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密封圈 密封件 SEALS sipivt.

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1 密封圈 密封件 SEALS sipivt

2 Purpose 目的 To counter leakage of liquids or gases. 防止液体或气体的渗漏.
To counter the penetration of contamination. 防止外来污染物的浸入.

3 Main groups 主要类型 Static seals.静密封件 Dynamic seals.动密封件
密封圈 Main groups 主要类型 Static seals.静密封件 Static seals are seals whereby the parts to be sealed do not move with respect to each other. Here, one should think of sheet packing and liquid packing, for example. 静密封件用于被密封零件之间不能相对运动的场合,通常有:密封垫和密封胶等. Dynamic seals.动密封件 Dynamic seals are seals whereby the parts to be sealed move with respect to each other. Here, one should think of oil-retaining rings and mechanical seals, for example. 动密封件用于被密封件之间能相对运动的场合,如油封和机械密封的方法. sipivt

4 O-ring O形密封圈 An O-ring is a circular sealing element, whose cross-section is also circular. The ring owes its name to this circular section. Most O-rings are made of an elastomeric plastic.In most cases, the O-ring is mounted in a groove. O形密封圈是一种截面为圆形的圆形密封件,它由弹性橡胶制造而成,通常安装在零件中的沟槽中.

5 How does an O-ring seal? O形密封圈的功能
As a result of the total construction of the O-ring and the object to be sealed, the O-ring forms a “blockade(阻塞)” between two spaces, as it were. The medium to be blocked(阻塞) cannot pass the O-ring. 在两空间之间形成阻塞,使被阻止的媒体不能通过O形密封环.  This sealing concept(原理) can be applied in both dynamic and in static situations. In dynamic situations, the O-ring can be applied with a sliding movement, and also with a rotating movement. Therefore, the O-ring is a very universally applicable sealing element. O形密封环适用于运动和静止的场合.在运动中,运用于滑动和旋转运动.O形密封环是一个广泛运用的密封元件.

6 Static and dynamic seals 静密封件和动密封件
密封圈 Static and dynamic seals 静密封件和动密封件 With static seals, the depression(压缩) of the O-ring is usually approx(大约) %. 对于静密封,O形密封圈的压缩量大约为15-25%. sipivt

7 Static and dynamic seals 静密封件和动密封件
With dynamic seals, the depression is approx. 8-20%.  对于动密封,压缩量大约为8-20%. 

8 Static and dynamic seals 静密封件和动密封件
Therefore, the depression(压陷) of the O‑ring and the gap width are also important. The gap allowed depends on the pressure of the medium. As this increases, so will the allowed gap decrease. 因此,O形密封圈的压缩量和缝隙是非常重要的,缝隙的大小取决于介质的压力,当压力增加时,允许的缝隙将减小.

9 Static and dynamic seals 静密封件和动密封件
Back-up ring 挡圈

10 Hardness 硬度 The hardness of an elastomeric O-ring is mostly expressed in degrees Shore A (°Sh. A) durometer(硬度计). This measuring method is generally accepted for the specification of the compound(化合物). O形密封圈的硬度用°Sh. A表示,这种测量方法适用于化合物。 Therefore, the measurement according to Micro-IRHD (International Rubber Hardness Degrees) has become more popular in determining the hardness of elastomeric plastic end products. 对于橡胶产品的硬度通常用Micro-IRHD 表示.

11 Compression set永久变形 C = {(t0-t1) / (t0-ts)} x 100 %

12 Compression set永久变形 Vulcanised(硫化) rubber has a large recovery(恢复) ability. When the imposed(外加) load or deformation disappears, the material largely returns to the original shape in a short time. However, a certain degree of deformation almost always remains visible(可见). This phenomenon(现象) is mostly described as "permanent deformation", "compression set" or "(permanent) set". 硫化橡胶具有较强的恢复能力,在外加载荷或变形消失后,它能迅速恢复原形.然而,总有一些变形不可恢复,这种现象称为“永久变形”

13 Storage of elastomeric O-rings O形密封圈的贮存
Ambient temperature preferably not above +250C.环境温度不超过250度. Dry environment.干燥的环境. Protection against sunlight and artificial light that contains UV.避免阳光和含有紫外线的人造光照射. Air and especially air that contains ozone causes ageing of rubber.空气和特别含有臭氧的空气易引起橡胶的老化. Storage whereby circulating air is avoided is preferred and storage with ozone generating equipment must be excluded.贮存处空气应避免流动,并不能有产生臭氧的设备存在. Avoid contact with liquids, semi-metals and metals during storage.避免接触半金属和金属材料 Rubber products must be stored without stress. Therefore, never suspend O-rings on a nail, for example!贮存时橡胶产品不能受力.如,决不要把O形密封圈挂在钉子上.

14 Gap extrusion / back-up rings 缝隙挤压/挡圈

15 Gap extrusion / back-up rings 缝隙挤压/挡圈
-By applying a narrower gap, it will become more difficult to press the O-ring into the gap. 应用较小的缝隙,可以防止O形圈压入缝隙中去. -The same effect is achieved by applying an O-ring of a larger hardness. 使用高硬度的密封圈,可以达到同样的效果. -However, with dynamic applications account must be taken that a harder O-ring causes more friction. 在动密封中,采用硬度较高的O形圈可以使磨擦力增大. -Gap extrusion is almost completely avoided by "blocking" the gap. This "blocking" is performed with the aid of back-up rings or supporting rings. 使用挡圈可能有效地防止密封圈挤入缝隙的现象.

16 Gap extrusion / back-up rings 缝隙挤压/挡圈
Because the most frequent(频繁的) degrees of hardness are 70°Sh.A and 90 ° Sh.A, only these two degrees are included in the table.

17 Gap extrusion / back-up rings 缝隙挤压/挡圈

18 Gap extrusion / back-up rings 缝隙挤压/挡圈

19 Assembly guidelines 装配原则

20 Lubrication润滑 Good lubrication of the O-ring and the metal parts is always required with fitting, independently of(与…无关) whether the O-ring is used under static or dynamic conditions. 在安装中,无论是静止或运动,O形密封圈和金属零件需要好的润滑. Because certain lubricants(润滑剂) have a disadvantageous(不利的) effect on certain rubber compounds (they cause swelling发涨 or shrinkage收缩), it is recommended to use an inert (惰性)lubricant. For example, such an inert lubricant is Silubrine, a special synthetic(人造的) grease, suitable for application with the fitting of the types NBR、FPM、EPand MVQ. 因为有些润滑剂对于橡胶产品有不利的影响(导致发涨或收缩),推荐使用惰性润滑剂,如一种人造脂silubrine适用于丁睛橡胶、氟橡胶、环氧树脂、和硅橡胶等类型。  All lubricants based on mineral, animal or vegetable oil or grease are absolutely unsuitable, especially with the application of EP rubber. 矿物、动物或植物油的润滑剂是绝对不适宜的,特别在EP橡胶中。

21 O-ring (dis)assembly set 密封圈的装配

22 O-ring (dis)assembly set 密封圈的装配

23 O-ring (dis)assembly set 密封圈的装配

24 O-ring (dis)assembly set 密封圈的装配

25 O-ring (dis)assembly set 密封圈的装配

26 QUAD-RINGS x形圈 Quad-rings are four-lip seals, i.e. they have four sealing faces. x形圈是有四个唇的密封圈,也就是说,它们有四个密封面。

27 QUAD-RINGS x形圈 密封原理

28 QUAD-RINGS x形圈 The Quad-ring offers a number of advantages:
密封圈 QUAD-RINGS x形圈 The Quad-ring offers a number of advantages: The required diametrical squeezing with Quad-rings is less than with O-rings. As a result, with dynamic seals, it is possible to reduce the friction, and with that the wear. 径向挤压力比O 形密封圈小。从而在动密封中减少摩擦和磨损。 Because of the four sealing lips, the sealing ability is greater and will also develop a lubricating groove, which is extremely favourable with dynamic seals. 由于有四个密封唇,密封能力增强 ,并形成润滑沟槽,这对于动密封是极为有利的。 However, the most important advantage of the Quad-ring is the high stability with dynamic applications (especially with sliding seals) 在动密封(尤其是滑动密封)中具有高的稳定性,这是X形圈的最重要的一个优点。 sipivt

29 Areas of application应用范围
Quad-rings are used as dynamic and as static seals: As a dynamic seal, with pistons, piston rods and plungers. Further­more, with hinging, helically moving, or slowly rotating shafts or spindles. 对于动密封。适用于活塞、活塞杆和柱塞,还有铰链、螺旋运动或低速运转的轴或主轴。 As a static seal, they act with flanges, covers and bushings, especially with fluctuating pressure loads. 对于静密封,它们用于法兰,箱盖、衬套,特别用在载荷变动的场合。

30 Field data 应用数据 Operating pressures of vacuum up to 400 bar (beyond 100 bar in combination with PTFE back-up rings). 真空操作压力可达400巴(超过100巴时要用聚四氟乙烯挡圈)。 Sliding speeds up to 0.5 m/s (rectilinear movement) 滑行速度可达0.5 m/s (直线运动) Temperature from -50°C to + 200°C, depending on the compound. 根据其组成成份,温度变化可从-50°C 到+ 200°C

31 Material of the running surface 工作表面的材料
For a maximum operational life of the Quad-ring seal in dynamic applications, it is recommended to use polished hardened steel shafts or rods and honed steel or cast iron cylinder walls. 为了获得在动密封中X形圈的最大寿命,推荐使用采用抛光的淬硬钢或者精磨的钢或铸铁圆柱壁。  Honing provides the best surface.Hardened steel shows the least friction, while a hard chromium plated layer causes much friction. 精磨可以提高表面质量,淬硬的钢有低的磨擦力,然而硬的镀铬层却会导致磨擦力增大。  Soft materials, such as aluminium alloys, copper, brass), monel or soft stainless steel are not advised because of their slight wear resistance. 像铝合金、铜、黄铜、蒙乃尔合金或软的不锈钢等软材料由于其易于磨损而不易采用。

32 Surface processing表面处理
Ra Running surfaces on cylinder wall or rod Groove bottom static 1 - 4 Groove walls dynamic

33 Lubrication 润滑 For dynamic applications, adequate lubrication of the Quad-ring is an absolute requirement with the fitting to guarantee a satisfactory operational life. 对于运动的场合,对X形圈进行适当的润滑是绝对需要的,从而保证其满意的操作寿命。

34 密封圈 Groove shape 沟槽形状 Grooves for Quad-rings are generally right-angled. A slightly slanting groove wall up to 5° is allowable. X形圈的沟槽一般来说是直角的,小于5° 的稍微倾斜是允许的。 sipivt

35 Quad-ring selection X形圈的选择
For dynamic applications, it is preferable to choose a Quad-ring as thick as possible. A thicker profile also compensates(补偿) better for wear phenomena(现象), the compression set is more favourable(有利的) and the dynamic sealing ability is also better. With dynamic applications, a thicker Quad-ring better absorbs the larger sliding clearances that occur.With static sealing, a smaller cross-section can also be satisfactory. 对于运动场合,应尽量选择厚一点的X形圈,X形圈越厚能补偿因摩损引起的现象,且压缩量也较大,有利于密封,动密封的能力也会增强.也能防止在滑动中产生间隙,对于静密封,小截面就能适用了.

36 Diameter selection直径的选择
With fitting as a piston seal, the inside diameter of the Quad-ring should equal to, or about 2 % smaller than, the groove diameter. As a result, the Quad-ring lies in the groove with a slight prestress, so that the seal is prevented from tilting(倾斜) when assembling the piston into the cylinder. 装配活塞密封时,X形圈的内径应等于或比沟槽直径小2%,从而使沟槽中的密封圈产生一个较小的的预应力. With fitting as a rod seal, the inside diameter of the Quad-ring should equal to, or be about 0.2 to 0.3mm smaller than, the rod diameter. 装配杆的密封件时,X形圈的内径应等于或比杆的直径小 mm. With diameters over 50 mm, it is possible to choose the inside diameter of the Quad-ring about 1 % larger than the rod diameter. 当直径超过50mm,X形圈的办径大杆的直径大1%.  During mounting, the Quad-ring stays better in place in the groove, while the inside diameter is still sufficiently(充分地) pressed against the rod. 在安装中,X形圈既能在沟槽中有较好地位置,又能充分的压紧在杆上.

37 Supporting or back-up rings挡圈

38 Supporting or back-up rings挡圈
The use of back-up rings is recommended if one of the following circumstances(境况) is present: High pressure, from 50 bar upwards.超过50巴的高压力. Large gap between the parts to be sealed.密封件间有大的间隙. High stroke velocity(速度) or high stroke frequency(频率) 高的冲击速度和高的冲击频率.. Quickly fluctuating(变动) pressure loads. 压力变化较快 High operating temperature. 高的操作温度 Large fluctuations of temperature. 温度变化较大. If the medium to be sealed contains much contamination(污染物). In this case, the back-up ring is not mounted behind the Quad-ring, but in front of it. 如果被密封的媒质含有许多污染物,保护圈应放置在X形圈的前面.

39 OIL-RETAINING RING 油封 The oil-retaining ring is one of the most commonly used seals. It is generally used as pressureless(无压力) sealing of lubricating oil and grease on a rotating shaft. 油封是应用最为广泛的一种密封件,一般应用在用油或脂润滑的旋转轴上,且无压力的场合. shaft seals must comply with(服从)certain requirements:  - Dust and dirt from outside must be kept out of the bearings. 外来灰尘和污垢不能进入轴承 - Lubricating oil and grease for the lubrication of gearwheels and bearings must be kept inside the machine. 齿轮和轴承的润滑油和脂必须保持在机器内. 壳体 Two-part housing Collar 套环 Helical spring 螺旋弹簧 密封唇 Sealing lip

40 Construction of the oil-retaining ring
油封的结构 -       Together with the sealing lip, the helical spring provides the prestretch around the shaft.  螺旋弹簧使得密封唇在轴上产生一个预拉伸. -       The jacket, with metal supporting ring, provides a correct, tight fitting in the housing.  外壳和金属支承环使得它自身在孔中有一个正确的和紧的安装. -       The rubber coating provides the static sealing.  橡胶套提供一个静密封功能 -The membrane enables a hinging action of the flexible sealing lip with respect to the rigid jacket.  膜使得密封唇相对刚性外壳有一个柔性扭转能力. 宽度 外壳 前面 金属支承环 表层 背部 螺旋弹簧 防尘唇 螺旋弹簧沟槽 接触面 (前面) 接触面 (后面) 密封唇

41 Lubrication of the sealing 密封件的润滑
When the oil-retaining ring is greased before mounting, it will slide along the shaft more easily,so that the risk of damage is considerably reduced. 在安装之前对渍封进行润滑,可以使其在轴上安装非常容易,从而避免损坏.

42 Mounting the oil-retaining ring 油封的安装
Both the oil-retaining ring and the shaft and the bore must be well cleaned. 油封、轴和孔必须清洁。 it is necessary to provide the shaft with a pilot edge. The angle of the pilot edge should be 30° to 50°. 轴端必须有导入导角,其角度为30° 到50°。 To ease sliding of the shaft, it is necessary to smear the shaft and oil-retaining ring well with grease or oil beforehand. 为了使轴易于滑动,需事先在轴上和油封上涂脂或油。

43 Mounting the oil-retaining ring 油封的安装
To simplify mounting, it is possible to slightly taper the bore at the front along a length of at least 2 mm. 为简化安装,在孔口前端倒角至少长2mm When the oil-retaining ring has to pass a key way, screw­thread or other irregularities when sliding along the shaft, these parts of the shaft must be covered first. They should be wrapped well with oiled paper, be taped or covered with a protecting case or with a metal or plastic mounting bush 当轴上有键槽、螺纹或其他不规则结构时,轴的这些部位必须被保护,可以用油纸包裹、倒角、保护套或金属或塑料安装套。



46 Construction with gland packing
The function of gland packing is to seal parts against liquids. A pressing bush (gland) presses the packing against the moving part. 压盖填料的作用用压盖压紧填料而防止液体渗漏。 Gland Packing ring Construction with gland packing

47 THE MATERIAL 材料 The packing is always made of a soft (deform­able) material and is supplied in the shape of cord or rings. 填料由易变形的材料制成,通常以绳和环的形式供应。 The material can be classified according to what the main element the material is composed of, namely: 根据材料中的主要成份,可以分为以下几种: PTFE (polytetrafluorethylene, Teflon) PTFE (聚四氟乙烯) Armide 阿米阿克呢(驼毛斜纹织物) Graphite and carbon石墨和碳 Vegetable fibres植物纤维 Metallic金属材料 Silicate, glass and ceramic material 硅酸盐, 玻璃和陶瓷材料

48 The advantages of this braiding method are:
这类编织物的优点 Long operational life. 寿命长 Constant elasticity 弹性不变 Great flexibility 很大的柔性 Even braiding 编织物表面平整

49 The (dis)assembling of gland packing 压盖填料的拆卸和装配
密封圈 The (dis)assembling of gland packing 压盖填料的拆卸和装配 1 2 Packing worms 填料蜗杆 Use of a packing worm 填料蜗杆的使用 3、Clean the shaft, rod or spindle and remove all old packing remains from the stuffing box. 清洁轴、杆,从填料盒中移去剩下的填料。 4、Check that all parts function properly. 仔细检查所有零件的功能。 5、Determine the correct size of the packing: S = (B-A) / 2. 确定填料的尺寸。 sipivt

50 有油脂的编织物和软的环应切30°,对于硬的压盖和金属压盖,应切成45°
6 7 Rolling out a too thick packing 滚压 Application of a backing ring 应用 Rings of greasy braided and soft, plastic packing glands should preferably be cut at 30°. The hard form-retaining packing glands and also the metallic ones should preferably be cut at 45°. 有油脂的编织物和软的环应切30°,对于硬的压盖和金属压盖,应切成45° 8 Use an auxiliary shaft 使用副轴

51 Press each ring separately Staggered cuts 单独地压每一个环 切缝错列
9、When mounting, always use sufficient graphite grease, Molycote grease or silicone grease. 安装时,总要使用足够的石墨(润滑)脂、 Molycote脂或硅树脂滑脂对填料腔内和轴表面进行润滑。 11 10 Press each ring separately Staggered cuts 单独地压每一个环 切缝错列

52 12 The use of pre-pressed rings 预应力环的使用 13、Press the complete stuffing box filling down after having placed the required rings, with the gland and then turn the gland nuts finger tight. 在所需环压好之后,装上压盖,用手拧紧压盖螺母将填料腔压紧,。 14、Always take care that the gland is absolutely square to the bush, to prevent unwanted stresses in the stuffing box filling. 一定要注意压盖与压套要垂直,以防止在填料腔中产生不必要的应力。

53 GASKETS 密封垫 A gasket is always a static sealing. This means that the parts that are sealed do not move with respect to each other. 密封垫用于静密封,被密封的零件之间无相对运动. gasket Application of gasket

54 Materials 材料 垫圈有金属、非金属和半金属垫圈。通常有下列材料: Fibre 纤维 Cork 软木 Paper 纸
With gaskets, we distinguish between metal, non-metal and semi-metal gaskets. The following types of packing material exist: 垫圈有金属、非金属和半金属垫圈。通常有下列材料: Fibre 纤维 Cork 软木 Paper 纸 Rubber 橡胶 Copper铜 Plastic 塑料 Steel 钢 Liquid packing 胶密封 Application of a liquid gasket

55 Manufacturing gaskets 密封垫的制作
Copying the packing contour 密封垫轮廓的复制 Making holes with a hollow punch 用冲头制作孔

56 Mounting gaskets 密封垫的安装
Take care that both sealing faces are properly clean, and possibly remove old gasket remains. 清除旧密封垫,将密封表面清洁干净. Inspect the sealing faces on flat­ness and possible damage. The flatness can be inspected with the aid of a straight edge. If the flange is bent, it must be straightened. 用直尺检查密封表面的平直度. The gasket must be greased lightly, which also prevents shifting. 对密封垫涂上一层薄润滑脂,以防止移动. When mounting, first tighten bolts or nuts slightly in a certain (prescribed) sequence. Next, tighten the bolts or nuts in the same sequence. 拧紧紧螺栓或螺母时,以一定的顺序分次拧紧. All bolts or nuts must be tightened with the same force. It is therefore recommended to use a torque wrench. 使用扭矩板手来拧紧螺栓或螺丝母,以保证它们有相同的拧紧力. Inspect whether the mounted gasket is sealing properly. 检查密封垫的密封效果.

57 Principle of the V-ring
V-RING V形环 The V-ring is a solid rubber shaft sealing that is mounted on the shaft and seals against a stationary counter surface.   V形环是一种用于轴密封的坚固橡胶,装在静止件的背面. A V-ring is composed of three elements, i.e.: 由三个部分组成 a.The sealing body, which is clamped around the shaft. 夹紧轴的密封体 b.The sealing lip, which seals against the counter surface. 与静止件背面接触的密封唇 c.The guiding part.导向部分 Cross-section of V-ring Principle of the V-ring

58 Self-adjusting ability of the V-ring V形环的自调能力
Serial mounting 连续安装

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