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Contemporary World: International Relations & Organisations
第5單元: 國際關係理論: 自由主義vs.現實主義 Unit 5: Theories of International Relations: Liberalism vs. Realism Lecturer: Dr. Kao Pei-Shan
(Topics in Contemporary World) 國際合作(International Cooperation) vs.
當代世界各項課題 (Topics in Contemporary World) 國際合作(International Cooperation) vs. 國際衝突(International Conflicts) 自由貿易(Free Trade Issues) vs. 貿易競爭(Trade Disputes) 相互依賴(Interdependence) vs. 權力平衡(Balance of Power) 絕對增益(Absolute Gains) vs. 相對增益(Relative Gains) 自由主義(Liberalism) vs.現實主義(Realism)
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA日本國際合作處)
The JICA is founded in 1974 as a bridge between the people of Japan and developing countries. It aims to advance international cooperation through the sharing of knowledge and experience and will work to build a more peaceful and prosperous world . Its headquarter is in Tokyo. Current Projects in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Bolivia, Angola, Chad, Central America, Kenya, Indonesia and Iran, ect. Example of International Cooperation (2)
International Crisis Group (ICG 國際危機小組)
*It is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation established in 1995, with some 140 staff members on five continents, working to prevent conflict worldwide. (國際危機小組成立於1995年;為一非營利非政府組織。全球五大洲共有工作人員140名) *It’s headquarter is in Brussels. It currently covers nearly 60 areas of actual or potential conflict across four continents. For instance, in Africa, Asia, Europe, in Latin America. (國際危機小組總部位於比利時布魯塞爾; 工作遍及4大洲61個區域)
Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye
3. Interdependence (相互依賴 )vs. Balance of Power (權力平衡) Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye (哈佛大學政治學教授基歐漢與奈伊提出): Interdependence = ‘mutual dependence’ ‘interconnectedness’ = merely interactions which do not have significant costly effects ‘dependence’ = ‘a state of being determined or significantly affected by external forces.’ Interdependence ≠ ‘dependence’ nor ‘ interconnectedness’
Balance of Power (權力平衡)
A Doctrine of Equilibrium (均勢原則): 做為一國外交政策時,目標在於使相互競爭的各方勢力處於一穩定相互牽制之局面,不使任何一方過於強大而打破均勢破壞穩定。 Example 1: Cross-Strait Relations (台海權力平衡) Example 2: Soviet-US Relations in the Cold-War Period (冷戰時期美國與蘇聯關係): Mutually Assured Destruction (恐怖平衡、互相保證毀滅)
自由主義 vs. 現實主義 Liberalism vs. Realism
*Neoliberalism-derived from Liberalism, scholars such as Robert Keohane, Joseph Nye devoted their work to this approach. (新自由主義大師以基歐漢與奈伊為主要代表) *Neorealism-developed from Realism, Kenneth Waltz is the representative of this approach. (新現實主義大師以沃爾茲為代表)
新自由主義 (NeoLiberalism)
*Believe human beings are basically GOOD. (人民、國家、以及公司的本質是良善的。 *The important role played by international organisations-international conflicts can be decreased by them. (經由國際組織以及國際規則,國家可以自經濟交流中獲得利益,達到互惠。國際組織可以減少國際衝突。) *Compared with Neorealism, for neoliberals, absolute gains are acceptable. (相較新現實主義,新自由主義比較能接受國與國之間收益不均的合作行為。 ) *Principle of Reciprocity. (重視互惠原則:即在國際無政府狀態下,當國際規章與法律無法由一個中央政府來執行時,國家可以經由互惠方式來實行時國際規則,並藉由國際規則的實行來促進國家利益。 )
新現實主義(Neorealism) * Human beings and states are rational self-interest; international conflicts can’t be avoided. 理性自利 人民和國家都只是依照其自身的利益行動,並且認為一國只有在對其自身有利的情況下才會與他國合作。國際衝突是無法避免的。 *States are interest-maximiser. 國家是單一行為者,他們理性的追求國家利益的最大化。
Class Discussion 4 Do you support the ideas of LIBERALISM or REALISM? That is to say, do you think human beings or countries are being GOOD or they are just SELF-INTEREST, and INTEREST-MAXIMISERS? Discuss with your friends and express your views and opinions.
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