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主門徒 生命火 台福人 2013 So. Cal Joint Retreat San Diego Cross Training.

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Presentation on theme: "主門徒 生命火 台福人 2013 So. Cal Joint Retreat San Diego Cross Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 主門徒 生命火 台福人 So. Cal Joint Retreat San Diego Cross Training

2 台福人(EFCer) ? 台福人的特徵 (Characters of EFCer)
有靠 主自立的創始精神 (Founding Church with Spirit of Self-sustaining)

3 勤於福音的宣揚 (Often Act on Gospel Preaching) 在禱告裡來同心  (In Prayer to Concentric) 在大使命中繼續分設  (Under Great Commission, Keep Planting Sister Churches)

4 Who Joined with EFC 40 years Ago? 在異象中與他教會結合
(Keep Accepting Friendship Churches with the Same Faithful Vision) …… Who Joined with EFC 40 years Ago? 20 years Ago ?

5 1970 1982 1992 2002 1989-25 2000-51 ~3000 ~6000 (LA) 聖谷SF 柏克莱BK 愛睦CH
洛福 東安EV 聖安Acadia 大溫哥華VC (LA) 聖谷SF 柏克莱BK 愛睦CH 南灣SB 聖喜Cerritos 愛鄰RH 柑縣OC 聖達HH 恩惠GB 愛恩Irvine 平安Saddle Back 鳳城Phoenix 聖雅SD 和平AH 恩聯IE ~ ~6000

6 Who joined with EFC within
10 years (young EFCer)? 南加三區處於零成長期 So.Cal EFC Almost Zero Growth

7 ~3000 ~6000 ~8000 1970 1982 1992 2002 2010 洛福 東安EV 聖安Acadia 大溫哥華VC
洛福 東安EV 聖安Acadia 大溫哥華VC (LA) 聖谷SF 柏克莱BK 愛睦CH 南灣SB 聖喜Cerritos 愛鄰RH 柑縣OC 聖達HH 恩惠GB 愛恩Irvine 平安Saddle Back 鳳城Phoenix 聖雅SD 和平AH 恩聯IE No Vision Set ~ ~ ~8000

8 老台福人累了嗎? (Does Senior EFCer Get Tired?) 年青的台福人也 顯無力感嗎? (No Power Lift on Youth EFCer?)

9 生命火 (Fire for Life) 賽 40:31 但那等候耶和華的,必從新 得力。他們必如鷹展翅上騰,他們奔 跑卻不困倦,行走卻不疲乏。 (ISA40:31 Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary , they will walk and not be faint.)

10 祂用美物,使你所願的得以知 足,以致你如鹰返老還童(詩103:5) God promises to satisfy our desire with good things and renew our youth like the eagle’s (Ps 103:5)

11 主可讓我們恢復當年的健壮 並與年青的鼓舞歡樂
God can restore our strength and rejuvenating and joyful with youth

12 從服事而來 (from serving to God) 越服事越有力(more serving, get stronger)
得新力的来源 (the source of renewing strength) 從 神而來 (from God) 從服事而來 (from serving to God) 越服事越有力(more serving, get stronger) 心性重新被神改造 (new character by God)

13 得新力的景况 (the picture of renew strength)
能高飛 (flying high) 能前行 (marching forward)


15 重新得力的飛翔,這就够了嗎? You can fly again, is that all ?

16 主門徒 (His Disciple) 為要成全聖徒,各盡其職,建立基督 的身體 (弗 4:12)
為要成全聖徒,各盡其職,建立基督 的身體 (弗 4:12) “To prepare God’s people for ministry, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Eph. 4:12)

17 為 主勤於捕魚(Catching Fish)

18 要擴張你帳幕之地,張大你居所的幔子, 不要限止;要放長你的繩子,堅固你的橛 子。(賽54:2)
Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes (Is. 54:2)

19 要同心合力,興望神的國 Team Work to Prosper His Kingdom

20 同心協力 Team Work

21 2020 Church-Planting Initiative
接受總會2020異象的挑戰 EFC’s Vision 台福禧年2020宣教植堂運動 2020 Church-Planting Initiative

22 每天禱告兩分鐘,建立教會二百間 PRAY 2 minutes a day to PLANT 200 churches
每天禱告兩分鐘,建立教會二百間 PRAY 2 minutes a day to PLANT 200 churches. 每月奉獻二十元,植堂基金一千萬 GIVE $20 a month to REACH $10,000,000 in church planting funds. 每年歸主一領一,聚會門徒達兩萬 LEAD 1 person to faith in Christ a year to RAISE UP 20,000 disciples

23 台福教會的總教會數及出席總人數 總會2010新異象_ 如没特别的 努力的話!


25 台福總會長期的願景 (EFC Long Term Vision)
台福是台語, 華語, 英語, 西語,,族裔 大溶爐,一起共同來注神仰望 主並來榮 耀 祂的名。 EFC is a big family of many ethnic groups. Together, we all focus on His Glory and we want to glorify His Name.

26 代下14:11 亞撒呼求耶和華─他的神說:耶和華啊 惟有你能幫助軟弱的,勝過強盛的。 2Ch 14:11 Then Asa called to the LORD his God and said, "LORD, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty.

27 此次的靈修會/佈道會,你要得到 什麽? What do you want to achieve in this retreat ? 你可以更認識 主耶稣,你更可闡 開心門接受祂做你的救主 ? Knowing Jesus and let Him be your savior ?

28 再一次得着靈的奮興 ? Revive your Spirit ? 知道在未來七年中,你要如何來 服事 主 ? Next 7 years, how do you serve Him ?

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