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为会员的讲演之旅给力 2016-2017 80区域 愿景与目标 Toastmasters International Where Leaders Are Made - will be the tagline moving forward.

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Presentation on theme: "为会员的讲演之旅给力 2016-2017 80区域 愿景与目标 Toastmasters International Where Leaders Are Made - will be the tagline moving forward."— Presentation transcript:

1 为会员的讲演之旅给力 2016-2017 80区域 愿景与目标
Toastmasters International Where Leaders Are Made - will be the tagline moving forward. Different from a theme, this is an enduring message of who we are today. It will not change from year to year. “In order to accomplish our mission, Toastmasters members, clubs and districts must provide one single, consistent message that demonstrates what Toastmasters is and what we offer the world.” – Toastmasters International President Michael Notaro, DTM For many years, Toastmasters has been synonymous with public speaking, However the powerful combination of strengthening one’s competence in communication and building leadership skills through participation in Toastmasters is what differentiates Toastmasters International from other skill-building programs. The new official tagline, “Where Leaders Are Made,” reflects this synergy between communication and leadership. Toastmasters training helps members build their competence in communication so they can gain the confidence to speak effectively and lead others. It is important that we all understand what this tagline means. It is not intended to summarize the entire member experience; rather, it represents what differentiates Toastmasters. It tells members and potential members what makes Toastmasters different from any other option they could choose to grow their communication and leadership skills. By consistently implementing this tagline along with the supporting brand positioning messages and imagery, you convey to the world that Toastmasters owns that place where members join and gain confidence in public speaking and communication. That confidence often gives them the strength to lead. Regardless of whether a Toastmaster has chosen to become a leader or not, but the mere fact that they are strong, clear and confident communicators, they are often naturally sought out as mentors, advisors and leaders. 为会员的讲演之旅给力

2 市场总监 – 开始您的讲演之旅 教育与培训总监 – 优化您的讲演之旅 区域总监 – 陪伴您的讲演之旅


4 District 80 SDOs Div Dir FM AM PRM PQD CGD DD 2
Month May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 ` Public Holidays 21/6 Vesak Day 6/7 Hari Raya Puasa 9/8 National Day 12/9 Hari Raya Haji 29/10 TI 91st Birthday29/10 Deepavali 25/12 Chistmas Day 1/1 New year 28/29/2 CNY 14/4 Good Friday 1/5 Labour Day 10/5 Vesak Day President Distinguished District SDOs Confirmed SDOs/District Officers Election / Alignment / AD Leaders List /Calendar TIHQ 15/7/15 World Convention 17-20/8 Submit DSP 30/9 Mid-Year Training SDO Meeting (1st Friday) Joint Meeting 6/6 2nd (1/7)(Budget plan) 3rd (5/8) 4th (2/9) 5th( 7/10) 6th (4/11) 7th (2/12) 8th (6/1) 9th 3/2) 10th (3/3) 11th (7/4) 12th (5/5) 13th (2/6) Div Dir Town Hall Meeting with Division Ds (1st Monday) 1st (4/7) 2nd (1/8) 3rd (5/9) 4th (3/10) 5th (7/11) 6th (5/12) 7th (2/1) 8th (6/2) 9th (6/3) 10th (3/4) 11th (1/5) 12th (5/6) FM Finance / Budget Plan / Claim Appoint Audit Chair Budget Plan Open Account Year End Audit Submit Budget to TIHQ Quarter 1 Treasurer’s Report with certification Last Term District Finance Report contacts the audit committee Mid-year Audit Report with certification Quarter 3 Treasurer’s Report district reserve balance>25% submit all vouchers reimbursement AM Administration Complet Club Officers list by 30/6 Complete District Directory Publish District Directory / Announce DEC2/DCM 1 DEC 2/DCM 1 DEC/DCM Report Announce 3rd DEC 3rd DEC Announce DEC 3/DCM 2 DEC / DCM Report PRM Public Relations Website / Collection of Clubs Material Toastmasters Awareness Month 25/9 Newsletter PQD Conference Appoint Credential Chair District contests PQD / Contests AC May DLT / COTs DEC 1/DLT 1 11/6 COT1 Make Up COT 1/ 22/8/15 2nd DLT COT2 Make Up COT 2/ DLT /2/16 Contests Club / Area / Division Contests end by 10 Oct Club / Area / Division Contests end by 30 Apr Contests trophies / material Appoint CJ Ordering / engraving /Certificates CGD Area Visit Form Incentive / REMINDER 30/11/15 31/5/16 Dues Submmission REMINDER Incentive / Dues - 1/10 New Club Chartering 2 Membership Awards Smedley Award Talk -Up Toastmasters Award Beat The Clock Award DD Alignment / Nomination Committee Appoint Nomination & Alignment Chair Appoint Nomination Committee Appoint Alignment Committee Nomination Closed Alignment / Nomination Report Appreciation /DCP Awards Ordering Appreciation Award Ordering Plaques DCP Clubs

5 七月: 开始您今年度的讲演之旅 80区域目标 分会 启动 卓越讲演会计划 呈交 分区总监访会报告 出席
启动 卓越讲演会计划 呈交 分区总监访会报告 出席 分会执委培训 争取 增员 分区 启动 第一轮访会 争取 100% 访会报告 呈交 上网 启动 创会计划 争取 增员 呈交 分会执委培训报告

6 80区域目标 2017年5月31日前 80区域目标 每一个区都是卓越区或更佳 每一个分区都是卓越分区

7 80区域 区最佳会长奖 区域最佳会员奖 区域总监特别表扬奖: 全方位最佳表现的3个区 达标庆功会特别赞助 区域总监特别表扬奖:

8 每一个区都是卓越区或更佳! 每一个分区都是卓越分区! 每一个分会都是卓越分会! 为会员的讲演之旅给力!
80区域 每一个区都是卓越区或更佳! 每一个分区都是卓越分区! 每一个分会都是卓越分会! 为会员的讲演之旅给力!

9 2016年7月31日前 执委培训1达到100%出 席率(每一个分会至少4名执委)
80区域教育与培训奖励计划 2016年7月31日前 执委培训1达到100%出 席率(每一个分会至少4名执委) 奖励 $50 额外拨款教育与培训活动预算

10 80区域教育与培训奖励计划 会员在 2016年12月31日前完成各级沟通 或领导目标 国际讲演会原装徽章

11 分会在 2016年12月31日 前达到 5 项卓越讲演会目标 1 套彩带 9 项卓越讲演会目标 2 套彩带 80区域教育与培训奖励计划
每一套彩带包括: 5x 最佳备稿讲员彩带 5x 最佳作业评论员彩带 5x 最佳即席演讲员彩带 5x 破冰彩带 5x 欢迎彩带

12 80区域 增员目标 10% 净分会数目增长 10% 会费缴交增长 100% 分区总监访会报告呈交率

13 增员挑战 2016年9月30日前创立新分会 80区域 新分会奖励 1套创会证书 1面会旗 创会赞助/辅导
1套高级作业手册 (或等值国际讲演会产品) 1枚80区域特制徽章 创会赞助分会 S$100 奖励金 分区 S$150 奖励金 *S$150 奖励金 *如果至少4个分区每一个分区创立一个分会,额外 S$200 (2016年12月31日前有效)

14 增员挑战 2016年9月30日前 80区域 增员5名会员 (新会员/多会籍会员/重加入会员) 分会获得以下奖励:
1 套高级作业手册 (或等值国际讲演会产品) 1 套比赛奖杯(价值 S$30.00 ) TI Smedley Award 彩带 (8月1日 至 9月30日间) 每增员5名会员 (新会员/多会籍会员/重加入会员) 额外 S$30.00 TI购物券 (顶限为 S$150.00)

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