Review Question 安裝 or 管理過 Windows Server? 安裝 or 管理過 Unix-like Server?

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Presentation on theme: "Review Question 安裝 or 管理過 Windows Server? 安裝 or 管理過 Unix-like Server?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Question 安裝 or 管理過 Windows Server? 安裝 or 管理過 Unix-like Server?
安裝 or 管理過以下 Servers? WWW server Database server DNS server FTP server etc

2 虛擬化 & 雲端運算簡介

3 Brief Introduction to Virtualization

4 Virtualization Virtualization is one of the hottest trends in information technology today. Virtualization is changing the IT world in significant ways.

5 multi-OSs running in a physical machine

6 What is Virtualization?
At its simplest level, virtualization allows you, virtually and cost-effectively, to have two or more computers, running two or more completely different environments, on one piece of hardware. For example, with virtualization, you can have both a Linux machine and a Windows machine on one system. Alternatively, you could host a Windows 95 desktop and a Windows XP desktop on one workstation.

7 A system without virtualization

8 With virtualization In microsoft’s term: “hardware virtualization”

9 Virtual Computer

10 Virtual Computer A virtual computer has the same “look and feel” as a physical computer Virtual processor, virtual memory, virtual disk and virtual network card Can run exactly the same software (e.g. Windows, Linux) But multiple virtual computers need to time-share a single physical computer!

11 Why Virtualization? Underutilized hardware
System administration costs mount Data centers run out of space Green initiatives demand better energy efficiency

12 Why Virtualization?

13 Hardware Cost Saving (花錢買的機器未能充分利用,就是浪費)

14 Why Virtualization? Sun 估計,大多數公司的伺服器只使用了15% 的效能

15 Why Virtualization. - example http://www. im. ncue. edu
Why Virtualization? - example with 2 Xeon CPUs

16 Why Virtualization. - example http://www. im. ncue. edu
Why Virtualization? - example with 2 Xeon CPUs

17 Why Virtualization?

18 Administrative Cost Saving (機器越多、管的人越累)

19 Why Virtualization?

20 Why Virtualization? Virtualization is designed to simplify system upgrades (and in some cases may eliminate the need for such upgrades), by allowing users to capture the state of a virtual machine (VM), and then transport that state in its entirety from an old to a new host system.

21 Why Virtualization? 在過去,因為硬體、作業系跟應用程式緊密結合,所以當你要做災難復原時,備援系統必須要有完全一樣的硬體、應用程式跟其他部分,還要讓上面的資料完全同步 若使用虛擬系統,你便可以帶著那個虛擬檔案,利用存取網路、磁帶,或其它的儲存裝置,把它傳到另個硬體上,然後立即開機執行

22 Space Saving (機器越多、機房空間需求越高)

23 Why Virtualization?

24 Energy Saving (機器越多、電費越高)

25 Why Virtualization? 一台具四顆雙核心 CPU 之高階伺服器運行16個虛擬主機,此類高階伺服器的電源供應器耗電約以1500瓦計算。 以一CPU核心最多同時分配給兩個虛擬機器使用 16台普通的1U伺服器主機來比較,1台的電源供應器耗電約以500瓦計算,16台1U伺服器主機與一台運行虛擬主機的高階伺服器同時運行耗電即差了6500瓦,一個小時差別6.5度電,按照台電電費收費標準,每度電費約2.1元,一年期下來,一台運行虛擬主機高階伺服器約可節省12萬元的電費,若再加上冷氣、空間、人力維護、備份復原時間節省之成本,每年將可節省下不少費用。 採用虛擬主機的方式,可以有效降低主機空間、冷氣、電力的龐大需求,也可配合校園綠色節能的政策方針,達到令人滿意的成效,伺服器虛擬化技術實為最佳的選擇。

26 Example Products Top 10 Virtualization Technology Companies

27 VMWare

28 MS Hyper-V

29 MS Virtual PC 2007

30 Oracle VirtualBox

31 Types of Virtualization

32 全虛擬化 (e.g., MS Virtual PC, VMWare Workstation, Oracle VirtualBox)

33 半虛擬化 (e.g., MS Hyper-V, VMWare vSphere)

34 另一種分類 (In MS-term) Desktop virtualization Server virtualization
When used on client machines, this approach is often called desktop virtualization Server virtualization while using it on server systems is known as server virtualization.

35 Desktop virtualization
Desktop virtualization can be useful in situations like ... 例子 … to deal with incompatibility between applications and desktop operating systems. For example, a user running Windows Vista needs to use an application that runs only on Windows XP with Service Pack 2. Creating a VM that runs XP operating system

36 Server virtualization
Instead of paying for many under-utilized server machines, each dedicated to a specific workload, server virtualization allows consolidating those workloads onto a smaller number of more fully used machines  economic This implies fewer people to manage those computers, less space to house them, and fewer kilowatt hours of power to run them, all of which saves money.

37 Things to Do (due 3/14) Understand Virtualization, types of Virtualization, current Virtualization Technologies & Products 以上,可以在不看文件的前提下跟我聊一聊

38 Things to Do (due 3/14) Hand-On Experience on … and build your first virtual machine A Linux (Ubuntu server) virtual machine on top of VirtualBox 以上,1~2位同學現場操作

39 雲端? 雲深不知處?

40 您用過那些雲端服務? Google的? 微軟的? 亞馬遜? 其他?

41 雲端運算簡介
雲端運算不是新技術或技術;雲端運算是一種概念,代表的是利用網路使電腦能夠彼此合作或使服務更無遠弗屆 在實現概念的過程中,產生出相應的技術 雲端運算 = 網路 = 網路運算 一般在繪製示意圖的時候,通常會以一朵雲來表示網路;因此「雲端」也就為「網路」的另一個代名詞。

42 雲端運算簡介
根據知名分析公司 Gartner 的分類方式,雲端運算區分為兩大類 雲端服務 (Services) 藉由網路連線從遠端取得服務 雲端科技 (Technologies) 利用虛擬化與自動化等技術來創造和普及電腦中的各種運算資源 下一個主題

43 電腦/雲端運算的演化 大型主機 (Mainframe) / 超級電腦 (Super Computer)
工作站 (Workstation) / 個人電腦 (PC) 叢集運算 (Cluster Computing) 分散式運算 (Distributed Computing) 網格運算 (Grid Computing) 公用運算 (Utility Computing) 雲端運算 (Cloud Computing)

44 大型主機 (Mainframe)

45 超級電腦 (Super Computer) Cray 1


47 CRAY YMP,1988~1992

48 工作站 (Workstation,1990s) Digital Dec5000 Workstation (1992, my Corvette) 售價:~ USD 20,000 效能:3.7 MFLOPS (FLOPS = 每秒浮點運算數) 比較: ENIAC: FLOPS  史上第一台電腦 CRAY-1: MFLOPS (1976, 880 萬 USD) CRAY C90: 1 GFLOPS (1991) Intel Core i7 980 XE : GFLOPS NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980: 4.6 TFLOPS 2018/11/15

49 叢集運算 Cluster Computing
以網路連接一組 “鬆散”的電腦 / 工作站,並經由軟體 (PVM or MPI) 溝通以協作完成計算工作 1990s

50 Cluster Computing

51 分散式運算 Distributed Computing

52 SETI@Home SETI=Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
該計畫利用超過 300 萬名參與者的個人電腦的空閒時間進行分析無線電訊號的運算,以期能找出外星生物 You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data. 

53 World Year of Physics 2005 and an International Year of Astronomy 2009 project Uses your computer's idle time to search for weak astrophysical signals from spinning neutron stars using data from the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors, the Arecibo radio telescope, and the Fermi gamma-ray satellite.

54 About volunteers have already discovered about fifty new neutron stars, and we hope to find many more …


56 重力波

57 重力波 & 中子星、黑洞 & etc

58 LIGO &重力波

59 LIGO &重力波

60 LIGO &重力波  資料分析  Einstein@Home

61 網格運算 Grid Computing 網格計算是一種利用分散的電腦資源協同合作來共同解決計算問題的一種技術,此技術常用來處理科學計算或工程計算上所遇到的問題,這類問題需要非常大量的計算時間以及存取大量的資料 網格計算技術可藉由整合大量分散各地的電腦資源協同運算來減少問題的處理時間。 Globus 2004 ~

62 公用運算 Utility Computing

63 雲端運算 Cloud Computing 叢集運算 vs 分散運算? 分散運算 vs 網格運算? 雲端運算 vs 分散 / 網格運算?

64 雲端運算特色 虛擬化 超大規模 高可靠度 使用者付費 高擴充性 高通用性 成本低

65 現有的雲端運算服務 Amazon Microsoft IBM Google

66 Infrastructure as a Service
雲端運算產業類型 SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service

67 IaaS 2018/11/15

68 IaaS – Amazon EC2 Sometimes called Utility computing 68 68

69 IaaS – Amazon EC2 隨需執行個體 (On-Demand Instances)
預留執行個體 (Reserved Instances) 競價型執行個體 (Spot Instances) Sometimes called Utility computing 69 69

70 IaaS – Amazon EC2 (執行個體 Instance)
一般用途 T2 / M4 / M3 運算優化 C4 / C3 記憶體優化 (R3) / GPU (G2) / 儲存優化 I2 – 高 I/O D2 – 密集化儲存 Sometimes called Utility computing 70 70

71 IaaS – Amazon EC2 (M4 Instance)
Sometimes called Utility computing 71 71

72 IaaS – Amazon EC2 (M4 Instance)
隨需執行 Sometimes called Utility computing 72 72

73 IaaS – Amazon EC2 作業系統 Sometimes called Utility computing 73 73

74 IaaS – Amazon EC2 虛擬機所在 Sometimes called Utility computing 74 74

75 IaaS – Amazon EC2 Sometimes called Utility computing 75 75

76 Amazon EC2 新增虛擬機 2018/11/15

77 IaaS – Amazon EC2 Sometimes called Utility computing 77 77

78 IaaS – Amazon EC2 Sometimes called Utility computing 78 78

79 IaaS – Amazon EC2 Sometimes called Utility computing 79 79

80 IaaS – Amazon EC2 Sometimes called Utility computing 80 80

81 IaaS – Amazon EC2 Sometimes called Utility computing 81 81

82 IaaS – Amazon EC2 Sometimes called Utility computing 82 82

83 IaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 83 83

84 IaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 84 84

85 Google Compute 新增虛擬機 2018/11/15

86 IaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 86 86

87 IaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 87 87

88 IaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 88 88

89 IaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 89 89

90 IaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 90 90

91 IaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 91 91

92 Ivy Bridge? 2018/11/15

93 IaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 93 93

94 IaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 94 94

95 IaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 95 95

96 IaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 96 96

97 IaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 97 97

98 IaaS – Microsoft Azure Sometimes called Utility computing 98 98

99 PaaS 2018/11/15

100 PaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 100 100

101 PaaS – Google Compute Sometimes called Utility computing 101 101

102 PaaS – MS Azure Sometimes called Utility computing 102 102

103 PaaS – MS Azure Sometimes called Utility computing 103 103

104 SaaS 2018/11/15

105 SaaS – Gmail & etc

106 雲端運算的缺點 網路資訊存取速度不如本地端電腦之硬碟 Google App Engine 掛了!海底光纖斷線!… etc  白雲變烏雲

107 Things to Do (due 3/21) First visit of YOUR Cloud web site
Find out what are: 重力波相關 First visit of YOUR Cloud web site Find out what kind of services it provides 以上,可以在不看文件的前提下跟我聊一聊

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