“Small Projects”-- A Vehicle to Library Excellence 小型项目-图书馆通向卓越之路

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Presentation on theme: "“Small Projects”-- A Vehicle to Library Excellence 小型项目-图书馆通向卓越之路"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Small Projects”-- A Vehicle to Library Excellence 小型项目-图书馆通向卓越之路
Faith Chao 赵耀渝 Evergreen Education Foundation 青树教育基金会

2 Focus of Presentation 演讲重点
11/14/2018 Focus of Presentation 演讲重点 What are “Small Projects”? “小型项目”是什么? Why are they Important to Evergreen? 它们为何对青树如此重要? Where are we now with our “Small Projects” Program? 青树的“小型项目”现状? Where do we want to go in the Future? “小型项目”的未来往何处去?

3 What are “Small Projects” “小型项目”是什么?
Started in 2009 with 17 completed that year 2009年开始,当年有17个完成 Projects INITIATED locally 由当地发起 Projects Conducted LOCALLY by librarians, teachers, students, volunteers由图书馆员、教师、学生、志愿者在当地进行 Projects with clear MEASUREABLE objectives项目有清晰和可度量的目标 Projects involves ACTIVITIES mounted to achieve objectives项目包含用于实现目标的活动 Projects with WORK PRODUCTS that can measure whether objectives have been met.项目有工作产品,可用来衡量是否实现目标 Projects with 1 year duration and a budget not exceeding 5000 RMB 项目为期1年,预算不超过5000元人民币 In 2012, we have approved 36 projects selected from 72 applications. 2012年,我们收到了72份申请,批准了36个项目

4 Inviting Active Local Participation 邀请本地参与
11/14/2018 Inviting Active Local Participation 邀请本地参与 Evergreen Started the “Small Project” Program in 2009.青树于2009年开始了小型项目: Librarians and teachers from all Evergreen Libraries and Schools are Invited to submit proposals to mount projects that would improve library usage.所有青树项目图书馆或学校的馆员和教师受邀提交项目计划书,以增进图书馆的使用 Of the 17 projects completed by 2010, about 10 were in Reading and literacy, 4 in Science, 2 in the Arts and 1 dealing with serving the disabled. 2010年完成的17个项目中,10个阅读,4个科学,2个人文艺术,1个残疾人服务

5 Expanding Participation 扩展本地参与
This year (2012), 36 “Small Projects” were approved.今年(2012年)已批准36个“小型项目”。 Participation has been expanded beyond traditional Evergreen supported libraries 参与者范围已不再局限于过去青树支持的图书馆 In addition to the usual reading, literacy and information literacy projects a growing number of projects use library resources to improve classroom teaching and learning, concentrating on inquiry learning methods.除了惯常的阅读、识字和信息素养项目,越来越多的项目使用图书馆资源来改善课堂教学,注重探究式学习方法 More projects involve local culture更多项目关于当地文化 Health and hygiene studies保健与卫生研究

6 Some of our “Small Projects” 我们的一些小型项目
Learning about Jelly Fish 水母研究 Librarian helping Students 馆员帮助学生 Exhibit of Student Work Products 学生手抄报作品展 Doing Oral History 大家来做口述历史

7 Emphasizing Process 注重过程
Emphasize Process – accountability and transparency注重过程 –可问责,透明 Objectives must be produced, then measured to determine if objectives are met.项目目标必须可出示,然后要进行测量来决定目标是否达成 Activities must be performed to achieve objectives.为达成目标,必须实施活动 Work products must be produced to be measured to determine if objectives are met. 工作产品必须制作出来,并被测量,以决定目标是否达成 Final report must contain an assessment rubric 期末报告必须包含一个评估表(含评估各项标准和分值说明)

8 What Role does Evergreen EEF Play? 青树教育基金会是什么角色?
Facilitate 促进 Guide – especially understanding the process指导-尤其对于流程方面 Resources资源 Connecting to experts in the field联系领域专家 Provide needed funding and other resources提供需要的资金和其他资源 Training – providing online training as well as workshops 培训-提供在线培训以及实体研讨会

9 Role of EEF 青树的角色 To facilitate 促进:
11/14/2018 Role of EEF 青树的角色 To facilitate 促进: Example: We facilitated the sister school relationship between Chula Vista High School and Huai’an Yizhong. Their small project “The Path of Change of Modern China” involves exchanges of students’ essays with the American School 比如: 我们帮助楚拉维斯塔高中与淮安一中建立姐妹学校关系。在小型项目“近代中国变革之路”中,中美学校的学生进行了论文交流。

10 Role of EEF 青树的角色 To Guide and Connect with Resources:指导并联系资源
11/14/2018 Role of EEF 青树的角色 To Guide and Connect with Resources:指导并联系资源 Examples示例: 通渭民俗收集计划 岳秉乾 通渭小曲艺术农民 杨学云 镇远乡土历史教材的开发 龙 美, 龙步章 雷山西江苗族文化探究 杨秀玉 How do we properly archive information organized and developed in our libraries? EEF can connect Librarians who have this knowledge 如何将项目图书馆开发的信息和资料存档? EEF can help expand this research to incorporate Using Oral History? 如何将这些研究进行扩展,加入口述历史元素? EEF can help make these results known more generally? 如何让更多人了解这些结果? EEF can help these teachers explore using inquiry learning in doing the research and teaching of the materials collected? 如何帮助这些教师在所收集材料的研究和教学中探索探究式教学法?

11 11/14/2018 Role of EEF EEF的角色 Providing Information and Workshops on Teaching and Learning: 提供教学的信息和研讨会: Example:丹凤中学 协作引导, 激活资源 吴秋茹 EEF can provide references and workshops to Inquiry teaching methods EEF可以提供探究性教学法的参考资料和研讨会

12 Role of EEF EEF的角色 Providing Online Training. 提供在线培训 Workshops 研讨会
Our forms are online and we have developed a set of ppt with sound explaining how they should be filled out. 项目申请表在线,并有一个带音频解说的PPT文件指导填表。 More online training materials are being developed, including one set of ppt on how to put together an assessment Rubric 正在开发更多的在线培训,包括如何设计评估表的一个帮助PPT文件 Workshops 研讨会 We have conducted a number of workshops, including a 3 day workshop in Huai’an last year. 我们已经开展了几个研讨会,包括去年在淮安的3天的研讨会。

13 11/14/2018 Considerations- Why “Small Projects” are Important to EEF 考虑因素-为什么小型项目对青树很重要? A Review of Literature and Research on Museums and Libraries: September, 2011 博物馆和图书馆文献和研究纵览:2011年9月 opportunity for the public to help shape the service; and services that reach out to local people – All our projects were initiated locally 公众参与设计服务的机会,以及能触及当地民众的服务-所有小型项目都是当地发起 • connecting a community of readers though reading groups, activities and recommendations –Many projects deal with Reading, writing and speech making and some with information literacy 通过阅读小组、阅读活动和阅读推荐来联结广泛的读者社区-很多项目是关于阅读、写作和演讲的,一些是有关信息素养的

14 11/14/2018 Considerations- Why “Small Projects” are Important to EEF 考虑因素-为什么小型项目对青树很重要? • free internet access for all and help to get online –All our libraries have free Internet access – some projects help local farmers get online and assist the elderly in using Skype to communicate with their children who have migrated to urban locations 为所有人提供的免费互联网使用,以及帮助他们学习互联网应用-所有青树项目图书馆都提供免费上网,有的项目帮助当地农民上网获取信息,有的项目帮助县城老年人用Skype和他们在城里打工的子女通话。 • commitment to customer service and expert, helpful staff –Made improvements but have a long way to go. 致力于用户服务,以及专家型的有帮助的工作人员 – 有进步,但是有很长的路要走 • links to other public services and opportunities – made some inroads such as developing information booklets with information on government sponsorships – a long way to go. 与其他公众服务和机会的联结-有一些尝试,如和当地政府合作资助资讯小册子的制作,有很长的路要走

15 Where is our Balance?如何平衡?
11/14/2018 全实体(场所和媒介) 全虚拟(场所和媒介) Striking the Right Balance for our Libraries 找到适合我们图书馆的最优平衡 个人关注 社区关注 公共图书馆的远景规划包含4个维度上的战略选择,每个涵盖了从一个极端到另一个极端之间的连续可能 创造 收藏(实体或虚拟) 门户 档案

16 NEXT?下一步? Assessments needed to evaluate需要评估体系来评估:
Projects over time 项目随时间推移的效果 Participating Libraries 参与图书馆 Participating Personnel 参与人员 Effects of conducting the assessment itself – whether this activity is useful in the development of the participants 评估本身的效果,对于人员培养是否有用 Developing a feedback mechanism to use results of assessment to improve our programs. 需要开发一个反馈系统来利用评估的结果改进项目。

17 11/14/2018 Thank You! 谢谢!

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