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Presentation on theme: "操作使用手冊 文道國際企業有限公司 TEL:(02)2357-8961 FAX:(02)2393-2268 MAIL:elink@windeal.com.tw(公司信箱) or shinchunwoo@gmail.com(講師信箱)"— Presentation transcript:

1 操作使用手冊 文道國際企業有限公司 TEL:(02) FAX:(02) or

2 Westlaw Next 涵蓋六大區域: Westlaw US 美國 Westlaw UK 英國
Westlaw EU Content 歐盟& 歐洲國家 Westlaw Canadian Materials 加拿大 Westlaw HK 香港 Westlaw Australia 澳大利亞

3 Westlaw Next 涵蓋內容: United States United Kingdom 第一手資料
• Legislation including: - United States Code (both annotated and un-annotated) - Code of Federal Regulations - Federal Register - All State Statutes • Cases: All Federal and All States, fully cross-referenced from 1658 第二手資料 • Commentary including: - American Law Reports - American Jurisprudence - Corpus Juris Secundum • Journals including: - Harvard Law Review - Chicago Journal of International Law - Yale Journal of International Law - Cornell Law Review • US Uniform Laws Annotated United Kingdom • Statutes from 1267 (fully consolidated) • Cases from 1865, including: - The Law Reports - Common Market Law Reports - Fleet Street Reports - Weekly Law Reports • Journals including: - Criminal Law Review - International Arbitration Law Review - Civil Justice Quarterly - Intellectual Property Quarterly Australia • Cases from 1903, including: - Commonwealth Law Reports - Federal Law Reports - Federal Court Reports 見下頁繼續…

4 Westlaw Next 涵蓋内容: European Union Canada
• Comprehensive European Union Legislation • Cases from 1954, including: - European Commercial Cases - European Patent Office Reports - European Human Rights Reports • Journals including: - European Intellectual Property Review - European Human Rights Review - EU Focus Hong Kong • Cases from 1905, including: - Hong Kong Law Reports - Hong Kong Criminal Law Reports • Journals: - Hong Kong Law Journal - Chinese Journal of International Law Miscellaneous - Black’s Law Dictionary - WTO & GATT Panel Decisions Canada • Canadian Statutes (Federal, Provincial and Territorial Statutes) • Canadian Abridgement • Canadian Cases from 1825 • Carswell Law Reports • Federal Court Reports News and Current Awareness • With access to over 13,000 individual news sources updated on a daily basis, Westlaw International ensures that you are receiving the news that matters, when you need it. • Key sources include: - AP Newswire - Thomson Reuters Financial News - New York Times - The Times (London) - Financial Times - The Economist - Forbes - Time - Bloomberg - Transcripts from major news channels; BBC, CNN etc - Reuters News 返回

5 CITATIONS介紹 Citation是指引文標注方式,Citation Format系統編號。 範例: 386 US 487
35 USCA 282 109 HARV L REV 125 US PAT

6 CITATIONS介紹 US ↓ ↓ ↓ 第386卷 美國最高法院判決書 第487頁

7 CITATIONS介紹 35 USCA § 282 ↓ ↓ ↓ TITLE 35 美國法典 第282條

8 CITATIONS介紹 109 HARV L REV 125 ↓ ↓ ↓ 第109卷 哈佛Law Review期刊 第125頁

9 CITATIONS介紹 US PAT ↓ ↓ ↓ 美國 專利法 檔案編號 返回

10 KeyCite 的意思: 紅旗(red flag):表示本案之法律見解,已被推 翻,不具法律效力。在法令條文中出現紅旗,表 示該條法令曾在近期立法中被修正或廢止。 黃旗(yellow flag):代表本案曾出現負面的 「被」引用歷史,該判解仍未被駁回或廢止。法 令條文方面,則表示已提案修法,但尚未通過 藍H(blue H):代表本案件有直接相關的前後 案,但沒有負面歷史 綠C(green C):表示本案件曾「被」引用,但 無直接相關的前後案,也沒有負面歷史

11 WestlawNext首頁 The WestlawNext home page is beautifully laid out and very easy to use, giving you access to everything you need to start your research. An all-in-one search box let’s you enter anything you’re looking for, from specific citations to simple descriptive terms, and get back highly relevant results. It’s also easy to browse to and search specific content. You can access research you’ve stored in your project folder, jump to content pages you’ve made your favorites, or view frequently used items. To return to the home page from anywhere on the site, just click the WestlawNext logo. A number of other features are available on every page too, including Folders, History, and the Help Center.

12 查詢欄位可以接受的指令: 你可以輸入的指令如下: 整段句子,疑問句 布林邏輯與連接詞 雙方訴訟人或單一訴訟人
Best Way to Search 查詢欄位可以接受的指令: 你可以輸入的指令如下: 整段句子,疑問句 布林邏輯與連接詞 雙方訴訟人或單一訴訟人 Citations:531 US 98 West Key Numbers 資料庫名稱 期刊名稱 The search box lets you accomplish many familiar research tasks from a single location. And it’s available at the top of every page, so you don’t need to come back to the home page to start a new query.

13 輸入整段句子查詢資料為例: 例子:can a municipality be held liable for civil rights violations by its employees Let’s try it. Here is our search: can a municipality be held liable for civil rights violations by its employees

14 點查詢欄位右側“All Federal”選項:
查詢輸入的句子:can a municipality be held liable for civil rights violations by its employees 選擇各州法院、聯邦法院或上訴法院。 Then click search.

15 聯邦法院 51州區域 上訴法院 可選擇要以聯邦為主或以美國各州為主:
Next, select your jurisdiction, and click save. 51州區域 上訴法院

16 各類別13筆資料列表(判決、法律、法規、行政命令、期刊、合約表格、法庭文件、訴訟要點、法庭審判命令KeyNumber)。
進入查詢結果的畫面: 查詢輸入的句子: can a municipality be held liable for civil rights violations by its employees 各類別13筆資料列表(判決、法律、法規、行政命令、期刊、合約表格、法庭文件、訴訟要點、法庭審判命令KeyNumber)。 Results are pulled from across all of our core legal content. This saves you time and allows you to have a better understanding of the law. The most relevant results from all core content types appear in an Overview. This provides a quick snapshot of the key information so you can quickly get to the best documents, easily modify your query or dive deep into a particular content-specific result list. To view additional results, choose a content type on the left. 欄位呈現各類別的資料結果,查詢結果總筆數有21,946。

17 透過左側選擇類別資料,例如:點選“Cases"查看所有的89筆資料。
左邊列表選擇欲瀏覽的類別資料: 查詢輸入的句子: can a municipality be held liable for civil rights violations by its employees 透過左側選擇類別資料,例如:點選“Cases"查看所有的89筆資料。 When you focus on any particular content type, a number of ways to narrow your results become available.

18 可以針對“日期”、“最多被引用”、“最多被使用”的選項,將89筆資料重新排序。
資料結果重新排序: 可以針對“日期”、“最多被引用”、“最多被使用”的選項,將89筆資料重新排序。 First, you can change the sort order. For results in reverse chronological order, choose date from the sort menu. Additional options allow you to configure the list by Most Cited or Most Used.

19 點選跳至欲瀏覽的資料頁數。 可調整一次呈現20筆、50筆或100筆資料。 系統預設“1~20”資料呈現
Navigate to additional results using the green arrows at the top and bottom of the page. 可調整一次呈現20筆、50筆或100筆資料。

20 可以調整資料的瀏覽方式: 案件總結:可以很快掌握案件內容。 可以設定顯示內容細節, 1. 顯示案件名稱 2. 顯示案件名稱、總結以及關鍵字
3. 顯示案件名稱、總結以及關鍵字段落 Let’s take a look at the result list. Each item on the result list includes identifying information, such as the document’s title, cite and date. Cases also include a summary, which is a West-exclusive editorial description of the issues in dispute. You’ll also see excerpts of text from the document. These excerpts contain your search terms highlighted in context. Use the detail selector to change the level of information you see for each result. 案件總結:可以很快掌握案件內容。

21 可篩選資料來源,例如:聯邦或是各州法院、日期、法律主題、審判法官、委任律師、訴訟雙方等。
篩選與限縮目前查詢的資料: 限縮查詢到的資料。 可篩選資料來源,例如:聯邦或是各州法院、日期、法律主題、審判法官、委任律師、訴訟雙方等。 You can also use filters to narrow in on the documents that you want. For instance, when you want to review only reported cases, select the “Reported” option. Note: Filters are content type specific.

22 資料結果二次查詢: 二次查詢 輸入”關鍵字”
Use the Search Within Results filter to narrow your results to documents that contain specific terms.

23 資料結果二次查詢: 二次查詢的關鍵字,會用紫色色塊標註
When the results page refreshes, your new terms are highlighted in purple.

24 相關補充資料: 右側列表為相關補充資料 When you’re viewing content-specific results, documents from other content types will be displayed as Related Documents. These are available to help make sure you don’t miss anything.

25 CITATION輸入方式,不區分空白鍵。
One of the most common research tasks is to find a document by its citation. To do this, simply enter the citation in the search box and click search. The format is flexible and not sensitive to spaces or case. And, you don’t need to select a jurisdiction before finding a document by citation. The citation format is recognized automatically.

26 CITATION查詢結果 案件總頁數 CITATION位置
When you click the search button after entering a citation, you’ll be taken directly to the document page.

27 多個CITATION查詢: 一、輸入多個CITATION,每個CITATION之間給予“;”區隔。
It’s also possible to find and print multiple citations. Just enter citations separated by semicolons. Or, copy and paste a list of up to 20 citations into the search box. When pasting a list, you don't need to use semicolons. This is a great tool to use if you are trying to retrieve multiple cites from a table of authorities, demand letter, brief or other pleading.

28 檢索文獻儲存列印: 電郵、列印、下載、電郵至亞馬遜電子書系統、匯出案件筆記。
When you enter multiple citations, you’ll be taken to a list of documents that correspond to the citations you entered. Then, simply ‘Select all items’ and choose Print from the delivery menu. You’re not limited to printing, of course, you can also choose to or download the list (or the full text documents). There are even options to send documents directly to a Kindle or Case Notebook.

29 輸入雙方訴訟人名字,並在雙方名字中間給予“V.”。
雙方訴訟人或單一訴訟人查詢: 輸入雙方訴訟人名字,並在雙方名字中間給予“V.”。 When you want to find a document, but you don't know the citation, you can search using party names. For this type of search, it’s important to choose a jurisdiction. Choosing a jurisdiction increases the likelihood of finding the document you’re looking for.

30 雙方訴訟人或單一訴訟人查詢: 藍色框為最符合的查詢案件。
After entering party names and choosing a jurisdiction, click search. The document you’re looking for will typically be at the top of your results. Additional results, ranked by relevance, will be listed below.

31 工具欄與關鍵字瀏覽: 法條查詢欄位 直接選擇“前/後”的法條,也可以查看法條全文。 案件查詢欄位 快速瀏覽關鍵字,關鍵字會有黃色色塊標記
The document tool bar displays at the top of the documents and houses the main navigational tools. Some of the toolbar features will vary based on the type of document you are viewing. For example, statutes have a section navigation feature. Term navigation allows you to jump to search terms highlighted in the document. This is designed to help you quickly browse to the terms you are searching for.

32 可直接選擇案件段落,例如:WestHeadnotes、委任律師、判決、直接跳頁等。
直接前往選項(Skip to): 可直接選擇案件段落,例如:WestHeadnotes、委任律師、判決、直接跳頁等。 The Skip to feature makes it easy to jump to specific portions of the document, such as West Headnotes, Attorney and Law Firms, Opinion, or Parallel Citations.

33 全螢幕顯示(Full Screen Mode):
案件可以“全螢幕顯示”,再點一下取消全螢幕顯示 Full screen mode expands the document to a view that has been optimized for easier reading.

34 相關補充主題(Related Topics):
Related Topics make it easy to continue your research by exploring topics related to the document you’re viewing.

35 West Headnotes瀏覽設定: 改變West Headnotes瀏覽模式
West Headnotes have been significantly improved on WestlawNext. You can collapse or expand them, and toggle between two different views, including a multi-column view that displays the full Key Number hierarchy. Clicking on a specific headnote will take you to a list of cases focused on that point of law. This is similar to the custom digest feature on Westlaw.com. Note: Clicking on the key icon in the view on the left will display the Key Number hierarchy without changing the view.

36 利用“放大鏡”查詢:可以針對案件內文查詢關鍵字。
案件內關鍵字查詢: 利用“放大鏡”查詢:可以針對案件內文查詢關鍵字。 You can use the search icon in the toolbar to search for terms within the document.

37 KEYCITE介紹: KEYCITE標示功能介紹 Here are the KeyCite tabs for a statute.

38 KeyCite® and Related Materials // Learn More About KeyCite®
黃旗與紅旗的功能介紹 This page explains that a yellow flag indicates a document has some negative treatment, while a red flag indicates a document is no longer good law for at least one point of law.

39 “Filings”選項收錄法庭重要文件。
Going back to the Monell case, let’s take a look at the Filings tab. The Filings tab provides vital court documents related to the case you’re viewing, including briefs, pleadings, and docket information.

40 “History”選項提供案件列表以及案件的訴訟歷史表。
The History tab contains a resizable graphical display that makes it easy to understand the appellate procedural history of the case you're viewing. Direct history and related references are displayed on the left.

41 “Citing References”選項介紹:
註記的補充資料 引用WestlawHeadnotes法律要點 Finally, the Citing References tab lists the documents that cite the document you’re viewing. The citing references are displayed in a table that makes it easy to view key information such as which headnotes are cited. If you hover on a headnote number, you get a preview of the headnote so you don’t have to leave the list to understand the issues. You can sort the citing references list by date or by depth of treatment, allowing you to quickly find only the most recent documents or those that have an extended discussion of the cited case. Additionally, on the left, you can select a specific content type and then sort, search within or filter the results to narrow in on the documents you want. 選擇特定的內容或分類進行資料篩選。 案件關聯度高低

42 系統預設為“電子郵件”,透過下拉選單改為列印或是下載。
內容儲存下載列印: 系統預設為“電子郵件”,透過下拉選單改為列印或是下載。 When you find a document you’d like to deliver, simply click the delivery icon. From this menu, you can easily , print or download the document. Options to send documents to a Kindle or Case Notebook are also available.

43 案件內容儲存、列印、電郵設定: 文件儲存或是電郵的模式有: 格式 (Word, PDF, Word Perfect, RTF) 文件內容
After you’ve selected a delivery method, you’ll have the option to select whether to include the annotations you added to the document. You can choose the document’s format and layout, as well as content that can be appended to the document. 文件儲存或是電郵的模式有: 格式 (Word, PDF, Word Perfect, RTF) 文件內容 附加內容 (KEYCITE LISTS、相關補充資料)

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