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靠近十架 Near the Cross.

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1 靠近十架 Near the Cross

2 求主使我近十架,因有宝贵泉源 Jesus, Keep me near the cross, there a Precious fountain 医治活水免代价,由各各它流下 Free to all a healing stream flows from Calv’ry’s mountain

3 十字架,十字架,永远是我荣耀 In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever 直到我欢聚天家,仍夸主十字架 Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the riever

4 我战兢靠近十架,蒙主慈爱恩待 Near the cross a trembling soul, Love And mercy found me 那里有明亮晨星,荣光四面照来 There the bright Morning star sheds its Beams around me

5 十字架,十字架,永远是我荣耀 In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever 直到我欢聚天家,仍夸主十字架 Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the riever

6 求主使我近十架, 思念昔日情景 Near the cross! O Lamb of God, bring Its scenes before me 在主十架阴庇下,日日奔走天程 Help me walk from day to day with its s Shadows o’er me

7 十字架,十字架,永远是我荣耀 In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever 直到我欢聚天家,仍夸主十字架 Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the riever

8 警醒等候十架前,信心盼望日坚 Near the cross I’ll watch and wait, Hoping trusting ever 直到渡过死之河,安抵黄金美岸 Till I reach the golden strand Just Beyond the river

9 十字架,十字架,永远是我荣耀 In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever 直到我欢聚天家,仍夸主十字架 Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the riever

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