啟示錄 3:14-22 基督書簡 達於 老底嘉教會.

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Presentation on theme: "啟示錄 3:14-22 基督書簡 達於 老底嘉教會."— Presentation transcript:

1 啟示錄 3: 基督書簡 達於 老底嘉教會

2 給七個教會的信 耶穌基督的教會 以弗所 士每拿 別迦摩 推雅推喇 撒狄 非拉鐵非 老底嘉

3 3 4 5 2 6 1 7 米利都

4 三城鼎立 http://padfieldconsulting.com/history/images/laodicea-map.gif
米安達河 希拉波立 拉卡斯河 老底嘉 歌羅西

5 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Laodicea (Denizli) - Cicero Leader 7th of 7 Churches - Hippodrome 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation

6 Rich Bankers, Traders and Wool Producers
2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation

7 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Colossae Tell View - Colossians 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation

8 Colossae Tell View “Great or Large” - Unexcavated
2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation

9 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Colossae Cold, Pure Waters 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation

10 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Hierapolis Roman Theatre “Holy City” 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation


12 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Hierapolis Pamukkale Calcium Terraces  Means “cotton castle” and healthy to soak in but foul sickening taste , Larger than Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park  Tourists are no longer allowed to bath on the terraces but can swim in the Hot Springs above with the Roman Pillars 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation

13 Lukewarm Spit It Out Lukewarm Spit It Out Wool producers yet naked
   Lukewarm Spit It Out  Lukewarm Spit It Out Wool producers yet naked  Problem with minerals clogging pipes and even the aqueduct  Mineralized water very distasteful Quote from eyewitness Blaicklock, “This water is not hot enough to cure anyone [unlike Pamukkale upstream] and is not cold enough [unlike Colossae ice caves downstream] to quench anyone’s thirst. Also there are so many other things in the water that even if you did try to drink it, it would give you pain and most probably make you want to vomit.” 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation

14 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Lukewarm Spit It Out   Jesus has no words of praise Church comfortable and secure in its wealth but were not rich toward God Did not need Roman help to rebuild after AD 61 earthquake as they could do it themselves    Sometimes Christians measure themselves in terms of their wealth, education, and power    Cold Christians know their situation    Lukewarm Christians don’t know the seriousness of their condition    Get people involved in our lives    Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”    Contrast to Smyrna in Revelation 2:9    White garments compared to black wool of Lycus River Valley    Nakedness – Nahum 3:5    Ear/eye infections and ointment from local medical clinic created eye salve (Phrygian Powder/collyrium used by Physician Galen) 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation

15 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation
Why is spiritual lukewarmness so dangerous? How can affluence be a threat to our spirituality? What symptoms would you watch for to see lukewarmness? How does the American ideal of self-sufficiency compare with Jesus’ call for dependence upon Him? How has God taken the initiative in seeking me and showing his love for me? Lukewarm Spit It Out 2/12/2006 Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation

16 老底嘉教會(啟3﹕14-22) 14 你要寫信給老底嘉教會的使者,說,那為阿們的,為誠信真 實見證的,在神創造萬物之上為元首的,說,
14 你要寫信給老底嘉教會的使者,說,那為阿們的,為誠信真 實見證的,在神創造萬物之上為元首的,說, 15 我知道你的行為,你也不冷也不熱.我巴不得你或冷或熱. 16 你既如溫水,也不冷也不熱,所以我必從我口中把你吐出去. 17 你說,我是富足,已經發了財,一樣都不缺.卻不知道你是那 困苦,可憐,貧窮,瞎眼,赤身的. 18 我勸你向我買火煉的金子,叫你富足.又買白衣穿上,叫你 赤身的羞恥不露出來.又買眼藥擦你的眼睛,使你能看見. 19 凡我所疼愛的,我就責備管教他.所以你要發熱心,也要悔改. 20 看哪,我站在門外叩門.若有聽見我聲音就開門的,我要進到 他那裏去,我與他,他與我一同坐席. 21 得勝的,我要賜他在我寶座上與我同坐,就如我得了勝,在我父 的寶座上與他同坐一般. 22 聖靈向眾教會所說的話,凡有耳的,就應當聽.

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