindle and enlarge wearing of carbon pins 每次更换防尘环需预先用旧碳刷和防尘环接触表面磨合 Before changing fleeting-ring the contact surface for carbon pins must run-in with old carbon pins 使用和保养参照主轴操作手册 Operating and maintenance accourding to spindle operation instruction manual

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