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Presentation on theme: "由马来西亚神召会和我国其他宗派的教会举办"— Presentation transcript:

1 由马来西亚神召会和我国其他宗派的教会举办
祷告的呼唤 由马来西亚神召会和我国其他宗派的教会举办

2 为国家祷告日 02-04/06/2017 (星期五-星期日) 主题:我们在天上的父,愿人都 尊祢的名为圣 马太福音 6:9

3 Thanksgiving For those who have gone before us, who have sacrificed their lives, bringing the gospel to our nation, translating the Bible and bringing us resources. Praise God for He reigns sovereign over the nations, and He shall reign sovereign over Malaysia. Thank God that He brings good out of evil circumstances. In the Allah issue, the church has come together – God is in charge.

4 感恩 为了我们的先贤感谢上帝,他们为主摆上生命,把福音带来马来西亚,翻译圣经,把各种的资源带给我们。
赞美上帝因为祂在列国作王,也在马来西亚掌权! 感谢上帝在逆境中仍有祂的美意。譬如“阿拉”字眼应用的争讼把教会的合一推上一层楼 — 上帝始终是掌权的!

5 Repentance We have not lived holy lives, and too easy with sin.
We have lost our First Love. We fear the shaking in this country because we are too comfortable building our own kingdoms on earth. We lack love for our neighbours, for our nation (towards other races and religions in our multi-ethnic land). We complain instead of pray.

6 认罪悔改 我们没有完全过圣洁的生活,不够严厉看待罪恶 我们失去了起初的爱心 我们害怕国内的动荡,因为我们在很舒服地建立着自己在地上的王国

7 Repentance.. Cont’d We have forgotten to be about our Father’s business. We have failed to follow on our Lord Jesus’ sacred commission to GO! And make disciples of ALL nations. We as the Church, have not shown example, lacking much in unity and love for one another, spending too much time bickering.

8 认罪悔改... 继续 我们忘了关注天父的工作。我们未能遵从主耶稣基督所托付的神圣使命:去,使万民做主的门徒!

9 Intercession - The Church to be holy,
to be a voice for the voiceless, stand up for justice and righteousness, to be bold, to fear God and not men to love each other, and be united to have compassion for the lost, especially the majority race.

10 代祷 - 教会 要成为圣洁的群体 要为不能发声的群体出声,为公义和公正挺身而出 要刚强壮胆,敬畏上帝而不是惧怕人 要彼此相爱、合而为一
要对失丧的灵魂有怜悯之心,尤其 是对我国的最大的族群

11 Intercession - The Church: Leaders
For current generation of leaders to be bold, wise and be able to lead the national church to withstand the storms. For future leaders to be raised, who are Spirit-filled, wise and holy, full of grace and truth. For the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon all His church this Pentecost & empower us to do all the above.

12 代祷 - 教会领袖 为着当代的教会领袖能刚强、有智慧和有能力带领马来西亚的教会去面对即将来临的风暴
为教会未来那些被圣灵充满、睿智、圣洁、充满恩典和真理的领袖被兴起来代祷 祈求在这五旬节圣灵倾倒在所有教会和装备我们实行以上所提到的

13 Intercession - Bumiputra Church
Pray for strong leaders to be raised – holy, wise and good men to lead the church. Pray for resources. Pray for more pastors to be trained to shepherd their sheep who are constantly under threat by wolves. Pray for the young people to know the Lord in a personal way.

14 代祷 - 土著教会 为着优秀的领导者得以被兴起 — 圣洁、睿智及有才干的人来带领教会 为更多的资源祷告
为着更多牧者能被训练 起来去牧养那些一直被狼群威胁的羊来祷告 为着年轻人能亲身认识和经历主 来祷告

15 Intercession - Nation: Security
Pastor Raymond Koh and others missing – pray that all Christians be ready to carry their crosses, boldly preaching the gospel and do right. Pray for every RK taken down, 10 more will arise, for God will bring a rich harvest for every drop of blood spilt for righteousness’ sake. Corruption - for all that is hidden to be exposed; MACC remain bold, and culprits brought to justice.

16 代祷 – 国家治安 许景裕牧师和其他失踪者 — 祷告所有的基督徒皆预备好背起自己的十字架,勇敢地传福音和做对的事。祷告当一位如许牧师的人被夺去时,会有10位或更多的被兴起,因为上帝会为每一滴为义所流的血带来丰硕的收成! 贪污-—隐藏的脏事被揭露;大马反贪污局大公无惧,使罪魁得到法律制裁。

17 Intercession - Nation: GE14
Pray for righteous men to be raised as good candidates, regardless of political party. For the nation’s moral values to be restored. For political maturity – that good men be raised who will not exploit race and religion in politics. Civil servants – pray for more Christian men and women willing to serve in the corridors of the halls of power.

18 代祷 – 十四届全国大选 祈求正直的好人,不论来自哪一个政党,被兴起成为候选人。 我国的道德价值观需要被重建。
为着成熟的政治来祷告-— 那些不会在政治上玩弄种族和宗教课题的义人能被兴起 公务员 — 祈求更多的基督徒男女愿意在权力大厅的走廊上服务。

19 Intercession - Nation: Economy
pray for public policies to benefit the people, and monies spent wisely. That Malaysia will not lose its competitive edge due to brain drain. Pray for Christian young people to remain and serve. That the weakening Ringgit will not cause undue hardship on the people, instead it will cause them to turn to the Lord (Isa 19:19-22).

20 代祷 – 国家经济 为着利民的公共政策,政府有智慧地使用公款来祷告。
当马来西亚失去竞争优势时,会有更多人才外流。为着年轻基督徒继续留下来服务国家来祷告。 马币令吉贬值,不会造成人民额外的负担,反而使到人民归向主(赛19:19-22)

21 Intercession - Nation: Human trafficking and migrants
Pray for more protection against corruption especially by police, RELA and immigration. Pray for their children to be able to go to school. Pray that the Church will be at the forefront of social justice, and will speak up and be a voice for justice for these oppressed people.

22 代祷 – 国家 人口贩卖和移民祈求 上帝保守并抵挡贪污的事,尤其是警察部队、民众志愿团体和移民厅官员。为他们的孩子能够有机会上学来祷告。

23 Intercession - Region : ASEAN
It’s the 50th anniversary. Pray for Jubilee to come, where 6 out of the 10 members are listed under the 50 most persecuted nations for Christians. Pray that the Malaysian church will raise 100 missionaries to be sent to the nations, prospering our neighbours.

24 代祷 - 世界列国 : 东盟 今年是东盟成立50周年,祈求禧年真的到来。10个东盟的成员国当中有6个被列为50个基督徒最受迫害的国家。祈求马来西亚教会能培育100位宣教士被差派到这些国家,祝福我们的邻国。

25 Intercession - Region : ASEAN
Pray for security of the ASEAN, against Islamic terrorists; against evil expanding. Pray for Brunei that is facing the implementation of Phase 2 of the Hudud law, which involves cutting off hands and caning. The rise of extreme secularism, pluralism, relativism and violence sees human rebellion against God increasing, reflecting on end times. Pray that in these last days, the church will rise up and be prepared to be faithful, apostolic and prophetic as in the days of Acts.

26 代祷 - 世界列国 : 东盟 为东盟的安全祷告,因为伊斯兰恐怖分子企图接管汶莱、印尼、菲律宾、泰南和马来西亚成为他们的回教国域。祈求邪恶不得扩张。为着汶莱正在执行第二阶段涉及断肢和鞭刑的回教刑法来祷告。 极端的世俗主义、多元主义、相对主义和暴力的崛起使人类悖逆上帝的罪日益增加,反映末世已近。祈求在这末世的日子,教会将兴起并准备好要忠心及有先知性的运作。

27 Action - Pray for the Holy Spirit to enable us:
To let our prayers move us to action; To a life of true discipleship, carrying our cross daily and follow Jesus, to be ever ready to lose our lives for the sake of others who need the gospel; To raise every church to become a house of prayer for the nations, and every Christian a prayer warrior.

28 行动-祷告圣灵帮助我们 我们的祷告会推使我们有所行动;
活出真正的门徒生命,每天背起我们的十字架跟随耶稣,随时准备为着那些需要福音的人牺牲自己的生命; 兴起每一间教会成为万国祷告的殿,让每一位基督徒成为祷告勇士。

29 Action - Pray for the Holy Spirit to enable us:
To raise 100 workers for the nations, being prepared to be sent out into the world. “Give me one hundred men who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergyman or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of Hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven upon the earth.” John Wesley

30 行动-祷告圣灵帮助我们 能为这个国家兴起100位准备好被差派到世界各地的同工。
“给我一百个除了罪恶别无所惧,除了上帝别无所慕的人,不管他们是正式的传道人或是平信徒;他们将要震动地狱之门,在地上建立天国。” ~卫斯理约翰

31 Action - Pray for the Holy Spirit to enable us:
To raise a Stephen generation [Acts 7]. To commit to proclaiming the gospel boldly, so that all may come to know Jesus and obtain salvation, and be effective witnesses of His love.

32 行动-祷告圣灵帮助我们 兴起一个司提反的世代 (使徒行传第7章)。

33 Closing Prayer & Faith Declarations
“O Lord, as we call upon Your Name, show us great and mighty things,.. (Jeremiah 33:3). Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us & cause revival to breakout all over our nation even we seek Your face throughout this land in one accord, O Lord!”

34 结束祷告&信心宣告 “主啊,我们求告袮的名,将又大又难的事指示我们, ...” (耶利米33:3)

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