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牛津期刊现刊库 专注学术,服务科研 牛津大学出版社 周晨

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1 牛津期刊现刊库 专注学术,服务科研 牛津大学出版社 周晨

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牛津大学出版社 建立于1478年 世界上最大的大学出版社 50多个国家 全球共6,000多名员工 每年出版大约7,000本新书 3大出版领域: 学术图书、期刊、在线资源 英语语言教学 教育用书 John Fell

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使用左侧导航栏阅读文章。 Memory, Decision-Making, and the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex (vmPFC): The Roles of Subcallosal and Posterior Orbitofrontal Cortices in Monitoring and Control Processes | Cerebral Cortex | Oxford Academic

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Memory, Decision-Making, and the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex (vmPFC): The Roles of Subcallosal and Posterior Orbitofrontal Cortices in Monitoring and Control Processes | Cerebral Cortex | Oxford Academic

26 使用提供的链接进一步查找阅读材料。 Memory, Decision-Making, and the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex (vmPFC): The Roles of Subcallosal and Posterior Orbitofrontal Cortices in Monitoring and Control Processes | Cerebral Cortex | Oxford Academic

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36 如果需要英文学术写作方面的建议,可以查看来自Oxford Dictionaries站点:
Writing tips: Frequently misspellings: Verb tenses: Determiners: Adverbs: Main site: View our author resources online:

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38 Further reading Online resources from Oxford Dictionaries:
Structure: Cohesion: 10 Tips to improve your writing: Books published by Oxford University Press: Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded, Joshua Schimel Scientific Writing and Communication, Angelika Hofmann

39 学术英语写作指南推荐 Scientific Writing and Communication Angelika H. Hofmann is Instructor for Scientific Writing at Yale University.

40 学术英语写作指南推荐 Writing Science How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded Joshua Schimel, Chair of the Environmental Studies Program and Professor Professor of Soil and Ecosystem Ecology at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

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